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This note presents a simple geometric apparatus for analyzing macroeconomic questions relating to small open economies. The particular problem analyzed here for illustrative purposes is the adjustment of a floating exchange rate regime, under both static and rational expectations, to a step increase in the money supply. We consider both an unanticipated immediate increase and an unanticipated announcement of a forthcoming increase. We derive the general criterion which determines whether the exchange rate initially overshoots or undershoots the change required for long-run equilibrium.  相似文献   

Long-run monetary neutrality specifies that nominal disturbances do not affect long-run real exchange rates. However, the "over depreciation" of the US dollar in the late 1980s, after its strong appreciation earlier in the decade, suggested to a number of observers that nominal disturbances alter long-run real exchange rates; that is, money supply shocks entail real exchange rate hysteresis. Using data from the G-7 countries and the post-1973 float, the paper measures the long-run effects of relative money supply disturbances on real US dollar exchange rates. Little evidence of hysteretic monetary policy effects is found.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamics of the nominal exchange rate and fiscal deficits in a continuous time optimizing general equilibrium model with OLG. It is shown that alternative financing modes of budget deficits imply different patterns of adjustment along the transitional path towards the steady-state equilibrium. In particular, the respect of public solvency without money financing is not sufficient to avoid the depreciation of the exchange rate in the long-run after a fiscal expansion. In addition, money and tax financing generate opposite intergenerational reallocation of wealth.  相似文献   

This paper extends the theory of demand-led money supply endogeneity to the case of an open economy with a fixed exchange rate. This theory is contrasted to the standard Mundell-Fleming view. In the compensation approach advocated here, central banks are able to set interest rates, even in a fixed exchange rate regime, either because there are automatic market mechanisms that will induce the private sector to act in such a way that changes in foreign reserves will be compensated by opposite changes in central bank claims over the domestic economy, or because the central bank will engage in endogenous sterilization operations in its efforts to enforce its benchmark interest rate. Analyzing the balance sheet of the Chinese central bank, we find that the large rise in foreign reserves on the asset side is compensated by large positive changes in items of the liability side, mainly bonds issued by the central bank. Foreign reserves are not cointegrated with the monetary base, meaning that there is no long-run relationship between foreign exchange reserves and the supply of base money. We also find no long-run relation between foreign exchange reserves and the consumer price index.  相似文献   

Conventionally, the money demand function is estimated using a linear regression of the logarithm of money demand on a number of variables. In this article, we aim to estimate the long-run properties of money demand specification for a number of East Asian economies and within a panel framework with the presence of structural breaks. Various country-specific coefficients are allowed to capture inter-country heterogeneities. Consistent with theoretical postulates, it is found that (a) the demand for money in the long-run positively responds to real income and inversely to the interest rate spread, inflation, the real effective exchange rate and the US real interest rate; (b) the long-run income elasticity is greater than unity; and (c) both the currency substitution and capital mobility hypotheses hold. The empirical findings in this article can provide useful policy guidelines to the East Asian countries’ central banks in their quest for price stability. If one of the primary objectives of these countries is to minimize price instability, they should avoid creating unnecessary disequilibrium in the money market, while the employment of cointegration with the presence of structural breaks clearly recommends to central banks to use the supply of money to attain price and macroeconomic stability.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a nonlinear error-correction model based upon smooth transition regression methodology. The model is specified such that the short-run adjustment toward long-run equilibrium is nonlinear and that the error correction is a smooth function of long-run deviation. Empirical results obtained from estimating M2 money demand in Taiwan support the hypothesis of a nonlinear error-correction process and provide better interpretation of change in the demand for money.  相似文献   

The demand for broad money in Venezuela is investigated over a period of financial crisis and substantial exchange rate fluctuations. The analysis shows that there exist a long-run relationship between real money, real income, inflation, the exchange rate and an interest rate differential, that remains stable over major policy changes and large shocks. The long-run properties emphasize that both inflation and exchange rate depreciations have negative effects on real money demand, whereas a higher interest rate differential has positive effects. The long-run relationship is finally embedded in a dynamic equilibrium correction model with constant parameters. These results have implications for a policy-maker. In particular, they emphasize that with a high degree of currency substitution in Venezuela, monetary aggregates will be very sensitive to changes in the economic environment.  相似文献   

This article estimates a theoretically coherent and empirically robust money demand function for 12 developing countries. The modeling procedure not only tests for a regime shift in the cointegrating equation, but also in the error correction model. Five specific hypotheses are examined. The article demonstrates that a long-run equilibrium relationship exists between real M1 or M2 balances, real income, inflation, exchange rate, foreign exchange risk, and foreign interest rates in the countries studied. The study provides information on the speed of adjustment to equilibrium and the median and mean time lags for adjustment of real money balances to changes in each determinant. Although our results provide more evidence against M1 than M2, this study clearly establishes that both M1 and M2 must be considered as viable policy tools for less developed countries.  相似文献   

Significant research efforts have been devoted to understanding the effects of macroeconomic factors on the agriculture sector. Analysing the sources of volatility in the industry is critical for designing appropriate policies to stabilize agricultural markets, reduce poverty and increase economic growth. Agriculture is a competitive sector with prices that are more flexible than those in nonagricultural sectors. This article uses annual data over the 1957–2004 period and a vector error-correction model in investigating the dynamic effects of exchange rates, money supply and other macroeconomic variables on the agricultural sector in South Africa. Overall, real exchange rates, interest rates, inflation and money supply (M3) shocks have significant and persistent impacts on agricultural output, prices received by farmers and farm input prices. M3 and interest rate shocks tend to put agriculture in a cost-price squeeze. Agricultural price movements are a source of macroeconomic instability in the country. Real exchange rate shocks shift relative prices in favour of agriculture in the long-run, thereby, boosting farm incomes and accelerating poverty reduction in the country.  相似文献   

This article examines whether foreign exchange market interventions conducted by the Bank of Japan are important for the dollar–yen exchange rate in the long run. We rely on a re-examination of the empirical performance of a monetary exchange rate model. This is basically not a new topic; however, we focus on two new questions. First, does the consideration of periods of massive interventions in the foreign exchange market uncover a potential long-run relationship between the exchange rate and its fundamentals? Second, do Forex interventions support the adjustment towards a long-run equilibrium value? Our results suggest that taking periods of interventions into account within a monetary model does improve the goodness of fit of an identified long-run relationship to a significant degree. Furthermore, Forex interventions increase the speed of adjustment towards long-run equilibrium in some periods, particularly in periods of coordinated forex interventions. Our results indicate that only coordinated interventions seem to stabilize the dollar–yen exchange rate in a long-run perspective.  相似文献   

In order to account for currency substitution, the exchange rate is included in the demand for money. More recent studies have demonstrated that exchange rate changes could have asymmetric effects on the demand for money or domestic currency. In this paper, we consider the experiences of 18 African countries and show that in most countries, indeed exchange rate changes have short-run asymmetric effects on the demand for money. However, short-run effects translate to long-run asymmetric effects only in a limited number of African countries.  相似文献   

The paper models the dual role of money balances as a short-run buffer stock and an asset with a well-specified long-run demand function. The analysis is carried out in an open economy framework. Consequently, there will be an offset to monetary policy in the form of induced capital movements, but in our model, it will be distributed over time even under perfect substitutability of financial claims. Estimates for the parameters of the demand for money function are obtained from a capital flow equation using both unrestricted (OLS) and restricted (nonlinear) estimation methods. The results provide strong evidence in favour of the shock-absorption theory for the adjustment of money demand under money supply changes.  相似文献   

As a result of the research conducted by Nobel Laureate Robert Mundell (1963), most studies estimating the demand for money today do include the exchange rate in their specification to account for currency substitution. Previous studies that did this for the Turkish demand for money assumed that exchange rate changes do have symmetric effects on the demand for money in Turkey. In this article, we question this assumption. By using the nonlinear ARDL approach, we show that indeed exchange rate changes do have short-run and long-run asymmetric effects on the M1 demand for money. Introducing nonlinearity also yields a stable money demand.  相似文献   

Michael Kühl 《Applied economics》2018,50(34-35):3664-3685

The aim of this article is to discuss excess comovements of the euro/US dollar and pound sterling/US dollar exchange rates, i.e. we look for comovements of exchange rates which are stronger than implied by the fundamentals. The results of the empirical analysis provide evidence that excess comovements exist for the two exchange rates. A long-run analysis of correlations can verify that a link exists between the correlation dynamics of exchange rates, relative inflation rates, long-term interest rates, economic sentiments and money supply. We find that common movements of money supply, prices and economic sentiments each play a major role in comovements of the exchange rates. From the investigation of the two exchange rates, we conclude that macroeconomic fundamentals can account for the comovement but that common non-fundamental factors also have major significance for the exchange rates.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent to which domestic and foreign money balances in emerging European countries are influenced by foreign exchange considerations. A well-specified and stable relationship between real money demand and the exchange rate can be perceived as an important part of a successful monetary policy. This study examines the long-run determinants of real exchange rates (RERs) associated with the behavioral equilibrium exchange rate (BEER) approach and identifies currency misalignments in these countries. The misalignment is later used to test the nonlinear behavior of the demand for money. The results indicate that the RER misalignments have a significant impact on domestic money demand. When the currencies are overvalued, there is a reduction in domestic money demand, and when they are undervalued, there is an increase in domestic money demand. Furthermore, it can be concluded that overvaluation causes an increase in foreign money demand indicating a shift of preference from domestic to foreign currency.  相似文献   

This article examines the long-run money demand function for 11 OECD countries from 1983Q1 to 2006Q4 using panel data. The distinction between common factors and idiosyncratic components using principal component analysis allows for the detection of cross-member cointegration and the determination as to whether national or international sources are responsible for the non-stationarity of money and its determinants. Indeed, the finding that the common factors are I(1) while the idiosyncratic components are I(0) indicates that cross-member cointegration may exist and non-stationarity in the variables is primarily driven by common international trends. Furthermore, it is found that the impact of income on money demand is positive, whereas it is negative for the interest rate, exchange rate and stock prices. Except for the income elasticity of money demand, all estimated long-run coefficients are larger for the common factors of the variables than for the variables themselves. This article provides evidence that the exchange rate is an important determinant of money demand, whereas the results for the stock prices are ambiguous. Finally, the results of a panel-based error-correction model suggest that several domestic money stocks converge to a common international equilibrium relationship between the common factors.  相似文献   


The theoretical association of money supply and exchange rates with prices has been empirically established and shown to be dominant in explaining changes in price levels in India. However, post liberalisation, studies have shown price levels to be impacted by several other factors as also, weakened influence of the traditional factors established by theories. This study aims to find the determinants of price level for the period 1994–2008 using a Vector Autoregression model and test the predictive ability of the model. Our results show shorter and smaller impact of change in money supply and nominal effective exchange rate on price levels. Both money supply and nominal effective exchange rates are found to Granger-cause Consumer Price Index. But, impulse response functions show that the impact of shocks from money supply and nominal effective exchange rates on consumer prices peaks after two lags and is short-lived. Forecast error variance decomposition shows that these demand side factors contribute only 6 % of the forecast error variation in Consumer Price Index.


Based on integration and cointegration test findings, this paper constructs an error correction (ECM) model to evaluate the dynamic adjustment process of money demand in China in the reform period (1979 to 1990). The cointegration tests suggest that some long-run relationship exists among money demand, real income, price, and the real interest rate. The ECM model shows that the dynamic adjustment process of money demand maintains stable and significant relationships to most of its determinants.  相似文献   

Most recent studies have employed the cointegration technique to investigate the long-run stability of the demand for money. This study considers the case of Korea. It is shown that in the long-run while Ml monetary aggregate is cointegrated with income, interest rate, and the exchange rate, M2 is not. However, results from error correction models reveal that both Ml and M2 have short-run relationship with their determinants. [E41]  相似文献   

Estimating money demand functions for South Asian countries   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper, we estimate a money demand function for a panel of five South Asian countries. We find that the money demand and its determinants, namely real income, real exchange rate and short-term domestic and foreign interest rates are cointegrated both for individual countries as well as for the panel, and panel long-run elasticities provide robust evidence of statistically significant relationships between money demand and its determinants. Our test for panel Granger causality suggests short-run causality running from all variables, except foreign interest rate, to money demand, and we find evidence that except for Nepal money demand functions are stable.   相似文献   

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