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This paper examines the impact of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games on the Greek economy. Using a small aggregate macroeconometric model we find evidence to support the view that the Olympics is an event that could successfully boost the economy of the host city by generating benefits that outweigh the preparation cost. Consistent with recent literature in this area, whilst the impact effects are quite strong during the preparation phase and the year the Games took place, the long-term economic legacy effects appear to be quite modest.  相似文献   

奥运会作为目前世界最大的全球体育赛事,必然会对举办国的旅游业乃至经济产生重大影响。奥运会对旅游市场的兴起、提升旅游形象、吸引旅游客源和创造旅游环境有一定影响。因此,中国旅游业在迎接2008年北京奥运会时应树立“大奥运”、“大旅游”的经济观念等对策与措施。  相似文献   

This paper develops a tractable general equilibrium model of an economy with an arbitrary number of industries under increasing returns to scale and imperfect competition. The market structure of the model economy is expressed by two basic sets of parameters: the degree of competition, and the markup ratio prevailing in each industry. The government is supposed to control the degree of competition through antitrust policy and the markup ratio through entry policy. Using this model, I re-examine the results of traditional competitive equilibrium analysis and explore the effects of competition policies on economic welfare and international trade.
JEL Classification Numbers: D43, D50, F11, F12, L13, L41.  相似文献   

The standard international trade models predict that economic growth induces decreasing export prices. Korea has recorded sustainable economic and export growth, and its export prices have been deteriorating over the last decades. Unlike the standard assumption of one good per country, the new theoretical approach by Krugman [Krugman, P. (1980) ‘Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and Pattern of Trade’. American Economic Review 70, 950–959, Krugman, P. (1989) ‘Differences in income elasticities and trends in real exchange rates’. European Economic Review, 33, 1055–1085.], and Helpman and Krugman [Helpman, E. and Krugman, P. (1985), Market structure and foreign trade: increasing returns, imperfect competition, and international economy, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.] takes into account varieties of goods produced in each country. And many studies suggest that traditional estimates without variety effect have been rather under-stated. Therefore this paper develops a proper modeling for quantifying the impact of export variety on an exact export price index. Throughout the period (1984–2000), the conventional export price index without variety effect leads to under-state Korea's export price by 89.3%. This paper shows that the fall in Korean export prices has been offset by the effect of export variety. This paper emphasizes the effect of export variety on international trade.  相似文献   

张丽芳  张清辨 《财经研究》2006,32(5):108-118
垄断和竞争的关系是市场结构的中心内容。作为一种新的经济形态,网络经济具有一些背离传统经济规律的经济特性,它导致在网络经济条件下的市场结构呈现出区别于传统经济的新特征,并促成其市场结构双重性的形成,进而带来垄断趋势的加强和竞争属性的变迁。因此,对其市场结构的探讨,有助于更好地理解在新的经济条件下垄断与竞争之间的关系。  相似文献   

Quality of Governance and the Formation of Preferential Trade Agreements   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper investigates economic and political factors which explain the presence or absence of preferential trade agreements (PTAs). A model of three countries with imperfect competition markets is employed for theoretical analysis of political economy. The validity of theoretical results is tested by econometric analysis with a logit model. It is shown that countries with similar incomes are more likely to form PTAs, and that governments with low quality of governance have little incentive to form PTAs.  相似文献   

孙学涛 《技术经济》2021,40(8):76-88
经济的竞争归根到底是产业的竞争,在全面推进高速铁路建设和积极推动产业结构升级的背景下,基于东北地区147个县和34个城市的数据,运用SARAR模型分析高铁对不同行政区域产业结构的影响.研究发现:高铁建设存在着显著的空间集聚性,同时高铁建设对城市产业结构产生一定的正向溢出效应;高铁促进了城市和县域产业结构高级化水平提升;高铁还会带来"鲍莫尔成本病",即高铁不利于地区产业结构合理化调整;高铁在产业结构的虹吸效应中起到促进作用;高铁会通过抑制第一产业发展来促进第三产业发展进而影响地区产业结构;高铁对产业结构的影响主要是通过资本要素产生影响.同时采用了4种方法检验高铁对产业结构调整的影响,发现相关结论仍然是稳健的.最后根据研究结论从要素流动、政府干预和交通衔接等角度提出相关政策建议.  相似文献   

Horizontal Mergers in a Liberalizing World Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is concerned with the effect of horizontal mergers in an open economy environment. It is found that, with the presence of economies of scale and imperfect competition, a domestic merger may bring about an additional gain to the country in that it shifts profit from foreign to domestic firms. Consequently, the condition on the degree of economies of scale for permitting domestic horizontal mergers would be weaker under an open economy than under a closed economy. Furthermore, the analysis shows that such mergers can also raise foreign welfare. Finally, the model is used to discuss the need to coordinate merger policies among trading partners in tandem with trade liberalization.  相似文献   

通过对部门生产函数及相关参数、系数的改造,将非完全竞争市场条件引入CGE模型,并模拟在完全竞争与不完全竞争两个不同市场结构下国际油价上升对我国经济的影响.结果表明,当油品市场设定为不完全竞争时,面对国际油价上升的冲击,GDP下降的程度大于完全竞争的情况.因此随着油品市场逐渐开放,油品市场的产出增加,可以增强我国石油产业和总体经济应对国际油价上升冲击的能力,应继续推动我国石油产业市场自由化的进程.  相似文献   

The paper mainly examines the relationship between economic growth, tax policy and sectoral labor distribution in an endogenous growth model with expanding varieties. For analyzing these relationships, we consider an economy where three sectors of production are vertically integrated: final goods sector, intermediate goods sector and research sector. We show that the extent of imperfect competition in the intermediate products market affects both economic growth and the allocation of the available labor to all the sectors employing this input. The resources from capital taxation, which are used for financing research sector, have a U-shaped effect on growth and lead to a movement of the labor from research sector to final goods sector. Additionally, we show that if there exists a higher competitive structure in an economy, the probability of the positive effect of an increase in tax on growth gets higher.  相似文献   

刍议人力资本推动下的经济增长——以北京为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
21世纪我们迎来知识经济时代,国际竞争日趋激烈,人才正成为最重要的资源,成为国家竞争的核心内容.北京作为世界第一人口大国的首都,拥有国内最丰富的人力资本,目前其人力资本状况及对经济的影响值得关注.主要分为四部分对上述问题进行讨论.第一部分使用基尼系数测算北京人力资本状况;第二部分估计人力资本对经济增长的作用;第三部分分析人力资本对产业结构的影响;第四部分从人力资本的角度为可持续发展的经济增长提供适当的建议方案.  相似文献   

This paper considers the effects of fiscal policy in a two-sector small open economy, with unionized labour markets, and heterogeneous types of imperfect competition in the product markets. By making the marginal propensity to import endogenous, the paper shows that there is no robust or general relationship between the balanced-budget multiplier and the degree of imperfect competition. The fiscal multiplier with distortionary taxes can be positive or negative, depending on the size of the importables sector and the foreign firm's market share. The normative rule for fiscal policy depends on the size of the fiscal multiplier. An increase in economic activity is insufficient by itself to induce the government to over-supply public goods relative to the Walrasian case.  相似文献   

北京奥运正负经济效应初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008北京奥运为北京经济的高速增长提供了动力,扩大了就业,带动了北京经济结构的调整·使北京经济更具活力;奥运会把北京朝国际化大都市的方向推进了一大步.但其"虹吸效应"、"挤出效应"、"低谷效应"等负面经济影响,更值得深入研究与关注.  相似文献   

张华  梁进社 《经济地理》2004,24(6):816-819,825
城市或区域之经济活动的“基本/非基本部分”这个划分揭示了城市或区域与其内外的重要联系。区位商法是公认的最简单的判定基本部门和测算基本部分的方法,在国内外得到了广泛的应用。文章以北京市投入产出表和全国投入产出表的数据为基础,验证了用区位商法测算基本部分的有效性,发现用传统的区位商法测算基本部分的误差很大。论文对用区位商值判定的误差进行了阈值敏感分析和部门分析。对传统的区位商法进行了改进,确定了改进的区位商法的公式形式,并对公式进行了验证。另外,在投入产出分析的框架下得出了一个以中间使用率为基础的新的测算基本部分的经验公式,用北京市多年的数据对该公式进行了验证。  相似文献   

Abstract. Studies of structural change induced by environmental taxation usually proceed in a perfect-competition framework and typically find structural change to be quite moderate under realistic emission reduction scenarios. By observing that some of the industries affected are likely to operate under imperfect rather than perfect competition, additional mechanisms emerge which may amplify structural change beyond the extent identified as yet. Especially, changes in economies of scale may arise which weaken or strengthen the competitive position of industries over and above the initial cost effect. Using a computable general equilibrium model for Germany to examine the effects of a unilaterally introduced carbon tax, we find that induced structural change is more pronounced under imperfect competition than under perfect competition. At the macroeconomic level, we find that aggregate losses in economies of scale are larger than aggregate gains, implying that the total costs of environmental regulation are higher under imperfect competition than under perfect competition.  相似文献   

We offer a framework for the economic analysis of corporate communication (CC) by relying on the concept of dynamic competition and the post-Keynesian theory of the firm. The concept of dynamic competition, based on rivalry between companies, encompasses the importance of information flows and CC in the environment, characterized by fundamental uncertainty. We contribute to the literature by developing a CC matrix used for classifying various CC practices on the basis of firms’ imperfect cognition processes and their attitude toward the stakeholders. Within the post-Keynesian theory of the firm, which has institutionalist origin, we show that transparent CC activities are a potentially powerful tool for the improvement of firms’ performance. We also show that, in Slovenia, the deceptive and non-transparent CC of many large firms and banks has negatively affected the business climate, consequently leading to the decline of the Slovenian economy.  相似文献   

基于DEA方法的北京市循环经济效率评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循环经济系统是一个具有多投入、多产出的复杂系统,有效评价系统的投入产出效率,是反映循环经济状况的关键。文章以北京市18个区(县)2008年度的统计数据为基础,采用数据包络分析方法(DEA)中的BCC模型对循环经济效率进行评估。效率得分结果显示,北京市各区(县)在循环经济效率上存在明显的差异,首都功能核心区、生态涵养发展区循环经济效率较高,城市发展新区、城市功能拓展区则呈现相反情形,并且北京市各区(县)发展水平与循环经济效率之间不存在相关性。松弛变量分析显示,在既定的效率得分下,不同区(县)对于各项投入的利用存在很大差异。  相似文献   

This paper studies the long‐run consequences of imperfect competition on growth and the sectoral distribution of skills within an R&D‐based growth model with human capital accumulation. We find that steady‐state growth is driven only by incentives to accumulate skills. In the model imperfect competition has a positive growth effect, while influencing the allocation of human capital to the different economic activities employing this factor input. Contrary to general wisdom, the share of resources invested in R&D turns out not to be monotonically increasing in the product market power and its correlation with the equilibrium output growth rate is not unambiguous.  相似文献   

当代各国首都的经济结构一般都具有八个组成要素:服务、总部、知识、绿色、园区、临轨、临空和临港。首都经济总是先经历极化效应,然后再转向扩散效应,最终在一定区域内形成首都圈经济。本文通过可比和可获得数据的收集整理,比较了北京与伦敦、巴黎、首尔和东京四个国际性首都圈,在服务经济、总部经济、知识经济、绿色经济、园区经济、临轨经济、临空经济和临港经济等八个方面的发展变化。运用极差阈值法综合比较后发现:北京作为首都经济单体,发展具有一定实力,排名居中;但若把京津冀作为首都经济圈与之比较,则发展排名最后。目前严峻的现实是:单靠北京自身力量已经难以化解大城市病,只有实现京津冀一体化协同发展,即建立全域性的首都圈经济,才能实现首都经济结构优化升级。  相似文献   

This paper studies the national welfare maximizing inflation tax in an open economy with imperfect competition. It shows that the presence of a monopolistic distortion dampens the incentive to engage in strategic use of the inflation tax. If this dampening effect is strong enough, monetary policy becomes completely inward-looking, restoring the Friedman rule as an equilibrium strategy regardless of the actions of the foreign government. This aspect of the policy interaction—driven entirely by the presence of imperfect competition—is important because it determines the underlying structure of the policy game and is therefore crucial for determining whether or not there exist welfare gains from international monetary cooperation.  相似文献   

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