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While environmental, social, and governance (ESG) trading activity has been a distinctive feature of financial markets, the debate if ESG scores can also convey information regarding a company’s riskiness remains open. Regulatory authorities, such as the European Banking Authority (EBA), have acknowledged that ESG factors can contribute to risk. Therefore, it is important to model such risk dependencies and quantify what part of a company’s riskiness can be attributed to the ESG scores. This paper aims to question whether ESG scores can be used to provide information on (tail) riskiness. By analyzing the (tail) dependence structure of companies with a range of ESG scores, that is within an ESG rating class, using high-dimensional vine copula modeling, we are able to show that risk can also depend on and be directly associated with a specific ESG rating class. Empirical findings on real-world data show positive not negligible ESG risks determined by ESG scores, especially during the 2008 crisis.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of compensation and risk committees in managing and monitoring the risk behaviour of Australian financial firms in the period leading up to the global financial crisis (2006–2008). This empirical study of 711 observations of financial sector firms demonstrates how the coordination of risk management and compensation committees reduces information asymmetry. The study shows that the composition of the risk and compensation committees is positively associated with risk, which, in turn, is associated with firm performance. More importantly, information asymmetry is reduced when a director is a member of both the risk and compensation committees which moderate the negative association between risk and firm performance for firms with high risk.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the extreme dependence between the markets in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Taiwan and Singapore. The tail dependence coefficient (TDC), which measures how likely financial returns move together in extreme market conditions, is modeled dynamically using the Multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity model with the time-varying correlation matrix of Tse and Tsui (Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 20(3):351–363, 2002). The time paths of the TDC indicate that Hong Kong stocks had the highest extreme dependence during the Asian financial crisis and their TDCs have followed an increasing trend since 2006. The results in this paper also show that the TDC pattern of Singapore with the other markets is very similar to the TDC pattern of Hong Kong with the other markets. An increasing trend in the extreme dependence between Shanghai A Share Index and Shanghai B Share Index and between the Hang Seng Index and the Hong Kong China Enterprise Index is observed from 2002 to 2007. A substantial rise in the TDC between Shenzhen A Share Index and Shenzhen B Share Index was recorded after the China market reforms in 2005. Our TDC modeling with Asian market data provides evidence that Asian markets are becoming integrated and their extreme co-movements during financial turmoil are becoming stronger.  相似文献   

With the regulatory requirements for risk management, Value at Risk (VaR) has become an essential tool in determining capital reserves to protect the risk induced by adverse market movements. The fact that VaR is not coherent has motivated the industry to explore alternative risk measures such as expected shortfall. The first objective of this paper is to propose statistical methods for estimating multiple-period expected shortfall under GARCH models. In addition to the expected shortfall, we investigate a new tool called median shortfall to measure risk. The second objective of this paper is to develop backtesting methods for assessing the performance of expected shortfall and median shortfall estimators from statistical and financial perspectives. By applying our expected shortfall estimators and other existing approaches to seven international markets, we demonstrate the superiority of our methods with respect to statistical and practical evaluations. Our expected shortfall estimators likely provide an unbiased reference for setting the minimum capital required for safeguarding against expected loss.  相似文献   

We apply transaction cost economics to identify factors influencing companies’ decision to internally generate or outsource risk management services. A unique sample is used which combines publicly available data with private information supplied by 281 Australian listed companies. We find that expenditure on research and development, greater technological uncertainty, more competitive environments, more overseas sales and transaction frequency are associated with less outsourcing of risk management services. Uncertainty due to environmental diversity is associated with more outsourcing of risk management services. Companies that outsource risk management services also have lower staff turnover and provide more specialised training and longer contracts for risk management suppliers.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the presence of risk management committees is associated with the readability of risk management disclosure. Specifically, we consider the presence and the effectiveness of risk management committees. We measure the readability of risk management disclosure using six different readability indices, namely: Bog index; Flesch Reading Ease score; Coleman–Liau index; Flesch–Kincaid Grade level; Simple Measure of Gobbledygook; and Automated Reading index. We find that the presence and the effectiveness of risk management committees are associated with the higher readability of risk management disclosure. We adopt various methods, including an instrumental variable approach, the entropy balancing method and the dynamic generalised method of moments, to address endogeneity concerns. Taken together, our results highlight the important role of the risk management committee in communicating risk management information.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been increasing efforts in the corporate world to invest in risk management and governance processes. In this paper, we examine the impact of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) on firm performance by examining whether firm performance is strengthened or weakened by the establishment of a board-level risk committee (BLRC), an important governance mechanism that oversees ERM processes. Based on 260 observations from FTSE350 listed firms in the UK during 2012–2015, we find the effectiveness of ERM significantly and positively affects firm performance. We also find strong BLRC governance complements this relationship and increases the firm performance effects of ERM. Our findings suggest the mere formation of a BLRC is not a panacea for ERM oversight; however, existence of a structurally strong BLRC is crucial for effective ERM governance.  相似文献   

Despite its dubious role during the global financial crisis of 2008, risk management has continued its expansion. This paper addresses the question why risk management, in the face of its evident failure to manage risks during the crisis, has retained its importance even today. We build on the existing critical literature on risk management (Power, 2007) and advance it by introducing a more rigorous consideration of power. We refer to the notion of the “permanent state of exception” as conceptualized by the Italian social theorist Giorgio Agamben, 1998, Agamben, 2005 in order to argue that risk is a powerful social category as it reflects a potential exception, challenging norms as well as normalizing forms of control. We conclude that a dispositif of risk management, an assemblage of institutions, regulations and models, lies at the heart of risk management. This dispositif provides elites engaged in risk management with an argument that allows them – in exceptional situations – to take extraordinary measures which cannot be rescinded after the initial state of exception has ended. The logic of the state of exception can be used as a discursive resource and adds to, but also gradually replaces, other forms of management control. Our study contributes to management control theory by focusing on post-disciplinary forms of control and provides a novel focus on how elites use management control systems for their own interests.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether a relationship exists between the extent of implementation of enterprise risk management (ERM) systems and the performance of Italian listed companies. While many contributions in the literature focus on the determinants of ERM adoption and use one-dimensional feature to proxy for ERM implementation, we detect the consequences of ERM implementation and capture a variety of features to measure the sophistication of the ERM system. The results show that firms with advanced levels of ERM implementation present higher performance, both as financial performance and market evaluation. Additional tests also corroborate the expectation that effective ERM systems lead to higher performance by reducing risk exposure and that reverse causality between ERM and performance is not present in the short term. The study provides a twofold contribution to the ERM literature. First, it introduces new and more complete measures for ERM implementation, concerning not only corporate governance bodies dedicated to risk management, but also the characteristics of the risk assessment process. Moreover, it provides evidence of a positive relationship between ERM implementation and firm performance in an under-investigated context such as Italy.  相似文献   

We test the hypothesis that practicing enterprise risk management (ERM) reduces firms’ cost of reducing risk. Adoption of ERM represents a radical paradigm shift from the traditional method of managing risks individually to managing risks collectively allowing ERM-adopting firms to better recognize natural hedges, prioritize hedging activities towards the risks that contribute most to the total risk of the firm, and optimize the evaluation and selection of available hedging instruments. We hypothesize that these advantages allow ERM-adopting firms to produce greater risk reduction per dollar spent. Our hypothesis further predicts that, after implementing ERM, firms experience profit maximizing incentives to lower risk. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that firms adopting ERM experience a reduction in stock return volatility. We also find that the reduction in return volatility for ERM-adopting firms becomes stronger over time. Further, we find that operating profits per unit of risk (ROA/return volatility) increase post ERM adoption.  相似文献   

This paper examines the empirical properties of hedge fund returns and proposes a fully parametric model capable of adequately describing both univariate and multivariate return properties. The suggested model is based on the multivariate extension of the Normal Inverse Gaussian (NIG) distribution and will be shown to be capable of capturing the characteristic distributional features of hedge fund returns. Drawing on recent research in the area of Generalized Hyperbolic distributions and their calibration, we will elaborate on the application of the NIG-model for risk management purposes, and highlight the differences between the NIG and the Gaussian model.   相似文献   

This paper, which reinterprets previous work by Bradbury and Rouse (2002 ), addresses the risk quantification issue at an intuitive level. The insights provided by such quantification are discussed. Risk factors are associated with the risk-return concept. This allows measuring whether risks taken on are appropriately rewarded. The paper gives a non-technical exposition of DEA and outlines possible applications to accounting and finance. Using data for a large multinational, it shows how DEA analysis can be combined with internal audit procedures. It explains how the results obtained can be used to improve risk management.  相似文献   

This note aims at focusing at the recent developments in banking and risk management with a particular focus on empirical analyses about banks’ regulation and financial risk. It notably describes a financial atmosphere whereby, in response to the US subprime mortgage crisis and the continuing stress in financial markets, policymakers developed alternative monetary policies and regulators pursued different reforms and new regulations to overcome the effects of this crisis. To better understand these different changes and reforms, this note presents the 9 best articles selected from the second International Workshop on Market Microstructure and Nonlinear Dynamics (Paris, June 4–5, 2015, www.fmnd.fr) that focused on these topics. Interestingly, through these different contributions, this special issue has developed new insights about methodologies and quantitative risk management techniques that assess the effects of the financial crisis, explain its different challenges, and suggest some solutions.  相似文献   

Basel II defines operational risk as the risk of direct or indirect loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people or systems or from external events. In the past decade, there have appeared a number of quantitative approaches to measuring this risk, approaches that abstract from market risk and reputational risk. The challenge is to develop operational risk measures in an asset management context where there is only limited information available about the incidence and severity of operational loss events. We survey different approaches to this problem and argue that managing this risk through operational due diligence is a source of alpha in this funds management context.  相似文献   

In the most recent stage of development of modern society, the growing complexity and dynamism of the contexts firms operate in has led to a relentless increase in the level of risk in all areas of firms’ management and activities. For this reason, the discipline and practice of risk management (RM) has taken hold more and more in very different sectors and contexts: from nuclear to supply chain to healthcare. The evolutionary path of RM has followed distinct paths of development that have adopted specific perspectives and, backed by different cultural matrices, led to unique approaches and methods. The aim of this paper is to provide a contribution to the identification and characterization of new paths of development based on a thorough analysis of the academic and managerial literature. This taxonomy can serve as an integrated reference to the RM discipline allowing those who deal with RM to identify and characterize the most suitable paths of development for a given context, within a comprehensive framework. This study can also promote a sort of ‘cross fertilization’ between experts in specific areas of RM as has been the case of clinical RM which draws from the experience gained in the field of complex engineering systems.  相似文献   

This paper uses empirical evidence to examine the operational dynamics and paradoxical nature of risk management systems in the banking sector. It demonstrates how a core paradox of market versus regulatory demands and an accompanying variety of performance, learning and belonging paradoxes underlie evident tensions in the interaction between front and back office staff in banks. Organisational responses to such paradoxes are found to range from passive to proactive, reflecting differing organisational, departmental and individual risk culture(s), and performance management systems. Nonetheless, a common feature of regulatory initiatives designed to secure a more structurally independent risk management function is that they have failed to rectify a critical imbalance of power - with the back office control functions continuing to be dominated by front office trading and investment functions. Ultimately, viewing the 'core' of risk management systems as a series of connected paradoxes rather than a set of assured, robust practices, requires a fundamental switch in emphasis away from a normative, standards-based approach to risk management to one which gives greater recognition to its behavioural dimensions.  相似文献   

Apart from the obvious reasons for raising capital, a firm can hedge its interest rate exposure by issuing debt, the value of which moves in an opposite direction from the value of its assets as interest rate varies. We examine whether firms in the UK market make full use of debt issuances for hedging purposes or if they have other considerations. Our evidence shows that firms’ choices of debt issues are primarily driven by debt market conditions in an effort to lower their costs of capital rather than managing their firm-specific interest rate exposures. This suggests that market timing, as opposed to hedging, is the primary motivation behind corporate debt issuances.  相似文献   

VaR模型及其在寿险公司风险管理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着保险产品的创新、竞争的加剧及金融市场的发展,我国寿险公司面临的风险将更为复杂和多样,如何对这些风险进行有效管理是寿险公司面临的重要难题,而VaR模型作为当前国际金融风险管理和金融监管的主流方法,含有丰富的风险管理思想,故对VaR模型进行研究并探讨其在我国寿险公司风险管理中的应用具有一定的现实意义。本文分析了寿险公司应用VaR模型时需注意的问题,并指出我国寿险公司建立基于VaR的风险管理体系需在公司治理结构、风险管理组织架构、风险管理技术、风险数据库等方面加以完善。  相似文献   

This paper develops a high-frequency risk measure: the Liquidity-adjusted Intraday Value at Risk (LIVaR). Our objective is to explicitly consider the endogenous liquidity dimension associated with order size. By reconstructing the open Limit Order Book of Deutsche Börse, changes in the tick-by-tick (ex-ante) frictionless return and actual return are modeled jointly. The risk related to the ex-ante liquidity premium is then quantified. Our model can be used to identify the impact of ex-ante liquidity risk on total risk, and to provide an estimation of the VaR for the actual return at a point in time. In our sample, liquidity risk can account for up to 32% of total risk depending on order size.  相似文献   

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