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现代社会企业间竞争日趋激烈,在如此残酷的生存压力中,如何才能让自己的企业不在这激烈的竞争中成为别人的垫脚石。服务营销对企业来说有多大的意义,怎样用正确的服务营销让企业得以更好的发展?企业强大竞争力的根本取决于有没有高质量的服务,有没有忠诚的客户,竞争的胜利者将是那些理解顾客需要,做好营销服务的企业。本文对我国企业服务营销存在的一系列问题进行分析,并在理解服务营销的基本概念上,通过海尔服务营销的成功来探讨中国企业提升服务营销能力的手段和途径。 相似文献
随着服务业在国民经济中的比重加大,服务业营销也理当引起企业管理者的重视。服务业营销不同于产品营销,其顾客在营销中的地位也与一般商品营销不同。通过对顾客关系进行有效管理,乃至把顾客作为服务企业的核心资产进行管理,提高顾客的满意度和忠诚度,使顾客资产价值实现保值、增值,成为服务企业的竞争优势。 相似文献
Suzan Burton 《Public Management Review》2013,15(3):373-385
The role of marketing for public organizations has received limited attention in the academic or management literature. 相似文献
本文通过对注册会计师服务市场现状和问题的分析,以服务营销理论为理论工具,结合注册会计师行业的特点,提出了会计师事务所的一般营销策略,包括市场定位策略、产品策略、价格策略、促销策略、人员策略、服务过程策略及有形展示策略等。 相似文献
公共关系的形象价值、诚信价值、沟通价值以及创新价值在企业经营过程中发挥着无可替代的作用。企业在营销道德的约束下综合考虑全局利益制定、实施营销和公关战略,通过道德营销传播双向对称信息能有效的构建企业公共关系。从而为企业长期稳定的发展营造宽松的内外部环境。 相似文献
Optimal Growth with Public Capital and Public Services 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
We characterize optimal economic growth in an endogenous growth model in which production requires public capital (a stock) and public services (a flow) in addition to private capital and labor. We analyze the comparative static effects of changes in the fundamental technological and preference parameters of the model on the optimal values of several variables, such as the optimal rate of growth and the optimal allocation of resources among consumption, the provision of public services, and investment in public and private capital. We show that the general optimal path converges in finite time to the balanced growth optimal path. We relate our paper to important contributions to the existing literature by obtaining them as special cases of our model. 相似文献
物流业在我国虽然已经得到了飞速的发展,尤其是第三方物流企业,但在与物流消费客户的服务过程中并未得到预期的成效。其主要原因是双方之间缺乏良好的沟通与了解。因此,第三方物流企业要想获得市场的认可,实现服务的预期目标,就得充分了解消费客户的个性需要,制定个性化的服务营销策略。 相似文献
对如何做好供电所营销服务管理工作的思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
供电所作为南方电网公司最基层的一级组织单元和机构,直接服务于镇(街)所在的用电客户,不仅面向千家万户,而且是上级单位各项业务的归结点和落脚点,其供电服务工作的质量和效率直接关系到南方电网公司实现"服务好、管理好、形象好"国际先进电网企业的战略目标。因此,探讨如何做好基层供电所营销服务管理工作就极具现实意义。 相似文献
公共图书馆定位于为本地读者服务,因而以用户为中心可以提高服务效益,增强读者满意度。通过对宝鸡市图书馆到馆读者的结构分析,提出增加读者群、扩大图书馆服务覆盖面及文献采访的服务策略。 相似文献
据调研,现中国大多数的养老院床位紧缺,不能满足养老需求。社区养老可以解决大多数在家老人的生活日常问题,可以缓解当下养老院床位紧张的情况。文章介绍了德馨养老服务中心的市场营销策略。 相似文献
Beth Walter Honadle George Honadle Stacie Bosley Elisabeth Currie 《Public Management Review》2013,15(4):457-475
County officials in the seven-county metropolitan area of the State of Minnesota's Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St Paul were seeking to redefine county roles in service delivery. This article reports on a process model that was piloted on two services. The model was commissioned by officials; was based upon and informed by literature and comparative experience; began with an examination of functions performed; involved participants in focusing the study; was context-focused; and involved local stakeholders in projecting the implications of alternative county roles. These characteristics complicated the research management process because the process took more time, involved more actors, and required more coordination than traditional research. However, having stakeholders identify alternatives and bring factual material to the process was critical to the success of the model and including the comparative and contextual research both strengthened the policy conclusions and improved the probability of their adoption and implementation. A case of a Minnesota county that followed the model in an effort to reform water governance within the county illustrated adoption of the approach. The stakeholder analysis process was previously applied in Africa, China and Southeast Asia and the model should be applicable to a wide range of settings and problems. 相似文献
Joost Fledderus 《Public Management Review》2014,16(3):424-443
AbstractCo-production, the involvement of clients in the delivery of public services, is believed to foster trust. However, there is insufficient research on this topic to prove what is at present merely an assumption. This article gives theoretical insights into this relationship. First, it is identified that co-production relates to identification-based trust. Second, the most important theoretical mechanisms are identified that link the two concepts: increasing self-efficacy and the creation of trust networks. A third step is to move towards a more contingent perspective. This involves not only favourable conditions, but also obstructions to trust-building, such as crowding-out motivations and free-riding. 相似文献
本文从广东省城乡基本公共设施、城乡基础教育、社会保障水平、城乡医疗卫生资源配置等方面,介绍城乡在主要公共服务领域上的差距;并从二元社会制度、财政体制、发展现代农业、农村公共服务供给制度以及乡镇财政体制方面进行了原因分析。 相似文献
立足当地为广大读者服务,是基层公共图书馆的职责和义务。洛阳市各基层公共图书馆十分重视服务社会服务新农村建设,不断开拓创新,探索服务社会广大读者的方式方法,取得了较好的成绩。 相似文献
Adrian Sargeant 《Public Management Review》2013,15(5):635-662
Abstract Despite significant government efforts to bolster individual philanthropy, giving by individuals (as a percentage of household income) has remained remarkably static and participation in many western countries is declining. This article explores the role that governments might play in facilitating growth, from a social marketing perspective. Drawing on research from multiple domains this article proposes an easily accessible and actionable framework (1) to inform public policy and (2) to guide further impactful academic research, with the objective of increasing both participation in, and the monetary value of, individual giving. 相似文献