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随着北京奥运会的临近,人们对奥运纪念品的收藏、投资热情也日益高涨。一方面,这些具有特殊意义的纪念品可以用来收藏,日后留下美好回忆;另一方面,不少奥运藏品颇具升值潜力,可实现保值、增值的投资目的。  相似文献   

2008年北京奥运会召开在即,奥运热如同已入伏的天气一般愈发热得燎人。奥运收藏便是其中热门之一。奥运火炬引燃收藏热在收藏界,一直以来,奥运火炬藏品都创下了惊人的升值表现。如汉城奥运会上,一把塑料火炬纪念品,现在已经卖到近1万美元;悉尼奥运会上的火炬胸章升值了近2000倍:2004年在我国进行接力的奥运火炬拍卖价是20万元……奥运火炬题材藏品巨大的升值潜力就像“经济吸石”一样,引燃了奥运收藏热。  相似文献   

2008北京奥运会倒计时1000天徽章、倒计时500天徽章、倒计时50天徽章……一些收藏者为了买限量发售的奥运徽章,通宵在奥运特许商店排队的情形,已经不足以形容时下奥运徽章收藏的热度。奥运徽章届时将会溢价多少?奥运会之后会不会跳水?成为  相似文献   

2008北京奥运会倒计时1000天徽章、倒计时500天徽章、倒计时50天徽章……一些收藏者为了买限量发售的奥运徽章.通宵在奥运特许商店排队的情形.已经不足以形容时下奥运徽章收藏的热度。奥运徽章届时将会溢价多少?奥运会之后会不会“跳水”?成为所有奥运收藏参与者共同关心的话题。  相似文献   

对中国人具有特殊意义的2008年已经揭开序幕。辞旧迎新之际,贵金属工艺品市场也出现了新气象,关于奥运、生肖和航天的纪念品成为市场上最当红的三大主题贵金属工艺品。  相似文献   

第29届奥运会2008年8月8日就将在中国北京举行,而北京奥运会第一组、第二组和第三组金银纪念币经过三年的时间也已经全部发行面世。神州大地正兴起一股奥运热潮,而与奥运有关的收藏也引发了人们的兴趣。奥运收藏品林林总总成百上千,但是传统上人们还是把奥林匹克邮品、奥林匹克纪念币和奥林匹克纪念品称为奥林匹克的三大收藏系列。凡举办过奥运会的国家、地区或者城市,都已经形成收藏奥运纪念品的风气。  相似文献   

李明海 《时代金融》2005,(12):26-27
<正>2008年,第29届奥运会将在中国北京举办。申 奥成功,神州大地兴起一股奥运热潮,与奥运有关的 收藏也引发了人们的兴趣。奥运收藏品林林总总成 百上千,但是传统上人们还是把奥林匹克邮品、奥林 匹克纪念币和奥林匹克纪念品称为奥林匹克的三大 收藏系列。凡举办过奥运会的国家、地区或者城市, 都已经形成收藏奥运纪念品的风气。  相似文献   

远方 《时代金融》2012,(25):28-29
<正>"中国制造"风靡伦敦奥运会除了天天都有金牌和奥运明星在国歌声中诞生外,谁都没有想到,2012年伦敦奥运会场外最耀眼的巨星居然是大获全胜的"中国制造"。据马来西亚《中国报》报道,此次预期可为英国带来10亿英镑收入的奥运纪念品,65%由中国制造。从伦敦奥  相似文献   

北京奥运会已经落下帷幕,围绕奥运概念推出的数以亿万件的奥运纪念品却刚刚登场。众多纪念品中,奥运门票融观赏性和技术先进性于一身,更是不可忽视的一个品种。  相似文献   

杜娟 《中国信用卡》2008,(19):31-33
北京奥运会完美谢幕,而奥运藏品的收藏之路还远未结束。包括金银币、邮票、纪念品、纪念钞等在内的奥运收藏在经历了奥运会前的兴起、奥运期间的火爆以后,在后奥运时期,依然受到人们的热情追捧。但是,奥运收藏的门类如此之多,内涵如此丰富,甚至“奥运收藏”这四个字所包含的博大精深的收藏文化和奥运文化并不被许多人所理解。用中国收藏家协会书报刊收藏委员会副主任兼副秘书长秦杰的话说,“奥运收藏不是买点纪念品、盖几个奥运邮戳那么简单”。我们究竟应该怎样理解奥运收藏呢?秦杰对此作了具体解答。  相似文献   

社会保障制度的建立主要是资金问题,目前主要有无偿性收入筹资、有偿性收入筹资及公有资产出售筹资三种方式.第一种方式筹资实现达不到政策意图,第二种方式受制于财政风险和宏观经济运行的风险,第三种方式有充足的理论依据和现实可操作性,它可以解决目前的资金不足的问题.  相似文献   

2008年7月14日,中国信保收到被保险人A公司提交的可能损失通知,通报德国买家B公司拖欠其货款高达2000多万美元,于是,一场迫偿由此展开  相似文献   

张淑敏 《国际融资》2007,78(4):13-14
2007年3月20日上午,由中关村科技园区管理委员会主办,北京中关村创业投资发展中心承办的中关村科技园区创业投资政策信息发布会暨合作意向签约仪式在清华科技园举行.会议由中关村管委会副主任郭洪主持,中关村管委会主任戴卫介绍了中关村科技园区创业投资发展情况及相关政策,并着重介绍了中关村管委会推出的促进创业投资发展的重大举措.北京市副市长赵凤桐出席会议并发表了讲话.  相似文献   

A widespread objection to the introduction of consumption tax systems claims that this would lead to high tax revenue losses. This paper investigates the revenue effects of a consumption tax reform in Germany. Our results suggest that the revenue losses would be surprisingly low. We find a maximum revenue loss of 1.6 per cent of annual GDP. In some years, we even find tax revenue gains. This implies that the current tax system collects little revenue from taxing the normal return to capital. Based on these results, we calculate a macroeconomic measure of the effective tax rate on capital income.  相似文献   

The empirical evidence that the consumption–wealth ratio, cay, has strong in-sample predictive power for future stock returns has been interpreted as evidence that consumers take account of future investment opportunities in planning their consumption expenditures. In this paper we show that the predictive power of cay arises mainly from a “look-ahead bias” introduced by estimating the parameters of the cointegrating regression between consumption, assets, and labor income in-sample. When a similar regression is run, replacing the log of consumption with an inanimate variable, calendar time, the resulting residual, which we label tay, is shown to be able to forecast stock returns as well as, or better than, cay. In addition, both cay and tay lose their out-of-sample forecasting power when they are re-estimated every period with only available data.  相似文献   

28年的风雨兼程,她由小变大;28年的千锤百炼,她由弱变强;28年的栉风沐雨,铭刻着几代工行人艰苦奋斗、拼搏进取的缩影,他们在平凡的岗位上,传承敢于承担、乐于奉献,兢兢业业、奋勇争先的精神,创造了一个又一个金灿灿、沉旬甸的硕果。  相似文献   

洪峥 《国际融资》2010,(3):51-53
创业板在金融风暴的2009年启动,正好见证了中国十多年来创业投资的风雨历程,而资本市场A就的A多中国亿万富豪,也极好地证明了实体经济与资本市场相结合确实是国家、企业和个人发达致富的A要之路。本文提出要敢于提出大目标,以“反推法”设计实施A目标的路线图,高屋建瓴而又脚踏实地,则中国广大创业者的亿万富豪之梦并非遥不可及  相似文献   

Most corporations now view sustainability as a key requirement for competitive advantage, but few claim to have achieved it. One of the key obstacles separating intention from execution is that the sustainability frameworks employed by companies tend to be insufficiently clear, precise, or comprehensive to guide decision making. One of the most pressing challenges for corporate leaders today is, of course, to sustain the economic viability of the core businesses. But given the implicit “beyond business” focus of most sustainability efforts, corporate executives would be better served by a more integrated, holistic framework—one that enables them to make tradeoffs among the economic, social, and ecological aspects of business. This article introduces such a framework—one that redefines sustainability as the ability of companies to adapt to change in three different spheres of operation—ecological, social, and economic—with a near‐term as well as a longer‐term planning horizon. Without such adaptation, business models become obsolete for reasons that can range from economic failure, to competitive inferiority, to social or ecological limits. This ability to adapt can be measured and valued by using the BCG Adaptive Advantage Index, a composite measure of corporate performance during market downturns. The BCG analysis also shows that although the most adaptive companies tend to report lower profits and have lower values during periods of relative stability, such companies perform consistently better over full cycles. Creating social and ecological value alone doesn't automatically confer economic rewards, but—with the right business model and capabilities—it can. The authors explore some of the business model archetypes that successfully achieve this “co‐optimization.”  相似文献   

Money as stock   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fiscal theory determines the price level from the value of nominal government debt as a claim to government primary surpluses, just as private stock is valued as a claim to corporate profits. Valuation equations are not constraints, so this theory does not mistreat the government's intertemporal budget constraint. I anchor the analysis in a simple cash in advance model. When money demand falls to zero, I show that the price level can still be determined by the government debt valuation equation.  相似文献   

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