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Firm size and export performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Economic analysis based on the Theory of the Firm shows that the exporting firm can be conceptualized as a discriminating monopolist, facing several demand curves. The analysis shows that under these conditions, and assuming certainty, the larger the firm, the higher the ratio of exports to total sales.When uncertainty is introduced into the model, the conclusion regarding the relationship between size and the ratio of exports to sales is reinforced. Large firms can afford to assume more risks than small ones; in addition, their risks from foreign operations are less than those of small firms because the large firms benefit from economies of scale in foreign marketing. Consequently, the risk premium demanded by large firms from foreign marketing is less than the premium insisted upon by small firms. Large firms therefore tend to export a higher share of their output. These theoretical constructs are confirmed by empirical analysis performed on a sample of several hundred firms from six industries in Denmark, Holland and Israel. The figures confirm, with few exceptions, that the size of firms is indeed positively correlated with the ratio of exports to sales.The normative conclusion which can be drawn from the above is that economic policy-makers who wish to increase the export potential of industrial firms, should adopt policies which will encourage large firms to come into being through mergers, take-overs or simply fast growth.  相似文献   

Summary In many studies far-reaching conclusions with regard to competitiveness are based upon an export price elasticity that results from only estimating an equation for the volume of exports. The aim of this article is to show with the aid of a macroeconomic model that the influence of competitiveness is overestimated in this way. This conclusion cannot be based on the necessity to introduce the export structure alongside world trade as a regressor in the export equation. The overestimation is a result offeedback mechanisms, greatly resulting from an endogenous exchange rate, which largely neutralize the initial export price effect. Financial support from the Netherlands organisation for the advancement of pure research (ZWO), no. 46–65, is gratefully acknowledged. The authors thank Prof. S.K. Kuipers for helpful comments and Martin O. Nijkamp and Vincent C.A. Polanen Petel for computational assistance.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2006,17(2):226-235
This paper develops a Cournot quantity competition model to examine the effect of export tax rebate policy on export performance. The main conclusions drawn are as follows: (i) when a government raises the export rebate rate, the output of final goods for export by the domestic firm increases, while the output of the foreign competitor decreases; (ii) when a government raises the export rebate rate, the profit of the domestic firm increases, while that of the foreign competitor decreases; and (iii) the optimum export rebate rate is positive and greater than 1, indicating that the domestic government not only refunds fully the custom duties paid by the domestic firm on imported intermediate goods, but also offers export subsidies for its export of final goods.To corroborate the conclusions drawn based on the theoretical model, empirical analysis was carried out using the statistical data of China from 1985 to 2002. The test results of Spearman rank correlation coefficient show that China's export tax rebate policy has significant positive correlation with its exports, final domestic consumption, and foreign exchange reserve.  相似文献   

互联网不断发展的今日,互联网逐渐与图书馆相结合,为了满足人们对于信息的需求,而产生了泛在知识环境下图书馆知识服务。这种知识服务产生的时间较短,为了挖掘它的发展潜力,需要更深入地理解。文章将从泛在知识环境下图书馆知识服务模式的概念入手,了解泛在知识环境下图书馆知识服务运行的模式,进而研究如何解决发展中的问题,找到正确的发展方式。  相似文献   

用产业经济支撑江苏区域经济发展的对策分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
“入世”后 ,我国的医疗服务市场进一步开放 ,同时 ,我国医疗服务业也面临着巨大的市场机会。中国医药在世界上有很强的竞争力 ,中国的疗养资源和劳动力成本低廉等有利因素都使我国的医疗养老事业具有很强的比较优势。我国应当按照发达国家的标准培养医护人员 ,提高医护人员的  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Protektion und Exportleistung in Schwarzafrika. - Der Verfasser untersucht das Ausma? und die Struktur der nominalen Protektion in einer gro?en Zahl schwarzafrikanischer L?nder und sch?tzt die Auswirkungen der Protektion auf die Exporte dieser L?nder. Er stellt fest, da? sowohl die Zolls?tze als auch die H?ufigkeit nichttarif?rer Handelsschranken in Schwarzafrika durchschnittlich wesentlich h?her sind als in anderen Entwicklungsl?ndern. Die Sch?tzungen auf der Grundlage von Simulationen mit einem einfachen Modell des partiellen Gleichgewichts für Handel und reale Wechselkurse deuten darauf hin, da? die Protektion den Wert der Exporte der untersuchten L?nder (im Verh?ltnis zum Basiswert bei Abwesenheit von Protektion) um 15 bis 33 vH pro Jahr verringert und eine Exportdiversifizierung verhindert.
Résumé La protection et les exportations en Afrique Noire. - L’auteur examine l’étendue et la structure de la protection nominale pour une grande nombre des pays de l’Afrique Noire et estime les effets de cette protection sur les exportations de ces pays. On constate que les taux tarifaires ainsi que le taux de fréquence des barrières nontarifaires sont en moyenne considérablément plus hauts aux pays de l’Afrique Noire qu’aux autres pays en voie de développement. Les estimations qui sont basées sur des simulations d’un simple modèle d’équilibre partiel du commerce international et de l’ajustement de taux de change réel suggèrent que la protection réduit la valeur des exportations des pays choisis (en relation aux niveaux de base) par un pourcentage entre 15 et 33 chaque année et empêche une diversification de l’exportation.

Resumen Protección y performance exportadora en el Africa del Sub-Sahara.- En este trabajo se examina el grado y la estructura de la protección nominal de una gran muestra de países africanos del Sub-Sahara y se proveen estimaciones de los efectos de esta protección sobre las exportaciones de esos países. Tanto los aranceles cómo la frecuencia de las medidas no arancelarias resultan ser bastante más altas en promedio en los paises del Sub-Sahara que en otros paises en desarrollo. Sobre la base de simulaciones de un modelo simple de equilibrio parcial de ajuste del comercio y de la tasa de cambio las estimaciones sugieren que la protección reduce el valor de las exportaciones de los paises de la muestra (en relación al valor base) entre un 15 y 33 por ciento por a?o e inhibe la diversification de las exportaciones.

专利信息服务为科研创新提供重要支撑,而互联网+的兴起使得专利信息服务的需求越来越广泛。文章收集了2008—2016年间与专利信息服务相关的文献,采用文献计量的分析方法,从多角度分析了国内专利信息服务的发展现状,并根据分析结果给出专利信息服务的发展趋势。  相似文献   

This paper examines the local export spillover effect on the individual decisions to start exporting (the extensive margin) and export volume (the intensive margin), using a unique dataset of Chinese export firms, at the product-level and by destination country. Based on a gravity-type equation estimated at firm-level, we find that export spillovers positively influence not only the decision of a nearby firm to start exporting, but also the volume of the exporting. Several methods are used to verify the robustness of these results. In addition, we find that the effect of export spillovers is stronger when it is product-destination-specific than that when it is either product or destination-specific alone, and also stronger than that is in general. Geographically, local export spillovers exhibit spatial decay in China: the effect is stronger for firms located in the same city than it is for firms outside the city. Small and multi-product firms are more likely to be influenced by the local export spillovers, and their impact is stronger for firms exporting complex goods and exporting to easy-entry countries. Moreover, the export spillovers from private firms are the strongest, followed by foreign-invested firms with the effect generated by state-owned firms ranking last.  相似文献   

A causality analysis of growth and export performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines both bivariate causal relationships between manufactured export performance and manufactured output growth and trivariate causal relationships between manufactured exports, investment, and manufactured output. Before the causality testing, integration and cointegration processes are tested in order to select the appropriate functional form. The causality testing process employs the vector autoregression (VAR) approach. Little evidence is found in the bivariate causal results and mixed evidence of causal relationships is found in the trivariate testing results.  相似文献   

Brakman  S.  Jepma  C. J. 《De Economist》1987,135(2):163-181
Summary This article presents an analysis of the impact of the composition of exports on export performance. With the help of a set of different trade models employing two suppliers and two regions of destination it is demonstrated that regional preferences and commodity specialization can have a strong influence on export performance, both directly and indirectly. The reason for the latter is that the composition of exports not only has an impact on total exports but also influences the sensitivity of total exports for changes in the variables determining export competitiveness. Using data derived from the literature these points are illustrated for Germany and France as suppliers, and the USA and Japan as regions of destination. The same models have been applied to variants using a commodity dimension.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to show that export quotas and export tariffs are different in their economic effects when there is domestic monopoly. In the presence of domestic monopoly, an export quota may not reduce the domestic price of the exportable good, whereas an export tariff will always reduce it. This is true whether the country concerned is a small country or a large country.  相似文献   

Jamaica experienced one of the longest uninterrupted periods of negative growth among LDCs in the 1970s. Agricultural exports led this decline with an unusually poor growth performance, exacerbating foreign exchange shortages. Commodity board pricing policies played a strong role in penalizing these exports. Further, board policies appear to be inefficient in either maximizing profits or foreign exchange. Implicit and unstated objectives of board policies are discussed. Supply functions show that farmers do react positively to price changes, contrary to board assumptions. Beneficiaries of this penalizing price policy are identified and an important implication for foreign aid policy is underscored.  相似文献   

进入21世纪后,知识呈爆炸性发展,知识已成为促进生产力发展的决定要素。知识社会对知识利用、知识创新的需求更为凸出,所以对知识资源的整序和有效服务尤为重要。文章从知识服务起源、发展、内容和管理4个方面总结概述图书馆在知识服务过程中的实践运用。  相似文献   

知识服务是信息时代下数字化图书馆发展的重要内容。文章介绍了数字化图书馆知识服务的涵义和特点,并重点阐述了影响数字化图书馆知识服务的几个关键因素,包括新技术应用、服务模式和馆员素质。  相似文献   

2015年《关于加强中国特色新型智库建设意见》出台,我国智库建设如火如荼,出版智库建设和研究紧随潮流。知识服务是智库最主要的工作,但目前对于我国出版智库知识服务的研究现状还未发现有价值的研究成果。文章基于这一现状,采用内容分析法搜集并研究相关文献资料,总结国内出版智库知识服务研究现状,发现出版智库知识服务研究成果数量少,内容单一。  相似文献   

This paper addresses two puzzles in international trade, namelywhy traditional estimates of income elasticities of exportsare implausibly high and why export growth varies much moremarkedly across countries than can be explained by changes inprice competitiveness and variations in income growth in exportmarkets. Using data for 18 OECD countries it is shown that marketintegration and the level of technology and competitivenesscan, to some extent, explain these two puzzles.  相似文献   

当代社会正在进入知识经济的时代,知识正逐渐成为组织取得竞争优势的关键因素。随着互联网快速的发展,知识出现爆炸式的增长,对知识开展有效的管理是一个组织取得成功和可持续发展的关键。目前社会对其应用具备的基本功能还缺乏统一的认识,文章提出架构《知识管理与智能服务系统(KMIS)》,作为支撑知识管理与智能服务落地的重要基础设施,从而促进知识管理体系的有序发展,进而推动知识管理在我国的广泛应用。  相似文献   

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