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关于借助外资处置不良资产的几点思考 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
我国四家金融资产管理公司借用外资处置不良资产的行动已经拉开了序幕,并取得一定的效果,但在不良资产处置程序、资产估值方法等方面仍有待于完善,本文对此提出了一些建议。 相似文献
不良资产处置引进外资的思考 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
随着我国不良资产处置步伐的加快,外资将逐渐成为我国不良资产处置市场的中坚力量。但鉴于国情等客观因素限制,在我国引进外资参与不良资产处置仍然面临着一些问题。 相似文献
外资处置不良资产的现金回收率为3%,利润边际在20%以上,但外资进入不良资产处置市场的示范作用大,可以引入先进投资理念和处置方法,催生新资本市场工具。目前向外资出售不良资产的金融风险是可以控制的。中外不良资产定价方法不同,买卖双方报价的差距较大。不良资产处置要广泛利用打包出售、建立合资合作企业、合伙人投资、资产证券化、信托计划等方式。政府在培育不良资产市场中的作用一是保持市场的透明度,二是制定市场规章和法律制度。 相似文献
我国商业银行不良资产证券化处置研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
证券化是指以缺乏流动性但具有稳定的现金流的资产作抵押,发行可以在金融市场上出售和流通的证券,据以融通资金的工程。本文讨论了不良资产证券化的机制以及证券化的种类,并详细分析了我国商业银行不良资产证券化的具体过程与有关政策。 相似文献
近年来,金融科技快速发展,银行业进入了金融科技革命的新阶段,不良资产处置业务与大数据、人工智能等金融科技进行了有效结合,使开展"智慧处置"成为可能.本文在对智慧处置发展环境和路径分析的基础上,结合当前不良资产处置业务特点和传统处置流程的痛点,提出了农业银行构建"智慧处置"平台的总体思路和整体架构,并介绍了在清收、核销、... 相似文献
1.现金粪断.以现金卖断形式直接向外资出售债权、股权或抵债实物资产,这种方式交易结构简单、现金回收较快。 相似文献
2007年6月6日,在天津举办的首届中国企业国际融资洽谈会上,天津海泰控股集团下属的专业投资机构--天津海泰科技投资管理有限公司与戈壁合伙人有限公司签订战略合作协议,宣布合资设立海泰-戈壁滨海高新创业投资基金,创建全新的中外风险投资合作模式,以扶植业内初创型企业. 相似文献
This paper investigates the relationship between bank capital ratios and lending rates using data from 1998 to 2012 for 13 large banks accounting for 75% of total UK lending. We document a substantial change in the coefficient of the Tier 1 capital ratio in reduced-form regressions for secured household lending rates; the coefficient changes from positive pre-crisis to negative in crisis. Significant changes are also detected in the relationship for unsecured household and corporate lending. Such instability is difficult to reconcile with many well-established theories of financial intermediation but is consistent with the relatively recent theories of bank portfolio decisions emphasising cyclical variation in bank leverage and risk-appetite. 相似文献
4月17日,第四届中国房地产结构金融及投资亚太会议在京召开.与会的外资嘉宾纷纷就中国房地产业融资的新形势进行讨论. 相似文献
When a firm issues security to finance its growth, how does the market react and do investors differentiate between good and bad growth? By manually reading the intended use of proceeds of each security offering of U.S. REITs during 2000–2020, we classify whether the proceeds are used for expansionary or other purposes and analyze whether security offerings that are used to finance sub-optimal growth matter for shareholders' wealth. Adopting an event study method, we find that the expansionary use of proceeds does not affect shareholders' wealth following a debt offering announcement. However, when we distinguish good growth from bad growth, we find that debt financing used for good growth is associated with an increase in shareholders' wealth (+1.734% abnormal return in the 5-day event window) and debt financing used for bad growth is associated with a decrease in shareholders' wealth (−0.563% abnormal return in the 5-day event window). For equity offering announcements, on average, neither the expansionary use of proceeds nor the nature of growth significantly affects shareholder wealth. 相似文献
We investigate the determinants of foreign borrowing costs in a stochastically growing economy. We find that these increase with the debt-wealth ratio, depending also upon the volatilities of domestic and foreign origin, and the length of debt contract. In addition, the sensitivity of the short-term debt supply to the debt-wealth ratio exceeds that of long-term debt, and the effects of volatility on the borrowing premium, growth of wealth, and its volatility, depend on the relative size of a direct effect and a secondary portfolio-adjustment effect of the initial shock, as well as the length of the debt contract. Panel regressions suggest that the empirical evidence generally support the theoretical predictions. 相似文献
资本市场诞生第一天起,就与争议密不可分,在美国开国元勋杰斐逊的眼里,华尔街甚至一直是"人类本性堕落的大阴沟".和此后数百年的无数华尔街守护者一样,汉密尔顿,纽约银行的创立者,一个因决斗而失去生命的失败者,曾绞尽脑汁,试图找到一条区分资本市场好人与恶棍的界线,也许对他来说,这是一盘永远下不完的棋. 相似文献
《Global Finance Journal》2014,25(3):181-202
We examine the domestic stock price response to foreign capital issuance by Indian firms. Firms have extensively used foreign equity and convertible foreign debt sources since 1994. The role of foreign investment bankers, size of the issue, firm's growth opportunities, and other factors are examined in the cross-sectional analysis of domestic stock price response. We find that firms experience positive stock price response to both equity and debt issues abroad, with greater response to issuance of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), and financing high corporate growth. 相似文献