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德国公司违约概率预测及其对我国信用风险管理的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
内部信用评级是新巴塞尔资本协议的核心,而违约概率的预测又是内部评级的基础。本文利用具有出色分类功能的非线性支持向量分类(SVC)方法来预测德国公司的违约概率,识别其信用风险。结果显示,SVC模型的预测能力优于基准的logit模型;而且非线性SVC模型能够捕捉线性logit模型所不能识别的影响信用风险的重要变量。本文虽然分析的是德国公司数据,但是同样对我国商业银行和公司构建全面风险管理体系有着直接的指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper emphasises the inappropriateness of continuous measure predictors for both the logit and MDA models when dealing with the measurement errors that exist in much of the private company data used to model financial distress in that sector. Also, it is argued that the step function logit model that we get as a consequence of the necessity to categorise the predictors, may be more appropriate in explaining underlying nonlinear behaviour of firms at risk than the usual continuous response linear function. Within this context, the two models are compared using data from 140 private Australian companies. A logit model based on only three discrete-valued ratios gave an overall accuracy rate comparable to that of an existing continuous-valued multiple discriminant analysis (MDA) model based on six ratios. Of interest is the very different order of significance of the predictor ratios in the two models although neither model remains trustworthy for predictive purposes.  相似文献   

This paper reconsiders the accepted usage of nondeflated financial ratios in statistical models to differentiate between failed and nonfailed firms. Non-deflated ratios are hypothesized to inadequately reflect inter-temporal macroeconomic fluctuations that affect the ability of firm's to survive. Using a sample of 124 oil and gas companies between the period 1982–1988, the going concern assumption is evaluated with statistical logit models using either nondeflated or deflated financial ratios. Deflated company ratios are created by transforming data with price indices or by creating market value ratios. Empirical results suggest that a superior bankruptcy early warning model is developed for the oil and gas industry by creating real financial and reserve ratios and by introducing external factors, such as oil prices, interest rates and accounting method, as independent predictors. Overall classification accuracy is approximately 95 percent.  相似文献   

While using the binary quantile regression (BQR) model, we establish a hybrid bankruptcy prediction model with dynamic loadings for both the accounting-ratio-based and market-based information. Using the proposed model, we conduct an empirical study on a dataset comprising of default events during the period from 1996 to 2006. In this study, those firms experienced bankruptcy/liquidation events as defined by the Compustat database are classified as “defaulted” firms, whereas all other firms listed in the Fortune 500 with over a B-rating during the same time period are identified as “survived” firms. The empirical findings of this study are consistent with the following notions. The distance-to-default (DD) variable derived from the market-based model is statistically significant in explaining the observed default events, particularly of those firms with relatively poor credit quality (i.e., high credit risk). Conversely, the z-score obtained with the accounting-ratio-based approach is statistically significant in predicting bankruptcies of firms of relatively good credit quality (i.e., low credit risk). In-sample and out-of-sample bankruptcy prediction tests demonstrated the superior performance of utilizing dynamic loadings rather than constant loadings derived by the conventional logit model.  相似文献   

Since 1966, researchers have examined financial distress prediction models to determine the usefulness of accounting information to lenders. These researchers primarily used legal bankruptcy as the response variable for economic financial distress, or included legal bankruptcy with other events in dichotomous prediction models. However, theoretical models of financial distress normally define financial distress as an economic event, the inability to pay debts when due (insolvency). This study uses a loan default/accommodation response variable as a proxy for the inability to pay debts when due. The purpose of this note is to empirically test whether or not using the inability of a firm to pay debts when due, loan default/accommodation, as a response measure produces different results than using legal bankruptcy as the response measure. The study's empirical results show that legal bankruptcy and loan default/accommodation financial distress prediction models produce different statistical results, thus suggesting that the responses measure different constructs. A loan default/accommodation model also fits the data better than a bankrupt model. Our results suggest that a loan default/accommodation response may be a more appropriate measure to determine which accounting information is most useful to lenders in evaluating a firm's credit risk.  相似文献   

We investigate the relative importance of various bankruptcy predictors commonly used in the existing literature by applying a variable selection technique, the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), to a comprehensive bankruptcy database. Over the 1980–2009 period, LASSO admits the majority of Campbell et al. (2008) predictive variables into the bankruptcy forecast model. Interestingly, by contrast with recent studies, some financial ratios constructed from only accounting data also contain significant incremental information about future default risk, and their importance relative to that of market-based variables in bankruptcy forecasts increases with prediction horizons. Moreover, LASSO-selected variables have superior out-of-sample predictive power and outperform (1) those advocated by Campbell et al. (2008) and (2) the distance to default from Merton’s (1974) structural model.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper presents closed form solutions to price secured bank loans and financial leases subject to default risk. Secured debt fair credit spreads always increase in the debtor's default probability, whereas financial leasing fair credit spreads may well decrease in the lessee's default probability and even be negative. The reason is that the lessor, unlike the secured lender, can gain from the lessee's default, especially when the leasing contract envisages initial prepayments or the lessee's terminal options to either purchase the leased asset or to extend the lease maturity. This result, which critically depends on contractual and bankruptcy code provisions, can explain some of the empirical evidence and the use of financial leases as an alternative to secured bank lending to finance small, risky and relatively opaque firms.  相似文献   

杨子晖  张平淼  林师涵 《金融研究》2022,506(8):152-170
本文采用Logit回归模型以及随机森林模型、梯度提升模型等前沿机器学习方法,深入考察系统性风险指标对我国企业财务危机的预测能力。结果表明,系统性风险对中下游企业的财务危机具有显著的预测能力,而基于因子分析构建的系统性风险指标,结合随机森林模型可取得更好的预测效果。本文进一步区分财务危机的不同成因并发现,基于随机森林模型和Logit回归模型的预测框架能够对我国大多数财务危机事件进行有效预警。在此基础上,本文对我国上市企业监管提出相关建议,从而为完善金融风险处置机制提供一定参考。  相似文献   

This study aims to shed light on the debate concerning the choice between discrete-time and continuous-time hazard models in making bankruptcy or any binary prediction using interval censored data. Building on the theoretical suggestions from various disciplines, we empirically compare widely used discrete-time hazard models (with logit and clog-log links) and the continuous-time Cox Proportional Hazards (CPH) model in predicting bankruptcy and financial distress of the United States Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Consistent with the theoretical arguments, we report that discrete-time hazard models are superior to the continuous-time CPH model in making binary predictions using interval censored data. Moreover, hazard models developed using a failure definition based jointly on bankruptcy laws and firms’ financial health exhibit superior goodness of fit and classification measures, in comparison to models that employ a failure definition based either on bankruptcy laws or firms’ financial health alone.  相似文献   

This study examines classification and prediction of the bankruptcy resolution event. Filing of bankruptcy is resolved through one of three alternative resolutions: acquisition, emergence or liquidation. Predicting the final bankruptcy resolution has not been examined in the prior accounting and finance literature. This post-bankruptcy classification and prediction of the final resolution is harder than discriminating between healthy and bankrupt firms because all filing firms are already in financial distress. Motivation for predicting the final resolution is developed and enhanced. A sample of 237 firms filing for bankruptcy is used. Classification and prediction accuracies are determined using a logit model. A ten-variable, three-group resolution logit model, which includes five accounting and five non-accounting variables is developed. The model correctly classifies 62 percent of the firms, significantly better than a random classification. We conclude that non-accounting data add relevant information to financial accounting data for predicting post bankruptcy resolution. Further, public policy implications for investors, researchers, bankruptcy judges, claimants and other stakeholders are discussed.  相似文献   

We examine whether the language used in 10‐K filings reflects a firm's risk of bankruptcy. Our sample contains 424 bankrupt U.S. companies in the period 1994–2015 and we use propensity score matching to find healthy matches. Based on a logit model of failing and vital firms, our findings indicate that firms at risk of bankruptcy use significantly more negative words in their 10‐K filings than comparable vital companies. This relationship holds up until three years prior to the actual bankruptcy filing. With our investigation, we confirm the results from previous accounting and finance research. 10‐K filings contain valuable information beyond the reported financials. Additionally, we show that 10‐Ks filed in the year of a firm's collapse contain an increased number of litigious words relative to healthy businesses. This indicates that the management of failing firms is already dealing with legal issues when reporting financials prior to bankruptcy. Our results suggest that analysts ought to include the presentation of financials in their assessment of bankruptcy risk as it contains explanatory and predictive power beyond the financial ratios.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to test whether Taylor's series expansion can be used to solve the problem associated with the functional form of bankruptcy prediction models. To avoid the problems associated with the normality of variables, the logistic model to describe the insolvency risk is applied. Taylor's expansion is then used to approximate the exponent of the logistic function, or the logit. The cash to total assets, cash flow to total assets, and shareholder's equity to total assets ratios operationalize the factors affecting the insolvency risk. The usefulness of Taylor's model in bankruptcy prediction is evaluated applying the logistic regression model to the data from the Compustat database. The classification accuracy in the test data for the first and second years before bankruptcy show that the classification accuracy of a simple financial ratio model can be increased using the second-order and interaction terms of these ratios. However, in the third year, for the test data, Taylor's expansion is not able to increase the classification accuracy when compared with the first-order model.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to compare several predictive models that combine features selection techniques with data mining classifiers in the context of credit risk assessment in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity statistics. The t‐statistic, Battacharrayia statistic, the area between the receiver operating characteristic, Wilcoxon statistic, relative entropy, and genetic algorithms were used for the features selection task. The selected features are used to train the support vector machine (SVM) classifier, backpropagation neural network, radial basis function neural network, linear discriminant analysis and naive Bayes classifier. Results from three datasets using a 10‐fold cross‐validation technique showed that the SVM provides the best accuracy under all features selections techniques adopted in the study for all three datasets. Therefore, the SVM is an attractive classifier to be used in real applications for bankruptcy prediction in corporate finance and financial risk management in financial institutions. In addition, we found that our best results are superior to earlier studies on the same datasets.  相似文献   

This article develops two models for predicting the default of Russian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The most general questions that the article attempts to answer are ‘Can the default risk of Russian SMEs be assessed with a statistical model?’ and ‘Would it sufficiently demonstrate high predictive accuracy?’ The article uses a relatively large data set of financial statements and employs discriminant analysis as a statistical methodology. Default is defined as legal bankruptcy. The basic model contains only financial ratios; it is extended by adding size and age variables. Liquidity and profitability turned out to be the key factors in predicting default. The resulting models have high predictive accuracy and have the potential to be of practical use in Russian SME lending.  相似文献   

《Finance Research Letters》2014,11(2):131-139
This paper illustrates how modelling the contagion effect among assets of a given bond portfolio changes the risk perception associated to it. This empirical work is developed in a hybrid credit risk framework that incorporates recovery rate risk. Dependence structures among firms and between external shocks affecting firms together are considered. The presence of correlations among firm leverage ratios and the interrelation between default probabilities and recovery rates produces clusters of defaults with low recovery rates. This has a major impact on standard risk measures such as Value-at-Risk and conditional tail expectation. Consequently, an appropriate measurement of the contagion has a tremendous effect on the capital requirement of many financial institutions.  相似文献   

This paper uses artificial neural networks (ANNs), multi-state ordered logit and nonparametric multiple discriminant analysis (NPDA) for predicting the three-state outcome of bankruptcy filing. The study compares the classification accuracy of these procedures. It differs from previous studies on predicting financial distress by focusing on the firm after the filing of bankruptcy using accounting data, market data, and court-related information. Following the filing and through court approval the bankruptcy is resolved as firms are either acquired by other firms, emerging as independent operating entities, or liquidated. Distinguishing this three-state outcome is more complex than discriminating between healthy and financially distressed firms. Models suggested in previous studies for predicting the two-group financial distress perform poorly for our three-state scenario. Therefore, we develop models which focus on characteristics relevant for the bankruptcy resolution. We use a sample of 237 publicly traded firms which have complete data. For the entire sample and estimation samples, ANNs provide significantly better three-state classification than logit and NPDA. However, for some holdout samples the differences in classification accuracies are statistically insignificant. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aims of this paper are threefold. First, we highlight the usefulness of generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) in the modelling of portfolio credit default risk. The GLMM-setting allows for a flexible specification of the systematic portfolio risk in terms of observed fixed effects and unobserved random effects, in order to explain the phenomena of default dependence and time-inhomogeneity in historical default data. Second, we show that computational Bayesian techniques such as the Gibbs sampler can be successfully applied to fit models with serially correlated random effects, which are special instances of state space models. Third, we provide an empirical study using Standard and Poor's data on U.S. firms. A model incorporating rating category and sector effects, and a macroeconomic proxy variable for state-of-the-economy suggests the presence of a residual, cyclical, latent component in the systematic risk.  相似文献   

Credit Contagion from Counterparty Risk   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Standard credit risk models cannot explain the observed clustering of default, sometimes described as "credit contagion." This paper provides the first empirical analysis of credit contagion via direct counterparty effects. We find that bankruptcy announcements cause negative abnormal equity returns and increases in CDS spreads for creditors. In addition, creditors with large exposures are more likely to suffer from financial distress later. This suggests that counterparty risk is a potential additional channel of credit contagion. Indeed, the fear of counterparty defaults among financial institutions explains the sudden worsening of the credit crisis after the Lehman bankruptcy in September 2008.  相似文献   

We examine whether the source of debt financing is important for assessments of firms’ default risk. This study reveals that during the 2007–2010 financial crisis, firms that depend mainly on financing from banks suffer higher increases in default risk than do firms with no such dependence. Conversely, firms that rely solely on financing from public debt markets do not experience significant increases in default risk. These findings suggest that the bank supply shock theory explains the transmission of financial shocks to the real economy. Finally, firms that depend on bank financing cannot offset the adverse impacts of bank lending shocks by substituting bank loans with publicly traded debt.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent to which the size affects the SME probabilities of bankruptcy. Using a dataset of (11,117) US non-financial firms, of which (465) filed for insolvency under chapters 7/11 between 1980 and 2013. We forecast the bankruptcy probabilities by developing four discrete-time duration-dependent hazard models for SMEs, Micro, Small, and Medium firms. A comparison of the default prediction models for medium firms and SMEs suggests that an almost identical set of explanatory variables affect the default probabilities leading us to believe that treating each of these groups separately has no material impact on the decision making process. However, comparisons between the micro and small firms with the SMEs firms strongly suggest that these categories need to be considered separately when modelling their credit risk.  相似文献   

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