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领导方式对企业管理具有重要影响。变革型领导与交易型领导不同的内在维度导致二者在员工工作绩效、员工满意度、组织承诺、组织变革与创新等方面有着不同的作用。多数学者认为变革型领导在各方面较交易型领导都更为优秀,然而部分学者却证明领导方式与企业组织文化的匹配性才是决定组织管理成功与否的重要因素。摒弃对交易型领导的偏见,选择适合的领导方式对企业的发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

基于294名基层领导干部的实证调查数据,本文建立结构方程模型进行分析。结果表明:变革型领导行为对下属的工作卷入和部门绩效表现具有显著正向预测作用,工作卷入在变革型领导与部门绩效表现之间具有部分中介作用;消极例外管理交易型领导行为对工作卷入具有显著负向预测作用,工作卷入在消极例外管理和部门绩效表现间具有完全中介作用。分层回归的结果表明:变革型领导在权变奖励对部门绩效表现的预测作用中具有增量效应。结果证明变革型领导的普遍有效性和交易型领导有效性的权变性。  相似文献   

伦理型领导对领导有效性的研究是领导学研究的重点和热点之一。但是,现有研究很少涉及伦理型领导在中国情境下的适用性。本文以中国企业为对象,运用相关统计与分析方法对随机抽样获得的问卷调查数据进行研究,试图探索出中国情境下实施伦理型领导的可行性和必要性,以及应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

自上个世纪格林利夫提出仆人式领导概念以来,仆人式领导成为众多学者的研究对象,并在实践中得到广泛的应用。从历史和文化两个方面研究证明,领导理念在当代管理阶段经历了交易型领导和变革性领导以后,领导的关注焦点从组织转变为下属,必然会过渡到仆人领导理念阶段。这一变动趋势以及仆人领导理念对我们现时有很大的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

近年来关于创业团队的研究成为一个热门的研究领域,而关于创业团队领导方面的研究较少。从创业团队的角度去研究领导理论,或者说关注创业团队领导,是近几年出现的有关创业团队研究的新方向,也是管理理论、领导理论新的热点问题。  相似文献   

Projects and other temporary forms of organizing are different from standard organizational processes. As most leadership theories are based on the assumption of stable organizational environments, the increase in temporary forms of organizing poses specific challenges to leadership theories. We evaluate existing leadership theories in terms of their applicability on temporary environments and identify theories, which are adaptable to temporary settings and therefore may be the basis for empirical investigations in this field. On this basis we derive a research agenda by proposing individual leadership theories and combinations of different leadership approaches to be further assessed in research.  相似文献   

李梓涵昕 《价值工程》2011,30(35):285-286
对于服务型领导的研究,由于众多学者认为服务者与领导者角色不可能同时集中与同一个体,所以自从由Greenleaf于1977年提出后长时间处于空白期。随着知识经济的到来,服务型领导的相关研究逐渐成为热点问题。文章归纳和总结了服务型领导的内涵、结构与测量等方面的研究成果,并对服务型领导未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Attributional complexity refers to the capability of discriminating and integrating dimensions related to social judgment in order to understand social behaviour. While previous leadership research has examined the role of leader attributions, it has neglected the role of attributional complexity. We theorize and find support for a relationship between higher attributional complexity and transformational leadership behaviours, based on a sample of 100 leaders and their direct reports. Leaders who were more complex in their social judgments, attributing complex external and internal causes to others' behaviours and actions, were seen as more transformational by their direct reports. Our findings suggest that attributional complexity is a construct that warrants consideration in future research on both transformational leadership and leadership attributions.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the case of the Professional Institute of the Southern Region (IPRES), an institute of higher education in the State University of Morelos, with the aim of showing the measurement results of organizational climate before and after the change of the principal to know some internal features and describe the organizational climate of workers' perception in a transition stage; besides, the influence of the current director's leadership is analyzed in the achievement of organizational goals and how the perception of organizational climate or working environment can be affected by female leadership is also dealt with. In Mexico, there are more and more women running various organizations, including those belonging to the field of education, and universities are no exception. On the other hand, the type of leadership being exercised can promote or hinder the proper performance of the institute and may be a factor of distinction and influence the behavior of those who integrate it; therefore, knowing how it works provides feedback about the processes that determine organizational behavior and the working environment.  相似文献   

改革开放,特别是"十五"以来,中国民营经济取得了长足的发展,在不断扩大规模的同时,企业的管理质量也在提高,逐渐摆脱家长式的管理,处在一个过渡的时期。民营企业在其企业生命周期的不同阶段,其人力资源有着不同的特点,按照专有性和价值高低不同,分为四个层次,再结合领导力的匹配和相互作用问题,从魅力型的领导到参与型领导的过渡。本文从人力资源的角度,结合经典激励、动机理论做一个理论推演,在这样一个过程当中,需要变革型领导和交易型领导的综合作用,来推进中国民营企业管理模式和当代世界先进管理方法的接轨。  相似文献   

The leadership assessment questionnaire (LAQ) is a 360 degree survey instrument designed to help organizational leaders identify their own style of leadership and formulate appropriate development objectives. It is designed to provide avenues for development of an executive team in which multiple leadership archetypes are represented. The LAQ is based on eight leadership archetypes – strategist, change-catalyst, transactor, builder, innovator, processor, coach, and communicator. These archetypes are representations of ways of leading in a complex organizational environment. In this article, we discuss the development, design, and psychometric analysis of the LAQ. We detail the conceptual foundations of the questionnaire and the psychometric methods used to confirm the validity and reliability of the instrument. We conclude with avenues for future research.  相似文献   

领导力的四大核心素质,是通过长期的各种科学文化知识学习以及思想道德修养培养累积而成的。领导者要具备更加高效的执行能力与战略眼光,需要领导者在构建管理领导架构的过程中,有战略性地推动其竞争力的形成。真正优秀的领导者并不在于其个人有着顶尖的执行能力或者战略分析能力,而是能够充分挖掘组织内部所蕴藏的各项资源,能够把各项有效的资源投入组织的全方位发展与日常工作的开展中,能进一步地实现组织的中长期目标,从而实现组织的全面进步。  相似文献   

所谓的情商是指识别和管理他人和自己情绪的能力。它与领导力(领导能力)之间的关系,越来越被世界各国不同领域的专家所重视,已成为现代社会的一个热门话题。在21世纪,人们在管理中强调情感领导、魅力领一导,领导者以高尚的情感鼓励人、激励人,体现了文明时代民主领导的魅力。  相似文献   

Organizational knowledge creation integrates context, knowledge assets, and knowledge creation processes throughout the organization. Using organizational knowledge creation theory as an organizing framework, we conduct a literature review that shows prior work has focused on the role of central, upper‐echelon, leadership in knowledge creation processes, without devoting much attention to context and knowledge assets. To remedy these weaknesses, we develop a new framework for situational leadership in organizational knowledge creation. The framework is based on a continuum that ranges from centralized to distributed leadership at three layers of activity: a core layer of local knowledge creation; a conditional layer that provides the resources and context for knowledge creation; and a structural layer that forms the overall frame and direction for knowledge creation in the organization. We discuss the implications of this framework for theory and practice.  相似文献   

臧红雨  王巍 《物流科技》2007,30(12):142-144
领导团队的管理行为直接影响到企业的生存和发展。对领导团队的测评通常采用绝对进步效度,即通过领导团队绩效的对照期指标比值进行测算的方法。这种方法显然忽视了测评团队客观基础条件和环境的作用,难以反映出团队付出的努力所产生的变化。应用数据包络分析方法。结合领导团队的有效努力程度,通过个体相对进步指数测算相对进步效度。真实地反映领导团队在等参照前提下的有效进步程度,有助于领导团队的自我评价并为企业管理部门提供有效的测评依据。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe the design of Global Leadership Life Inventory (GlobeInvent), a 360-degree leadership feedback instrument. This instrument is presently used in executive programmes to help identify the operational mode of individual executives. Proper use of this instrument enables the user to determinate those areas of leadership behaviour where improvement is needed.

Because most studies pay attention only to the surface manifestations of leadership, most leadership feedback instruments, in turn, are not concerned with the psychodynamic processes that underlie leaders' character and behaviour. To address this gap, the GlobeInvent is based on a clinical orientation to the study of leadership. This approach provides a more complete analysis of the ‘inner theatre’ of leaders?–?that is, what makes them tick?–?as well as measuring the dynamic, two-way relationship between leaders and followers.

The first step in designing the instrument was to pinpoint significant themes pertaining to exemplary leadership. To that end, semi-structured interviews with senior executives were held. The leadership dimensions that emerged from that process were then tested on an international sample of senior executives. Analysis of the data from the testing confirmed the existence of twelve robust dimensions with a high reliability and internal consistency.

Because the GlobeInvent is a 360-degree feedback instrument, this article addresses differences between ‘Self’ scores and scores given by others (‘Observers’), gender differences in scoring and the influence of nationality, management experience and age on test results. The implications of using such an instrument as a 360-degree feedback tool are reviewed, and suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

随着经济、社会的发展,领导力已成为一个企业组织获得成功的重要因素,领导力问题越来越引起人们的关注。为了更好地掌握领导力,有必要对领导力进行全方位了解、思考和探讨。  相似文献   

谢世杰 《价值工程》2010,29(35):297-298
非权力领导力是企业领导提高管理效能的重要基础,论文在介绍非权力领导力内涵的基础上,从品格、形象、自尊、胸襟、知识、关爱六个方面来探讨非权力领导力的获取。  相似文献   

王文敏 《价值工程》2013,(29):137-139
本文从影响角色定位的因素、如何做好角色定位、正副职之间如何处理定位冲突等方面,对领导如何准确定位个人角色进行论述。针对主要领导岗位调整后的角色转换,从保持良好心态、尽快进入角色、时刻做到"在状态"等方面阐述分析,对现实工作中领导干部科学定位角色、更快适应岗位调整、建立高效协作的管理团队有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article presents what the authors have learned about managing networks of public, private and nonprofit service providers in the context of decentralized and devolved governmental regimes - what the authors have termed the hollow state. The characteristics of the hollow state are discussed along with two strategies for managing networks of organizations that jointly produce a public service - collaboration and contracting. The article revisits the authors' preliminary theory of network effectiveness, based on a four-city study of mental health in light of an evolutionary study conducted on one city's mental health system over four years.  相似文献   

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