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Theory on the pricing of financial assets can be traced back to Bernoulli's famous St Petersburg paper of 1738. Since then, research into asset pricing and derivative valuation has been influenced by a couple of dozen major contributions published during the twentieth century. These seminal works have underpinned the key ideas of mean–variance optimisation, equilibrium analysis and no-arbitrage arguments. This paper presents a historical review of these important contributions to finance.  相似文献   

We derive an explicit formula for the price-dividend ratio of a generalized version of Abel’s asset pricing model. This model is generalized in two ways: first, consumption (dividend) growth is assumed to be an AR(1) process subject to Gaussian random shocks, and second, the investor’s preferences are allowed to be a convex combination of internal and external habits. With an internal habit weight, 50%, and a coefficient of risk aversion, 3.25, simulation results match the historic US equity premium and risk free interest rate.   相似文献   

Liquidity biases in asset pricing tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microstructure noise in security prices biases the results of empirical asset pricing specifications, particularly when security-level explanatory variables are cross-sectionally correlated with the amount of noise. We focus on tests of whether measures of illiquidity, which are likely to be correlated with the noise, are priced in the cross-section of stock returns, and show a significant upward bias in estimated return premiums for an array of illiquidity measures in Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) monthly return data. The upward bias is larger when illiquid securities are included in the sample, but persists even for NYSE/Amex stocks after decimalization. We introduce a methodological correction to eliminate the biases that simply involves weighted least squares (WLS) rather than ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation, and find evidence of smaller, but still significant, return premiums for illiquidity after implementing the correction.  相似文献   

We identify a number of unintended consequences of grouping when the capital asset pricing model is true and when it is false. When the model is true, grouping may cause fundamental problems with the most basic capital asset pricing and cross-sectional regression relationships. For example, with traditional grouping, the market portfolio is super-efficient––unless securities in each group are value weighted. Yet, when the model is grossly false, grouping may cause the model to appear to be absolutely correct. Ironically, the only way this can occur is when securities in each group are value weighted. To make matters worse, when the model is false, the slope of a cross-sectional regression of expected returns on betas fitted to grouped data may be either steeper or flatter than when the regression is fitted to ungrouped data. In other words, grouping may exacerbate the very problem it was meant to alleviate.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the linkage of microstructure, accounting, and asset pricing. We determine the relationship between firm characteristics as captured by accounting and market data and a firm's probability of private information-based trade (PIN) as estimated from trade data. This allows us to determine what types of firms have high information risk. We then use these data to create an instrument for PIN, the PPIN, which we can estimate from firm-specific data. We show that PPINs have explanatory power for the cross-section of asset returns in long sample tests. We also investigate whether information risk vitiates the influence of other variables on asset returns. We develop a PPIN factor and show that it dominates the Amihud factor in asset returns. Our results provide strong support for information risk affecting asset returns in long sample tests.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the time variation in transaction costs relative to excess returns, in a panel consisting of 10 international equity indices over the time period 1984–2005. This is undertaken by extending the consumption CAPM (CCAPM) model proposed by Campbell and Shiller (Rev. Financ. Stud. 1:195–228, 1988) to incorporate time varying proportional transaction costs. We rigorously address both the cross-country heterogeneity in the estimated model and endogeneity. We find strong evidence that suggests transaction costs should be included as an additional explanatory variable in the CCAPM. This leads to the conclusion that transaction costs should be included in asset pricing models as their stochastic process impacts directly on private consumption expenditure.
Andros GregoriouEmail:

Yue Qiu  Tian Xie 《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(10):1673-1687
Empirical evidence has demonstrated that certain factors in asset pricing models are more important than others for explaining specific portfolio returns. We propose a technique that evaluates the factors included in popular linear asset pricing models. Our method has the advantage of simultaneously ranking the relative importance of those pricing factors through comparing their model weights. As an empirical verification, we apply our method to portfolios formed following Fama and French [A five-factor asset pricing model. J. Financ. Econ., 2015, 116, 1–22] and demonstrate that models accommodated to our factor rankings do improve their explanatory power in both in-sample and out-of-sample analyses.  相似文献   

This paper offers an alternative method for estimating expected returns. The proposed reward beta approach performs well empirically and is based on asset pricing theory. The empirical section compares this approach with the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and the Fama–French three‐factor model. In out‐of‐sample testing, both the CAPM and the three‐factor model are rejected. In contrast, the reward beta approach easily passes the same test. In robustness checks, the reward beta approach consistently outperforms both the CAPM and the three‐factor model.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether excess volatility of asset prices and serial correlations of stock monthly returns may be explained by the interactions between fundamentalists and chartists. Fundamentalists forecast future prices cum dividends through an adaptive learning rule. In contrast, chartists forecast future prices based on the observation of past price movements. Numerical simulations reveal that the interplay of fundamentalists and chartists robustly generates excess volatility of asset prices, volatility clustering, trends in prices (i.e. positive serial correlations of returns) over short horizons and oscillations in prices (i.e. negative serial correlations of returns) over long horizons, often observed in financial data. Moreover, we find that the memory of the learning rule plays a key role in explaining the above-mentioned stylized facts. In particular, we establish that excess volatility of asset prices; volatility clustering and autocorrelation of returns at different horizons emerge when fundamentalists have short memory. However, volatility clustering as well as short-run and long-run dependencies, observed in financial time series, are more pronounced when fundamentalists have longer memory.  相似文献   

Although relatively obscure, the market for distressed real estate tax liens exists in over 30 U.S. states, with a market size estimated to be around 20 billion dollars. While this niche asset class is relatively unknown to academics, internet advertising hypes tax liens to the populace as providing extraordinary returns. Not yet scientifically studied, this market provides a fertile and untouched arena for the application of asset pricing theory. Using insights from several areas of asset pricing, we formulate and test a pricing model for tax liens. The empirical evidence supports the pricing model, the (increasing) competitiveness of the tax lien market, and an unfair tax auction bidding mechanism for property owners that may provide extraordinary returns to investors, lending some credibility to the industry claims. We suggest avenues for extensions and further research.  相似文献   

Summary. In this paper, we develop an agency-theoretic extension of the Lucas asset pricing model and examine the resulting asset price dynamics. In the model, an agent of the firm can expand or contract the firms output and dividend payments in response to exogenous shocks, although expansions become increasingly costly for the agent to maintain. Analysis of numerical simulations shows that the time-series of equilibrium asset prices exhibits both significant time-varying conditional heteroskedasticity, and longer memory persistence.We would like to thank Beth Shorish for her patience and guidance during this project, as well as conference participants at the 1998 North American Econometric Society Summer Meetings, Montreal, and the 53rd Econometric Society European Meetings, Berlin for their many useful comments.  相似文献   

We use Australian data to test the Conditional Capital Asset Pricing Model (Jagannathan and Wang, 1996). Our results are generally supportive: the model performs well compared with a number of competing asset pricing models. In contrast to the study by Jagannathan and Wang, however, we find that the inclusion of the market for human capital does not save the concept of the time‐independent market beta (it remains insignificant). We find support for the role of a small‐minus‐big factor in pricing the cross‐section of returns and find grounds to disagree with Jagannathan and Wang's argument that this factor proxies for misspecified market risk.  相似文献   

This article derives international equity pricing relations by taking into account inflationary exchange risk under various forms of market segmentation/integration. In a mean-variance framework, a two-country, two-period, two-goods model is analyzed under three different market structures: segmented, mildly segmented and integrated. It is found that as long as investors are consuming imported goods, in the presence of market frictions, inflationary exchange risk is an important determinant of real equity prices. This is the case because inflationary exchange rate affects the real purchasing power of investors.
Sema BayraktarEmail:

Zhang (2005) and Cooper (2006) provide a theoretical risk‐based explanation for the value premium by suggesting a nexus between firms’ book‐to‐market ratio and investment irreversibility. They argue that unproductive physical capacity is costly in contracting conditions but provides growth opportunities during economic expansions, resulting in covariant risk between firms’ investment in tangible assets and market‐wide returns. This article uses the Australian accounting environment to empirically test this theory – a test that is not possible using US data. Consistent with the theoretical argument, tangibility is priced in equity returns, and augmenting the Fama and French three‐factor model with a tangibility factor increases model explanatory power.  相似文献   

In addition to tail macroeconomic events (e.g. wars, financial crises and pandemics), climate change poses a threat to financial stability — with extreme climatic events increasing in frequency and intensity and policy risks putting pressure on asset valuations. We study the effect of a changing climate on asset prices and interest rates through the lens of a dynamic CAPM with rare disasters, time-varying risk and recursive preferences. In our model, a changing climate makes tail events more frequent and less predictable, increasing the premium of climate risk; interestingly, this change may not be fully reflected in the overall market risk premium that includes both components of risk: macroeconomic and environmental. Our results also support the hypothesis of a declining real rate of interest as the planet warms, while the increasing risk of climate policy reduces the participation of brown assets in the market portfolio.  相似文献   

An ICAPM which includes bank credit growth as a state variable explains 94% of the cross-sectional variation in the average returns on the 25 Fama–French portfolios. We find compelling evidence that bank credit growth is priced in the cross-section of expected stock returns, even after controlling for well-documented asset pricing factors. These results are robust to the inclusion of industry portfolios in the set of test assets. They are also robust to the addition of firm characteristics and lagged instruments in the factor model. Bank credit growth is important because of its ability to predict business cycle variables as well as future labor income growth. These findings underscore the relevance of bank credit growth in stock pricing.  相似文献   

We use an investment-based asset pricing model to examine the effect of firms’ investments relative to cash holdings on stock returns, assuming holding cash lowers transaction costs. We find that mimicking portfolios based on investments relative to non-cash capital and based on investments relative to cash capital are priced for various testing portfolios. On average, momentum stocks and growth stocks are more sensitive to the factor constructed using investment relative to cash.  相似文献   

We study a production economy with regime switching in the conditional mean and volatility of productivity growth. The representative agent has generalized disappointment aversion (GDA) preferences. We show that volatility risk in productivity growth carries a positive and sizable risk premium in levered equity. Our model can endogenously generate long-run risks in the volatility of consumption growth observed in the data. We show that introducing leverage with a procyclical dividend process consistent with the data is critical for the GDA preferences to have a large impact on equity returns.  相似文献   

We examine the predictive ability of stock price ratios, stock return dispersion and distribution measures for firm level returns. Analysis typically focusses on market level returns, however, for the underlying asset pricing model to hold, firm-level predictability should be present. Additionally, we examine the economic content of predictability by considering whether the predictive coefficient has the theoretically correct sign and whether it is related to future output growth. While stock returns reflect investor expectations regarding future economic conditions, they are often too noisy to act as predictor. We use the time-varying predictive coefficient as it reflects investor confidence in the predictive relation. Results suggest that a subset of stock price ratios have predictive power for individual firm stock returns, exhibit the correct coefficient sign and has predictive power for output growth. Each of these ratios has a measure of fundamentals divided by the stock price and has a positive relation with stock returns and output growth. This implies that as investors expect future economic conditions to improve and earnings and dividends to rise, so expected stock returns will increase. This supports the cash flow channel as the avenue through which stock return predictability arises.  相似文献   

In this article a multicountry model of international asset pricing is developed. This model incorporates a more general representation of the degree of segmentation in the international capital market. Specifically,N types of investors andN classes of securities are postulated. In general, thenth (n=1, 2, 3, ...N) type of investor has access to all security markets up to and including thenth class. Using the standard mean-variance framework, closed form equilibrium risk return relationships are obtained for all classes of securities. It is also shown that class 1 securities are priced as if markets are integrated, classn (n=2, 3 ...N) securities commandn different risk premia. Finally, the nature of the model specification allows us to investigate the effects of partial integration on investor welfare. It is shown that, in general, all investors prefer full integration to any form of partial integration.  相似文献   

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