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We study the effects on the food price of introducing biofuels as a substitute for fossil fuel in the energy market. Energy is supplied by a price-leading oil cartel and a competitive fringe of farmers producing biofuel. Biofuel production shares a finite land resource with food production. A positive relationship results between energy and food prices. We establish that the equilibrium price of food will be growing as long as the oil stock is being depleted, and beyond if demand is growing. An analysis of the effects of the productivity of land use in either the food or the biofuel sectors is carried out. It is shown that, with a highly inelastic demand for food, an increase in the productivity of land in agriculture will decrease the price of food in the short-run, only to increase it in the long-run as the stock of fossil fuel is depleted.  相似文献   

We study the effects on the food price of introducing biofuels as a substitute for fossil fuel in the energy market. Energy is supplied by a price-leading oil cartel and a competitive fringe of farmers producing biofuel. Biofuel production shares a finite land resource with food production. A positive relationship results between energy and food prices. We establish that the equilibrium price of food will be growing as long as the oil stock is being depleted, and beyond if demand is growing. An analysis of the effects of the productivity of land use in either the food or the biofuel sectors is carried out. It is shown that, with a highly inelastic demand for food, an increase in the productivity of land in agriculture will decrease the price of food in the short-run, only to increase it in the long-run as the stock of fossil fuel is depleted.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the direct and indirect impacts of ethanol production on land use, deforestation and food production. A partial equilibrium model of a national economy with two sectors and two regions, one of which includes a forest, is developed. It analyses how an exogenous increase in the ethanol price affects input allocation (land and labor) between sectors (energy crop and food). The total effect of ethanol prices on food production and deforestation is decomposed into three partial effects. First, the well-documented effect of direct land competition between rival uses arises; it increases deforestation and decreases food production. Second, an indirect displacement of food production across regions, possibly provoked by the reaction of international food prices, increases deforestation and reduces the food sector’s output. Finally, labor mobility between sectors and regions tends to decrease food production but also deforestation. The total impact of ethanol production on food production is negative while there is an ambiguous impact on deforestation.  相似文献   

About 40 percent of US corn is now used to produce biofuels, which are used as substitutes for gasoline in transportation. In this paper, we use a Ricardian model with differential land quality to show that world food prices could rise by about 32 percent by 2022. About half of this increase is from the biofuel mandate and the rest is a result of demand‐side effects in the form of population growth and income‐induced changes in dietary preferences, from cereals to meat and dairy products. However, aggregate world carbon emissions would increase, because of significant land conversion to farming and leakage from lower oil prices.  相似文献   

The strong correlation between food prices and energy prices has gained much attention in the public debate. In this article, we focus on the so-called excess co-movement, which is the correlation between crude oil price and the prices of food commodities after controlling for economic activity. We use a frequency domain Granger causality test to analyse short-run and long-run relationships between crude oil prices and prices of food commodities. For important biofuel inputs like maize, soybeans, rapeseed and EU sugar, we find evidence for long-run Granger causality in particular for the period after 2007. This supports the hypothesis that the increasing biofuel production creates the link between the prices of crude oil and food commodities. However, we also find short-run Granger causality for various food commodities. This result is more in line with herd behaviour or speculation in commodity markets.  相似文献   

This study elucidates plausible correlation between crude oil and agricultural commodities. We assess whether the conditional correlation of crude oil with energy crops (e.g., corn and soybeans) is different from that of food crops (e.g., oats and wheat). We find a stronger correlation of about 20 percent between returns of crude oil and energy crops. However, the correlation coefficient value for oil-oats and oil-wheat is as low as eight percent. We add to the literature by exploring correlation in a dynamic context using three different GARCH models and found that conditional correlation between crude oil and energy corps is relatively high. In order to reduce risk associated with crude oil price fluctuations, this study also examined hedging possibilities against crude oil by investment in agricultural commodities. Although hedging effectiveness is low with all underlying agricultural commodities, soybeans provide relatively better hedging possibilities compared to other agricultural crops.  相似文献   

Much previous research on energy price transmission sheds light on the relationship between oil prices and aggregate commodity prices, such as for agricultural products, or food price indexes. This letter uses data from 12 U.S. cities between 2001 and 2011 to examine how energy prices are transmitted to fluid milk products at the retail level. Results indicate the existence of an asymmetric energy pass-through (a rise is transmitted faster than a fall in prices) and that private label milk products are more insulated from energy price shocks and adjust at similar rate with national manufacturer brands.  相似文献   

虚拟资源在我国粮食问题中的综合应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在参照虚拟水概念基础上,引用了虚拟土、虚拟能概念,提出了虚拟资源概念。对2003年南北方主要以粮食为载体的虚拟水、虚拟土、虚拟能含量进行了量化分析与实证研究,得出北方粮食虚拟水含量高于南方0.18m3/kg,并且每万吨粮食需要多占用0.6亩土地,只在虚拟能消耗上略低于南方0.01吨标煤/吨。2003年在国内粮食理想平衡状态下,南方须从北方调入2964.5万吨粮食以填补需求缺口,相当于从北方携带了655.2亿立方米虚拟水、7411万公顷虚拟土和1041.8万吨标煤的虚拟资源。这在一定时期内平衡了地区粮食的供求,可这能否在全国范围内实现资源的最优配置还值得商榷。  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the bioenergy crop production function of land use,combined with the status quo of Chinese land use,the cultivation of energy plants and the bioenergy crop production function of land use had been analyzes and discusses in this paper.Results show that there were a lot of unused lands and marginal lands which can be planted bioenergy crops to perform the bioenergy crop production function of land use with great potentials; and currently there were no food production problems.Therefore,it was very important for China to emphasize bioenergy crops planting in order to fully use land resources in our country,moderate the energy crisis and increase peasants' income.  相似文献   

中国钢铁行业能源内部的替代弹性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
史红亮  陈凯  闫波 《技术经济》2010,29(9):56-59
本文运用中国钢铁行业滞后一期的产出代替劳动和资本变量,把钢铁行业能源投入要素分解为煤炭、石油、天然气和电力的投入,建立了一个超越对数生产函数模型,用岭回归估算了中国钢铁行业各能源品种投入要素的产出弹性、替代弹性。结果表明:煤炭与石油、煤炭与天然气、煤炭与电力的替代弹性在1左右,中国钢铁行业可通过用石油、天然气、电力替代煤炭来实现其行业全要素能源效率的提高。  相似文献   

The Congo Basin encompasses the second largest rainforest area after the Amazon but the Congo Basin rainforest has been more preserved during the last decades with a much lower deforestation rate. At the same time, the region remains one of the least developed in the world. We use the partial equilibrium model GLOBIOM for the global agricultural, forestry and bioenergy sectors that seeks to find optimal land use options by spatially representing land qualities. We show the trade-offs between achieving agricultural growth at the expense of forests and protecting forests at the expense of agriculture development in the Congo Basin. The realization of the transportation infrastructures, which are already planned and funded, could multiply deforestation by three. In contrast, a global agreement on reduction of total emissions from deforestation could achieve important cuts in GHG emissions from deforestation in the Congo Basin. However, it could lead to substantial increases in food imports and food prices, which are in contradiction with the food security objectives.  相似文献   

The present paper studies the interdependencies between the energy, bioenergy and food prices. We develop a vertically integrated multi-input, multi-output market model with two channels of price transmission: a direct biofuel channel and an indirect input channel. We test the theoretical hypothesis by applying time-series analytical mechanisms to nine major traded agricultural commodity prices, including corn, wheat, rice, sugar, soybeans, cotton, banana, sorghum and tea, along with one weighted average world crude oil price. The data consists of 783 weekly observations extending from January 1994 to December 2008. The empirical findings confirm the theoretical hypothesis that the prices for crude oil and agricultural commodities are interdependent including also commodities not directly used in bioenergy production: an increase in oil price by 1 $/barrel increases the agricultural commodity prices between 0.10 $/tonne and 1.80 $/tonne. Contrary to the theoretical predictions, the indirect input channel of price transmission is found to be small and statistically insignificant.  相似文献   

Commercial aquaculture in India has come under attack for having caused negative agricultural and environmental impacts. This paper formulates an interactive model of non-renewable and renewable resources to characterize land allocations between aquaculture and agriculture in ecologically and economically sustainable fashion. Through an empirical application, various economic and policy circumstances that affect the optimal land allocation mix are evaluated. The aquaculture industry must address two economic effects: off-site negative effects on renewable food and other coastal resources, and on-site self-pollution of shrimp ponds. Current regulatory and land-use policies are inadequate to address these effects.  相似文献   

油气资源合作的演化博弈分析——以中俄原油管道为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前全球范围内争夺油气资源的竞争日趋激烈,能源、能源供给安全等诸多问题已日益受到广泛关注。随着经济的高速发展,能源问题已经成为这个时代的主题。俄罗斯的油气资源非常丰富,我国则是全球重要的油气生产和消费大国,两国进行油气资源合作具有先天的优势,符合双方的战略利益。但中俄双方油气合作的过程并不顺利,不同的利益取向和两国不同的政策措施,一直影响着中俄双方的油气合作。在分析国际油气资源合作问题时,本文采用了演化博弈的方法来建立模型,以中俄原油管道为例进行了演化博弈分析。通过研究发现,要想使合作成功,除了国家补贴、税收优惠、政策支持等积极的促进因素外,约束机制、违约责任、惩罚等措施也是必不可少的,只有这样才能保证参与双方的合作积极有效。  相似文献   

Rania Jammazi 《Applied economics》2013,45(41):4408-4422
We propose an enhanced regime-switching model to investigate the relationships between oil price surges and stock market cycles in five oil-dependent countries. Our model accounts for the joint effects of the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Brent oil markets and simultaneously captures asymmetry, volatility persistence and regime shifts contained in the underlying financial data. We find that stock market returns strongly exhibit a regime-switching behaviour, but they react differently to the increases in the price of oil. More precisely, the conditional volatility of studied stock markets during the bear market phases is found to be less affected by oil price surges than during the bull market phases. Whether the effects of oil shocks are positive or negative depends greatly on the degree of reliance on imported oil, the share of the cost of oil in the national income and the degree of improvement in energy efficiency of a given country. Finally, the relatively opposite effects of the WTI and Brent oil markets suggest the potential of substitution between them as well as the necessity of a diversification strategy of oil supply sources.  相似文献   

The halving of oil prices, during a short period between 2014 and 2015, has generated major terms of trade losses for oil exporting countries. This terms of trade shock has economy‐wide effects and significant distributive impacts. This paper, using a macro‐micro simulation model, describes and quantifies the channels of transmission from the drop of oil prices, to changes in welfare distribution at the household level for the case of the Russian Federation. The oil price reduction generates a reverse Dutch disease impacting sectoral employment, factor returns and consumption prices. It causes a contraction of employment and wages in more skill‐intensive (non‐tradable) sectors, and a reduction in consumption prices that is more pronounced for non‐food than for food goods. When these shifts are mapped to changes in incomes at the micro level, all households are affected. Poverty rates increase by 1 to 4 percentage points, depending on the poverty line used. At the US$ 10 a day threshold, 4.1 million additional people fall into poverty. Along the consumption distribution, richer people are affected more than those in the bottom 40%. However, this minor progressive impact may be reversed due to increases in unemployment and cuts in social programmes.  相似文献   

In this paper a model of the production structure in the aggregate Australian manufacturing sector is estimated, emphasizing the use this sector makes of energy inputs. A translog cost function is estimated with time-series data for four inputs, capital services, labour services, energy and materials and likewise an energy submodel is estimated for solid fuels, oil, electricity and gas. The substitutabilily and the complementarity relationships between the various factor inputs and between the various fuels are examined: an interesting finding is that capital and energy are substitutes and labour and energy are complements. Factor price elasticities are calculated and turn out to be quite significant. The study concludes that rising energy prices will induce significant shifts in both the mix of fuel inputs and the level of aggregate energy utilization.  相似文献   

The Economic Effects of North Sea Oil on the Manufacturing Sector   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyses the economic effects of the oil and gas sector (energy booms) on manufacturing output in two energy producing countries: Norway and the UK. In particular, I investigate whether there is evidence of a 'Dutch disease', that is whether energy booms have had adverse effects on manufactures. In addition to energy booms, three other types of structural disturbances are identified; demand, supply and oil price shocks. The different disturbances are identified by imposing dynamic restrictions on a vector autoregressive model. Overall, there is only weak evidence of a Dutch disease in the UK, whereas manufacturing output in Norway has actually benefited from energy discoveries and higher oil prices  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,耕地数量急剧减少和各项非农建设占用耕地面积不断扩大的矛盾日益突出。为解决人口高峰年的粮食安全问题,国家提出了通过总体规划实施耕地保护的重要手段。首先,本文针对在总体规划中耕地保有量计算中存在的问题提出了耕地保有量计算的新模型。其次,提出了人口对耕地总需求潜力分计算模型。最后,用上年保有耕地生产力潜力分、年度耕地生产力供给分的变化量和人口对耕地生产力需求潜力分变化量综合确定本年的保有耕地生产力潜力分。  相似文献   

东北黑土地在自然因素和人为因素综合作用下出现严重的退化问题,迫切需要采取有效措施加强黑土地保护利用.但在加强生态文明建设和确保国家粮食安全的双重目标下,东北黑土地保护利用面临着如何平衡资源开发与环境保护的难题,梨树模式则为实现东北黑土地可持续利用提供了一种新的路径选择.从政治经济学视角看,梨树模式能够遵循农业生产力与生...  相似文献   

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