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Finite difference methods are a popular technique for pricing American options. Since their introduction to finance by Brennan and Schwartz their use has spread from vanilla calls and puts on one stock to path-dependent and exotic options on multiple assets. Despite the breadth of the problems they have been applied to, and the increased sophistication of some of the newer techniques, most approaches to pricing equity options have not adequately addressed the issues of unbounded computational domains and divergent diffusion coefficients. In this article it is shown that these two problems are related and can be overcome using multiple grids. This new technique allows options to be priced for all values of the underlying, and is illustrated using standard put options and the call on the maximum of two stocks. For the latter contract, I also derive a characterization of the asymptotic continuation region in terms of a one-dimensional option pricing problem, and give analytic formulae for the perpetual case.  相似文献   

We model the volatility of a single risky asset using a multifactor (matrix) Wishart affine process, recently introduced in finance by Gourieroux and Sufana. As in standard Duffie and Kan affine models the pricing problem can be solved through the Fast Fourier Transform of Carr and Madan. A numerical illustration shows that this specification provides a separate fit of the long-term and short-term implied volatility surface and, differently from previous diffusive stochastic volatility models, it is possible to identify a specific factor accounting for the stochastic leverage effect, a well-known stylized fact of the FX option markets analysed by Carr and Wu.  相似文献   

From an analysis of the time series of realized variance using recent high-frequency data, Gatheral et al. [Volatility is rough, 2014] previously showed that the logarithm of realized variance behaves essentially as a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst exponent H of order 0.1, at any reasonable timescale. The resulting Rough Fractional Stochastic Volatility (RFSV) model is remarkably consistent with financial time series data. We now show how the RFSV model can be used to price claims on both the underlying and integrated variance. We analyse in detail a simple case of this model, the rBergomi model. In particular, we find that the rBergomi model fits the SPX volatility markedly better than conventional Markovian stochastic volatility models, and with fewer parameters. Finally, we show that actual SPX variance swap curves seem to be consistent with model forecasts, with particular dramatic examples from the weekend of the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the Flash Crash.  相似文献   

The 1987 market crash was associated with a dramatic and permanent steepening of the implied volatility curve for equity index options, despite minimal changes in aggregate consumption. We explain these events within a general equilibrium framework in which expected endowment growth and economic uncertainty are subject to rare jumps. The arrival of a jump triggers the updating of agents' beliefs about the likelihood of future jumps, which produces a market crash and a permanent shift in option prices. Consumption and dividends remain smooth, and the model is consistent with salient features of individual stock options, equity returns, and interest rates.  相似文献   

Coupling smiles     
The present paper addresses the problem of computing implied volatilities of options written on a domestic asset based on implied volatilities of options on the same asset expressed in a foreign currency and the exchange rate. It proposes an original method together with explicit formulae to compute the at-the-money implied volatility, the smile's skew, convexity, and term structure for short maturities. The method is completely free of any model specification or Markov assumption; it only assumes that jumps are not present. We also investigate how the method performs on the particular example of the currency triplet dollar, euro, yen. We find a very satisfactory agreement between our formulae and the market at one week and one month maturities.  相似文献   

The Enron Corporation went from a $65 billion dollar market capitalization to bankruptcy in just 16 months. Using statistical techniques for extracting the implied probability distributions built into option prices, I examine the market’s expectation of Enron’s risk of collapse. I find that the options market remained far too optimistic about the stock until just weeks before their bankruptcy filing. I thank Oded Palmon and an anonymous referee for helpful comments. JEL Classification G13 · G14  相似文献   

In this paper we study the pricing and hedging of options on realized variance in the 3/2 non-affine stochastic volatility model by developing efficient transform-based pricing methods. This non-affine model gives prices of options on realized variance that allow upward-sloping implied volatility of variance smiles. Heston's model [Rev. Financial Stud., 1993, 6, 327–343], the benchmark affine stochastic volatility model, leads to downward-sloping volatility of variance smiles—in disagreement with variance markets in practice. Using control variates, we propose a robust method to express the Laplace transform of the variance call function in terms of the Laplace transform of the realized variance. The proposed method works in any model where the Laplace transform of realized variance is available in closed form. Additionally, we apply a new numerical Laplace inversion algorithm that gives fast and accurate prices for options on realized variance, simultaneously at a sequence of variance strikes. The method is also used to derive hedge ratios for options on variance with respect to variance swaps.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a multivariate risk-neutral Lévy process model and discuss its applicability in the context of the volatility smile of multiple assets. Our formulation is based upon a linear combination of independent univariate Lévy processes and can easily be calibrated to a set of one-dimensional marginal distributions and a given linear correlation matrix. We derive conditions for our formulation and the associated calibration procedure to be well-defined and provide some examples associated with particular Lévy processes permitting a closed-form characteristic function. Numerical results of the option premiums on three currencies are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of our formulation with different linear correlation structures.  相似文献   

We develop an improved method to obtain the model-free volatility more accurately despite the limitations of a finite number of options and large strike price intervals. Our method computes the model-free volatility from European-style S&P 100 index options over a horizon of up to 450 days, the first time that this has been attempted, as far as we are aware. With the estimated daily term structure over the long horizon, we find that (i) changes in model-free volatilities are asymmetrically more positively impacted by a decrease in the index level than negatively impacted by an increase in the index level; (ii) the negative relationship between the daily change in model-free volatility and the daily change in index level is stronger in the near term than in the far term; and (iii) the slope of the term structure is positively associated with the index level, having a tendency to display a negative slope during bear markets and a positive slope during bull markets. These significant results have important implications for pricing and hedging index derivatives and portfolios.  相似文献   

In this paper, as a generalization of the Black–Scholes (BS) model, we elaborate a new closed-form solution for a uni-dimensional European option pricing model called the J-model. This closed-form solution is based on a new stochastic process, called the J-process, which is an extension of the Wiener process satisfying the martingale property. The J-process is based on a new statistical law called the J-law, which is an extension of the normal law. The J-law relies on four parameters in its general form. It has interesting asymmetry and tail properties, allowing it to fit the reality of financial markets with good accuracy, which is not the case for the normal law. Despite the use of one state variable, we find results similar to those of Heston dealing with the bi-dimensional stochastic volatility problem for pricing European calls. Inverting the BS formula, we plot the smile curve related to this closed-form solution. The J-model can also serve to determine the implied volatility by inverting the J-formula and can be used to price other kinds of options such as American options.  相似文献   

This study examines the performance of the S&P 100 implied volatility as a forecast of future stock market volatility. The results indicate that the implied volatility is an upward biased forecast, but also that it contains relevant information regarding future volatility. The implied volatility dominates the historical volatility rate in terms of ex ante forecasting power, and its forecast error is orthogonal to parameters frequently linked to conditional volatility, including those employed in various ARCH specifications. These findings suggest that a linear model which corrects for the implied volatility's bias can provide a useful market-based estimator of conditional volatility.  相似文献   

Different models of pricing currency call and put options on futures are empirically tested. Option prices are determined using different models and compared to actual market prices. Option prices are determined using historical as well as implied volatility. The different models tested include both constant and stochastic interest rate models. To determine if the model prices are different from the market prices, regression analysis and paired t-tests are performed. To see which model misprices the least, root mean square errors are determined. It is found that better results are obtained when implied volatility is used. Stochastic interest rate models perform better than constant interest rate models.  相似文献   

Models with two or more risk sources have been widely applied in option pricing in order to capture volatility smiles and skews. However, the computational cost of implementing these models can be large—especially for American-style options. This paper illustrates how numerical techniques called ‘pseudospectral’ methods can be used to solve the partial differential and partial integro-differential equations that apply to these multifactor models. The method offers significant advantages over finite-difference and Monte Carlo simulation schemes in terms of accuracy and computational cost.  相似文献   

In this paper we extend option pricing under Lévy dynamics, by assuming that the volatility of the Lévy process is stochastic. We, therefore, develop the analog of the standard stochastic volatility models, when the underlying process is not a standard (unit variance) Brownian motion, but rather a standardized Lévy process. We present a methodology that allows one to compute option prices, under virtually any set of diffusive dynamics for the parameters of the volatility process. First, we use ‘local consistency’ arguments to approximate the volatility process with a finite, but sufficiently dense Markov chain; we then use this regime switching approximation to efficiently compute option prices using Fourier inversion. A detailed example, based on a generalization of the popular stochastic volatility model of Heston (Rev Financial Stud 6 (1993) 327), is used to illustrate the implementation of the algorithms. Computer code is available at www.theponytail.net/  相似文献   

We evaluate the binomial option pricing methodology (OPM) by examining simulated portfolio strategies. A key aspect of our study involves sampling from the empirical distribution of observed equity returns. Using a Monte Carlo simulation, we generate equity prices under known volatility and return parameters. We price American–style put options on the equity and evaluate the risk–adjusted performance of various strategies that require writing put options with different maturities and moneyness characteristics. The performance of these strategies is compared to an alternative strategy of investing in the underlying equity. The relative performance of the strategies allows us to identify biases in the binomial OPM leading to the well–known volatility smile . By adjusting option prices so as to rule out dominated option strategies in a mean–variance context, we are able to reduce the pricing errors of the OPM with respect to option prices obtained from the LIFFE. Our results suggest that a simple recalibration of inputs may improve binomial OPM performance.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a fundamental subject that has seldom been addressed in recent years, that of market impact in the options market. Our analysis is based on a proprietary database of metaorders—large orders that are split into smaller pieces before being sent to the market—on one of the main Asian markets. In line with our previous work on the equity market [Said, E., Bel Hadj Ayed, A., Husson, A. and Abergel, F., Market impact: A systematic study of limit orders. Mark. Microstruct. Liq., 2018, 3(3&4), 1850008.], we propose an algorithmic approach to identify metaorders, based on some implied volatility parameters, the at the money forward volatility and at the money forward skew. In both cases, we obtain results similar to the now well-understood equity market: Square-Root Law, Fair Pricing Condition and Market Impact Dynamics.  相似文献   

The Black–Scholes implied volatility skew at the money of SPX options is known to obey a power law with respect to the time to maturity. We construct a model of the underlying asset price process which is dynamically consistent to the power law. The volatility process of the model is driven by a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter less than half. The fractional Brownian motion is correlated with a Brownian motion which drives the asset price process. We derive an asymptotic expansion of the implied volatility as the time to maturity tends to zero. For this purpose, we introduce a new approach to validate such an expansion, which enables us to treat more general models than in the literature. The local-stochastic volatility model is treated as well under an essentially minimal regularity condition in order to show such a standard model cannot be dynamically consistent to the power law.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach forthe estimation of the risk-neutral probability distribution impliedby observed option prices in the presence of a non-horizontalvolatility smile. This approach is based on theoretical considerationsderived from option pricing in incomplete markets. Instead ofa single distribution, a pair of risk-neutral distributions areestimated, that bracket the option prices defined by the volatilitybid/ask midpoint. These distributions define upper and lowerbounds on option prices that are consistent with the observableoption parameters and are the tightest ones possible, in thesense of minimizing the distance between the option upper andlower bounds. The application of the new approach to a sampleof observations on the S&P 500 option market showsthat the bounds produces are quite tight, and also that theirderivation is robust to the presence of violations of arbitragerelations in option quotes, which cause many other methods tofail.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an approach under which the q-optimal martingale measure, for the case where continuous processes describe the evolution of the asset price and its stochastic volatility, exists for all finite time horizons. More precisely, it is assumed that while the ‘mean–variance trade-off process’ is uniformly bounded, the volatility and asset are imperfectly correlated. As a result, under some regularity conditions for the parameters of the corresponding Cauchy problem, one obtains that the qth moment of the corresponding Radon–Nikodym derivative does not explode in finite time.  相似文献   

In the presence of jump risk, expected stock return is a function of the average jump size, which can be proxied by the slope of option implied volatility smile. This implies a negative predictive relation between the slope of implied volatility smile and stock return. For more than four thousand stocks ranked by slope during 1996–2005, the difference between the risk-adjusted average returns of the lowest and highest quintile portfolios is 1.9% per month. Although both the systematic and idiosyncratic components of slope are priced, the idiosyncratic component dominates the systematic component in explaining the return predictability of slope. The findings are robust after controlling for stock characteristics such as size, book-to-market, leverage, volatility, skewness, and volume. Furthermore, the results cannot be explained by alternative measures of steepness of implied volatility smile in previous studies.  相似文献   

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