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Using the Malliavin calculus in time inhomogeneous jump-diffusion models, we obtain an expression for the sensitivity Theta of an option price (with respect to maturity) as the expectation of the option payoff multiplied by a stochastic weight. This expression is used to design efficient numerical algorithms that are compared with traditional finite-difference methods for the computation of Theta. Our proof can be viewed as a generalization of Dupire's integration by parts to arbitrary and possibly non-smooth payoff functions. In the time homogeneous case, Theta admits an expression from the Black–Scholes PDE in terms of Delta and Gamma but the representation formula obtained in this way is different from ours. Numerical simulations are presented in order to compare the efficiency of the finite-difference and Malliavin methods.  相似文献   

This paper estimates cost efficiency in the banking industry of 11 Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries over the period 1998–2005 using a quantile regression analysis. Our purpose is to investigate for the first time whether cost efficiency in CEE banks differs across quantiles of the conditional distribution. We employ stochastic frontier analysis across quantiles using the Distribution-Free Approach. The reported evidence demonstrates lower efficiency scores for higher conditional distributions. The paper goes further into a second-stage analysis to investigate how risk, measured by non-performing loans and loans loss provisions, affects bank efficiency across quantiles. This second-stage analysis finds that risk asserts a negative impact on cost efficiency, especially in high-order quantiles. Finally, the paper investigates the relationship between bank-specific ‘z’ variables, such as structural reforms, bank concentration and profitability, and cost efficiency across quantiles.  相似文献   

This article investigates international stock market integration in four major developed economies, namely the United States, the Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union, Japan and the United Kingdom, and two Asian emerging, countries namely China and India, over the period from June 1994 to June 2009. To model stock market integration we estimate a dynamic version of the international capital asset pricing model (CAPM) in the absence of purchasing power parity. Conditional variance is modelled via a multivariate GARCH specification. To investigate the evolution of integration overtime we estimate the CAPM in sub-periods. In addition, we connect our results to the timing of world financial crises. Our findings show that the stock markets tend to move in parallel after June of 2002, although from 2002 to 2006 there have not been crises events. These results support the increasing globalization and interdependence of both emerging and developed markets in the recent decade, reducing the benefits of portfolio diversification.  相似文献   

We investigate the possible predictability of firm growth in Taiwan using cross-sectional data of financial factors for the years 1997 and 2003 via principal component analysis. Our results reveal that the 18 financial variables (sales growth rate, total assets, total sales, return on assets, return on equity, gross margin, operating cost minus depreciation divided by sales plus other trading income, acid test ratio, debt–equity ratio, time interest earned, average receivables per average daily sales, inventory, average payables per average daily sales, working capital, working capital as a fraction of total assets, long-term liabilities as a fraction of total assets, and sales as a fraction of net worth of the firm) that we employ bunch together into five different financial ratios for the years 1997 and 2003 that are stable between these years. These financial factors are short-term liquidity, return on investment, long-term liquidity, firm size and capital turnover. Regressing these ratio groups (extracted principal components) on firm growth, we find return on investment in the year 1997 was positively and significantly related to firm growth, while long-term solvency was negatively related to firm growth. In addition, smaller firms tended to grow faster. By 2003, larger firms grew faster than smaller ones and short-term liquidity was positively and significantly related to firm growth, while return on investment was no longer a significant determining factor. Our findings suggest that firms that finance internally or do not rely too heavily on indebtedness may end up growing slower during boom periods but they are the ones that survive and outperform after the bust.  相似文献   

Although existing research has examined the association between macroeconomic data and particular equity markets, little is known regarding the economic content of the latent factors common to international equity markets. This paper considers the macroeconomic information incorporated in unobserved common equity market factors, as well as the possibility that the macroeconomic sensitivities of the factors differ across alternative levels of volatility. Several models are estimated for 15 developed equity markets to examine the economic composition of the common factors, thereby providing an alternative perspective on the economic fundamentals underlying equity markets. A formal Bayesian selection process suggests that a common structure incorporating global and European factors is preferred to the baseline case of a single global factor or the extended scenario of dual global factors. The common factors are associated with a small set of macroeconomic variables.  相似文献   

By performing Grey relation analysis, this study elucidates the relationship between investor sentiment and price volatility in the Taiwanese stock market. A sequential relationship is identified between investor sentiment and price volatility, and ranked according to order of importance. Analytical results show that short sales volumes may be an individual leading indicator useful in observing the effects of sentiment on price volatility, followed by open interest put/call ratios and trading volumes, and buy/sell orders. Institutional investors are related, to a lesser extent, to price volatility and sentiment. Qualified foreign institutional investors, or more rational investors, are the least influenced by price volatility, followed by securities investment trust companies and dealers. TAIEX options exert the strongest influence on sentiment during the study period, making them a valuable reference for gauging price volatility.  相似文献   

This paper analyses to what extent the rejection of the investment dynamics implied by the Euler equation model with quadratic and symmetric adjustment costs can be attributed to the fact that the investment behavior of some firms in some periods is financially constrained by the availability of internal funds. I use a hierarchy of finance model which assumes that internally generated finance for investment is available at a lower cost than external finance, and implies the existence of distinct financial regimes depending on the firm’s financial policy. I estimate the empirical investment equation derived from the model using GMM, taking into account the endogeneity of the selection and allowing for debt finance, imperfect competition and the existence of a possible measurement error in the user cost of capital. The empirical results suggest that the Euler equation model is not seriously misspecified for a sub-sample of firms pursuing a particular financial policy.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new family of multivariate distributions based on Gram–Charlier and Edgeworth expansions. This family encompasses many of the univariate semi-non-parametric densities proposed in financial econometrics as marginal of its different formulations. Within this family, we focus on the analysis of the specifications that guarantee positivity to obtain well-defined multivariate semi-non-parametric densities. We compare two different multivariate distributions of the family with the multivariate Edgeworth–Sargan, Normal, Student's t and skewed Student's t in an in- and out-of-sample framework for financial returns data. Our results show that the proposed specifications provide a reasonably good performance, and would therefore be of interest for applications involving the modelling and forecasting of heavy-tailed distributions.  相似文献   

Mean–variance analysis is constrained to weight the frequency bands in a return time series equally. A more flexible approach allows the user to assign preference weightings to short or longer run frequencies. Wavelet analysis provides further flexibility, removing the need to assume asset returns are stationary and encompassing alternative return concepts. The resulting portfolio choice methodology establishes a reward–energy efficient frontier that allows the user to trade off expected reward against path risk, reflecting preferences as between long or short run variation. The approach leads to dynamic analogues of mean–variance such as band pass portfolios that are more sensitive to variability at designated scales.  相似文献   

We review the literature on equity home bias, a phenomenon stating that investors do not hold enough foreign equities for an optimally diversified portfolio. We begin by defining the home bias measurement and reviewing related evidence on the bias. Further, we consider four explanations for this puzzling phenomenon: barriers to foreign investment, country-specific risks, information asymmetry, and cultural and behavioral factors. We analyze the related theoretical arguments and empirical findings of prior studies within each explanation. Based on the discussion of previous studies, several avenues for future research are suggested. (JEL G11, G15, F41)  相似文献   

I test the assumption of constant relative risk aversion using U.S. macroeconomic data and analyse the role of wealth shocks in generating transitory changes in asset portfolio composition. I show that the risky asset share exhibits cyclical behavior and it is significantly (and positively) affected by unexpected variation in wealth. Therefore, the empirical evidence suggests that risk aversion is counter-cyclical. I also find that the portfolio share of housing wealth falls when the agent is faced with a positive wealth shock, i.e. housing is a hedge against unfavorable wealth fluctuations. Finally, considering a variety of wealth definitions, the results show that: (i) wealth effects are stronger for direct holdings of risky assets than for indirect holdings, which highlights that investors do not typically trade some assets such as pension or mutual funds; (ii) although significant, wealth effects on asset allocation are mainly temporary as agents quickly rebalance the asset portfolio composition (i.e. there is weak evidence of inertia or slow adjustment in asset allocation); and (iii) changes in expected returns partially explain the variation in risky asset allocation.  相似文献   

A Markov chain with an expanding non-uniform grid matching risk-neutral marginal distributions is constructed. Conditional distributions of the chain are in the variance gamma class with pre-specified skewness and excess kurtosis. Time change and space scale volatilities are calibrated from option data. For Markov chains, dynamically consistent sequences of bid and ask prices are developed by applying the theory of nonlinear expectations with drivers given by concave distortions applied to the one-step-ahead risk. The procedures are illustrated by generating dynamically consistent bid ask sequences for a variety of structured products, such as locally capped and floored cliquets, rolling calls and puts and hedged and unhedged variance swap contracts. Two-sided nonlinear barrier pricing of straddles is also accomplished. All methods are illustrated on the surface of JPM on October 15, 2009.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of financial education on foreign portfolio investment. We show that higher investor financial education fosters international diversification, and that its role is particularly pronounced where information problems and monitoring costs are likely to be more severe, that is, in countries where protection of minority shareholders' rights is weaker.We interpret this evidence as supportive of the conjecture that financial education lessens the informational constraints binding foreign investors.  相似文献   

This paper estimates an Heterogeneous Agent Model (HAM) on currency trader indices to explain the large shifts in profitability in currency styles surrounding the global financial crisis. In the model, fund managers allocate capital conditional on recent performance to a value strategy, a momentum strategy, and a carry strategy. Subsequent estimation results reveal that (1) a large part of the behavior of currency managers can indeed be described by these three simple strategies, and (2) currency managers shift capital from recent winning styles to recent losing styles, and hence apply a negative feedback strategy. We finally show that a negative feedback strategy is indeed optimal, but currency managers could improve performance by applying it less aggressively if they were able to.  相似文献   

Order splitting is a standard practice in trading: traders constantly scan the limit order book and choose to limit the size of their market orders to the quantity available at the best limit, thereby controlling the market impact of their orders. In this article, we focus on the other trades, multiple-limit trades that go through the best available price in the order book, or ‘trade-throughs’. We provide various statistics on trade-throughs: frequency, volume, intraday distribution, market impact, etc., and present a new method for the measurement of lead–lag parameters between assets, sectors or markets.  相似文献   

The methodologies and assumptions in financial integration studies are problematic and may lead to spurious empirical results. Using surrogate data analysis and the mutual prediction method of testing for nonlinear interdependence, it is feasible for an analyst, with a scant knowledge of the underlying dynamics of two dynamical systems, to show whether or not the systems are interdependent. This study applies these techniques in testing for nonlinear interdependence of three Chinese stock markets: Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong. The empirical results of the present study indicate that the stock market series are nonlinear and that the Chinese stock exchanges are nonlinearly interdependent. Specifically, the evidence indicates that Shanghai and Shenzhen markets are bi-directionally interdependent, while Shanghai and Hong Kong as well as Shenzhen and Hong Kong markets are unidirectionally interdependent, with the direction of interdependence going from the mainland's markets to the Hong Kong market.  相似文献   

The paper presents a new model to support the selection of a portfolio of stocks based on the results of the fieldwork undertaken with fund managers and using direct rating, MACBETH and optimisation techniques. The model consists of defining a benchmark portfolio (in this case, the Dow Jones Eurostoxx50) and scoring its different stocks according to several expected return criteria. Based on this multicriteria value analysis, a procedure is proposed to suggest adjustments to the proportions of the stocks in the portfolio. Finally, the risk of this modified portfolio is taken into consideration in an optimization module that includes constraints concerning the limits of variation for the proportion of each stock.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to investigate the impact of financial reforms on time-varying microstructures in emerging equity markets. We develop annual indicators of informational efficiency, market volatility and transaction costs, using daily data for a panel of 28 emerging markets over the 1996–2007 period. We then analyze the impact of insider trading regulations, trading system automation and accounting standardization on microstructures through a set of panel regressions controlling for financial development and simultaneous reforms. Our results suggest that emerging market microstructures are affected by economic and political context, are strongly related to one another and depend on specific institutional reforms.  相似文献   

行为金融是当前金融经济学的研究热点。它注重研究投资者的实际决策行为,解释金融市场上的各种现象。个人投资者行为分析是行为金融研究的重要组成部分。行为金融较为成功地解释了个人投资者的判断与决策、投资组合、策略与交易以及退休储蓄等方面的行为。  相似文献   

The Hong Kong securities markets have achieved the status of regional prominence in that they were ranked number two in Asia after Japan in early 1997. There is also a growing presence of overseas institutional trade from US and UK showing that the Hong Kong market is getting more internationalized. However, the ownership of Hong Kong's corporations is still closely held by a single shareholder or a group of close family members. Apart from the listing of mainland Chinese enterprises equities, Hong Kong should also look at the opportunities of the trading of Renminbi based derivative instruments and the listing of bonds and equities for corporations in other Asia economies.  相似文献   

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