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The paper explores the notion of the employability paradox which notes that while organizations investing in the career and competency development of their workforce can benefit from higher performance, they also risk losing more employable staff to competitors. Building on contributions from social exchange theory and signalling theory, we develop a model exploring the circumstances under which investment in career development benefits employees and organizations. We test our model in a longitudinal study following graduates entering the labour market. Our results show that when organizations signal that they care about employees by investing in their career development and individuals are receptive to such signals and proactively seek to manage their careers, investment in career development has a positive impact on organizational commitment and intention to stay with one’s employer. Our findings indicate that the idea of the employability paradox is simplistic and lacks theoretical and empirical support.  相似文献   

Perceived employability (PE; i.e. the worker's perception about available job opportunities) is portrayed as the upcoming resource for workers and organizations. However, organizations might particularly want to stimulate perceptions of job opportunities on the internal labor market (i.e. internal PE). In contrast, they may be hesitant in stimulating perceptions of job opportunities on the external labor market (i.e. external PE), as this might foster workers' voluntary turnover. The contextual influences adding to these different types of PE are relatively unknown. Building upon self-determination theory, we argue that the organization's support of intrinsic (e.g. personal growth) and extrinsic (e.g. status) values may play a critical role. In line with expectations, the results reveal a positive association of the perceived organization's support of intrinsic work values and a negative association of the perceived extrinsic value support with internal PE, both in terms of a similar job (i.e. internal lateral PE) and a better job (i.e. internal upward PE). Unexpectedly, perceived organization's support of extrinsic values did not relate negatively to external PE. These results show that employers can invest in the workers' employability without disadvantaging the organization. To arrive at a flexible workforce, the support of intrinsic values is of key importance.  相似文献   


High turnover can cause serious problems in organizations. Yet, previous research confirmed that HRM practices are useful to influence the development of turnover intentions. Existing studies have revealed a variety of factors that drive individuals to leave permanent organizations (POs) but almost no research has considered turnover in temporary organizations (TOs). Yet, TOs, such as project teams, have become increasingly prevalent and exhibit several characteristics that are distinct from POs. Hence, the antecedents of turnover intentions in TOs may also differ from those in POs. However, empirical evidence for this proposition is still lacking. In order to address this research gap, this study examines task-related antecedents of turnover intentions in temporary organizations (TITO) using a sample of 253 employees working in project teams. The results show that inter-role conflict is the most influential antecedent of TITO. Unlike suggested by extant literature, members of TOs seem to be willing to accept down-cuts in job autonomy and meaningfulness of their work, without developing turnover intentions while working for TOs. Furthermore, the results confirmed a direct relationship between TITO and turnover intentions from the permanent organization (TIPO). Members of TOs that want to, but cannot leave their project team seem to develop TIPO.  相似文献   

Scholars have suggested that the relationship between voluntary turnover and organizational performance can be moderated by the organizational context in which turnover occurs. However, there are few empirical studies that examine such moderating effects. Using a sample of 161 firms in South Korea, this study investigates how the relationship between voluntary turnover and organizational performance is moderated by three context variables: (1) the degree of organizational usage of employee involvement practices, (2) the degree of organizational investment in employee training and development, and (3) the availability of potential workers. The results demonstrate that employee involvement practices significantly amplify the negative relationship between voluntary turnover and organizational performance, give marginal support for moderation from the availability of potential workers, and provide no support for moderation from the degree of organizational investment in employee training and development. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of this study for enriching our understanding of the relationship between voluntary turnover and organizational performance. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

王国颖 《物流科技》2007,30(7):132-134
人才流失是各物流公司面临的严重问题。社会因素、个人因素和组织因素均对物流人才流失产生影响.企业应该在人才管理的基础工作,人才战略、招聘、激励机制、流失预警机制方面采取相应的对策以降低流动率。  相似文献   

This research seeks to make contributions to the organization-level analysis of voluntary turnover in public organizations. Structural equation modelling is used to explore how transformational leadership makes a difference on employees’ actual quitting behaviour. Moreover, the research provides empirical evidence on the relationship between turnover intention and actual turnover. The findings suggested that transformational leadership not only directly prevents employees from forming intentions to leave but also indirectly does so by cultivating a collaborative culture. Additionally, we found that higher turnover intention leads to higher actual turnover rate, so turnover intention may be a valid proxy of actual turnover behaviour.  相似文献   


In this paper, we study employability in the group of talented employees. We explore how employees’ temporal focus affects their dispositional employability and how dispositional employability influences their perceived internal career prospects. We also examine the moderating role of training perceived as developmental on the relationship between dispositional employability and perceived internal career prospects. Upon examination of these relationships within an organization that has a closed talent management approach, we find support for the hypothesized mediating and moderating relationships. Present and future focus were positively related to talents’ dispositional employability, which in turn increased their perception of career prospects in the current company. The latter relationship was stronger among talents who perceived that they had received training for more important positions than those who did not. The results advanced current knowledge of antecedents and outcomes of employability in the specific group of talents and shed light on the organizational practices that may help with talent retention.  相似文献   

李燕  王海船 《价值工程》2011,30(34):109-109
随着酒店业竞争的加剧,员工的作用日益突显,但酒店员工的流动率一直居高不下。笔者所在职业院校的相关专业的毕业生也存在频繁更换工作的现象,本文从南通酒店员工流失的原因入手,针对员工流失问题及对策进行了分析。  相似文献   

随着我国“互联网+”、信息技术、网络新媒体传播方式的日新月异,不同行业或企业对专业技能人才的要求越来越高,而企业由于自身招聘制度缺陷、经营成本增加、薪资水平下降等因素,使得优秀专业技能人才不断流失。论文从国有企业员工流失角度出发,探讨了外部企业人力资源竞争,以及国有企业自身在招聘制度、经营成本、薪酬水平、晋升通道等方面存在的问题,据此提出国有企业人才引进、培养与发展的对策。  相似文献   

心理契约在企业核心员工流失中的作用及其构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟卫东  赵根良  于敏虹 《价值工程》2006,25(10):112-114
人力资源是企业发展的第一要素,降低核心员工流失率是让众多管理者头疼的事情。合理的流失率有利于企业保持活力,但如果流失率过高,企业将不仅蒙受直接损失(包括替换成本、培训成本等),而且影响企业工作的连续性和其他人员的稳定性。本文针对此问题探讨了心理契约在企业的核心员工流失中的作用及其构建。  相似文献   

The proliferation of employee drug testing by federal and state governments and by private sector employers acting pursuant to governmental directives has led to a steadily growing number of lawsuits raising constitutional challenges to such testing. Most of these cases have been based on the Fourth Amendment's prohibition of unreasonable searches and seizures. In 1989, the Supreme Court addressed the constitutionality of employee drug tests for the first time in two cases,Skinner v. Railway Labor Executives' Ass'n andNational Treasury Employees Union v. Von Raab. Recognizing that urinalysis drug testing constitutes a search for Fourth Amendment purposes, the Court determined the constitutionality of the drug tests by balancing the governmental interest in the testing against the privacy interest of the employees and, in both cases, upheld the drug testing at issue. TheSkinner andVon Raab decisions provided guidelines for analyzing Fourth Amendment challenges to employee drug testing, and the lower courts are now in the process of applying and refining these guidelines. Constitutional challenges to employee drug testing programs have also been based on the due process clause and the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and on the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of religion. Unlike Fourth Amendment claims, however, these claims have rarely been successful.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of employee turnover and long-term skill retention in Australian organisations. Three new perspectives are examined: the difference between short-run turnover and long-term retention; the role of different high performance work systems philosophies and human resource practices; and an examination of turnover for various groups of employees based on skill level. The results suggest that the role of learning within organisations is of fundamental importance in reducing short-run turnover and improving long-term skills retention. A series of training and human resource practices have also been found to be important for individual-specific skill categories, but general conclusions for all skill categories cannot be readily made. Finally, different drivers to short-term turnover maybe at play when retention is considered from a long-term strategic perspective.  相似文献   

饭店新员工流失的原因及应对方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国饭店业的员工流失率一直保持较高的水平,而新员工的流失更为严重。文章全面深入地分析了造成新员工流失的多方面原因及新员工流失对组织的影响,并在此基础上从职业生涯发展的角度提出了稳定新员工队伍的对策。  相似文献   

Employee turnover is an important topic in the human resource management literature. Several researchers have sought to analyse its multiple determinants and to model the turnover process. The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of employees' perception of the external image of the company they work for on their intentions to leave. It is based on a questionnaire survey of 801 French managers that attempted to incorporate the notion of perceived external prestige (PEP) within the literature's classical model of turnover. The results show that the impact of PEP on intentions to leave is partially mediated by the two determinants of turnover in the model: organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Yet there still remains a direct effect of PEP on intentions to quit. Our research also attempted to confirm the existence of a possible moderator effect, but was unable to find such an effect.  相似文献   

Testing for the presence of drug continues to gain popularity as a method for controlling drug use in the workplace. It is important that employers understand how potential applicants and current employees will react to the various types and purposes of drug testing. Employees (n = 529) were interviewed to investigate the role of attitudes toward drugs and work setting characteristics in explaining acceptance or rejection of drug testing. Individuals believing users should be held responsible for becoming dependent on cocaine, who felt the primary cause of cocaine addiction was weak moral character, and those who felt cocaine users should be treated as criminals were more supportive of drug screening and the testing of current employees.  相似文献   

浅析企业员工关系管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着企业不断发展,管理者越发认识到人才的稳定及团队的和谐对组织战略目标的实现所起的重要作用。企业对员工的要求逐渐从注重外在的知识技能转向关注更深层次的内部系统,而员工则更注重自身价值的实现、和谐的人际关系和获取平等的人格。企业要通过提升从业者的综合素质,逐步完善员工关系管理的职能,留住关键员工并让其发挥自身价值,从而达到双方共赢的最终目标。  相似文献   

Previous research on social support and turnover has yielded mixed results. To advance research in a more comprehensive manner, the present study examined how turnover is influenced by type of support (emotional or instrumental), source of support (coworker or supervisor), and basis of attachment (affective commitment and constituent attachment as mediators). In the context of entry-level service employees, these relationships were examined with a sample of restaurant servers company-wide from a casual dining restaurant chain in the USA. Coworker emotional support was directly and negatively related to turnover, and coworker instrumental support was directly and positively related to turnover. Furthermore, supervisor emotional support and instrumental support were indirectly related to turnover through affective commitment. When the mediators were considered independently, coworker and supervisor emotional support were both indirectly related to turnover through constituent attachment.  相似文献   

In the current career climate characterized by change and turbulence, employees may demonstrate limited psychological attachment to their employers. Rousseau (1998) suggested that organizations can elicit psychological attachment from employees by reinforcing perceptions of organizational membership and demonstrating care and support for them. The effectiveness of these strategies, however, may depend on individuals' personality traits. In this study, we examined the moderating effect of locus of control in the relationship among four valued aspects of the work environment—information sharing, job significance, opportunity for learning, and availability of rewards for performance—and employees' intentions to stay. In two empirical studies, we found that information sharing, job significance, and locus of control interacted to positively affect intentions to stay and that opportunity for learning, availability of rewards for performance, and locus of control also interacted to increase intentions to stay. Implications of these results for theory building and practice are discussed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The importance of enhancing employee organizational commitment (EOC) is highlighted by the extensive literature revealing its positive impact on employees' job performance, reducing absenteeism and turnover rates, and improving employees' adaptability to organizational change. This study provides an insight into how EOC levels can be enhanced by examining the contextual factors that can influence EOC. Specifically, the study examines the association between cultural, organizational, and demographic factors with the level of EOC in the Australian manufacturing industry. Data were collected by a survey questionnaire from a random sample of 500 managers with the results revealing that two cultural factors (outcome orientation and stability) and three organizational factors (organizational size, perceived organizational support and job satisfaction) were found to be significantly associated with the level of EOC. Further analysis provides a preliminary insight into how to enhance the EOC of specific managers with different cultural and organizational factors found to be associated with the EOC of managers at different levels in the organizational hierarchy. The findings have important implications for practitioners attempting to improve the level of EOC of their employees with the subsequent enhancements in the level of EOC likely to contribute to improvements in productivity and growth in the Australian manufacturing industry.  相似文献   

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