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近年来,国内服装企业为了提高自己的品牌知名度,一直在寻找好的设计师.不管是与本国设计师合作,还是与国外设计师合作,怎样才能达到最好的效果?  相似文献   

王琦 《山东纺织经济》2013,(11):50-51,75
先锋设计风格这一独特的设计语言已经在国内设计师当中展现出了其深刻的影响力,这种从解构主义(服装领域)中分支出来的风格,不仅以多元化的形态在日本和西方时尚产业发达的国家中生长,而且还使其影响力渗入了国内的服装设计环境中。阐述了先锋设计风格在服装中的表现和此类风格品牌的发展现状,详细地分析了先锋派设计风格代表品牌的设计哲学和作品特点。列举出了受先锋设计风格影响的国内设计师及其品牌现状,总结出国内设计师用自己的本土文化如何融入这一设计风格当中。用东方和西方的文化视角去分析先锋派这一设计风格在不同文化土壤中的生存状态。  相似文献   

肖琳 《中国纺织》2013,(1):40-40
"2012年整体经济环境不景气,很多服装企业也都遇到不同程度的问题。而对于我们这样刚刚起步不久的设计师品牌来说还真是艰难的一年,还好我们挺住了,回过头来想想,2012对于我个人来说,喜忧参半。"而参半的情绪,成昊表现更多的还是"喜"的那一面,用他自己的话来说:"太爱服装设计这行了,对未来总是抱着太多的希望。"  相似文献   

当前,我国服装产业正经历从传统制造业向品牌创新的转型升级过程,服装设计师面临着新的考验和压力,这对企业的管理工作提出了更高的要求。本文以广东中小服装企业为背景,从服装设计师的工作角度理顺服装企业与设计师之间的关系,阐述服装企业对设计师的管理状态及存在的不足,贯彻以人为本的管理之道,提出相应的人性化管理对策,这对于提高服装企业的设计竞争力有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

孟杨 《中国纺织》2002,(9):36-41
一项被誉为“开创中国服装发展新纪元”的浩大工程——“人才与品牌工程”8月28日在北京正式启动。此项由杉杉集团和中国服装设计师协会联手推出的活动是基于全球一体化经济新格局对人才对品牌的迫切需求而诞生的,得到了业内和媒体的鼎力支持。中国纺织工业协会会长、中国服装协会会长杜钰洲在新闻发布会上发言中称:这项工程是中国服装产业升级的一个重要标志。杉杉集团总裁郑永刚携其旗下十大品牌的设计师和品牌经理人在启动仪式上集体亮相并宣布出资1000万元设立“青年服装设计师创业基金”与中国服装设计师协会合作,共同主办一年一度…  相似文献   

一拨又一拨的设计师在编织着自己的梦想,只要时机成熟,他们就会选择创业。因为建立一个自己的家园,是设计师最大的梦想。新巢的搭建之初2009年,毕业于天津美术学院的孟令,一出校门就凭借自己的实力做了例外品牌的设计助理,一干就是一年半。  相似文献   

傻事做了一篓筐之后才终于明白梦想并不是那么容易实现。1983年出生的我,2001年考进北京服装学院设计与工程专业,因为热爱绘画,所以义无反顾地选择了设计方向进行学习。感谢四年大学生活,它让我发现了华丽眩目的服装之美,那是一个崭新的世界。  相似文献   

陈晶晶 《中国纺织》2003,(11):112-114
目前,欧洲几乎所有的礼服流行款式都是从这里设计制造出去而美国有一半的最新礼服时尚是从这里生产出来,“这里”就是名瑞的婚纱、晚礼服基地,据其总经理蔡民强介绍。  相似文献   

来自意大利的设计师莫里齐奥·加兰特(Maurizio Galante)对一切有关时尚的东西充满了热情,并且非常喜欢中华文化,他很看好中国的成衣市场,希望有机会能到中国来从事高级成衣设计。  相似文献   

服装设计师是品牌文化创建的主体,任何品牌都需要设计师的诠释,特别是在那些生产成衣的大型企业中更是占有重要地位,能否使设计文化渗入品牌之中,其运营模式尤为重要。通过分析服装设计师、企业、消费者在服装产业中各自不同的立场和定位,得出三者间的普遍关系,在此基础上,讨论不同运营模式下设计师在企业中的作用。  相似文献   

This article reviews approximately 30 articles over the past 20 years that have addressed the topic of industrial market segmentation. The pursuit of a normative model to guide practitioners in segmenting industrial markets has made some progress with three identifiable models. There are a host of problems with the work done in the area both conceptual and methodological.  相似文献   

The judicial fear of vertical market foreclosure has been criticized severely in the academic literature. The focus of this criticism isnot that foreclosure is impossible; rather, it is that foreclosure is not a profitable business strategy. In this note, we show that this criticism is not valid under conditions of partial ownership. If effective vertical control can be achieved with partial ownership, vertical market foreclosure can be used to increase the partial owner's profits. We use theduPont (GM) litigation as a vehicle to explore this point.  相似文献   

Studies of share price responses to public announcements have assumed that there is no serious thinness in trading. This paper reports the findings of a study of price responses of thinly-traded shares in the Singapore equity market. With appropriate methodological refinements for thinness in trading, the announcement effects of earnings, dividends and capitalisation changes are studied. The results suggest that there are statistically significant abnormal returns during the months up to and including the month of announcement. With some minor exceptions, there appears to be no significant abnormal returns during the months after the announcements: semi-strong form efficiency is thus observed. These results are consistent with prior findings in the developed capital markets.The authors wish to thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful suggestions. This paper has benefitted from financial assistance of the Department of Commerce of the University of Queensland.  相似文献   

Japanese consultants have used Lanchester's military models to define monopoly, premium, duopoly, oligopoly and polyopoly market structures in which competitive conditions differ. These situations are investigated using the PIMS database. The findings refute the idea that monopoly and premium structures are more stable than the others. Instead movements between structures seem to follow a Markov process.  相似文献   

朱宁 《国际石油经济》2007,15(11):16-21
2006年,国内液化气船运总量约为320万吨,比上年增长13万吨;液化气船舶为65艘,总运力约6.7万载重吨,比上年增长6.1%。船龄结构更趋合理。2006年,液化气进口量大幅下降,而出口量大幅上升,国内液化气的流向还是以北气南运格局为主。新建炼厂成为下水货源的主要增长点。长江内河运力处于严重过剩状态,而沿海船舶受消费淡旺季节等因素影响,运输不平衡。预计2008年全国液化气水运量将达到460万吨,2010年后基本稳定在460万~480万吨,而未来几年的液化气船运能力增长强劲,国内液化气船舶面临运力过剩。建议:1)船公司在决定运力发展前,做好市场调研,充分考虑未来天然气和二甲醚等能源发展对液化气市场的影响。2)可以考虑发展2000立方米左右的船舶,重点发展珠三角等短途运输市场。3)国内有条件的船公司,可以考虑发展外贸直航航线的兼营运输。4)建议政府主管部门将所有新增运力纳入统一调控和评审范围,以维护液化气水运市场稳定有序和健康发展。  相似文献   

对国内液化气水运市场的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年,国内液化气船运总量约为320万吨,比上年增长13万吨;液化气船舶为65艘,总运力约6.7万载重吨,比上年增长6.1%.船龄结构更趋合理.2006年,液化气进口量大幅下降,而出口量大幅上升,国内液化气的流向还是以北气南运格局为主.新建炼厂成为下水货源的主要增长点.长江内河运力处于严重过剩状态,而沿海船舶受消费淡旺季节等因素影响,运输不平衡.预计2008年全国液化气水运量将达到460万吨,2010年后基本稳定在460万~480万吨,而未来几年的液化气船运能力增长强劲,国内液化气船舶面临运力过剩.建议:1)船公司在决定运力发展前,做好市场调研,充分考虑未来天然气和二甲醚等能源发展对液化气市场的影响.2)可以考虑发展2000立方米左右的船舶,重点发展珠三角等短途运输市场.3)国内有条件的船公司,可以考虑发展外贸直航航线的兼营运输.4)建议政府主管部门将所有新增运力纳入统一调控和评审范围,以维护液化气水运市场稳定有序和健康发展.  相似文献   

This study extends earlier empirical work to determine whether there is a breakpoint or critical level in the frequently observed relationship between firm market share and profit rate. The analysis focuses on the banking industry and uses a sample of 10,690 firms located in 2165 different local geographic markets. Though the results apply directly only to banking, the similarity of findings on various other industrial organization topics in banking and the industrial sector suggests that the results of this study will be broadly relevant to the industrial sector.The main findings of the study are that (1) in general, firm market share is directly related to profitability; (2) the firm market share variable remains positive and significant when controlling for market concentration either with concentration as a separate independent variable or by conducting tests with subsamples of firms that are in markets with similar concentration ratios; and (3) while there is no sharp breakpoint in the market share-profitability relationship, the results indicate that profit rates of firms increase at a decreasing rate up to a share of about 55 percent. Since numerous studies have found that economies of scale are not particularly important in banking, it appears that the observed relationship is not due to greater efficiency with larger shares.  相似文献   

A market oriented approach is necessary for a successful turnaround of a once profitable company or division, now operating at a loss, because the problems to be tackled are often many and varied. It is essential that the executive has a proven framework for handling the situation, as speed is important in any turnaround operation.To eliminate losses is only one part of the task as the objective must be to achieve an adequate return on total funds invested in the medium-term. This is likely to require a reposturing of the company using a business development approach. The remainder of the article outlines the action required to reposture the business following the elimination of losses.  相似文献   

Stock market reactions to a sample of customer service changes reported during 1981-91 were investigated. Customer service increases (decreases) were positively (negatively) valued. Stock market reactions varied depending on specific customer service actions and, therefore, on the four customer service objectives pursued.  相似文献   

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