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The Saudi Arabia Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo, is a huge boat-shaped building like a half moon with a fantastic 3D IMAX theater within, and it has attracte'd a great number of vis'itors since it-was opened to public. At times it would take 10 hours standing in the queue betore visitors would make it through the doors. Covering a total 'area of 6,000 square meters, the Saudi Arabia Pavilion ranks second only to the Chinese National Pavilion in terms of total size.  相似文献   

李雪 《商界》2013,(4):122-125
前沿技术会因成本高昂而制约普及,40年前就成型的IMAX巨幕技术,因商业模式困局—直曲高和寡,直至近年才取得商业化的规模扩张。提起IMAX电影《阿凡达》、《泰坦尼克号3D》和《超级战舰》等想必大家都不会陌生。IMAX公司历史悠久,1967年三个加拿大人为了解决彼时巨幕系统的安装复  相似文献   

IMAX引入中国资本:未来5年再增250块银幕 4月16日.IMAX公司在举行了中国战略发布会暨北京国际电影节IMAX电影展映单元启动仪式。理查德·葛尔方表示:“我们计划在未来5年内,再增加250块银幕。中国电影市场5年内将成为全球最大的市场,我们会借助我们的全球影院网络平台,将更多的中国本土电影输送到其他国家市场,展现中国电影艺术及优秀人才的创造力。”  相似文献   

王阳 《新财富》2012,(6):17-17
《泰坦尼克》3D版、《超级战舰》、《复仇者联盟》接踵而至,凭借震撼的视觉效果,继《阿凡达》之后,IMAX热潮再次来袭。国泰君安证券分析师高辉认为,IMAX、3D技术使电影展示出电视、电脑屏幕不具备的震撼体验,必然带来电影市场的又一次繁荣。  相似文献   

许多技术创新都夭折于高成本门槛,而IMAX要成为一门大生意所要逾越的门槛甚至更高。  相似文献   

Canadian movie format company IMAX Corp has recently signed an- other agreement to team up with local partners to open more theaters in China.  相似文献   

卖点:能放MP3,还可以当数码伴侣使用。 参考价格:388元 IMAX驰能AV200数码伴侣提供了20GB的1.8英寸硬盘存储容 量,传输接口采用USB2.0接口,传输速度快速。兼容10种数码相机 存储卡,最大限度的解决了目前市场上数码相机存储卡不统一的问题。 IMAX驰能AV200还具备MP3硬盘式音乐播放功能,MPEG-4功能(可  相似文献   

Bicycles are generally considered "Green Vehicles", with their cheap price and easy maintenance. China, known as the "Kingdom of Bicycles", has the largest output and export volume of whole bikes, but the industry has been in difficulties in recent years. The blind import of international capital is the main reason for the decline of the bicycle industry in the country. In the mid 1980s, cheap labor and optimistic market forecasts attracted international capital to China's bicycle indus-  相似文献   

Beijing will open the planning and design market, so that foreigners can participate in the urban planning which could only be made by Beijingers in the past. This is a creative action made by Beijing Urban Committee this year.Huang Yan, deputy director of Beijing Urban Committee , told the reporter that although the key task of Beijing Urban Committee is to work out the " Three major plans", i.e. to revise "Beijing Overall Urban Planning", to draw up "Strategic Research  相似文献   

"It's time for deepening the reform,and we will keep forging ahead resolutely",spokesman Zhao Qizheng made this remark as the prelude to 2012 CPPCC & NPC on the first press conference of the Fifth Session  相似文献   

15年前.还在一家咨询公司服务IMAXI的艾琳·坎贝尔一定想不到,如今她会成为IMAX的首席营销官.这家致力于开发观影技术的公司.如今是让人们“梦想成真”的魔法师,并逐步成为人们心中”终极视觉体验“的代名词。  相似文献   

Nanjing, also named as "Ning", is the capital of China's Jiangsu Province. The city is situated in the hilly areas of Nanjing and Zhenjiang in the lower reaches of Yangtze River, which borders with the Yangtze River Delta to the east and the hilly areas o…  相似文献   

Based on the corporate culture of"intemally cultivating the spirit with the essence of the traditional Chinese culture,and externally combining the advanced western management and technology",Hainan Airlines Company Limited (hereinafter called HNA) has turned from a new soaring airlines to the fourth biggest airlines in China.  相似文献   

The Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate of the People's Republic of China have issued "Judicial Explanations on Handling the Criminal Cases of Infringing the Intellectual Property Right", which entered into force on December 22,2004.  相似文献   

Sino-French Joint Venture Dynasty Winery Co.,Ltd.,since the cstablishment in 1980,has had a history of steady development of 28 years.In the past 28 years,Dynasty Winery continues the market expansion,and increasing the market share,and strengthening the influence of the brand and the company.Till now,"Dynasty Wine", has become popular among the consumers.  相似文献   

Sino-French Joint Venture Dynasty Winery Co.,Ltd.,since the establishment in 1980,has had a history of steady development of 28 years.In the past 28 years,Dynasty Winery continues the market expansion,and increasing the market share,and strengthening the influence of the brand and the company.Till now,"Dynasty Wine",has become popular among the consumors.  相似文献   

As people often say, "the 21st century is the century for Asia",China and ASEAN, the two giants standing in Asia are working together to create a more prosperous century as they had planned.  相似文献   

The development of Pudong hasattracted worldwide attention whilePudong's "face", the Lujiazui Financeand Trade Zone, is more striking. Hundredsof tall buildings have sprung up likemushrooms in Pudong; the grand YangpuBridge and Nanpu Bridge cross the HuangpuRiver, setting each other off fantasticallywith the imposing Oriental Pearl TV Towernearby; the broad avenue traverses the zonelike a rainbow; the new Shanghai CommerceCity is emerging on the horizon, adding  相似文献   

The Green Palace Hotel in Xiamen is a three-star hotel, providing service for foreign guests. Since the municipal government of Xiamen set the goal of "building the city into an international port and tourist city", a number of hotels have sprung up. Faced with the fierce  相似文献   

Adhering to the principle of "ush ering world books into China,introducing Chinese books to the world", the size of Beijing International Book Fair has seen constant expansion, international position undergoing continuous upgrading and its influence becoming increasingly profound since the first Fair was held in 1986.  相似文献   

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