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This paper develops a new approach to obtain the price and risk sensitivities of basket options which have a volatility smile. Using this approach, the Black–Scholes model and the Stochastic Volatility Inspired model have been used to obtain an approximate analytical pricing formula for basket options with a volatility smile. It is found that our approximate formula is quite accurate by comparing it with Monte Carlo simulations. It is also proved the option value of our approach is consistent with the option value generated by Levy’s and Gentle’s approaches for typical ranges of volatility. Further, we give a theoretical proof that the option values from Levy’s and Gentle’s works are the upper bound and the lower bound, respectively, for our option value. The calibration procedure and a practical example are provided. The main advantage of our approach is that it provides accurate and easily implemented basket option prices with volatility smile and hedge parameters and avoids the need to use time-consuming numerical procedures such as Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a remarkable growth of volatility options. In particular, VIX options are among the most actively trading contracts at Chicago Board Options Exchange. These options exhibit upward sloping volatility skew and the shape of the skew is largely independent of the volatility level. To take into account these stylized facts, this article introduces a novel two-factor stochastic volatility model with mean reversion that accounts for stochastic skew consistent with empirical evidence. Importantly, the model is analytically tractable. In this sense, I solve the pricing problem corresponding to standard-start, as well as to forward-start European options through the Fast Fourier Transform. To illustrate the practical performance of the model, I calibrate the model parameters to the quoted prices of European options on the VIX index. The calibration results are fairly good indicating the ability of the model to capture the shape of the implied volatility skew associated with VIX options.  相似文献   

The common practice of using different volatilities for options of different strikes in the Black-Scholes (1973) model imposes inconsistent assumptions on underlying securities. The phenomenon is referred to as the volatility smile. This paper addresses this problem by replacing the Brownian motion or, alternatively, the Geometric Brownian motion in the Black-Scholes model with a two-piece quadratic or linear function of the Brownian motion. By selecting appropriate parameters of this function we obtain a wide range of shapes of implied volatility curves with respect to option strikes. The model has closed-form solutions for European options, which enables fast calibration of the model to market option prices. The model can also be efficiently implemented in discrete time for pricing complex options.
G1  相似文献   

The implied volatility skew has received relatively little attention in the literature on short-term asymptotics for financial models with jumps, despite its importance in model selection and calibration. We rectify this by providing high order asymptotic expansions for the at-the-money implied volatility skew, under a rich class of stochastic volatility models with independent stable-like jumps of infinite variation. The case of a pure-jump stable-like Lévy model is also considered under the minimal possible conditions for the resulting expansion to be well defined. Unlike recent results for “near-the-money” option prices and implied volatility, the results herein aid in understanding how the implied volatility smile near expiry is affected by important features of the continuous component, such as the leverage and vol-of-vol parameters. As intermediary results, we obtain high order expansions for at-the-money digital call option prices, which furthermore allow us to infer analogous results for the delta of at-the-money options. Simulation results indicate that our asymptotic expansions give good fits for options with maturities up to one month, underpinning their relevance in practical applications, and an analysis of the implied volatility skew in recent S&P 500 options data shows it to be consistent with the infinite variation jump component of our models.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a novel market model where asset variances–covariances evolve stochastically. In addition shocks on asset return dynamics are assumed to be linearly correlated with shocks driving the variance–covariance matrix. Analytical tractability is preserved since the model is linear-affine and the conditional characteristic function can be determined explicitly. Quite remarkably, the model provides prices for vanilla options consistent with observed smile and skew effects, while making it possible to detect and quantify the correlation risk in multiple-asset derivatives like basket options. In particular, it can reproduce and quantify the asymmetric conditional correlations observed on historical data for equity markets. As an illustrative example, we provide explicit pricing formulas for rainbow “Best-of” options.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with option pricing in an incomplete market driven by a jump-diffusion process. We price options according to the principle of utility indifference. Our main contribution is an efficient multi-nomial tree method for computing the utility indifference prices for both European and American options. Moreover, we conduct an extensive numerical study to examine how the indifference prices vary in response to changes in the major model parameters. It is shown that the model reproduces ‘crash-o-phobia’ and other features of market prices of options. In addition, we find that the volatility smile generated by the model corresponds to a zero mean jump size, while the volatility skew corresponds to a negative mean jump size.  相似文献   

We evaluate the binomial option pricing methodology (OPM) by examining simulated portfolio strategies. A key aspect of our study involves sampling from the empirical distribution of observed equity returns. Using a Monte Carlo simulation, we generate equity prices under known volatility and return parameters. We price American–style put options on the equity and evaluate the risk–adjusted performance of various strategies that require writing put options with different maturities and moneyness characteristics. The performance of these strategies is compared to an alternative strategy of investing in the underlying equity. The relative performance of the strategies allows us to identify biases in the binomial OPM leading to the well–known volatility smile . By adjusting option prices so as to rule out dominated option strategies in a mean–variance context, we are able to reduce the pricing errors of the OPM with respect to option prices obtained from the LIFFE. Our results suggest that a simple recalibration of inputs may improve binomial OPM performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an empirically-based, non-parametric option pricing model to evaluate S&P 500 index options. Given the fact that the model is derived under the real measure, an equilibrium asset pricing model, instead of no-arbitrage, must be assumed. Using the histogram of past S&P 500 index returns, we find that most of the volatility smile documented in the literature disappears.  相似文献   

The rough Bergomi model, introduced by Bayer et al. [Quant. Finance, 2016, 16(6), 887–904], is one of the recent rough volatility models that are consistent with the stylised fact of implied volatility surfaces being essentially time-invariant, and are able to capture the term structure of skew observed in equity markets. In the absence of analytical European option pricing methods for the model, we focus on reducing the runtime-adjusted variance of Monte Carlo implied volatilities, thereby contributing to the model’s calibration by simulation. We employ a novel composition of variance reduction methods, immediately applicable to any conditionally log-normal stochastic volatility model. Assuming one targets implied volatility estimates with a given degree of confidence, thus calibration RMSE, the results we demonstrate equate to significant runtime reductions—roughly 20 times on average, across different correlation regimes.  相似文献   

The Black-Scholes* option pricing model is commonly applied to value a wide range of option contracts. However, the model often inconsistently prices deep in-the-money and deep out-of-the-money options. Options professionals refer to this well-known phenomenon as a volatility ‘skew’ or ‘smile’. In this paper, we examine an extension of the Black-Scholes model developed by Corrado and Su that suggests skewness and kurtosis in the option-implied distributions of stock returns as the source of volatility skews. Adapting their methodology, we estimate option-implied coefficients of skewness and kurtosis for four actively traded stock options. We find significantly nonnormal skewness and kurtosis in the option-implied distributions of stock returns.  相似文献   

The skew effect in market implied volatility can be reproduced by option pricing theory based on stochastic volatility models for the price of the underlying asset. Here we study the performance of the calibration of the S&P 500 implied volatility surface using the asymptotic pricing theory under fast mean-reverting stochastic volatility described in [8]. The time-variation of the fitted skew-slope parameter shows a periodic behaviour that depends on the option maturity dates in the future, which are known in advance. By extending the mathematical analysis to incorporate model parameters which are time-varying, we show this behaviour can be explained in a manner consistent with a large model class for the underlying price dynamics with time-periodic volatility coefficients.Received: December 2003, Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 91B70, 60F05, 60H30JEL Classification: C13, G13Jean-Pierre Fouque: Work partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0071744.Ronnie Sircar: Work supported by NSF grant DMS-0090067. We are grateful to Peter Thurston for research assistance.We thank a referee for his/her comments which improved the paper.  相似文献   

We develop a discrete-time stochastic volatility option pricing model exploiting the information contained in the Realized Volatility (RV), which is used as a proxy of the unobservable log-return volatility. We model the RV dynamics by a simple and effective long-memory process, whose parameters can be easily estimated using historical data. Assuming an exponentially affine stochastic discount factor, we obtain a fully analytic change of measure. An empirical analysis of Standard and Poor's 500 index options illustrates that our model outperforms competing time-varying and stochastic volatility option pricing models.  相似文献   

We examine in this article the pricing of target volatility options in the lognormal fractional SABR model. A decomposition formula of Itô's calculus yields an approximation formula for the price of a target volatility option in small time by the technique of freezing the coefficient. A decomposition formula in terms of Malliavin derivatives is also provided. Alternatively, we also derive closed form expressions for a small volatility of volatility expansion of the price of a target volatility option. Numerical experiments show the accuracy of the approximations over a reasonably wide range of parameters.  相似文献   

In this paper, as a generalization of the Black–Scholes (BS) model, we elaborate a new closed-form solution for a uni-dimensional European option pricing model called the J-model. This closed-form solution is based on a new stochastic process, called the J-process, which is an extension of the Wiener process satisfying the martingale property. The J-process is based on a new statistical law called the J-law, which is an extension of the normal law. The J-law relies on four parameters in its general form. It has interesting asymmetry and tail properties, allowing it to fit the reality of financial markets with good accuracy, which is not the case for the normal law. Despite the use of one state variable, we find results similar to those of Heston dealing with the bi-dimensional stochastic volatility problem for pricing European calls. Inverting the BS formula, we plot the smile curve related to this closed-form solution. The J-model can also serve to determine the implied volatility by inverting the J-formula and can be used to price other kinds of options such as American options.  相似文献   

We derive efficient and accurate analytic approximation formulas for pricing options on discrete realized variance (DRV) under affine stochastic volatility models with jumps using the partially exact and bounded (PEB) approximations. The PEB method is an enhanced extension of the conditioning variable approach commonly used in deriving analytic approximation formulas for pricing discrete Asian style options. By adopting either the conditional normal or gamma distribution approximation based on some asymptotic behaviour of the DRV of the underlying asset price process, we manage to obtain PEB approximation formulas that achieve a high level of numerical accuracy in option values even for short-maturity options on DRV.  相似文献   

This paper considers discrete time GARCH and continuous time SV models and uses these for American option pricing. We first of all show that with a particular choice of framework the parameters of the SV models can be estimated using simple maximum likelihood techniques. We then perform a Monte Carlo study to examine their differences in terms of option pricing, and we study the convergence of the discrete time option prices to their implied continuous time values. Finally, a large scale empirical analysis using individual stock options and options on an index is performed comparing the estimated prices from discrete time models to the corresponding continuous time model prices. The results show that, while the overall differences in performance are small, for the in the money put options on individual stocks the continuous time SV models do generally perform better than the discrete time GARCH specifications.  相似文献   

We consider the option pricing model proposed by Mancino and Ogawa, where the implementation of dynamic hedging strategies has a feedback impact on the price process of the underlying asset. We present numerical results showing that the smile and skewness patterns of implied volatility can actually be reproduced as a consequence of dynamical hedging. The simulations are performed using a suitable semi-implicit finite difference method. Moreover, we perform a calibration of the nonlinear model to market data and we compare it with more popular models, such as the Black–Scholes formula, the Jump-Diffusion model and Heston's model. In judging the alternative models, we consider the following issues: (i) the consistency of the implied structural parameters with the times-series data; (ii) out-of-sample pricing; and (iii) parameter uniformity across different moneyness and maturity classes. Overall, nonlinear feedback due to hedging strategies can, at least in part, contribute to the explanation from a theoretical and quantitative point of view of the strong pricing biases of the Black–Scholes formula, although stochastic volatility effects are more important in this regard.  相似文献   

The paper introduces a model for the joint dynamics of asset prices which can capture both a stochastic correlation between stock returns as well as between stock returns and volatilities (stochastic leverage). By relying on two factors for stochastic volatility, the model allows for stochastic leverage and is thus able to explain time-varying slopes of the smiles. The use of Wishart processes for the covariance matrix of returns enables the model to also capture stochastic correlations between the assets. Our model offers an integrated pricing approach for both Quanto and plain-vanilla options on the stock as well as the foreign exchange rate. We derive semi-closed form solutions for option prices and analyze the impact of state variables. Quanto options offer a significant exposure to the stochastic covariance between stock prices and exchange rates. In contrast to standard models, the smile of stock options, the smile of currency options, and the price differences between Quanto options and plain-vanilla options can change independently of each other.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the possible values of basket options. Instead of postulating a model and pricing the basket option using that model, we consider the set of all models which are consistent with the observed prices of vanilla options, and, within this class, find the model for which the price of the basket option is largest. This price is an upper bound on the prices of the basket option which are consistent with no-arbitrage. In the absence of additional assumptions it is the lowest upper bound on the price of the basket option. Associated with the bound is a simple super-replicating strategy involving trading in the individual calls.  相似文献   

S. Beer  H. Fink 《Quantitative Finance》2019,19(8):1293-1320
The prices of currency options expressed in terms of their implied volatilities and the implied correlations between foreign exchange rates at a given point in time depend on option delta and time to maturity. Implied volatilities and implied correlations likewise may thus be represented as a surface. It is well known that these surfaces exhibit both skew/smile features and term structure effects and their shapes fluctuate substantially over time. Using implied volatilities on three currency pairs as well as historical implied correlation values between them, we study the nature of these fluctuations by applying a Karhunen-Loève decomposition that is a generalization of a principal component analysis. We demonstrate that the largest share in the dynamics of these surfaces' fluctuations may be explained by exactly the same three factors, providing evidence of strong interdependences between implied correlation and implied volatility of global currency pairs.  相似文献   

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