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This study replicates the work of Gable, Fiorito and Topol () that examined the status of women in managerial ranks of department store organizations. Women now constitute 67% of all lower-level management positions, approximately 45% of middle-level positions, and 24% of those positions at upper levels. While some progress has been made since the 1994 study, females are not close to parity with males at the highest level positions. Further, a comparison was made of the gender composition of the boards of directors of the 25 largest industrial organizations (in annual sales volume) with that of the 25 department store organizations.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the relationships between discrimination, harassment, and the glass ceiling, arguing that many of the factors that preclude women from occupying executive and managerial positions also foster sexual harassment. We suggest that measures designed to increase numbers of women in higher level positions will reduce sexual harassment. We first define and discuss discrimination, harassment, and the glass ceiling, relationships between each, and relevant legislation. We next discuss the relationships between gender and sexual harassment, emphasizing the influence of gender inequality on sexual harassment. We then present recommendations for organizations seeking to reduce sexual harassment, emphasizing the role that women executives may play in such efforts and, importantly, the recursive effects of such efforts on increasing the numbers of women in higher level positions in organizations.  相似文献   

The corporate glass ceiling continues to be a challenge for many organizations. However, women executives may be facing a second pane of obstruction – an expatriate glass ceiling – that prevents them from receiving the foreign management assignments and experience that is becoming increasing critical for promotion to upper management. The responsibility to break the expatriate glass ceiling lies with both female managers and the multinational corporations that utilize expatriates. In this paper, we propose pre-assignment, on-assignment, and post-assignment strategies for breaking the expatriate glass ceiling.  相似文献   

Much of the microfinance rhetoric revolves around fighting female poverty, which is often the result of discriminatory gender norms. Also, the microfinance industry has always been influenced by foreign actors, who, according to the literature, promote women’s empowerment. Yet, little is known about how microfinance institutions’ (MFIs) outreach to women is affected by the interplay between societal norms and the actions of these foreign actors. In response, this study draws on two streams of institutional theory, institutional logics perspective and institutional work theory, to investigate the influence of gender discrimination on microfinance outreach to women and to test the moderating effect of an international founder. Using data on 213 MFIs from 65 countries, the results show that gender discrimination negatively impacts microfinance outreach to women, but that the negative effect is mitigated by having an international founder. These findings are discussed, and several avenues are opened for future research.  相似文献   


This study explores the effect that China's one child birth policy is having on gender equality in urban areas of China, as viewed through patterns of consumption. Specifically, differential access to education by gender is examined through an analysis of the investments of urban parents in their children's education. The results of the study show that there are few important differences in the aspirations of parents for daughters versus sons. In addition, educational expenditures, including tuition, private lessons, books, and other educational products, show no significant differences by gender. These results seem to indicate that, in an important departure from a long history of unequal access to education by females in China, urban children are receiving full and equitable investments in their futures by their families, regardless of their gender. The results have important implications for the effects that public policies can have on gender equality.  相似文献   

This study explores the differences in work commitment between Chinese male and female employees. We develop a model that specifies the major antecedents of job and organizational commitment in the Chinese workplace. We then examine whether the gender differences can be attributed to factors related to gender role ideology or unfavorable work conditions encountered by women. Several hypotheses are formulated and tested with a data set collected from 582 employees in Beijing. The findings reveal that employee work commitment is related to organizational support, job characteristics, and perceptions of gender discrimination. Further, it is found that the level of job commitment of women is lower than that of men, whereas the level of organizational commitment is the same for both sexes. The lower level of job commitment of women is due largely to their stronger perception of gender discrimination, receiving less challenging job assignments, and engaging in a low level of leader–member exchange. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

There have been many changes occurring in Asian business and management over the past two decades. One such change has been the role and position of women, both in the workforce and in management. Asian economies have experienced rapid growth in recent years, which may have had some effect on women's career opportunities in management. This contribution adopts a holistic approach to examine whether women in these Asian countries have experienced a greater acceptance of their participation in management or whether significant barriers remain.  相似文献   

The 2007 winner of the International Award for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research is the Diana Project team (Candida Brush, Nancy Carter, Elizabeth Gatewood, Patricia Greene and Myra Hart). The Diana Project builds on the vast experience of the team in the field of entrepreneurship in general and women entrepreneurship, business growth and venture capital in particular. The Diana Project has investigated the supply and demand side of growth capital for women entrepreneurs. The research contributes to entrepreneurship theory as well as to practice, filling a void in knowledge on growth-oriented women entrepreneurship. In this article we present and discuss the research contribution of the Diana Project, in the areas of entrepreneurship, women entrepreneurship and venture capital. We specifically discuss the value of researching a specific group of women entrepreneurs, those who want to grow their businesses, that very clearly demonstrates the positive potential of female entrepreneurship. The Diana Project has also moved research on women’s entrepreneurship forward since its framework does not treat women entrepreneurs as “other,” i.e., the project does not presuppose that women’s entrepreneurship is similar to or different from men’s entrepreneurship. It assumes that women’s entrepreneurship is entrepreneurship and studies it from that point of view. Carin Holmquist is professor at Stockholm School of Economics and member of the Prize Committee for The International Award for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research. Sara Carter is professor at University of Strathclyde. Both have written extensively in several of the areas covered by the Diana Project. The prize is awarded by the Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research (FSF) and the Swedish Board of Industrial and Technical Development (NUTEK). An important aim with this prize is to attract broader attention to this research field. A precondition for choosing the winner of the award is that the research for which the award has been granted is a significant contribution to the theory and empirical understanding of entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurship, new firm formation and small businesses in economic development. Besides the honor, the prize consists of SEK 0.5 million (roughly USD 80,000). It has been awarded annually since 1996. More information about the prize and previous winners is available at .  相似文献   

Gender diversity continues to serve as a thought-provoking and challenging topic for society and business alike. Even as organizations implement policies to minimize discriminatory practices in the workplace, evidence of gender inequality in firms around the world persists. Drawing on institutional theory, this study focuses on the effect that foreign investors and host country corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies have on gender diversity, and how professional groups can moderate this relationship. In analyzing 608 observations from listed firms in Taiwan, the findings demonstrate these relationships. It is shown that both foreign investor ownership and good host country CSR in firms are positively linked to the promotion of women into managerial positions. The assurance of professional groups in home countries further enhances this positive relationship. Our results further indicate how institutions carried across borders by organizations can influence firm decisions such as gender diversity through global norms of corporate CSR and also by the assurance of professional groups in the home multinational firm.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore the sources of knowledge and support for Saudi Arabian women entrepreneurs when starting or operating a new venture. The study examines factors relevant to knowledge base, family support, and external support from outside sources that may influence venture creation. The findings reveal that women are the principal in the majority (55%) of women-owned businesses. A total of 70% of the women own more than 51% of the business and 42% started the business by themselves. Saudi Arabian businesswomen are highly educated, receive strong support from family and friends, and rate themselves as excellent in people skills and innovation. Further research should focus on qualities that contribute to successful women-owned firms in Saudi Arabia. The current study contributes to the literature by focusing on Saudi women entrepreneurs. The understanding of entrepreneurship around the world grows through these findings from a Saudi Arabian context. The results show that Chang, Memili, Chrisman, Kellermanns, and Chua's (2009) model of venture creation is applicable to the broader entrepreneurial and family business population. A discussion of the implications relevant to the business environment, challenges, and opportunities in Saudi Arabian women's entrepreneurship brings this paper to a close.  相似文献   

As the world economy becomes increasingly integrated and globalized, U.S. companies face unprecedented opportunity, as well as challenge. In the global marketplace, China has made great strides in economic and commercial developments. The business community observes that China is becoming a manufacturing base for the world in providing quality products at low prices. As more business people turn their attention to China's progress, however, they are missing out on an important part of the equation: its neighboring country, India, which may deserve more attention than it has received. In this article, we attempt to present an argument that India could be a viable alternative in competition with other countries on the world stage. In spite of its problems, the Indian government and people are determined to increase Indian contribution to the world economy. As such, India may serve as its next frontier.  相似文献   

This research was carried out among 220 married women in business in Ankara. Its aim was to determine the profile of women entrepreneurs. A random sampling method was used and data were collected through individual interviews (face‐to‐face). The study examined working status, reasons for being in business and the types of businesses involved. It examined the difficulties experienced in starting up and maintaining the businesses, the risks involved, earnings, the characteristics of the entrepreneurs and future planning. Government rules and regulations were considered, as was the willingness of women entrepreneurs to participate in training programmes. The women’s ages, educational levels and the extent of their business experience were also examined.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of board gender diversity in the context of emerging economies. Specifically, we investigate the impact of organizational characteristics on gender diversity in the boardrooms of Brazilian, Russian, Indian and Chinese firms and compare our findings with a control sample from US and UK. Analysing data for 1002 firms between a period of 2005 and 2012, we find some similarities between developed and emerging economies on the factors determining women representation on boards. In particular, we observe board gender diversity is positively related to the firm size, and it is inversely related to corporate risk across both emerging and developed economies. Family control affects positively board gender diversity only in India, China, UK and US. However, in contrast to developed countries, there is some evidence to suggest that state ownership has a negative effect on board gender diversity in India and Russia.  相似文献   

Supermarkets have established a visible presence in Shanghai with some 1,000 stores and an estimated 5 per cent of market share. Local chains dominate the sector but well-known international retailers are very active. Studies indicate that a large proportion of consumers regularly shop in supermarkets but they use them 'selectively', mostly for packaged and processed foods, and continue to purchase fresh food in traditional outlets. The author uses a variety of data types and a number of research methods to analyse supermarkets' penetration into Shanghai. A background discussion of the food retail system in Shanghai highlights the traditional formats, the local and foreign supermarket chains, and the independent supermarkets. The data from a consumer shopping behaviour study is then used to assess supermarkets' penetration. Supermarkets' fast penetration into Shanghai is surprising given the findings of earlier studies, which identified the existence of serious limitations on the format's penetration into less developed countries (LDCs). Consequently, the focus in the second part of the paper is on explaining the reasons for the success of supermarkets. The impact of the factors identified in the earlier studies as constraining supermarkets' advance were evaluated and it was found that in Shanghai three of these factors (consumers, traditional retailers and government) did not cause serious problems for supermarkets. Only the supply-side conditions negatively affected their operations. The Shanghai example highlights the need to update our thinking regarding the LDCs' food retail modernization process in a number of directions. First local supermarket chains, not foreign ones, drive the process. Second, supply-side factors, not the demand-side ones that were emphasized in earlier studies, pose the major difficulties. Third, this analysis affirms the importance of the 'selective' adoption phenomenon where LDC consumers who regularly shop in supermarkets continue to purchase fresh food in traditional outlets. The implications of this analysis for food retail modernization theory and for practice are discussed and the prospects for further development of the supermarket sector in Shanghai are assessed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the prevalence of lookism through a content analysis of nursing recruitment advertisements in China. Lookism or physical appearance-based discrimination is prevalent in roles predominantly occupied by women. This attributive bias assumes greater significance in the context of a patriarchal society like China within industries such as nursing that are highly feminized. Nevertheless, few studies explore the existence of lookism within the nursing industry in China. Reporting on the intent of Chinese health care employers to discriminate based on physical appearance, this article argues for awareness of and sensitivity toward the implications of workplace lookism in China.  相似文献   

Women's role in management is an important issue. This is based not just on moral, but also on economic grounds. In many countries female participation rates in labour markets have increased, but a similar expansion into managerial posts has commonly lagged behind this, often an indication of the resilience of the so-called ‘glass ceiling’. We use South Korea as an example to explore this. We review the literature in the area and provide theoretical explanations and a lens through which to view developments which indicate that social and cultural, rather than economic, reasons often underpin the situation. We go on to outline some possible ways to confront female managerial discrimination and to increase women's roles in management.  相似文献   

Extending institutional theory, we incorporate a neglected but important component of formal institution, economic nationalism, into a model that specifies its effects on cross-border acquisition success. We suggest that economic nationalism has a dynamic nature and sees the interaction between protectionism and liberalism. As such, it exerts both positive and negative effects on foreign investments, contingent on how these investments are perceived as aligned with the national interests as reflected by national security considerations, foreign relations, and growth strategy. Using a data set containing 7275 announced cross-border acquisition deals in China during 1985–2010, the study finds that (1) when an acquisition activity targets essential industries or state-owned enterprises, it is less likely to be completed because of provoked national economic security concerns; and (2) when an acquirer brings technology and/or capital, or/and helps to restructure poorly-performing firms, or/and the acquirer comes from a country with good foreign relations with China, the acquisition is considered as safe and helpful for the country's development, and it is more likely to be completed.  相似文献   

Sex-role stereotypes exist as a primary source of gender inequality in employment. This issue becomes even more salient in the social context of China, where the traditional view of female inferiority persists and the legal system provides inadequate protection of equal employment rights. Reporting a content analysis of Chinese recruitment advertisements, this article concludes that gender discrimination is practiced by Chinese employers in recruiting for white-collar positions. It also finds that female applicants are more likely to encounter other forms of discrimination such as age and physical appearance requirements as well.  相似文献   

Despite the paramount influence of top managers within a firm, extant literature has under-researched the specific role of top management in market knowledge development. Drawing on social networks theory, the authors conceptualize a linkage between top management networks (TMNs) and market knowledge management. Based on a sample of Chinese firms, the results show that networking embeddedness of TMNs promotes new knowledge creation, but too much networking embeddedness leads to diminished returns. In addition, networking disparity of TMNs has a negative influence on existing knowledge sharing, and technological turbulence seems to weaken this negative impact. The findings have some important implications for marketing research and for managers on how to obtain superior learning in Chinese Economy.  相似文献   

This article discusses the Chinese real estate market, with special reference to Shanghai, and depicts an interview with Taiwan's largest real estate company, which bought the master international franchising rights of Coldwell Banker for China. As China's real estate market only recently opened to foreign investment, and since franchising in China is in its infancy, this article provides a unique examination of international franchising into a new product market area in the country. In addition, the article highlights some practices that could be adopted by professional service firms in their international expansion and discusses post-WTO implications to real estate franchising in China.  相似文献   

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