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In a Bayesian game, assume that the type space is a complete, separable metric space, the action space is a compact metric space, and the payoff functions are continuous. We show that the iterative and fixed-point definitions of interim correlated rationalizability (ICR) coincide, and ICR is non-empty-valued and upper hemicontinuous. This extends the finite-game results of Dekel et al. (2007), who introduced ICR. Our result applies, for instance, to discounted infinite-horizon dynamic games.  相似文献   

The integrated medical supply inventory control system introduced in this study is a hybrid system that is shaped by the nature of medical supply, usage and storage capacity limitations of health care facilities. The system links demand, service provided at the clinic, health care service provider's information, inventory storage data and decision support tools into an integrated information system. ABC analysis method, economic order quantity model, two-bin method and safety stock concept are applied as decision support models to tackle inventory management issues at health care facilities. In the decision support module, each medical item and storage location has been scrutinised to determine the best-fit inventory control policy. The pilot case study demonstrates that the integrated medical supply information system holds several advantages for inventory managers, since it entails benefits of deploying enterprise information systems to manage medical supply and better patient services.  相似文献   

陈卫红 《价值工程》2012,31(16):128-129
为了与全球化经济接轨,企业通过实施国内外先进标准,提升企业的效率和效益,通过应用现代化的计算机信息技术,使企业标准化工作更加精准而有效。企业信息化和标准化的关系越来越紧密和相融。企业把经营、设计、制造和管理等作业程序进行合理的标准化后,为计算机系统应用软件提供了支持和保证,逐步实现企业信息化目标。  相似文献   

区域物流信息网络是区域物流发展中的重要平台,构建一个高效的区域物流信息网络是物流发展中的关键。文章从三个方面对这个问题进行了阐述,首先阐述了构建区域物流网络的目标和原则,其次对区域物流网络的总体架构进行了分析,最后分析了构建区域物流网络的关键技术。  相似文献   

Current discussions about reforms to health and long‐term care miss the most important trends that should be influencing debate. With an ageing population that includes a higher proportion of people with manageable illnesses, health and care costs will rise. Reforms must ensure that existing government spending is used more efficiently and that it harnesses – rather than works against – private financing.  相似文献   

彭宏伟  彭颖 《价值工程》2012,31(33):304-305
从2009年深化医药卫生体制改革以来,长沙市城乡社区卫生服务机构在落实基本公共卫生服务项目的过程中,不断探索,取得了明显进展和显著成效,但也存在一些亟待解决的问题。为此,笔者深入城乡社区和乡镇卫生院进行了调研,查阅了相关资料,进行了一些思考。  相似文献   

根据多数金融企业的亏损现状,本文采用拟人的手法,分析了金融企业的财务风险,介绍了掌握金融企业财务风险的应急诊断和病理分析技巧等财务保健方法,加强对有问题金融企业的处理措施,从而促进金融企业健康有序地发展。  相似文献   

于哲 《价值工程》2011,30(17):139-140
从我国的传统角度来看,家庭养老是老人与子女之间的认可方式,子女对老人的赡养是义不容辞的责任与义务。但是,随着我国社会形态的不断演进、产业结构的调整、城市化、家庭小型化、家庭成员的缩小等因素的影响,以家庭为主体的养老模式在不断受到冲击,其功能也开始日益弱化。加之社会化养老服务的供给匮乏,使得养老问题日益严重。远程看护的介入,不仅提高了看护的效率而且还大大减轻了老年人自身及其家庭的负担,它将在老龄群体中发挥更加积极的作用。  相似文献   

高玉凤 《物流科技》2004,27(3):94-96
为提高上市公司会计信息质量,更好地保护投资者利益,2001年11月,财政部发布了《企业会计准则——中期财务报告》。鉴于美国是实行中期报告制度最早的国家,其制度也相对完善,本文拟将我国中期财务报准则同美国的相关准则及国际会计准则IAS34作粗浅的比较分析。通过比较分析,借鉴国外准则之长处,有利于推动我国中期报告理论和实务的发展。  相似文献   

近年来,医疗卫生管理部门和医疗机构为构建和谐医患关系进行了积极的探索。许多医院实行开放式管理,建立医患沟通监督机制,保证医疗信息畅通,在这方面取得一定成效。但是,医患关系紧张,彼此缺乏信任,医疗纠纷增加,是当前一个十分突出的问题。本文主要对如何构建和谐医患关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   


Coordination is a central element in the public sector, especially for introducing complex innovations. In health care, this issue takes on great importance since many stakeholders are involved, pursuing multiple interests, and influencing the outputs and outcomes of the health care system. This paper discusses the introduction of a specific health care innovation (i.e. electronic patient records) in two Italian regions, and it aims to contribute to the debate on coordination in health care, depicting the coordination mechanisms that took place in two different contexts in order to introduce the same kind of innovation, and highlighting any potential enabling conditions.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the complementarities between technological and organizational capital within enterprises. Different components of technological and organizational capital exert distinct—and often opposed—forces on each other. Our empirical results show that greater employee voice promotes firm productivity when combined with information technology, but harms firm productivity when combined with communication technology. On the other hand, flexible work design is positively associated with communication technology and negatively associated with information technology.  相似文献   

Contracting in the public sector is designed to enhance the accountability of service providers to their funders. The idea is that quality is improved by the use of service specifications, monitoring of performance and imposition of contractual sanctions. Socio-legal and economic theories of contract indicate that it will be difficult to make and enforce contracts to achieve this. The results of a study of National Health Services contracting in England and Wales are reported. We conclude that contracts alone are not sufficient to improve accountability – collibration of various regulatory measures (including more hierarchical mechanisms such as performance targets) is required.  相似文献   

随着卫生体制的改革、医学模式的转变以及人们自我保护意识的增强,医疗市场中的医患纠纷不断呈现上升趋势,医患关系紧张,其原因是多方面的,信息不对称是最根本的原因。本文分析了医疗市场中医患之间信息不对称现象的原因以及缓和这种不对称状态的措施。  相似文献   

In-home health care services based on the Internet-of-Things are promising to resolve the challenges caused by the ageing of population. But the existing research is rather scattered and shows lack of interoperability. In this article, a business-technology co-design methodology is proposed for cross-boundary integration of in-home health care devices and services. In this framework, three key elements of a solution (business model, device and service integration architecture and information system integration architecture) are organically integrated and aligned. In particular, a cooperative Health-IoT ecosystem is formulated, and information systems of all stakeholders are integrated in a cooperative health cloud as well as extended to patients’ home through the in-home health care station (IHHS). Design principles of the IHHS includes the reuse of 3C platform, certification of the Health Extension, interoperability and extendibility, convenient and trusted software distribution, standardised and secured electrical health care record handling, effective service composition and efficient data fusion. These principles are applied to the design of an IHHS solution called iMedBox. Detailed device and service integration architecture and hardware and software architecture are presented and verified by an implemented prototype. The quantitative performance analysis and field trials have confirmed the feasibility of the proposed design methodology and solution.  相似文献   

李敏  李霞 《价值工程》2012,31(32):278-280
研究全国各地区孕产妇保健情况,孕保健开展好的地区有江苏、宁夏、北京和浙江。加强对西藏、青海两地区孕保健基础工作,加速培养本地区医疗卫生人员,降低孕产妇死亡率。  相似文献   

Health care organizations are often confronted with multiple institutional logics. In this study, a longitudinal case study method was used to gain insights into the adoption decision-making and implementation process of an apparently hybrid innovative practice when multiple logics are present. The case study focuses on the adoption and implementation of ‘Productive Ward: Releasing Time to Care’ in a Dutch hospital. This is a quality improvement programme developed by the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom. The results show that institutional logics complicate the adoption and implementation process.  相似文献   

传统意义上认为工件某个自由度由多个定位元件重复限制称为过定位,在实际应用中,一般工艺要求不允许出现过定位,然而在大型零件加工过程中仍然需要过定位来增加定位装夹刚度,防止工件变形,因此正确区分过定位与虚设过定位成为夹具设计的关键。  相似文献   

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