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The interdependence between varying participants in exporting networks that has resulted from processes of globalization magnifies the inadequacies of using single-item measures and internally oriented perspectives to assess export performance. In order to overcome these concerns, we developed a network export performance (NEP) scale using as a basis network theory, a diversity of network-oriented indicators and different types of respondents. The final multi-dimensional NEP Scale includes 25 items grouped into five dimensions: (a) overall export venture performance, (b) relationship performance with the importer versus competitors, (c) relationship performance with the supplier, (d) product quality performance of the supplier, and (e) importer's satisfaction with the quality of the supplied product. Findings reveal that the flow of communication and interaction within exporting networks is positively and significantly associated with all of the five dimensions of the NEP Scale. Discussion centers on implications of this scale to network theory, international business, and to the managerial development of exporting strategies. The article closes with directions for future research.  相似文献   

This note considers the estimator for the utility‐based hedging performance. It shows that the estimator incurs a downward bias, regardless of whether the conventional mean‐variance expected utility function or the more general risk‐averse utility function is adopted. Consequently, the usefulness of the futures contract is under‐estimated. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark  相似文献   

This paper summarizes two earlier papers on (a) a taxonomy of consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction measures and (b) results of a U.S. study of consumer problems across a broad range of product and service categories. The paper then assesses the extent to which unsolicited complaints data voiced to business are representative of all types of complaints an all consumers. The paper concludes that they are representative of neither but in the case of consumers, in contrast to previous studies no consistent relationships between socio-economic characteristics and complaint behavior appear when product category and problem type are included in the analysis.
Zusammenfassung Der vorliegende Beitrag orientiert zunächst über zwei frühere Arbeiten über (a) eine Taxonomie der Indikatoren für Verbraucherzufriedenheit/-unzufriedenheit und (b) die Ergebnisse einer amerikanischen Studie von Verbraucherproblemen bei einer großen Zahl von Produkten und Dienstleistungen. Anschließend untersucht der Beitrag, in welchem Ausmaß solche spontanen Verbraucherklagen, die der anbietenden Wirtschaft bekannt werden, die gesamte Spannbreite aller Verbraucherklagen widerspiegeln und repräsentativ sind für alle Konsumenten. Der Beitrag kommt zu dem Ergebnis, daß beides nicht der Fall ist. Im Fall der Verbraucher zeigten sich jedoch — anders als in bisherigen Studien — keine durchgängigen Zusammenhänge zwischen sozioökonomischen Merkmalen und dem Beschwerdeverhalten, wenn die Produktgruppe und die Art des Problems bei der Analyse berücksichtigt wurden.

Alan R. Andreasen is Professor of Business Administration at the University of Illinois, College of Commerce and Business Administration, 350 Commerce Building, Urbana, Ill. 61801, USA. The paper was first presented at Fourth International Research Seminar in Marketing, Senanque Abbey, Gordes, France, May 31 – June 3, 1977. The author would like to acknowledge the contributions of Professor Arthur Best of Western New England College who was the initiator and field director of this study and co-author of earlier papers on the study's results.  相似文献   

With no universal approach for measuring brand performance, we show how a consumer-based brand measure was developed for corporate financial services brands. Churchill's paradigm was adopted. A literature review and 20 depth interviews with experts suggested that brand loyalty, consumer satisfaction and reputation constitute the brand performance measure. Ten financial services organisations provided access to their consumers. Following a postal survey, 600 questionnaires were analysed through principal components analysis to identify the consumer-based measure. Further testing revealed this to be a valid and reliable brand performance measure.  相似文献   

Over the past 60 years Net Present Value (NPV) and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) have emerged from obscurity to become the overwhelming choices for the quantitative measurement of investment attractiveness in modern corporations. Despite their current popularity, neither NPV nor IRR was designed to deal effectively with the vast majority of investment problems, meaning those where periodic free cash flows are generated between the time of asset purchase and the time of sale. NPV assumes that periodic cash flows can and will be reinvested at the NPV discount rate, either at the cost of capital or another risk adjusted discount rate; IRR assumes reinvestment at the IRR. Neither assumption is usually realistic. In addition, when evaluating projects in terms of their financial attractiveness, the two measures may rank projects differently. This becomes important when capital budgets are limited. Finally, a project may have several IRRs if cash flows go from negative to positive more than once. The Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR), discovered in the 18th century, does account for these cash flows. This article explains the problems with NPV and IRR, describes how MIRR works, and demonstrates how MIRR deals with weaknesses in NPV and IRR.  相似文献   

In this study, we modify the information share (IS) originally proposed by Hasbrouck, J. (1995). The proposed modified information share (MIS) leads to a unique measure of price discovery instead of the upper and lower IS bounds. Performance of MIS is compared with the Hasbrouck IS measure and the Gonzalo–Granger permanent–transitory decomposition (PT/GG)‐based measure using simulations with 1,000 replications applied to the same three examples considered by Hasbrouck, J. (2002). The MIS is found to outperform both Hasbrouck IS measure and PT/GG measure. The empirical application of the MIS to three major stock indices indicates that price discovery takes place mostly in the futures market. Hence, the evidence supports the transaction cost hypothesis as well as the model proposed by Garbade, K. D., and Silber, W. L. (1983). © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 29:377–395, 2009  相似文献   

In this paper, we hand-collect the performance measures adopted in performance-vested stock option plans in China. We find that return on equity (ROE) is a widely used performance measure. Different from most of the other performance measures, ROE is affected by the number of shares outstanding. When executive compensation contracts are explicitly tied to ROE performance, in order to avoid the reduction in reported ROE through the issuance of additional common shares (i.e., ROE dilution), managers have an incentive to influence ROE performance through financing decisions. We find that managers are more likely to avoid ROE dilution related to debt-versus-equity choice when their performance-vested stock option plans are explicitly tied to ROE performance and when firms have a high level of access to bank loans. However, there is no such link for firms with a low level of access to bank loans. Our study shows that the association between executive compensation design and corporate financing decisions depends on the accessibility of bank loans, demonstrating the importance of institutional factors in China. The results hold after controlling for potential endogeneity in executive compensation and corporate financing decisions. Our study contributes to both the executive compensation and corporate finance literature.  相似文献   


Retailers need to determine the performance of their individual stores and, beyond the stores, the managers in charge of running them. The aim of this paper is to develop performance standards that can be applied to fairly distribute rewards to managers regarding their performances by taking into account store neighbourhood characteristics. In order to propose a fairer measure of store performance, the authors introduce and explore the concepts of organizational justice and store efficiency. They use real data from a French supermarket chain and a geomarketing approach. The two-step Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model results are compared with a retailer’s ranking. The retailer tends to favour points of sale having a more important sales area, with more employees and operating in a more densely populated area with a higher buying power. The ranking stemming from the DEA model links store performance to other geo-demographic variables.  相似文献   

Most approaches in forecasting future correlation depend on the use of historical information as their basic information set. Recently, there have been some attempts to use the notion of “implied” correlation as a more accurate measure of future correlation. This study proposes an innovative methodology for backing‐out implied correlation measures from index options. This new measure called implied correlation index reflects the market view of the future level of the diversification in the market portfolio represented by the index. The methodology is applied to the Dow Jones Industrial Average index, and the statistical properties and the dynamics of the proposed implied correlation measure are examined. The evidence of this study indicates that the implied correlation index fluctuates substantially over time and displays strong dynamic dependence. Moreover, there is a systematic tendency for the implied correlation index to increase when the market index returns decrease and/or the market volatility increases, indicating limited diversification when it is needed most. Finally, the forecast performance of the implied correlation index is assessed. Although the implied correlation index is a biased forecast of realized correlation, it has a high explanatory power, and it is orthogonal to the information set compared to a historical forecast. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 25:171–197, 2005  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Kuo and Chen (1995) propose a simplification of the Howard and D'Antonio (1984, 1987) model of hedging effectiveness. This note extends Kuo-Chen's suggested simplification to derive the optimal hedge ratio and second order conditions (SOCs) of the Howard-D'Antonio model. These SOCs were previously reported incorrectly by both Howard and D'Antonio (1984, 1987) and Chang and Shanker (1987). The corrected SOC is less restrictive than supposed previously and shows that there is no need to make a priori assumptions about risk-return relatives between spot and futures assets to ensure that SOCs conditions are satisfied. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 18:867–870, 1998  相似文献   

We develop a more comprehensive measure of discretionary, extra-role behaviors that customers engage in to help a company. While customer helping behaviors have been studied previously, attempts to develop valid measures have been limited. We use the validation process for the Organizational Citizenship Behavior scale as a model to develop and validate a new scale measuring a comprehensive range of customer helping behaviors. We identify multiple dimensions of customer helping behaviors that are engaged in by the same customers, driven by the same antecedents, and collectively form a helping behaviors scale. Using student samples and customers of a non-profit organization, we demonstrate a consistent scale structure, reliability, and nomological and external validity. We present two variations of the scale, one for for-profit companies and one for non-profit organizations. This scale is intended to be used as a dependent behavioral measure to enable researchers to capture multiple customer helping behaviors.  相似文献   

Using a stratified random sample drawn from 11,709 business professionals’ survey responses across 26 societies, we investigated and failed to find support for the construct validity of the Schwartz Values Survey’s (SVS) a priori 10-factor circumplex model of human values, originally developed from student and teacher responses. Subsequent exploratory factor analysis estimated an initial five-factor solution, the Business Value Dimensions (BVD) model. In turn, CFA supported the cross-cultural validity of this alternative configuration of values for business professionals. Internal consistency reliabilities for these five values factors are reported for the 26 societies plus an additional 25 societies that did not meet sample size criteria to be included in the analyses. As a result, findings are provided for a total of 51 societies (14,724 business professionals). We present the five-factor BVD model for use in future international research with business professional populations.  相似文献   

This paper describes a model of acculturation for classifying minority consumers into distinct categories depending on their attitudes and behaviors toward their minority culture and toward the majority culture. These categories are assimilation, segregation, and integration. The model differs from previous models of acculturation in consumer research in that it does not assume a linear progression toward assimilation. The acculturation categories identified by the model can be used to segment minority markets. A reduced version of a previous scale based on that acculturation model is developed and validated in two empirical studies in a consumer research setting. Our scale can be used by managers to segment minority populations.  相似文献   

简要介绍了扩频测控系统中非相干扩频测距的原理,针对在轨飞行器非相干扩频应答机频率准确度难以准确测量的问题,提出了一种基于星地帧周期固定差统计的卫星时钟准确度的测量方法,编制了下行测量帧解析工具,对卫星实时下传的测量帧数据进行解算,并结合实测距离进行分析处理,推算出应答机实时频率准确度,一定程度上实现了对在轨飞行器时钟系统的健康诊断。  相似文献   

The dispute between the proponents of the market-economy road to development for the countries of the Third World and the advocates of the socialist road is an old one. Too often have the arguments been based on ideology rather than on facts. The recent publication by the World, Bank of comprehensive and comparable data for almost all the countries of the Third World makes it possible to compare the achievements of these two alternative roads on the basis of empirical evidence.  相似文献   

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