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Facing the challenge of environmental degradation in Vietnam, a growing number of firms have begun to integrate environmental management systems into their business strategies and develop green product diversification strategies. On the basis of the stakeholder theory, this paper attempts to explore the influences of stakeholders on the implementation of horizontal and vertical green product diversification. Empirical results show that foreign customers play a significant role in driving companies to adopt strategy of green product diversification. For foreign‐invested enterprises, the effect is limited to the adoption of horizontal green product diversification. It further reveals that institutional weakness, lack of transparency, community stakeholders, and regulatory stakeholders have no significant effect on the corporate green product strategy.  相似文献   


This paper provides a nuanced insight into the workplace level interactions between a union and HRM systems within a union-management partnership arrangement. Soft outcomes of HRM systems typically suffer from compromised implementation by managers struggling to balance competing operational priorities, but we show how a union limits this poor implementation. Qualitative and documentary data were retrieved from a major UK retailer and a trade union to examine how union activity interacts with HRM delivery. Firstly, union communication systems enhanced or replaced company systems of employee voice. Secondly, union activity policed management implementation of HRM practices to limit their subjugation to short-term productivity increases, improving outcomes for employees and the HRM system for the company. These outcomes were achieved through oppositional engagement within the context of partnership, which points towards a persisting and productive pluralism within the cooperative rhetoric.  相似文献   

Nonparametric methods for the analysis of factorial designs with two fixed factors are considered. The sample sizes may be unequal and the distribution functions are not assumed to be continuous. Nonparametric hypotheses for the main effects and for the interaction are tested by ranking procedures where the statistics are weighted according to the different sample sizes within the levels of one factor. Simulations show that the approximations by the limiting normal distribution and by the t - and F -distributions are quite accurate if the samples sizes within the cells are at least 7 for all treatment combinations. Moreover, it turns out that the power for the weighted statistics is much higher than for the unweighted statistics. The application of the suggested procedures is demonstrated by the analysis of a data set from a clinical trial with ordered categorical data.  相似文献   

我国合伙制会计师事务所目前还处于初级阶段,但根据国内外的形势,今后会有较大发展。本文在调查研究的基础上,结合我国传统合伙文化及合伙制会计师事务所现状,提出了发展我国合伙制会计师事务所及其内部管理体制改革的一些意见和建议。  相似文献   

Ethical issues involved in the design of the ‘PROPATRIA’ probiotica trial are discussed. This randomized clinical trial appeared to be well conducted according to accepted good practices. The finding that the treatment was actually rather harmful, and that despite this, and despite a built‐in interim analysis, the trial was not stopped earlier, led to strong criticism in the media. I argue that ‘accepted good practices’ need to be reconsidered in the light of this experience. First, a much stronger distinction needs to be recognized between the immediate interests of the patients being treated in the trial and the interests of future patients of future doctors elsewhere. Secondly, it is in the interests of future patients that well‐conducted clinical trials are accepted by society. As it is unavoidable that an occasional trial will result in an unpredicted severely negative outcome, ethical screening committees must ensure that those performing a trial can never be accused of putting the interest of ‘science’ above the interest of their own patients when such ‘accidents’ happen. There are two consequences of this. First, the design of a trial should also explicitly lead to minimizing the number of patients who are treated by the researchers with a potentially seriously harmful medicine. Secondly, the disadvantages of triple‐blinding far outweigh the advantages. Although it might at best only have saved a few lives if the PROPATRIA trial been re‐designed with these issues in mind, I argue that the scientific value of the trial would not have been significantly reduced; the damage to medical research, and hence to future patients, would have been substantially less. Closer inspection of the data from the PROPATRIA trial brings a new and quite unexpected failing to light. The decision for stopping the trial early was accidentally based on the one‐sided test looking in the wrong direction, partly through the inadequacy of the output of the statistical package, SPSS and partly through lack of statistical expertise on the part of the users. If the envisaged one‐sided stopping rule had been used correctly, the trial would in fact have been terminated at the time of the interim analysis ‘for futility’; it was at this moment highly unlikely that a significant end‐result in favour of probiotica was going to be attained. The decision to continue the trial was a result of looking at the test statistic ‘in the wrong direction’. In effect, the trial was continued because there was still a good chance to show that probiotica is actually very harmful. I recommend that data‐monitoring committees should always be advised by a professional statistician, who is not blinded to the treatment allocation.  相似文献   

谁是企业主人,在理论界还没有一个定论。到目前为止,存在两种观点:有人认为企业主人是股东;还有人认为企业主人是员工。本文从核心利益相关者理论的角度探究了企业主人的问题,认为作为核心利益相关者的股东、管理者和员工都应该成为企业的主人。但在现阶段,这三者在企业主人的地位上还存在着不平等。  相似文献   

Partnerships increasingly play a major role in determining and implementing major policy drives in localities. Under-standing how they may provide value is therefore essential to understanding modern governance principles. This article describes action research aiming to develop a conceptualization of fac-tors inherent in collaborative forms and, hence, about their practicality as governance tools. Different interpreta-tions of what collaborative governance is intended to achieve are first reviewed. Two areas that seriously affect the ability of collaborations to deliver their potential, structural complexity and diversity are then reviewed. The article concludes by considering what is needed to make collaborative governance work.  相似文献   

李震 《企业活力》2012,(4):27-30
电子商务的运作形态已经转变为合作竞争的形式,形成了电子商务生态圈,具有系统性、动态性、开放性、共赢性、区域性和增值性的特点,存在着各种利益相关者。不同商务模式的电子商务生态圈,赢利模式和利益关系各不相同,从而形成了不同的价值网络。  相似文献   

本文以W市烟草公司为例,在建立绩效指标体系理论模型的基础上,从相关利益主体角度出发,构建了双层双轨绩效考核指标体系,揭示了烟草公司绩效考核体系建立的过程、难点和方法,为其他烟草公司绩效考核提供借鉴。  相似文献   

曾希  熊英 《价值工程》2007,26(12):73-76
首先指出从供应商受益角度,对供应商合作伙伴关系进行研究的重要意义。然后以供应商提供的产品类型为标准,对供应商合作伙伴关系进行了分类;并提出了描述供应商合作伙伴关系的七个特性以及供应商的应对策略。  相似文献   

侯丽丽 《价值工程》2011,30(21):250-250
近年来,高校大学生群体的思想道德素质积极与消极并存。因此,将中国传统文化精神纳入大学生道德体系的构建中是高校思想道德建设工作的新课题。为了摆脱大学生思想道德教育面临的困境,要有的放矢的对大学生进行中华民族优秀文化教育,以提高大学生思想道德素质。  相似文献   

"龙头企业+农户"合作模式是目前我国农村地区的农业产业化采用率最高的经营模式之一,文中采用了文献综述的方法,对农户与龙头企业合作及不合作的关系进行了归纳整理分析,发现农户与龙头企业合约不履行情况时有发生,两者之间的关系需要进一步改进。  相似文献   

曾志伟 《价值工程》2010,29(7):43-44
企业战略源于对企业社会责任的研究,确定的是企业与社会的关系。因此,企业战略管理是能够将企业对社会与伦理的关注与传统的对生意的关注紧密结合的管理方法和途径。在把握企业战略与社会责任的关系基础上,通过分析基于利益相关者角度的企业战略伦理,探讨企业战略管理中的伦理需要,可为管理者解决企业伦理问题和冲突提供有效的解决途径和方法。  相似文献   

颜望星 《物流科技》2007,30(10):107-108
文章根据军事虚拟物流组织合作伙伴选择的特点,给出了弹性管理的基本定义,论证了合作网存在的可能性,并以关系理论的五个维度为指导,提出了弹性管理的五条调整规则。  相似文献   

合作伙伴关系的风险分析及其规避   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘长利  孙宏英  黄珂 《物流科技》2006,29(6):133-134
本文从三个方面阐述了合作风险产生的根源:供应链成员企业各自追求利益最大化、来自供应链上“瓶颈”企业的局限和合作双方的长期博弈行为,并提出了规避合作伙伴关系风险的有效手段.  相似文献   

本文首先强调了供应链伙伴关系的全新性和关系管理的重要地位,进而阐释了关系管理运作的主要策略及其阶段性作用模式,并分析和探讨了关系管理对供应链绩效的支持机制,提出了关于这一机制的结构性认知框架。  相似文献   

朱丽丽 《价值工程》2011,30(14):6-7
本文通过总结我国合资铁路公司的社会责任履行情况,发现合资铁路公司的社会责任主要体现在建设发展责任、运输经营责任、安全生产责任、维护稳定责任、社会公益责任和环境保护责任这六大方面,而且各项责任相互关联,相互影响,共同服务于满足客货运输需求的核心目标。并指出合资铁路公司积极承担社会责任有助于树立良好的企业形象、提高声誉,为公司积累无形资产,有助于企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

随着企业治理理论由委托代理理论向利益相关者理论演进,企业绩效测量也由传统性财务绩效测量逐步向基于利益相关者价值取向的战略性绩效测量发展。本文运用绩效棱柱模型从利益相关者满意、战略、流程、能力和利益相关者贡献五个内在相互匹配的维度为测量组织管理绩效提供一个全面系统的指标框架,最后进行了运用分析。  相似文献   

张磊 《物流科技》2010,33(12):122-124
分析了浙江信息学院目前存在的供应链关系和合作模式,这些模式主要包括内部计划合作模式、客户关系管理模式、合作共赢模式等。通过对这些模式和合作关系的分析,旨在探讨这些模式及合作关系的主要特点,既有的优势以及存在的不足,并指出了需要改进的方面和未来的发展方向。对于学院根据自身优势重新合理定位,更好地整合和利用现有资源,起到了一定指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

基于PPP项目的风险分担机制研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安丽苑 《基建优化》2007,28(5):10-12
公私合作模式(PPP)是应用于公共基础设施建设的一种融资模式,由于参与者多,风险分担是PPP项目取得成功的关键.目前对PPP项目风险分担机制的研究主要有两种:一是政府与私人投资者双方之间的风险分担机制.二是项目各参与方之间的风险分担机制.重点论述和评价了国内外关于PPP项目风险分担的涵义、风险分担的原则、风险分担条件、风险分担谈判过程、风险分担矩阵和风险分担的相关模型,并对风险分担的研究作了进一步展望.  相似文献   

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