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电子意思表示对于数据化电子合同具有重要的法律意义,但数据电文形式的电子意思表示与传统的口头或书面的意思表示形式不同,无法完全适应传统民事合同的意思表示法律制度.因此有必要对当前电子意思表示的具体法律应用规则在现行法律基础上进行拓展、延伸和重新界定.本文主要从意思表示的真实性及其效力判断方面做出阐述.  相似文献   

电子合同在国际贸易中广泛应用,各国对于电子合同产生的法律问题尚未有完善的法律规范,在国际贸易领域也缺乏相关的统一规则.电子合同的主体资格、合同形式、要约与承诺的效力等问题需要得到国际贸易各方的共同认可,在合同产生纠纷时程序法与实体法的应用尤其值得关注.  相似文献   

郭学文 《商场现代化》2007,(32):168-170
电子商务是通过一系列的电子合同文件促成和实现交易的,因此合同是电子商务的核心内容。能否通过数据电文形式成立一个在法律上有效的合同是电子商务安全和发展的关键问题。当事人订立电子商务合同,应当具有相应的民事权利能力和民事行为能力。而且只有当事人之间在自愿的基础上,意思表示达成一致,并且内容合法、形式合法,合同才能生效。电子商务合同的证明力是电子商务合同的关联效力。电子证据的可采性目前已经得到了公认,但是其证明力往往较低。为了适应我国电子商务发展的需要,我们应当适时创建新的电子商务规范。  相似文献   

郭学文 《商场现代化》2007,(11Z):168-170
电子商务是通过一系列的电子合同文件促成和实现交易的,因此合同是电子商务的核心内容。能否通过数据电文形式成立一个在法律上有效的合同是电子商务安全和发展的关键问题。当事人订立电子商务合同,应当具有相应的民事权利能力和民事行为能力。而且只有当事人之间在自愿的基础上,意思表示达成一致,并且内容合法、形式合法,合同才能生效。电子商务合同的证明力是电子商务合同的关联效力。电子证据的可采性目前已经得到了公认,但是其证明力往往较低。为了适应我国电子商务发展的需要,我们应当适时创建新的电子商务规范。  相似文献   

合同效力制度是是合同法的核心。有关合同效力制度的研究是合同法的基本议题。本文选取法经济学的独特视角,从法经济学的角度研究合同效力制度的立法价值取向,运用法经济学方法对影响合同效力的因素进行分析和考察。  相似文献   

常鹏 《商场现代化》2005,(35):225-226
合同效力制度是是合同法的核心.有关合同效力制度的研究是合同法的基本议题.本文选取法经济学的独特视角,从法经济学的角度研究合同效力制度的立法价值取向,运用法经济学方法对影响合同效力的因素进行分析和考察.  相似文献   

电子合同有关法律问题之思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高晓琛 《中国市场》2008,(23):30-31
网络的发展日新月异,越来越多的交易在网上进行。但直到现在,我国还没有一部对电子合同作出具体规定的法律。《合同法》虽对电子合同问题有所涉及,但过于简单。随着全球经济的一体化和因特网的飞速发展,电子商务活动已经十分普遍,电子商务法的制定已势在必行。本文试图对电子合同的概念、效力、证据等问题进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

合同的效力,指合同在法律上的拘束力。根据合同是否具有法律上的拘束力,可以将合同分为:有效合同、无效合同、可撤销合同和效力待定合同。  相似文献   

网络点击合同的效力不等同于传统格式合同效力,从主体缔约能力的确定、意思表示的真实性、电子格式条款的效力判定分析有助于维护消费者权益,实现网上交易的公平。设立网店实名制度和撤销权制度等配套制度、规制网络点击合同电子格式条款是网络消费者权益保护的法律应对措施。  相似文献   

随着互联网的普及,当事人选择通过电子方式订立合同已然成为一种常见的选择,由于立法存在一定的滞后性,在没有新的法律规定或者法律规定不够具体明确的情况下,如何通过对现行法律条文的解读规避电子合同订立过程中的法律风险就成为一个值得研究的问题。文章通过一个电子合同纠纷案例展开,对格式合同中管辖权约定的效力问题以及如何在电子合同中设置送达条款进行浅析,讨论电子合同的法律风险防范。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the following two primary reasons that employers use temporary contracts: to flexibly adjust employment and to screen workers. A search-matching framework is used to not only address employers’ endogenous choices in using temporary contracts, but also numerically identify the situations in which these contracts are likely to be used as a screening tool for permanent positions. This numerical exercise demonstrates that reducing employment protections in permanent jobs, reducing benefits for unemployed workers and raising the conversion probability from temporary to permanent employment will increase the relative proportion of employers who use temporary contracts as a screening device.  相似文献   

Exploring the role of psychological contracts, this study proposes that different organizational cultures are associated with relational psychological contracts compared to transactional contracts while both types of contracts serve as mediators. While clan cultures positively impact relational contracts and are negatively associated with transactional contracts, hierarchical cultures have the reverse effect. In addition, psychological contract types mediate the two culture types' relationship to both organizational commitment and employee yearly earnings. In sum, clan cultures relate to more positive organizational outcomes than hierarchical cultures, a finding which as implications for future research and practice.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(4):363-368
In management literature, a psychological contract generally refers to an employee's beliefs about the reciprocal obligations that exist between him or her and an organization. Legal contracts, on the other hand, are agreements that create obligations between the parties that are enforceable by law. Psychological contracts are different from legal contracts in that they are characterized by the belief that both parties have entered into a set of mutual obligations. While marketing scholars and practitioners have largely overlooked the notion of psychological contracts, this article argues that a firm's customers might view the promises they believe a firm has made to them as psychological contracts. Psychological contracts are as relevant to marketing as they are to management. This article expands the notion of psychological contracts to marketing relationships and outlines internal and external strategies firms can employ to manage psychological contracts more effectively.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(4):574-593
The article investigates a sample of 180 technology licensing contracts closed by German chemical, pharmaceutical, and electrical engineering companies between 1880 and 1913. The empirical results suggest that strategic behaviour is relevant for the design of licensing contracts, whereas inventor moral hazard and risk aversion of licensor or licensee seem to be less important. Moreover, the results suggest that uncertainty regarding the profitability of licensed technology influenced the design of licensing contracts. More specifically, profit-sharing agreements or producer milestones were often included in licensing contracts to solve this kind of problem.  相似文献   

Distributor firms have found long-term contracting an effective means of gaining competitive advantage. To realize these benefits, the alliance should involve trusting others. However, contracts can also be one-sided rather than reciprocal, favouring the larger business partner. Should trust develop naturally where there are formal contracts defining the terms of the relationship? And what inducements should a supplier take to gain retailers' trust? The trade-off is further complicated when the retailers operate in a small market with few suppliers and high barriers to entry. This study focuses on these questions. We use original field data from Finnish food retailers who have signed a written agreement with their focal wholesaler. We find that maintaining autonomy increases trust in the relationship. We also find that regular communication in the dyad and balance between perceived rewards and contributions are associated with higher levels of trust. In turn, intrachannel competition strongly reduces retailers' trust in the dyad.  相似文献   

In this article, a typology is presented which will help organizations better reflect the brand image they desire. The assisting typology is based on the extent to which employees know and understand the organization's mission, values, and desired brand image, and the degree to which they perceive their psychological contracts with the organization as being honored. Organizations can be classified as all-stars, rookies, injured reserves, or strike-out kings, based on the characteristics of a preponderance of their employees. As categorized, rookie organizations cannot deliver the desired brand image because most of their employees lack the knowledge and understanding to do so. Injured reserve organizations, on the other hand, cannot achieve the same because firm employees perceive their psychological contracts with the organization as having been violated, which renders the individuals unwilling and unmotivated. For their part, strike-out king organizations share rookie and injured reserve organizations' worst characteristics. Finally, and conversely, all-star organizations consistently deliver the desired brand image to others because their employees are both able and motivated to do so. To help firms attain this highly desired status, specific guidelines are presented herein which may help organizations become “all-stars” in their own right.  相似文献   

张光海 《北方经贸》2007,3(9):13-14,19
产权的界定是契约的基本内容,契约效率体现为对产权的界定是否合理。经典的产权理论和契约理论对组织的形态和交易的边界进行了解释。产权之所以重要,在于它能给人们提供一个稳定的可预期的经济收益,剩余索取权成为其研究的出发点和归宿。契约理论研究产权,是从实际控制权出发,因为不管实际控制权来源于什么,它的配置结构会影响事后契约双方在争取剩余索取权上的谈判能力,特别是在契约不完备、第三方无法实施的条件下,它成为决定契约能否低成本实施的制度保障,从而特别强调事后治理机制的重要性。  相似文献   

陈岩 《财贸研究》2007,18(6):84-89,107
建立在不完全契约理论基础上的金融契约理论认为,金融交易本质上是就财产权利所作的契约安排,因此每一种融资方式都可以视为一种不完全契约。本文把债务融资方式分为关系型和保持距离型两种,在Hart-Moore模型的基础上构造一个企业债务融资的不完全契约模型,对两种债务融资方式进行比较分析,结果表明:在项目投资收益率大于市场利率的条件下,关系型债务融资具有帕累托效率。  相似文献   


Only a few empirical research studies about extended service contracts have appeared in the services marketing literature. This study used Chi Square analysis as a methodology to distinguish between buyers and non-buyers of extended service contracts. The findings suggest that while buyers and non-buyers were very similar demographically and psychographically, there were considerable differences in motivation for purchasing or not buying. Of the ten motivation variables, eight were significant at or beyond p < 0.05. Moreover, some ethical implications for professional salespeople marketing these service contracts were discussed.  相似文献   

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