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This paper presents spatially explicit analyses of the greenspace contribution to residential property values in a hedonic model. The paper utilizes data from the housing market near downtown Los Angeles. We first used a standard hedonic model to estimate greenspace effects. Because the residuals were spatially autocorrelated, we implemented a spatial lag model as indicated by specification tests. Our results show that neighborhood greenspace at the immediate vicinity of houses has a significant impact on house prices even after controlling for spatial autocorrelation. The different estimation results from non-spatial and spatial models provide useful bounds for the greenspace effect. Greening of inner city areas may provide a valuable policy instrument for elevating depressed housing markets in those areas.  相似文献   

破解中小企业融资难题,使之成为我国经济又好又快发展的推进器是我国长期以来亟待解决的问题。从中小企业目前的资产结构看,充分利用流动资产进行动产融资不失为解决这一难题的可行途径。本文从中小企业和银行业金融机构两方面分析了进行动产融资的必要性,阐述了动产融资业务开展的可行性,并提出了相关的政策建议,以期为推动中小企业健康发展提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

自偿性贸易融资是银行对企业的一种授信,这种授信封闭用于特定的贸易活动,其所产生的销售收入为授信还款的直接来源.自偿性贸易融资业务之所以说弥补了中小企业本身的缺陷,又保证了银行资金的安全,在于其独具特点.  相似文献   

We explore the determinants of liquidation values of assets, particularly focusing on the potential buyers of assets. When a firm in financial distress needs to sell assets, its industry peers are likely to be experiencing problems themselves, leading to asset sales at prices below value in best use. Such illiquidity makes assets cheap in bad times, and so ex ante is a significant private cost of leverage. We use this focus on asset buyers to explain variation in debt capacity across industries and over the business cycle, as well as the rise in U.S. corporate leverage in the 1980s.  相似文献   

战略管理是对管理学科的一种抽象的总结和提升,本身的理论性要大于其可操作性。因此学生在学习过程中往往不能把握《战略管理》课程的精髓,而仅仅把它当作一门普通学科,从而导致学习状况不甚理想。笔者就教学当中的实际经验进行简单总结,为学生学好《战略管理》提供学习建议。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》(以下简称《反洗钱法》)第三十五条从法律层面上明确特定非金融机构必须履行反洗钱义务,但对特定非金融机构的范围、其履行反洗钱义务和对其监督管理的具体办法,未予明确规定。房地产业无论从其交易方式、交易规模或是对国民经济影响力来看,都应成为反洗钱工作向特定非金融行业拓展的主要目标之一。在以风险为本监管原则的指引下,本文依托房地产业的时代背景和国家宏观调控的政策背景,结合当前反洗钱工作现状,借助房产税改革之机,提出构建房地产业反洗钱工作机制的可行性举措。  相似文献   

Statistical inference in long-horizon event studies has been hampered by the fact that abnormal returns are neither normally distributed nor independent. This study presents a new approach to inference that overcomes these difficulties and dominates other popular testing methods. I illustrate the use of the methodology by examining the long-horizon returns of initial public offerings (IPOs). I find that the Fama and French (1993) three-factor model is inconsistent with the observed long-horizon price performance of these IPOs, whereas a characteristic-based model cannot be rejected.  相似文献   

债务融资工具自诞生以来,对改变直接融资与间接融资比例失调、疏通货币政策传导机制、防止广义货币供应量过快增长、维护金融整体稳定等方面都具有战略意义.本文通过实例分别从企业和商业银行两个方面论述了债务融资工具对企业拓宽融资渠道、降低财务成本、提高经营效益、提升管理水平、改善中小企业融资难等方面的重要作用.同时,对拓宽银行盈利渠道、降低营销费用、带动传统存贷款业务的连锁发展,推动商业银行积极适应银行业混业经营的大趋势,逐步走向综合化经营以及培养忠诚度高的核心客户群等方面所具有的战略意义.  相似文献   

We offer county-level estimates of the effect of water and rail access on the value of antebellum farms. Employing a hedonic model, we find that in 1850 average farm values in counties with access to a canal or navigable river were $2.68 per acre greater than counties without such access and $1.80 greater with rail access. In 1860 the figures were $3.75 for a canal or river access and $1.35 for rail. With average farm size around 200 acres and per capita national income roughly $150 during the decade, we conclude that on average transportation access yielded substantial economic gains.  相似文献   

In the received model of the voluntary provision of a pure public good, the usual practice is to proceed from assumptions about the group characteristics to inferences about an implied outcome. The approach advocated in this paper reverses the traditional direction. Assuming a Nash equilibrium, we ask how to characterize the diverse set of group characteristics which will support it. Approaching the problem from this angle we define three crucial characteristics of a group-equilibrium: consumer's free rider inducing supply, zero contribution-inducing wealth and voluntary surplus tribute which is the amount by which a person's actual income exceeds his/her zero-contribution inducing wealth. Defining these indicators we show how they form the foundation of a complete mapping between the distribution of individual characteristics of a group, and equilibrium public good supply. Certain questions such as the interaction between size of the group and heterogeneity of incomes and tastes not yet adequately addressed are shown to yield easily to this approach.  相似文献   

JOHN R. GRINYER 《Abacus》1987,23(1):43-51
This paper presents a new 'matching' based approach to depreciation that incorporates interest adjustments and generates accounting measurements that are consistent with the ex post Net Terminal Values of fixed assets. The method has been developed from the concept of Earned Economic Income by the application of concepts drawn from the existing literature. The calculations and ledger entries involved are illustrated in the appendices.  相似文献   

发展城市型现代农业的融资思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市型现代农业是资金和技术密集型农业,城市型现代农业的建立,需要资金的强有力支持,拓宽融资思路,开辟新的资金来源渠道,建立新的筹资方式,是解决现代城市型农业发展资金短缺的重要问题。  相似文献   

运用普通最小二乘法,对我国35个大中城市的数据资料进行多元回归,分析地方财政支出对房地产价值的影响,其结论是地方财政支出和房地产价值存在高度正相关关系,城市持续高水平的财政支出,经过一段时间的积累,必定通过房地产价值的增加体现出来.由此引出了对我国房地产税进行改革的启示.  相似文献   

21世纪是城市经济的世纪,我国城市化建设自改革开放至今已取得了可喜成就,然而发展中仍有许多问题需要我们进行深入研究。必须正确认识城市化发展的规律,科学确定我国城市化战略的目标定位和战略步骤,采取有效措施推进城市化的发展。  相似文献   

We propose a simple, parsimonious, and easily implementable method for stress-testing banks using a top-down approach that captures the heterogeneous impact of shocks to macroeconomic variables on banks’ capitalization. Our approach relies on a variable selection method to identify the macroeconomic drivers of banking variables as well as the balance sheet and income statement factors that are key in explaining bank heterogeneity in response to macroeconomic shocks. We perform a principal component analysis on the selected variables and show how the principal component factors can be used to make projections, conditional on exogenous paths of macroeconomic variables. We apply our approach, using alternative estimation strategies and assumptions, to the 2013 and 2014 stress tests of medium- and large-size U.S. banks mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act, and obtain stress projections for capitalization measures at the bank-by-bank and industry-wide levels. Our results suggest that accounting for bank heterogeneity yields expected capital shortfalls that can be over 30 percent larger than in the case where heterogeneity is ignored. Furthermore, we find that while capitalization of the U.S. banking industry has improved in recent years, under reasonable assumptions regarding growth in assets and loans, the stress scenarios continue to imply sizable deterioration in banks’ capital positions.  相似文献   

信托自产生即带有消极性,但随着信托特别是商事信托的发展,否定消极信托逐步成为各国主流学说。鉴别消极信托、把握其本质并防范其风险,对展业之初的我国信托业具有一定的实践意义。  相似文献   

运用两阶段关联网络DEA模型,对我国新能源汽车产业上市公司的债权融资效率及各子阶段对应效率进行了测算。研究结果表明:新能源汽车产业上市公司债权融资效率水平偏低,而债权筹资效率相对低下是其主要原因;随着时间推移,大部分新能源汽车产业上市公司两阶段效率逐渐趋向双重高效。  相似文献   

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