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世界大型跨国公司竞争性投资的技术进步效果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
世界大型跨国公司具有显著技术优势,吸收500强大型跨国公司投资是我国促进技术进步和产业升级的重要措施。但是大型跨国公司投资既有促进技术进步的作用,又有技术垄断的负面影响。吸收大型跨国公司的竞争性投资有利于营造竞争环境,打破技术垄断,并将我国国内产业竞争推进到国际竞争的前沿。  相似文献   

本文以跨国公司在华投资的产业结构为研究对象,以最具代表性的世界500强中的大型跨国公司为范例,对跨国公司在华投资的现状及其对我国的影响进行分析,并在实证研究的基础提出了利用跨国公司在华投资优化我国企业产业结构的措施。  相似文献   

浅析跨国公司投资与我国市场结构改善   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
著名跨国公司大量投资我国,是近年来我国外商投资中出现的新现象之一。大型跨国公司的进入,使国内竞争国际化,随之在某些行业产生了对我国国有企业的强烈市场冲击,甚至出现了一定程度的垄断,进而影响到我国的市场结构。本文在对跨国公司投资行为给东道国市场结构带来...  相似文献   

跨国公司投资与流通产业管制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文依据跨国公司在华流通领域投资逐步膨胀有可能产生局部垄断的现实,首先从理论上讨论了流通产业是否存在自然垄断,以及跨国公司在华投资形成自然垄断的可能性等问题;继之,在分析跨国公司投资于流通产业所表征的性质规定的基础上,结合我国的实际,探讨了投资环境之于跨国公司战略选择的路径依赖,并据此刻画了由投资环境和战略目标共同决定的跨国公司投资决策的抽象函数;最后,围绕要不要对流通产业实施管制问题,文章依据外资商业在我国流通产业中有可能出现自然垄断的现实,就政府是否有必要对流通产业实行适当的管制提出了几点看法.  相似文献   

据有关权威部门对在华跨国公司限制竞争行为的调研,目前世界跨国公司500强中已有400多家来华投资。伴随这些富可敌国的经济航母接踵而至,关于在华跨国公司滥用其优势地位实施垄断经营、限制竞争行为的新闻也屡见报端。然而,我国相关执法部门在监管跨国公司限制竞争行为时却无能为力。完善市场竞争立法,加快制订《反垄断法》已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

在华跨国公司限制竞争行为表现及对策   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
中国加入WTO后,对外开放的步伐进一步加快,许多国际知名跨国公司看好我国市场的巨大容量和经济发展潜力,纷纷进入我国。目前世界跨国公司500强中已有400多家来华投资。大量跨国公司进入我国市场,极大地促进了我国经济和技术的发展,但也带来了一些负面的影响。与国内企业相比,跨国公司在技术、规模、资金等方面都拥有很大的优势,因而极易在我国市场竞争中形成优势地位甚至是垄断地位,从而实施或可能实施限制竞争行为,妨碍公平竞争,侵害经营者和消费者合法权益。王众孚局长在2003年全国工商行政管理工作会议上指出,要加紧研究入世后跨国公司…  相似文献   

吸引大跨国公司来华投资的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 近年来,随着我国改革开放的不断深入发展以及整个国民经济的高速增长,大型跨国公司纷纷进入中国举办合营或独资企业,其中以合营企业居多。截止1996年上半年,全球500家大型跨国公司中200家来华举办投资项目。许多大型跨国公司已将在华的投资企业纳入其全球战略经营体系之中。但从总体上看,大型跨国公司对华直接投资所占比重不大,无论从投资项目上看,还是从项目的投资额方面看占的比重都比较小。可以说,虽然大型跨国公司对华直接投资近  相似文献   

论跨国公司直接投资对东道国技术进步的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当代规模宏大的跨国公司直接投资浪潮中,大量的跨国公司或依靠其技术优势对外扩张.或通过并购某些技术优势的企业整合自己的技术体系.或强强联合以形成互补与协同效应,以谋求在全球竞争中获得竞争优势。无论跨国公司直接投资是基于何种类型的技术优势战略考虑.以技术为主导的跨国公司直接投资必然会对东道国的技术进步和经济发展产生深刻影响。  相似文献   

特斯拉是全球电动汽车行业领导者,对华直接投资的技术进步效应和产业结构效应较为显著。我国应该改善投资环境,扩大吸收外国高技术制造业直接投资,促进我国配套企业技术进步和产业升级,加大知识产权保护力度,加大对吸引国外研发投资政策的完善和执行。  相似文献   

加入WTO后,跨国公司加大了抢滩中国大陆的步伐.据统计,到目前为止,世界前500强的大型跨国公司已有近450家来我国大陆投资.面对实力强大的跨国公司,弱势群体的我国中小企业,怎样与之相处,并在合作中求得生存和发展,极具理论与现实意义.  相似文献   


The Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) have provided unprecedented opportunities and challenges for conducting business online today. The growing trend of the Internet in Asia will cause companies to go on online quickly and the Internet will reinforce a speedy recovery and drive the globalization of the region. The spread of the Internet with decrease in cost should remove hidden barriers to free commerce and boost the economy in Asia. A cross-sectional survey of the manufacturing industry in Taiwan was conducted. On the basis of concerning value chain, organization and information management, this study examines the impact of organizational characteristics and information technology (IT) maturity on the Internet business application, and on the benefit of improving competitive advantages. It is found that firm type, organizational characteristics and IT maturity influence firms' Internet application in the value chain. Organizational characteristics and IT maturity influence the Internet business application, and the firms' improvement in competitive advantage varies. Overall, the firms with innovation-oriented or high level of IT maturity in Taiwan have higher implementation rate of the Internet and more widespread of application in the value chain. Hence, these firms are usually able to further integrate different value creation activities in the value chain to gain more competitive advantages  相似文献   


Emerging literature on the impact of the Internet on business-to-business (B2B) marketing has primarily focused on examining this issue from the perspective of manufacturers and buyers. This study focuses on the sales agent, a third prominent actor in B2B markets, and tests a conceptual model that relates a sales agent's personality, demographic, and user-situational constructs to that sales agent's Internet utilization for selling activities. Further, the model tested in this study relates a sales agent's Internet utilization to perceived sales performance. Findings in this study indicate that internal locus of control, learning orientation, and sales related Internet training relate positively to a sales agent's Internet utilization, and that a sales agent's age relates negatively to Internet utilization. Further, the results support a positive relationship between a sales agent's Internet utilization and sales performance. This study emphasizes that the Internet can be a productive tool for sales agents. The implications of the results of this study for sales agents with respect to training and recruitment are discussed and avenues for future research are suggested.  相似文献   


Mobile commerce (m-commerce) is providing commercial services that are accessible using mobile devices, typically a mobile phone. The main advantage of such services is their high availability, independent of physical location and time. Yet the move to create a wireless version of the Internet means a new set of problems. As with the existing fixed Internet, the biggest problem is security. Despite the fact that operators are announcing or rolling out Wireless Applications Protocol (WAP)-based information and transaction services, the platform has gaping security holes. Because security is the most important feature to the success of m-commerce, this paper studies the security concerns on wireless commercial Internet and presents the features and solutions of WAP to the security of electronic transactions. Most importantly, this paper intends to draw corporate executives' attention to the strong impact of WAP on m-commerce security and the associated benefits to their companies.  相似文献   

战术互联网是AdHoc网络技术在军事领域的重要应用,广播是战术互联网中基本的信息发布方式,也是AdHoc网络技术研究的一个重要问题。首先把AdHoc网络广播算法分为邻居决定转发和自身决定转发,然后仿真分析几种典型的广播算法;最后根据战术互联网的特点,结合现有的AdHoc网络广播,提出一种新的战术互联网广播协议(TIBP)。仿真结果表明:TIBP在战术互联网环境下具有较高的效率。  相似文献   

As the Internet gradually diffuses throughout more sectors in society many advertisers have begun to consider the diversity in various aspects of consumer behaviour among Internet users. As Internet users' attitudes towards Internet advertising are found to influence their brand attitudes and purchase intentions, the study can contribute to the design and assessment of Internet advertising. The study identified potential lifestyle segments among Internet users and examined the relationships between lifestyle segments and their attitudes towards Internet advertising. This study surveyed 700 Internet users and employed a lifestyle segmentation approach for categorizing consumers into three distinct lifestyle groups: ‘experiencers’, ‘traditionalists’ and ‘self‐indulgents’. Statistical analyses pointed out that all three groups differed from one another in several demographic characteristics. Moreover, the lifestyle clusters were found partly to predict Internet users' attitudes towards Internet advertising. The findings of the present study provide justifications for marketers to treat Internet users as a heterogeneous group. Furthermore, advertising researchers should be aware of the diversity of the Internet population in order to assess the effectiveness of Internet advertising better.  相似文献   


The Internet is the newest, most-rapidly changing and fastest-growing buying medium existing today. Its markets are increasing in number and complexity, more nearly reflecting the population in general. A valuable academic model for Internet marketers to consider when developing a business plan is an early buyer behavior model developed by Phillip Kotler, his Input-Output Model. Internet marketers should investigate outside influences on the potential buyer (Kotler's Inputs), means of reaching the prospect effectively (channels), the buyer's frame of mind (processor), and the choices available (outputs). Current “e-tail” examples are given for each of the four components in Kotler's model. Consulting companies that can assist marketers in attracting buyers have found the following techniques helpful: developing or fine tuning Internet sites, developing site-partnering strategies and online focus groups, as well as providing programs that watch prospects as they peruse a site.  相似文献   


Businesses and entrepreneurs are rushing to the Internet to do business and reach new markets. While the Internet is used for cutting cost and generating revenue by conducting business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce (EC) and business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce, existing businesses and entrepreneurs are finding tremendous challenges to succeed. This paper examines the factors that are critical to the success of any company's e-commerce initiative and makes recommendations to businesses and entrepreneurs so they can overcome the challenges and exploit the opportunities presented by the Internet.  相似文献   


The use of the Internet and related technologies in data sharing and new product development, which essentially serves as a foundation for the management of data flows for strategic IT, are rapidly expanding. The innovation clusters and frameworks to characterize recent e-commerce sites' privacy policies to ensure confidentiality of personal information have been under increasing academic inquiries. An application of Rogers' (1995) diffusion of innovation or technology concepts as applied to the Internet is used to develop several models of e-commerce related security and privacy concerns. One possible solution discussed is the strategic leveraging of a consortium model, providing for governmental assurances of privacy and security. Unfortunately, the current e-commerce model has no governing body to represent the consumer and e-tailer in terms of privacy and security issues so critical to the continued growth and success of the Internet.  相似文献   

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