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In this paper we study the pricing and hedging of options on realized variance in the 3/2 non-affine stochastic volatility model by developing efficient transform-based pricing methods. This non-affine model gives prices of options on realized variance that allow upward-sloping implied volatility of variance smiles. Heston's model [Rev. Financial Stud., 1993, 6, 327–343], the benchmark affine stochastic volatility model, leads to downward-sloping volatility of variance smiles—in disagreement with variance markets in practice. Using control variates, we propose a robust method to express the Laplace transform of the variance call function in terms of the Laplace transform of the realized variance. The proposed method works in any model where the Laplace transform of realized variance is available in closed form. Additionally, we apply a new numerical Laplace inversion algorithm that gives fast and accurate prices for options on realized variance, simultaneously at a sequence of variance strikes. The method is also used to derive hedge ratios for options on variance with respect to variance swaps.  相似文献   

We present in a Monte Carlo simulation framework, a novel approach for the evaluation of hybrid local volatility [Risk, 1994, 7, 18–20], [Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance, 1998, 1, 61–110] models. In particular, we consider the stochastic local volatility model—see e.g. Lipton et al. [Quant. Finance, 2014, 14, 1899–1922], Piterbarg [Risk, 2007, April, 84–89], Tataru and Fisher [Quantitative Development Group, Bloomberg Version 1, 2010], Lipton [Risk, 2002, 15, 61–66]—and the local volatility model incorporating stochastic interest rates—see e.g. Atlan [ArXiV preprint math/0604316, 2006], Piterbarg [Risk, 2006, 19, 66–71], Deelstra and Rayée [Appl. Math. Finance, 2012, 1–23], Ren et al. [Risk, 2007, 20, 138–143]. For both model classes a particular (conditional) expectation needs to be evaluated which cannot be extracted from the market and is expensive to compute. We establish accurate and ‘cheap to evaluate’ approximations for the expectations by means of the stochastic collocation method [SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2007, 45, 1005–1034], [SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2005, 27, 1118–1139], [Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 2012, 22, 1–33], [SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2008, 46, 2309–2345], [J. Biomech. Eng., 2011, 133, 031001], which was recently applied in the financial context [Available at SSRN 2529691, 2014], [J. Comput. Finance, 2016, 20, 1–19], combined with standard regression techniques. Monte Carlo pricing experiments confirm that our method is highly accurate and fast.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of pricing American options when the dynamics of the underlying are driven by both stochastic volatility following a square-root process as used by Heston [Rev. Financial Stud., 1993, 6, 327–343], and by a Poisson jump process as introduced by Merton [J. Financial Econ., 1976, 3, 125–144]. Probability arguments are invoked to find a representation of the solution in terms of expectations over the joint distribution of the underlying process. A combination of Fourier transform in the log stock price and Laplace transform in the volatility is then applied to find the transition probability density function of the underlying process. It turns out that the price is given by an integral dependent upon the early exercise surface, for which a corresponding integral equation is obtained. The solution generalizes in an intuitive way the structure of the solution to the corresponding European option pricing problem obtained by Scott [Math. Finance, 1997, 7(4), 413–426], but here in the case of a call option and constant interest rates.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss a new approach to extend a class of solvable stochastic volatility models (SVM). Usually, classical SVM adopt a CEV process for instantaneous variance where the CEV parameter γ takes just few values: 0—the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, 1/2—the Heston (or square root) process, 1—GARCH, and 3/2—the 3/2 model. Some other models, e.g. with γ = 2 were discovered in Henry-Labordére (Analysis, geometry, and modeling in finance: advanced methods in option pricing. Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series, London, 2009) by making connection between stochastic volatility and solvable diffusion processes in quantum mechanics. In particular, he used to build a bridge between solvable superpotentials (the Natanzon superpotentials, which allow reduction of a Schrödinger equation to a Gauss confluent hypergeometric equation) and existing SVM. Here we propose some new models with ${\gamma \in \mathbb{R}}$ and demonstrate that using Lie’s symmetries they could be priced in closed form in terms of hypergeometric functions. Thus obtained new models could be useful for pricing volatility derivatives (variance and volatility swaps, moment swaps).  相似文献   

The rough Bergomi model, introduced by Bayer et al. [Quant. Finance, 2016, 16(6), 887–904], is one of the recent rough volatility models that are consistent with the stylised fact of implied volatility surfaces being essentially time-invariant, and are able to capture the term structure of skew observed in equity markets. In the absence of analytical European option pricing methods for the model, we focus on reducing the runtime-adjusted variance of Monte Carlo implied volatilities, thereby contributing to the model’s calibration by simulation. We employ a novel composition of variance reduction methods, immediately applicable to any conditionally log-normal stochastic volatility model. Assuming one targets implied volatility estimates with a given degree of confidence, thus calibration RMSE, the results we demonstrate equate to significant runtime reductions—roughly 20 times on average, across different correlation regimes.  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(2):116-132

This paper develops a family of option pricing models when the underlying stock price dynamic is modelled by a regime switching process in which prices remain in one volatility regime for a random amount of time before switching over into a new regime. Our family includes the regime switching models of Hamilton (Hamilton J 1989 Econometrica 57 357–84), in which volatility influences returns. In addition, our models allow for feedback effects from returns to volatilities. Our family also includes GARCH option models as a special limiting case. Our models are more general than GARCH models in that our variance updating schemes do not only depend on levels of volatility and asset innovations, but also allow for a second factor that is orthogonal to asset innovations. The underlying processes in our family capture the asymmetric response of volatility to good and bad news and thus permit negative (or positive) correlation between returns and volatility. We provide the theory for pricing options under such processes, present an analytical solution for the special case where returns provide no feedback to volatility levels, and develop an efficient algorithm for the computation of American option prices for the general case.  相似文献   

We apply the bootstrap technique proposed by Kosowski et al. [J. Finance, 2006, 61, 2551–2595] in conjunction with Carhart's [J. Finance, 1997, 52, 57–82] unconditional and Ferson and Schadt's [J. Finance, 1996, 51, 425–461] conditional four-factor models of performance to examine whether the performances of enhanced-return index funds over the 1996 to 2007 period are based on luck or superior ‘enhancing’ skills. The advantages of using the bootstrap to rank fund performance are many. It eliminates the need to specify the exact shape of the distribution from which returns are drawn and does not require estimating correlations between portfolio returns. It also eliminates the need to explicitly control for potential ‘data snooping’ biases that arise from an ex-post sort. Our results show evidence of enhanced-return index funds with positive and significant alphas after controlling for luck and sampling variability. The results are robust to both stock-only and derivative-enhanced index funds, although the spread of cross-sectional alphas for derivative-enhanced funds is slightly more pronounced. The study also examines various sub-periods within the sample horizon.  相似文献   

The exploration of the mean-reversion of commodity prices is important for inventory management, inflation forecasting and contingent claim pricing. Bessembinder et al. [J. Finance, 1995, 50, 361–375] document the mean-reversion of commodity spot prices using futures term structure data; however, mean-reversion to a constant level is rejected in nearly all studies using historical spot price time series. This indicates that the spot prices revert to a stochastic long-run mean. Recognizing this, I propose a reduced-form model with the stochastic long-run mean as a separate factor. This model fits the futures dynamics better than do classical models such as the Gibson–Schwartz [J. Finance, 1990, 45, 959–976] model and the Casassus–Collin-Dufresne [J. Finance, 2005, 60, 2283–2331] model with a constant interest rate. An application for option pricing is also presented in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper studies a class of tractable jump-diffusion models, including stochastic volatility models with various specifications of jump intensity for stock returns and variance processes. We employ the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to implement model estimation, and investigate the performance of all models in capturing the term structure of variance swap rates and fitting the dynamics of stock returns. It is evident that the stochastic volatility models, equipped with self-exciting jumps in the spot variance and linearly-dependent jumps in the central-tendency variance, can produce consistent model estimates, aptly explain the stylized facts in variance swaps, and boost pricing performance. Moreover, our empirical results show that large self-exciting jumps in the spot variance, as an independent risk source, facilitate term structure modeling for variance swaps, whilst the central-tendency variance may jump with small sizes, but signaling substantial regime changes in the long run. Both types of jumps occur infrequently, and are more related to market turmoils over the period from 2008 to 2021.  相似文献   

The rough Bergomi (rBergomi) model, introduced recently in Bayer et al. [Pricing under rough volatility. Quant. Finance, 2016, 16(6), 887–904], is a promising rough volatility model in quantitative finance. It is a parsimonious model depending on only three parameters, and yet remarkably fits empirical implied volatility surfaces. In the absence of analytical European option pricing methods for the model, and due to the non-Markovian nature of the fractional driver, the prevalent option is to use the Monte Carlo (MC) simulation for pricing. Despite recent advances in the MC method in this context, pricing under the rBergomi model is still a time-consuming task. To overcome this issue, we have designed a novel, hierarchical approach, based on: (i) adaptive sparse grids quadrature (ASGQ), and (ii) quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC). Both techniques are coupled with a Brownian bridge construction and a Richardson extrapolation on the weak error. By uncovering the available regularity, our hierarchical methods demonstrate substantial computational gains with respect to the standard MC method. They reach a sufficiently small relative error tolerance in the price estimates across different parameter constellations, even for very small values of the Hurst parameter. Our work opens a new research direction in this field, i.e. to investigate the performance of methods other than Monte Carlo for pricing and calibrating under the rBergomi model.  相似文献   

The rough Bergomi model introduced by Bayer et al. [Quant. Finance, 2015, 1–18] has been outperforming conventional Markovian stochastic volatility models by reproducing implied volatility smiles in a very realistic manner, in particular for short maturities. We investigate here the dynamics of the VIX and the forward variance curve generated by this model, and develop efficient pricing algorithms for VIX futures and options. We further analyse the validity of the rough Bergomi model to jointly describe the VIX and the SPX, and present a joint calibration algorithm based on the hybrid scheme by Bennedsen et al. [Finance Stoch., forthcoming].  相似文献   

We consider the pricing of FX, inflation and stock options under stochastic interest rates and stochastic volatility, for which we use a generic multi-currency framework. We allow for a general correlation structure between the drivers of the volatility, the inflation index, the domestic (nominal) and the foreign (real) rates. Having the flexibility to correlate the underlying FX/inflation/stock index with both stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rates yields a realistic model that is of practical importance for the pricing and hedging of options with a long-term exposure. We derive explicit valuation formulas for various securities, such as vanilla call/put options, forward starting options, inflation-indexed swaps and inflation caps/floors. These vanilla derivatives can be valued in closed form under Schöbel and Zhu [Eur. Finance Rev., 1999, 4, 23–46] stochastic volatility, whereas we devise an (Monte Carlo) approximation in the form of a very effective control variate for the general Heston [Rev. Financial Stud., 1993, 6, 327–343] model. Finally, we investigate the quality of this approximation numerically and consider a calibration example to FX and inflation market data.  相似文献   

Option hedging is a critical risk management problem in finance. In the Black–Scholes model, it has been recognized that computing a hedging position from the sensitivity of the calibrated model option value function is inadequate in minimizing variance of the option hedge risk, as it fails to capture the model parameter dependence on the underlying price (see e.g. Coleman et al., J. Risk, 2001, 5(6), 63–89; Hull and White, J. Bank. Finance, 2017, 82, 180–190). In this paper, we demonstrate that this issue can exist generally when determining hedging position from the sensitivity of the option function, either calibrated from a parametric model from current option prices or estimated nonparametricaly from historical option prices. Consequently, the sensitivity of the estimated model option function typically does not minimize variance of the hedge risk, even instantaneously. We propose a data-driven approach to directly learn a hedging function from the market data by minimizing variance of the local hedge risk. Using the S&P 500 index daily option data for more than a decade ending in August 2015, we show that the proposed method outperforms the parametric minimum variance hedging method proposed in Hull and White [J. Bank. Finance, 2017, 82, 180–190], as well as minimum variance hedging corrective techniques based on stochastic volatility or local volatility models. Furthermore, we show that the proposed approach achieves significant gain over the implied BS delta hedging for weekly and monthly hedging.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of random matrix theory as it has been applied to model large financial datasets, especially for the purpose of estimating the bias inherent in Mean-Variance portfolio allocation when a sample covariance matrix is substituted for the true underlying covariance. Such problems were observed and modeled in the seminal work of Laloux et al. [Noise dressing of financial correlation matrices. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1999, 83, 1467] and rigorously proved by Bai et al. [Enhancement of the applicability of Markowitz's portfolio optimization by utilizing random matrix theory. Math. Finance, 2009, 19, 639–667] under minimal assumptions. If the returns on assets to be held in the portfolio are assumed independent and stationary, then these results are universal in that they do not depend on the precise distribution of returns. This universality has been somewhat misrepresented in the literature, however, as asymptotic results require that an arbitrarily long time horizon be available before such predictions necessarily become accurate. In order to reconcile these models with the highly non-Gaussian returns observed in real financial data, a new ensemble of random rectangular matrices is introduced, modeled on the observations of independent Lévy processes over a fixed time horizon.  相似文献   

Under the general affine jump-diffusion framework of Duffie et al. [Econometrica, 2000, 68, 1343–1376], this paper proposes an alternative pricing methodology for European-style forward start options that does not require any parallel optimization routine to ensure square integrability. Therefore, the proposed methodology is shown to possess a better accuracy–efficiency trade-off than the usual and more general approach initiated by Hong [Forward Smile and Derivative Pricing. Working paper, UBS, 2004] that is based on the knowledge of the forward characteristic function. Explicit pricing solutions are also offered under the nested jump-diffusion setting proposed by Bakshi et al. [J. Finance, 1997, 52, 2003–2049], which accommodates stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rates, and different integration schemes are numerically tested.  相似文献   

We develop a new approach for pricing European-style contingent claims written on the time T spot price of an underlying asset whose volatility is stochastic. Like most of the stochastic volatility literature, we assume continuous dynamics for the price of the underlying asset. In contrast to most of the stochastic volatility literature, we do not directly model the dynamics of the instantaneous volatility. Instead, taking advantage of the recent rise of the variance swap market, we directly assume continuous dynamics for the time T variance swap rate. The initial value of this variance swap rate can either be directly observed, or inferred from option prices. We make no assumption concerning the real world drift of this process. We assume that the ratio of the volatility of the variance swap rate to the instantaneous volatility of the underlying asset just depends on the variance swap rate and on the variance swap maturity. Since this ratio is assumed to be independent of calendar time, we term this key assumption the stationary volatility ratio hypothesis (SVRH). The instantaneous volatility of the futures follows an unspecified stochastic process, so both the underlying futures price and the variance swap rate have unspecified stochastic volatility. Despite this, we show that the payoff to a path-independent contingent claim can be perfectly replicated by dynamic trading in futures contracts and variance swaps of the same maturity. As a result, the contingent claim is uniquely valued relative to its underlying’s futures price and the assumed observable variance swap rate. In contrast to standard models of stochastic volatility, our approach does not require specifying the market price of volatility risk or observing the initial level of instantaneous volatility. As a consequence of our SVRH, the partial differential equation (PDE) governing the arbitrage-free value of the contingent claim just depends on two state variables rather than the usual three. We then focus on the consistency of our SVRH with the standard assumption that the risk-neutral process for the instantaneous variance is a diffusion whose coefficients are independent of the variance swap maturity. We show that the combination of this maturity independent diffusion hypothesis (MIDH) and our SVRH implies a very special form of the risk-neutral diffusion process for the instantaneous variance. Fortunately, this process is tractable, well-behaved, and enjoys empirical support. Finally, we show that our model can also be used to robustly price and hedge volatility derivatives.  相似文献   

Standard delta hedging fails to exactly replicate a European call option in the presence of transaction costs. We study a pricing and hedging model similar to the delta hedging strategy with an endogenous volatility parameter for the calculation of delta over time. The endogenous volatility depends on both the transaction costs and the option strike prices. The optimal hedging volatility is calculated using the criterion of minimizing the weighted upside and downside replication errors. The endogenous volatility model with equal weights on the up and down replication errors yields an option premium close to the Leland [J. Finance, 1985 Leland, HE. 1985. Option pricing and replication with transaction costs. J. Finance, 40: 12831301. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 40, 1283–1301] heuristic approach. The model with weights being the probabilities of the option's moneyness provides option prices closest to the actual prices. Option prices from the model are identical to the Black–Scholes option prices when transaction costs are zero. Data on S&P 500 index cash options from January to June 2008 illustrate the model.  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(5):353-362

In this paper, we generalize the recently developed dimension reduction technique of Vecer for pricing arithmetic average Asian options. The assumption of constant volatility in Vecer's method will be relaxed to the case that volatility is randomly fluctuating and is driven by a mean-reverting (or ergodic) process. We then use the fast mean-reverting stochastic volatility asymptotic analysis introduced by Fouque, Papanicolaou and Sircar to derive an approximation to the option price which takes into account the skew of the implied volatility surface. This approximation is obtained by solving a pair of one-dimensional partial differential equations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a general technique to develop first- and second-order closed-form approximation formulas for short-maturity options with random strikes. Our method is based on a change of numeraire and on Malliavin calculus techniques, which allow us to study the corresponding short-maturity implied volatility skew and to obtain simple closed-form approximation formulas depending on the derivative operator. The numerical analysis shows that these formulas are extremely accurate and improve some previous approaches for two-asset and three-asset spread options such as Kirk’s formula or the decomposition method presented in Alòs et al. [Energy Risk, 2011, 9, 52–57]. This methodology is not model-dependent, and it can be applied to the case of random interest rates and volatilities.  相似文献   

Option pricing and Esscher transform under regime switching   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
Summary We consider the option pricing problem when the risky underlying assets are driven by Markov-modulated Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM). That is, the market parameters, for instance, the market interest rate, the appreciation rate and the volatility of the underlying risky asset, depend on unobservable states of the economy which are modelled by a continuous-time Hidden Markov process. The market described by the Markov-modulated GBM model is incomplete in general and, hence, the martingale measure is not unique. We adopt a regime switching random Esscher transform to determine an equivalent martingale pricing measure. As in Miyahara [33], we can justify our pricing result by the minimal entropy martingale measure (MEMM).We would like to thank the referees for many helpful and insightful comments and suggestions.Correspondence to: R. J. Elliott  相似文献   

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