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钢铁产业的产业集中度和空间布局是关系产业竞争力的两个重要方面,提高产业集中度和优化空间布局.是中国钢铁产业实现可持续发展的主要任务。本文通过建立相关的模型和数据测算.分析我国钢铁产业集中度和空间布局的变化,发现我国钢铁产业的生产集中度和空间集中度不仅很低.而且在2001年以来还在不断降低。研究显示,我国钢铁产业的空间布局呈现以市场指向为主、兼资源依托型之格局,临海港口型特征不明显。对三种不同类型的空间布局绩效的比较研究发现.临海港口型的空间布局应是我国钢铁产业布局的主要合理方向。论文对2005年新颁布的《钢铁产业发展政策》作了相应的分析和评论,探讨了产业政策的真正意义.主张作为产业政策不适宜对市场作具体数量的规定。  相似文献   

Research summary: This article explores the distribution of alliances across firms' internal structure. Focusing on multinational companies, we examine the impact of alliance portfolio concentration—i.e., the extent to which alliances are concentrated within a limited number of geographic units—on focal firms' performance. Relying on Knowledge‐Based View (KBV) insights, we hypothesize that an increase in alliance portfolio concentration positively influences firm performance and that alliance portfolio size negatively moderates this relationship. Our empirical results enrich the emerging capability perspective on alliance portfolios, point to the relevance of conceptualizing focal firms in alliance portfolio research as polylithic entities instead of monolithic ones, and provide new insights into how firms create value by potentially recombining externally accessed knowledge. Managerial summary: In the setting of multinational companies, we examine whether alliance activities are concentrated in a limited number of subsidiaries or are highly dispersed across multiple subsidiaries. We find that, over time, firms exhibit different patterns in terms of alliance portfolio concentration. In addition, the results show that, for MNCs with a relatively small alliance portfolio, an increase in alliance portfolio concentration is positively related to their financial performance. However, when MNCs' alliance portfolios are relatively large, the relationship between alliance portfolio concentration and firm performance becomes negative. Jointly, these findings suggest that the distribution of alliances across firms' internal structure is an important factor in shaping potential knowledge recombination benefits from alliance portfolios. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A continuous flow of new products is the lifeblood for firms that hope to remain competitive in high-technology industries such as telecommunications. Faced with rapidly shrinking product life cycles, these firms must aggressively pursue the quest for more effective new product development (NPD). Ongoing success in such industries is dependent on choosing the right mix of new product strategy, organizational structure, and NPD processes. Rather than considering the interrelationships among these success factors, however, most previous studies of NPD have examined these issues individually. This shortcoming is compounded by the fact that past studies of NPD have typically cut across industry lines. Gloria Barczak addresses these problems by proposing that a firm's choice of new product strategy, structure, and process are interrelated, as are the effects of those choices on NPD performance. Because these choices and their effects also may be dependent on the unique characteristics of the industry in which a firm competes, her study focuses exclusively on firms in a specific, high-technology industry, telecommunications. The study finds that no single NPD strategy, in and of itself, stands out as being better than any other for the telecommunications industry. Instead, it appears that a company's focus should be on ensuring the best possible fit between its chosen NPD strategy and its corporate goals and capabilities. In keeping with the current focus on cross-functional teams, the study results indicate that project teams and R&D teams are the most effective means for organizing NPD efforts in the telecommunications industry. Perhaps not surprisingly, R&D teams are more important for first-to-market firms than they are for fast followers and late entrants. An R&D team provides the technical skills necessary for playing the role of pioneer. Regardless of the firm's NPD strategy and structure, the presence of a product champion is an important element in the success of new product efforts. In an era of rapid, technological advances, idea generation and screening efforts are essential to the success of telecommunications firms. To ensure that they do not fall into the trap of introducing technology for technology's sake, pioneering and fast-follower firms in particular must recognize the importance of staying in touch with their markets. Such market-oriented activities as customer prototype testing and concept definition and testing can help these firms ensure that their technological developments are in line with customer needs and requirements.  相似文献   

本文根据1998~2013年制造业细分行业的产出与就业等数据,分别运用结构协调度和结构偏离度来测量制造业总体和制造业三大子行业产业结构与就业结构的协调程度。结果发现制造业总体的协调度呈现出先恶化再改善的倒“U”型的走势,制造业三大子行业结构偏离度的走势虽各有特点,但与制造业总体协调度大体保持了一致性。此外,本文采用了偏最小二乘模型(PLS)对影响制造业产业结构和就业结构协调性的因素进行了分析,结果表明制造业发展战略、对外开放程度、市场化程度、劳动者素质和技术进步是影响产业结构与就业结构协调性的主要因素。  相似文献   

Beer advertising is a topic that has frequently attracted the attention of industrial organization economists. This update reviews major events, data trends, and research for each of three issues: (1) the importance of advertising and product differentiation for structural change in the brewing industry; (2) the manner and extent to which brewers can strategically alter market shares using advertising; and (3) the social costs of beer advertising and marketing, including advertising bans, targeting of underage youth, and recent changes in the three-tier system of alcohol distribution. Major legal decisions pertaining to commercial speech and other regulations also are discussed.JEL Classifications: L66, L13, M37  相似文献   

我国钢铁产业集中度低,规模经济不明显,导致钢铁产业能源消耗总量高,不仅造成了严重的环境污染和市场混乱,而且制约着整体竞争力的提高,也大大削弱了我国在国际市场的地位和作用。本文采用理论和实证研究,通过对我国钢铁产业1994~2008年的相关数据进行分析,结果表明,钢铁产业集中度的提高对能源消耗的降低有明显的作用,其中CR4/CR10的提高对钢铁产业能源消耗总量的降低影响显著,而小企业所占比重、连铸比、节能降耗投入对钢铁行业单位产值能耗的降低有明显的效果。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between concentration, output and trade usingtheory and empirical analysis of matched data on 82 manufacturing industries in seven countries. It finds that the higher is domestic concentration in an industry compared to international concentration, the lower is the domestic share of world output and thesmaller are net exports. This relationship persists even when industries with high levelsof concentration are excluded.  相似文献   

Indirect assessments of market conduct have become widespread in the New Empirical Industrial Organization—NEIO literature. Recently, Steen and Salvanes (1999, Int J Ind Organ 17:147–177) provided a flexible dynamic econometric formulation of the approach advanced by Bresnahan (1982, Econ Lett 19:87–92) and Lau (1982, Econ Lett 10:93–99). The present paper considers a similar approach applied to regional cement markets in Brazil under more favorable data availability, and attempts to address part of the concerns that usually emerge with respect to the NEIO literature. In particular, issues pertaining to structural stability and the control for the number of competing firms are addressed. The evidence clearly indicates non-negligible and distinct market power in different regions and also distinct conduct patterns in the short and long run.   相似文献   

由于对产业链特性认识不清,产业链的研究总是处于夹缝之中,依附于产业或企业的研究。正如光既不是“波”也不是“粒子”一样,产业链实际上是一个具有“波粒二象性”的特殊产业组织。它的结构也不是通常的产业纵向关联形式,而是类似“玻尔原子”结构式的企业关联状态。这种特性和结构就决定了产业链研究的核心问题是如何整合产业链,完成产业创新和实现产业价值。解决的主要思路就是根据产业链的“波粒二象性”来调控产业链间的企业关系,促进产业链条的优化。特别是在企业之间形成“量子纠缠”.推动“量子跃迁”。“量子纠缠”是为了无形“隐性知识”在产业链条中的“隐性传输”.“量子跃迁”是为了有形“中间产品”在产业链条间的“显性传输”。  相似文献   

钢材作为不可替代的功能性、结构性、基础性材料,决定了钢铁工业作为国民经济中的基础行业在发展规模及速度上既受下游行业发展的带动,又受基础原料行业发展的制约。同时,钢铁工业不可避免地承担起保障下游高端产业健康发展的责任与义务,即钢铁工业在向下游行业提供优质产品与服务的同时,要为下游行业的发展做出必要的奉献。  相似文献   

During the past three decades, a series of changes in the market environment have altered the structure of the pharmaceutical industry. While these changes have benefitted the generic drug sector, the effect on the branded drug sector has been detrimental. In sum, these changes have shortened the product life cycles for branded drugs by shifting market share to generic drugs sooner. As a result, it is more challenging for branded drugs to meet return on investment expectations because sales revenue has decreased. This study examines change in the pharmaceutical industry through the lens of the Structure‐Conduct‐Performance paradigm. While research and development intensity has remained stable during the past three decades, new product introductions have shifted to favor brand extension drugs over new, innovative drugs. This change in conduct, reflecting the structural changes that have impacted the industry, indicates a transformation in managers' expectations for returns from investment in new drug development. From a performance standpoint, in the latter part of the period studied, we find a positive relationship between stock return and the introduction of brand extensions reflecting the stock market's approval of the change in product strategy. Our discussion concludes that emerging structural changes may help offset the challenges faced by the branded drug sector and ultimately drive additional changes in the branded sector's conduct.  相似文献   

概述世界各成纤维工业的供需现状及发展主要趋势,80年代末开始的世界范围的产业结构调整,促使了世界合成纤维企业调整优化行业的产品结构。  相似文献   

Market Power, Industrial Concentration and Innovative Activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses the paradox between the positive effect of industrial concentration on R & D spending, and its non-positive effect on the number of innovations. Also, I analyze whether concentration has different effects on small- and large-firm R & D. The analysis shows that the positive effect of industrial concentration on R & D spending is at least as strong for small firms as it is for large firms within an industry, which indicates that the possession of market power is not in itself conducive to innovative effort. In addition, high concentration appears to be attended with a loss of efficiency in R & D spending.  相似文献   

We examine how quality competition affects the relationship between market size and industry structure at the product level using evidence from the U.S. hotel industry. Starting in the early 1980s, quality competition for business travelers became more based on variable and less on fixed costs, and became less scale intensive. Since then, market size increases have been met by more, but smaller, hotels in business travel destinations but continued to be met by larger hotels in personal travel destinations. Our results illustrate how the way consumers benefit from increases in market size depends on how firms compete.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze empirically some of therelationships involving corporate diversification, concentration and economic performance for agroup of 25 of the largest Korean chaebols or business groups over the period 1985–1995. UsingHerfindahl–Hirschman indices of inter-industry diversification and intra-group member firm concentration,our results indicate that increased conglomerate diversification does not affect chaebol profitswhereas changes in internal member firm concentration do. Of particular interest with respect to bothdiversification and concentration are our findings that a quadratic relationship exists between groupprofits and the number of member firms, with both smaller and larger chaebols having higher profitsthan intermediate size chaebols. A similar relationship also exists with respect to group size measuredin terms of total assets. Since the number of member firms is included as an explanatory variable, ourresults imply that profitable chaebols expand primarily within their existing industries ratherthan by adding firms in new markets.  相似文献   

现代服务业已经成为我国优化产业结构和经济发展的重要推动力.发展现代服务业已经是“资源节约型、环境友好型社会”即“两型社会”建设的需要,是转变经济发展方式的需要.当前,坚持加快转变经济发展方式的前提是改变和优化产业结构,而产业结构的优化在于现代服务业的发展.所以,本文从从多个角度探讨现代服务业对优化产业结构的作用机理.  相似文献   

产业投资结构优化研究及实证分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
一个发展中国家或区域要使自己的经济协调发展 ,就必须走集约化的道路。这就需要有一个合理的产业结构 ,而合理的产业结构需要合理的投资结构去实现。本文根据投资结构与产业结构之间的互相影响 ,互相制约的关系 ,运用灰色理论的方法 ,首先 ,构造数学模型 ,提出了对产业结构的合理性、协调性进行分析的方法 ;其次 ,构造数学模型 ,提出对区域投资结构的与产业结构关联度进行分析的方法 ;然后 ,结合以上两个分析对未来投资结构提出合理性建议。最后 ,以河北省实际情况为例 ,对上述研究进行实证分析。  相似文献   

加快产业结构升级提高钢铁行业竞争力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在令人振奋和担忧中我们走过了2005年!在过去几年快速发展的基础上,2005年我国钢铁工业又取得了飞越发展:一是全年钢产量达到3.5亿t,比上年增加7000多万t,增长25%,  相似文献   

文化创意产业中,生产性服务业是文化创意产业的主体,是连接文化创意产业与其他产业协同发展的主体,是科技与文化协同促进经济发展的主体。生产性服务业发展本身就是产业结构优化的结果,通过生产性服务业与其他产业融合,在自身得到良好发展的同时,对其他产业形成优化、促进升级的作用。  相似文献   

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