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An optimal Strategy for Hedging with Short-Term Futures Contracts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The search for an optimal strategy to reduce the running risk in hedging a long-term supply commitment with short-dated futures contracts leads to a class of intrinsic optimization problems. We give an explicit analytic solution for this optimization problem if the market price of the commodity is based on a simple Gaussian model, thereby replacing previously used incomplete approximations to the optimal strategy.  相似文献   

This study examines the behavior of a competitive exporting firm that exports to a foreign country and faces multiple sources of exchange rate uncertainty. Although there are no hedging instruments between the home and foreign currencies, there is a third country that has well‐developed currency forward markets to which the firm has access. The firm's optimal cross‐hedging decision is shown to depend both on the degree of incompleteness of the currency forward markets in the third country, and on the correlation structure of the random spot exchange rates. Furthermore, the firm is shown to be more eager to produce and expand its exports to the foreign country when the missing currency forward contracts between the home and foreign currencies can be synthesized by the existing currency forward contracts. In this case of perfect cross hedging, the separation theorem holds but the full‐hedging theorem may or may not hold. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark  相似文献   

Donald Lien 《期货市场杂志》2001,21(11):1029-1042
This article considers optimal futures hedging decisions when the hedger is disappointment‐averse (Gul, 1991). When the futures contract is a perfect hedge instrument, a disappointment‐averse hedger always holds a position closer to the full hedge than a nondisappointment‐averse hedger. In the presence of basis risk, the optimal futures position is either a partial hedge or a full hedge. Neither Texas hedge nor overhedge could be optimal. The effects of different degrees of disappointment aversion on futures trading are also analyzed. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 21:1029–1042, 2001  相似文献   

The optimal hedging portfolio is shown to include both futures and options under a variety of circumstances when the marginal cost of hedging is nonzero. Futures and options are treated as substitute goods, and the properties of the resulting hedging demand system are explained. The overall optimal hedge ratio is shown to increase when the marginal cost of trading options is reduced. The overall optimal hedge ratio is shown to decrease when the marginal cost of trading futures is decreased. One implication is that hedging demand can be stimulated by a reduction in the perceived cost of trading options through the education of hedgers about options and the initiation of programs such as the Dairy Options Pilot Program. The demand approach is applied to estimate optimal hedge ratios for dairy producers hedging corn inputs in five regions of Pennsylvania. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 21:693–712, 2001  相似文献   

通过对国内沪深300股指期货和现货数据的实证研究,得出结论:股指期货价格与现货价格具有高度的一致性,沪深300股指期货和股票指数的价格之间存在协整关系,期货价格对于现货价格的引导力度大于现货价格对于期货价格的引导力度,长期内期货价格的引导力度会呈一个缓慢的下降趋势,而短期内二者之间相互影响,影响力都不明显。沪深300指数对应的股票指数的波动对于沪深300股指期货市场的冲击影响较弱,而期货市场的波动对于现货市场的影响就相对剧烈一些。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the hedging decisions for firms facing price and basis risk. Two conditions assumed in most models on optimal hedging are relaxed. Hence, (i) the spot price is not necessarily linear in both the settlement price and the basis risk and (ii) futures contracts and options on futures at different strike prices are available. The design of the first‐best hedging instrument is first derived and then it is used to examine the optimal hedging strategy in futures and options markets. The role of options as useful hedging tools is highlighted from the shape of the first‐best solution. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 22:59–72, 2002  相似文献   

价格发现与套期保值是期货市场的基本功能,能够反映期货市场的运行效率。通过对比中美贸易摩擦前后期货市场的价格发现和套期保值功能,分析中美玉米期货市场效率间的差距,探究我国玉米期货市场运行效率低的原因。利用格兰杰(Granger)因果分析、协整检验、分位信息份额模型、套期保值比率及绩效分析方法,定量对中美两国2013—2019年玉米期货及现货的数据进行分析,结果表明,中国玉米期货市场存在较强的价格发现功能,但套期保值绩效不佳。使用前沿分位信息份额模型和滚动格兰杰因果法分析中美两国期现货市场动态关系的区别,发现中国仅存期货市场对现货市场的单向引导,而美国在中美贸易摩擦前表现为玉米期现货市场具有相近的引导能力,套期保值效率较高,中美贸易摩擦增强了其现货市场对期货市场的引导能力,降低了期货市场运行效率。从期现货市场双向引导关系视角来看,中国玉米期货市场效率低的原因主要是现货市场的信息不完全、发展不完善,期现货市场缺少长期稳定的双向引导关系抑制了期货市场功能发挥。中国应全面加强期货市场建设,提升期货市场定价效率,推动农产品期货市场快速健康发展。  相似文献   

基于沪深300股指期货真实交易数据,选取对指数拟合程度高且可交易的沪深300ETF为现货研究对象,运用静态套期保值比率估计模型(OLS、B-VAR、VECM)和动态套期保值比率估计模型(VECMBGARCH、DBEKK-GARCH、DCC-GARCH、NormCopula-GARCH、tCopula-GARCH)对最优套期保值比率进行估计,并对规避风险效果进行比较。结果表明:无论在样本内期间和样本外期间中,各模型反映出的沪深300股指期货套期保值效率都较高,考虑期货与现货市场动态相关性的NormCopula-GARCH模型套期保值效果最优。  相似文献   

套期保值的核心问题是如何更精准地估计最优套期保值比率。高频数据和低频数据在金融领域的应用各有优劣,综合使用两种不同频率的数据分析套期保值问题可以吸取这两种数据信息的优点。通过使用低频数据估计期货与现货的方差和使用高频数据估计已实现相关系数,两者最终确定了混频套期保值比率,并与使用单一频率数据确定的套期保值比率进行绩效评估的比较,发现混合低频数据和高频数据确定的混频套期保值不仅在样本内的表现十分突出,而且在样本外的绩效评估中也显著优于使用单一频率确定的套期保值策略。  相似文献   

Most of the existing Markov regime switching GARCH‐hedging models assume a common switching dynamic for spot and futures returns. In this study, we release this assumption and suggest a multichain Markov regime switching GARCH (MCSG) model for estimating state‐dependent time‐varying minimum variance hedge ratios. Empirical results from commodity futures hedging show that MCSG creates hedging gains, compared with single‐state‐variable regime‐switching GARCH models. Moreover, we find an average of 24% cross‐regime probability, indicating the importance of modeling cross‐regime dynamic in developing optimal futures hedging strategies. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 34:173–202, 2014  相似文献   

This note examines the effect of loss aversion on the futures trading behavior of a short hedger. Using a modified constant‐absolute‐risk‐aversion utility function, I show that loss aversion has no effect in an unbiased futures market. It has different, predictable impacts when the futures market is in backwardation or contango. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 21: 681–692, 2001  相似文献   

通过选取上海期货交易所燃油期货价格指数5分钟高频收益数据,本文构造了经调整的已实现波动率估计序列,运用4类非线性GARCH模型建模分析,描述了中国燃油期货价格指数的波动特征,运用6种损失函数以及Diebold-Mariano 检验法,实证检验了4类GARCH模型对燃油期货价格指数波动的样本外预测能力。就中国燃油期货市场而言,基于高频数据的FIAPARCH模型,能够较好地描述中国燃油期货价格的波动特征,并且具有最为出色的波动率预测能力,而IGARCH模型在某些损失函数标准下也体现出了较好波动率预测能力。  相似文献   

Despite the importance of the London markets and the significance of the relationship for market makers, little published research is available on arbitrage between the FTSE‐100 Index futures and the FTSE‐100 European index options contracts. This study uses the put–call–futures parity condition to throw light on the relationship between options and futures written against the FTSE Index. The arbitrage methodology adopted in this study avoids many of the problems that have affected prior research on the relationship between options or futures prices and the underlying index. The problems that arise from nonsynchroneity between options and futures prices are reduced by the matching of options and futures prices within narrow time intervals with time‐stamped transaction data. This study allows for realistic trading and market‐impact costs. The feasibility of strategies such as execute‐and‐hold and early unwinding is examined with both ex‐post and ex‐ante simulation tests that take into consideration possible execution time lags for the arbitrage trade. This study reveals that the occurrence of matched put–call–futures trios exhibits a U‐shaped intraday pattern with a concentration at both open and close, although the magnitude of observed mispricings has no discernible intraday pattern. Ex‐post arbitrage profits for traders facing transaction costs are concentrated in at‐the‐money options. As in other major markets, despite important microstructure differences, opportunities are generally rapidly extinguished in less than 3 min. The results suggest that arbitrage opportunities for traders facing transaction costs are small in number and confirm the efficiency of trading on the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 22:31–58, 2002  相似文献   

以1999-2010年我国有色金属生产及加工行业的59家上市公司为样本,本文研究了商品期货套期保值对企业价值造成的影响。通过分析套保对稳定企业价值的影响,证明期货套保有助于降低价格风险对企业股价的影响,即有助于稳定企业价值;通过分析套保对提升企业价值的影响,证明国内企业参与期货套保并不能显著提高所有公司的托宾Q值,但是大规模企业由于发挥规模效应,相比较小规模参与者而言较易于提升公司价值;进一步研究表明公司规模和财务状况是影响企业是否参与套保的关键因素。  相似文献   

本文对目前全球主要交易所股价指数期货最后结算价的确定规则进行了横向归类和比较,介绍了台湾期货交易所股指期货最后结算价确定规则的历史演变。以我国台湾地区为研究对象,利用拔靴复制检定方法,本文对股指期货最后结算价各种确定规则的效应进行了实证分析,并得到了一系列重要的实证结论。  相似文献   

本文在检验上海期货交易所铜期货价格和铜现货价格这两组时间序列数据的平稳性和协整关系的基础上,利用Ghosh误差修正模型(ECM)和简化的误差修正模型(S-ECM)估计我国铜期货合约的最小风险套期保值比率及其有效性.为了进行比较,本文同时运用传统回归模型和双变量向量自回归模型(B-VAR)对上述数据进行统计检验,发现忽略协整关系的最小风险套期保值比率偏小,套期保值有效性也有所降低.从而得到考虑协整关系有助于提高我国铜期货合约套期保值效果的基本结论.  相似文献   

钢材期货套期保值实证分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
期货价格与现货价格的走势具有趋同性与趋合性的特征,使期货套期保值交易能够对冲现货市场价格波动风险,钢材套期保值者可根据钢材价格的基差变化进行相应的买入或卖出交易,以锁定成本甚至获利.但在实际操作中,套期保值者还必须考虑运输、吊装等费用以及不同市场的价格贴水情况,确定一种合理基差.同时,本文认为决定套期保值效果的唯一因素是套期保值开始和套期保值结束时的基差变化,选择最理想的基差时机进行套期保值,能够实现预期的套期保值效果.  相似文献   

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