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By using the homotopy analysis method, we derive a new explicit approximate formula for the optimal exercise boundary of American options on an underlying asset with dividend yields. Compared with highly accurate numerical values, the new formula is shown to be valid for up to 2?years of time to maturity, which is ten times longer than existing explicit approximate formulas. The option price errors computed with our formula are within a few cents for American options that have moneyness (the ratio between stock and strike prices) from 0.8 to 1.2, strike prices of 100 dollars and 2?years to maturity.  相似文献   

Capped options are barrier option spreads that automatically create simultaneous long and short positions. Exchange-traded capped options were introduced in 1991, though with limited volume. Such options, however, have traded on the over-the-counter markets for several years. Most of these options have the unusual feature that they automatically exercise when the underlying asset closes beyond a critical strike, making them a hybrid of European and American options. In this paper I present their boundary conditions and examine the prices, deltas, gammas, and thetas of caps as well as spreads constructed with European and American options. I also examine the effect of permitting exercise based only on the closing price as opposed to exercise at any time the critical strike is reached. I show that assuming that exercise can occur at any time can lead to serious pricing errors. The results have implications for the pricing of barrier options in general, which nearly always exercise early based only on the closing price.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the structure of American option valuation problems and derive the analytic valuation formulas under general underlying security price processes by an alternative but intuitive method. For alternative diffusion processes, we derive closed-form analytic valuation formulas and analyze the implications of asset price dynamics on the early exercise premiums of American options. In this regard, we introduce useful and interesting diffusion processes into American option-pricing literature, thus providing a wide range of choices of pricing models for various American-type derivative assets. This work offers a useful analytic framework for empirical testing and practical applications such as the valuation of corporate securities and examining the impact of options trading on market micro-structure.  相似文献   

This paper concerns barrier options of American type where the underlying asset price is monitored for barrier hits during a part of the option’s lifetime. Analytic valuation formulas of the American partial barrier options are provided as the finite sum of bivariate normal distribution functions. This approximation method is based on barrier options along with constant early exercise policies. In addition, numerical results are given to show the accuracy of the approximating price. Our explicit formulas provide a very tight lower bound for the option values, and moreover, this method is superior in speed and its simplicity.  相似文献   

Based on a new options transactions data base from the Philadelphia Stock Exchange Foreign Currency Options Market, this paper examines the importance of the effect of nonsynchronous prices and transaction costs on the usual option market efficiency tests. The tests conducted are based on the transaction cost adjusted early exercise and put-call parity pricing boundaries applicable to the American foreign currency options market. The test results show that the put-call parity boundary tests are sensitive to both nonsynchronous prices and transaction costs. The early exercise boundary tests are sensitive to transaction costs but are not very sensitive to simultaneity of the option price and the underlying spot price. Under the no-transaction costs scenario, a large number of early exercise boundary violations is found even when simultaneous spot and option prices are used. These violations disappear when actual transaction costs are taken into account.  相似文献   

The price movements of certain assets can be modeled by stochastic processes that combine continuous diffusion with discrete jumps. This paper compares values of options on assets with no jumps, jumps of fixed size, and jumps drawn from a lognormal distribution. It is shown that not only the magnitude but also the direction of the mispricing of the Black-Scholes model relative to jump models can vary with the distribution family of the jump component. This paper also discusses a methodology for the numerical valuation, via a backward induction algorithm, of American options on a jump-diffusion asset whose early exercise may be profitable. These cannot, in general, be accurately priced using analytic models. The procedure has the further advantage of being easily adaptable to nonanalytic, empirical distributions of period returns and to nonstationarity in the underlying diffusion process.  相似文献   

American options are actively traded worldwide on exchanges, thus making their accurate and efficient pricing an important problem. As most financial markets exhibit randomly varying volatility, in this paper we introduce an approximation of an American option price under stochastic volatility models. We achieve this by using the maturity randomization method known as Canadization. The volatility process is characterized by fast and slow-scale fluctuating factors. In particular, we study the case of an American put with a single underlying asset and use perturbative expansion techniques to approximate its price as well as the optimal exercise boundary up to the first order. We then use the approximate optimal exercise boundary formula to price an American put via Monte Carlo. We also develop efficient control variates for our simulation method using martingales resulting from the approximate price formula. A numerical study is conducted to demonstrate that the proposed method performs better than the least squares regression method popular in the financial industry, in typical settings where values of the scaling parameters are small. Further, it is empirically observed that in the regimes where the scaling parameter value is equal to unity, fast and slow-scale approximations are equally accurate.  相似文献   

We develop a simple, discrete time model to value options when the underlying process follows a jump diffusion process. Multivariate jumps are superimposed on the binomial model of Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein (1979) to obtain a model with a limiting jump diffusion process. This model incorporates the early exercise feature of American options as well as arbitrary jump distributions. It yields an efficient computational procedure that can be implemented in practice. As an application of the model, we illustrate some characteristics of the early exercise boundary of American options with certain types of jump distributions.  相似文献   

This paper uses a probabilistic change-of-numeraire technique to compute closed-form prices of European options to exchange one asset against another when the relative price of the underlying assets follows a diffusion process with natural boundaries and a quadratic diffusion coefficient. The paper shows in particular how to interpret the option price formula in terms of exercise probabilities which are calculated under the martingale measures associated with two specific numeraire portfolios. An application to the pricing of bond options and certain interest rate derivatives illustrates the main results.  相似文献   


We consider two models in which the logarithm of the price of an asset is a shifted compound Poisson process. Explicit results are obtained for prices and optimal exercise strategies of certain perpetual American options on the asset, in particular for the perpetual put option. In the first model in which the jumps of the asset price are upwards, the results are obtained by the martingale approach and the smooth junction condition. In the second model in which the jumps are downwards, we show that the value of the strategy corresponding to a constant option-exercise boundary satisfies a certain renewal equation. Then the optimal exercise strategy is obtained from the continuous junction condition. Furthermore, the same model can be used to price certain reset options. Finally, we show how the classical model of geometric Brownian motion can be obtained as a limit and also how it can be integrated in the two models.  相似文献   

We use the standard geometric Brownian motion augmented by jumps to describe the spot underlying and mean regressive models of interest rates and convenience yields as state variables for gold and copper prices. Estimates of parameters of the diffusion processes are obtained by the Kalman filter. Using these estimates, jump parameters are estimated in the second stage by least squares. Early exercise premia on puts and calls are computed using a lattice with probabilities assigned by the density matching technique. We find that while deep in the money options have greater absolute early exercise premiums, the early exercise premium is roughly constant as a percent of option price. Our findings also confirm that gold behaves like an investment asset and copper behaves like a commodity.  相似文献   

We discuss the efficiency of the binomial option pricing model for single and multivariate American style options. We demonstrate how the efficiency of lattice techniques such as the binomial model can be analysed in terms of their computational cost. For the case of a single underlying asset the most efficient implementation is the extrapolated jump-back method: that is, to value a series of options with nested discrete sets of early exercise opportunities by jumping across the lattice between the early exercise times and then extrapolating from these values to the limit of a continuous exercise opportunity set. For the multivariate case, the most efficient method depends on the computational cost of the early exercise test. However, for typical problems, the most efficient method is the standard step-back method: that is, performing the early exercise test at each time step.  相似文献   

In order to solve the problem of optimal discrete hedging of American options, this paper utilizes an integrated approach in which the writer’s decisions (including hedging decisions) and the holder’s decisions are treated on equal footing. From basic principles expressed in the language of acceptance sets we derive a general pricing and hedging formula and apply it to American options. The result combines the important aspects of the problem into one price. It finds the optimal compromise between risk reduction and transaction costs, i.e. optimally placed rebalancing times. Moreover, it accounts for the interplay between the early exercise and hedging decisions. We then perform a numerical calculation to compare the price of an agent who has exponential preferences and uses our method of optimal hedging against a delta hedger. The results show that the optimal hedging strategy is influenced by the early exercise boundary and that the worst case holder behavior for a sub-optimal hedger significantly deviates from the classical Black–Scholes exercise boundary.  相似文献   

In this paper, an exact and explicit solution of the well-known Black–Scholes equation for the valuation of American put options is presented for the first time. To the best of the author's knowledge, a closed-form analytical formula has never been found for the valuation of American options of finite maturity, although there have been quite a few approximate solutions and numerical approaches proposed. The closed-form exact solution presented here is written in the form of a Taylor's series expansion, which contains infinitely many terms. However, only about 30 terms are actually needed to generate a convergent numerical solution if the solution of the corresponding European option is taken as the initial guess of the solution series. The optimal exercise boundary, which is the main difficulty of the problem, is found as an explicit function of the risk-free interest rate, the volatility and the time to expiration. A key feature of our solution procedure, which is based on the homotopy-analysis method, is the optimal exercise boundary being elegantly and temporarily removed in the solution process of each order, and, consequently, the solution of a linear problem can be analytically worked out at each order, resulting in a completely analytical and exact series-expansion solution for the optimal exercise boundary and the option price of American put options.  相似文献   

A numerical method is presented for valuing vanilla American options on a single asset that is up to fourth-order accurate in the log of the asset price, and second-order accurate in time. The method overcomes the standard difficulty encountered in developing high-order accurate finite difference schemes for valuing American options; that is, the lack of smoothness in the option price at the critical boundary. This is done by making special corrections to the right-hand side of the differnce equations near the boundary, so they retain their level of accuracy. These corrections are easily evaluated using estimates of the boundary location and jump in the gamma that occurs there, such as those developed by Carr and Eaguet. Results of numerical experiments are presented comparing the method with more standard finite difference methods.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on pricing American put options under the double Heston model proposed by Christoffersen et al. By introducing an explicit exercise rule, we obtain the asymptotic expansion of the solution to the partial differential equation for pricing American put options. We calculate American option price by the sum of the European option price and the early exercise premium. The early exercise premium is calculated by the difference between the American and European option prices based on asymptotic expansions. The European option price is obtained by the efficient COS method. Based on the obtained American option price, the double Heston model is calibrated by minimizing the distance between model and market prices, which yields an optimization problem that is solved by a differential evolution algorithm combined with the Matlab function fmincon.m. Numerical results show that the pricing approach is fast and accurate. Empirical results show that the double Heston model has better performance in pricing short-maturity American put options and capturing the volatility term structure of American put options than the Heston model.  相似文献   

Nontraded asset valuation with portfolio constraints: a binomial approach   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We provide a simple binomial framework to value American-stylederivatives subject to trading restrictions. The optimal investmentof liquid wealth is solved simultaneously with the early exercisedecision of the nontraded derivative. No-short-sales constraintson the underlying asset manifest themselves in the form of animplicit dividend yield in the risk-neutralized process forthe underlying asset. One consequence is that American calloptions may be optimally exercised prior to maturity even whenthe underlying asset pays no dividends. Applications to executivestock options (ESO) are presented: it is shown that the valueof an ESO could be substantially lower than that computed usingthe Black-Scholes model. We also analyze nontraded payoffs basedon a price that is imperfectly correlated with the price ofa traded asset.  相似文献   

Most options are traded over-the-counter (OTC) and are dividend “protected;” the exercise price decreases on the ex date by an amount equal to the dividend. This protection completely inhibits the early exercise of American call options. Nevertheless, OTC-protected options have market values which differ systematically from Black-Scholes values for European options on non-dividend paying stocks. The pricing difference is related to both the variance of the underlying stock return and to time until expiration of the option, but it is quite small in dollar amount.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes the static hedge portfolio (SHP) approach of Derman et al. [Derman, E., Ergener, D., Kani, I., 1995. Static options replication. Journal of Derivatives 2, 78–95] and Carr et al. [Carr, P., Ellis, K., Gupta, V., 1998. Static hedging of exotic options. Journal of Finance 53, 1165–1190] to price and hedge American options under the Black-Scholes (1973) model and the constant elasticity of variance (CEV) model of Cox [Cox, J., 1975. Notes on option pricing I: Constant elasticity of variance diffusion. Working Paper, Stanford University]. The static hedge portfolio of an American option is formulated by applying the value-matching and smooth-pasting conditions on the early exercise boundary. The results indicate that the numerical efficiency of our static hedge portfolio approach is comparable to some recent advanced numerical methods such as Broadie and Detemple [Broadie, M., Detemple, J., 1996. American option valuation: New bounds, approximations, and a comparison of existing methods. Review of Financial Studies 9, 1211–1250] binomial Black-Scholes method with Richardson extrapolation (BBSR). The accuracy of the SHP method for the calculation of deltas and gammas is especially notable. Moreover, when the stock price changes, the recalculation of the prices and hedge ratios of the American options under the SHP method is quick because there is no need to solve the static hedge portfolio again. Finally, our static hedging approach also provides an intuitive derivation of the early exercise boundary near expiration.  相似文献   

Effects of Callable Feature on Early Exercise Policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Convertible bonds and American warrants commonly contain the provision of the callable feature which allows the issuer to buy back the derivative at a predetermined recall price. Upon recall, by virtue of the early exercise privilege embedded in an American style derivative, the holder may choose either to exercise his derivative or to sell it back to the issuer. Normally, there is a notice period requirement on the recall, that is, the decision of the holder to exercise or to receive the cash is made at the end of the notice period. Also, the period of recall provision may cover only part of option's life. In this article, we examine the effect of the callable feature (with the notice period requirement) on the early exercise policy of a callable American call option. The optimal calling policy for the issuer is explored where the value of the American option is minimized among all possible recall policies. Without the notice period requirement, the critical asset price boundary of the callable American call is identical to that of the American capped call. When the notice period requirementis imposed, the critical asset price (considered as a function of time to expiry τ) first increases with τ,reaches some maximum value, then decreases with τ. Several approaches of designing numerical algorithms for the valuation of the callable American option are also presented. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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