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This study examines the non-linear relationship between stock markets in GCC countries and their country risk ratings as well as with major macroeconomic factors. Based on a dynamic panel threshold model with two and four regimes, the results provide evidence of short-term asymmetry between first-lagged GCC stock returns and the performance of GCC stock markets. In addition, only the financial risk (FR) rating has a significant positive effect on the performance of GCC stock markets according to the prevailing regimes for the GCC lagged returns and the Brent oil market. Among the macroeconomic factors, improvements in the global stock markets, the MSCI Global Islamic Index, and the oil price increased the performance of GCC stock markets, whereas increases in the gold price, the 3-month U.S. Treasury bill rate, and the U.S. Treasury bond rate reduced the performance of the GCC stock markets. These results have important implications for investors, policymakers, and portfolio managers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the short term and long term dependencies between stock market returns for the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates) during the period 2005–2010. Our empirical investigation is based on the wavelet squared coherence which allows us to assess the co-movement in both time-frequency spaces. Our results reveal frequent changes in the pattern of the co-movements especially after 2007 for all the selected GCC markets at relatively higher frequencies. We further note an increasing strength of dependence among the GCC stock markets during the last financial crisis signifying enhanced portfolio benefits for investors in the short term relative to the long term. On the financial side, we uncover that the strength of co-movement between GCC markets may impact the multi-country portfolio's value at risk (VaR) levels. These findings provide potential implications for portfolio managers operating in the GCC region who are invited to consider co-movement through both frequencies and time when designing their portfolios.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence of the existence of diversification benefits in international stock markets when oil producing countries are included in a global portfolio. Moreover, it examines whether recent oil shocks and financial events have significant impact on the conditional correlations and diversification benefits. Using stock returns from developed, emerging, GCC countries and a global portfolio, the empirical findings show that while developed and emerging stock markets have experienced increased correlations over relatively long periods of time, the correlation in GCC stock markets remained low and constant offering high diversification benefits. Interestingly, the paper also finds that, during 2012–2014, the rising conditional correlation levels have reversed trends in developed and emerging markets alike offering more potential for international diversification. Our results are robust to model selection, data frequency, and innovations distribution.  相似文献   

The relationship between stock prices and exchange rates has continued to generate interest from both the academia and financial industry players for many years. This study conducts an empirical investigation into the relationship between stock prices and exchange rates for the two largest economies in Sub-Saharan Africa – South Africa and Nigeria. Our methodology accounts for structural breaks in the data and the long-run relationship between stock and foreign exchange markets. The results of multivariate causality tests with structural breaks showed that causality runs from exchange rates to domestic stock prices in Nigeria (flow channel) while in South Africa, no causality exists between domestic stock prices and exchange rates. The results also reveal that there is causality from the London stock market to both countries’ stock markets, thus showing that international stock markets are driving both the Nigerian and South African stock markets.  相似文献   

The paper explores the empirical evidence of the volatility interactions among the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) stock markets and world oil price over the weekly period spanning from June 24, 2005 to March 25, 2011. The study is conducted based on the BEKK-GARCH process developed by Kroner and Ng (1998) and outlining the asymmetry in the conditional variances of the stock and oil markets. The findings show evidence of shock and volatility linkages among GCC stock and oil markets, and reveal that the spillover effects are more apparent for volatility patterns. They also indicate that the stock and oil markets exhibit asymmetry in the conditional variances. From the perspective of portfolio strategies, the results display certain sensitivity to the GCC stock prices, allowing thus better understanding of the relationship between each stock market and oil price. Our findings are crucial for practitioners, policy makers and investors who seek to make earnings by diversifying their portfolios.  相似文献   

This study examines whether a volatility/risk transmission exists between the Dow Jones Islamic stock and three conventional stock markets for the United States, Europe and Asia during the pre- and the in- and post-2008 crisis periods. It also explores the volatility spillover dynamics between those markets and US Monetary policy, oil prices, global financial risk and uncertainty factors. The recently developed Hafner and Herwartz (2006)’s causality-in-variance test provides evidence of risk transfers between these seemingly different equity markets, indicating a contagion between them during the full sample and the subperiods. The volatility structure of these markets is dominated by short-run volatility in the first period and by high long-run volatility in the second period. The volatility impulse response analysis indicates a similar volatility transmission pattern although it is characterized by a more volatile and short-lived structure in the second period. It also appears that the Islamic equity market responds to shocks from the risk factors and not from the oil price and the US economic policy uncertainty index during both periods.  相似文献   

This study utilises the stock market data provided by the Australian Equity Database to analyse the long-run relationship between Australian stock returns and key macroeconomic variables over the period 1926–2017. To measure the diverse risk factors in the stock market, we examine the possible determinants in four main categories: real, financial, domestic and international. Our results reveal that historical stock returns are strongly connected to financial and international factors as compared to real and domestic factors. Both the 1973–1974 OPEC Oil Price Crisis and 2007–2008 Global Financial Crisis had dampening effects on stock returns. There is a positive association between the US and Australian stock markets in the long-run. These findings on stock market dynamics and their linkages with domestic and international macroeconomic policy changes in the long-run have important implications for traders and practitioners.  相似文献   

This article aims to examine the long-run equilibrium relationship between bilateral trade linkages and stock market correlations of Australia and China using quarterly data from 1993 to 2015. Further, this study explores the impact of trade intensity on stock market correlations using OLS, Dynamic OLS (DOLS) and Fully Modified OLS (FMOLS) models. The empirical results confirm that there is a significant long-run relationship among the variables. In addition, our results, based on OLS, DOLS and FMOLS, show that increasing trade intensity between Australia and China has a significant and positive impact on their stock market correlations. The Global Financial Crisis also contributed for their stock market interdependence. Our results therefore suggest that the bilateral trade relations between Australia and China have brought their stock markets together over time. The findings of this study offer significant policy and practical implications. The policymakers need to be aware of the economic changes in those countries as they will immediately reflect on their stock market performance and relationship. Similarly, the global investors need to be aware of the fact that the diversification opportunities between Australia and China have considerably declined over time as their markets became more interdependent in the recent past.  相似文献   

We use a novel approach based on a combination of network and cointegration analysis to examine linkages between stock markets across market cycles. Our results show that long-run linkages are likely to be global rather than regional and that market turbulence increases linkages. However, we find no widespread common stochastic trends between markets and neither are we able to draw a conclusion that major financial markets display influences network linkages.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the return links and volatility transmission between oil and stock markets in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries over the period 2005-2010. We employ a recent generalized VAR-GARCH approach which allows for transmissions in return and volatility. In addition, we analyze the optimal weights and hedge ratios for oil-stock portfolio holdings. On the whole, our results point to the existence of substantial return and volatility spillovers between world oil prices and GCC stock markets, and appear to be crucial for international portfolio management in the presence of oil price risk.  相似文献   

This paper employs four cointegration test approaches, PO, HI, JJ and KSS, to test for pairwise long-run equilibrium relationships between Taiwan's stock price index and each of the stock price indexes of four European markets – French, German, Dutch, and British stock markets. The results from these four tests are robust and clearly consistent in suggesting that the Taiwan stock market is not pairwise cointegrated with the four European stock markets. This provides strong evidence that there exist long-run benefits for Taiwan investors diversifying in the equity markets of Taiwan's major European trading partners, France, Germany, Holland, and the UK, over the sample period considered from 6 January 1998 to 30 May 2002. These findings could be valuable to Taiwan individual investors and financial institutions holding long-run investment portfolios in the equity markets of France, Germany, Holland, and the UK.  相似文献   

Emerging and frontier markets in Africa have witnessed various economic and financial reforms aimed at integrating the domestic markets into the global financial market to attract investment. Whether these reforms promote high economic growth remains inconclusive. The paper applies the pooled mean group estimation technique to empirically re-investigate the link between financial market development, global financial crisis, and economic growth in selected African economies. The results strongly support our hypotheses that stock market and banking sector development promotes economic growth in the selected countries. Moreover, financial crisis reduce the positive effects of both the stock market and banking sector developments on economic growth. The study suggests that both the banking sector and stock market are important to deliver the long-run economic growth that the African region desired. Moreover, effort should be made to enact policy measures that would ensure development of the stock market which has received inadequate attention.  相似文献   

Using the non-parametric rank tests proposed by Breitung (2001), we set out in this study to determine whether any non-linear long-run equilibrium relationship exists between the stock and real estate markets of Western European countries. We go on to adopt the threshold error-correction model (TECM) to determine whether a similar relationship is discernible possibly non-linear functions of the log-price of these two markets. The findings clearly point to the existence of long-run unidirectional and bidirectional causality between the real estate market and the stock market in regions both above and below the threshold level. Finally, we find the existence of both wealth and credit price effects in the real estate markets and stock markets of Western European countries, which thereby offer financial institutions and individual investors in their construction of long-term investment portfolios within these two asset markets.  相似文献   

Dynamic Relationships among GCC Stock Markets and Nymex Oil Futures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Daily relationships among stock markets of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members, excluding Qatar, form two equilibrium relationships with varying predictive power. The Saudi market leads, followed by Bahrain and United Arab Emirates. Kuwait, which is dominated by momentum traders, and Oman have the weakest links with the other GCC markets. Only the Saudi index can predict—and be predicted by—New York Mercantile Exchange oil futures prices. Therefore these markets are candidates for diversified regional portfolios at the country level. The trading day effect is weak for all GCC markets and oil futures prices but remains consistent with findings for the U.S. stock market. (JEL C22 , F3 , Q49 )  相似文献   

This article investigates whether economic variables have explanatory power for share returns in South Asian stock markets. In particular, using data for four South Asian emerging stock markets over the period 1998–2012, the article examines the influence of a selection of local, regional and global economic variables in explaining equity returns; most previous studies that have examined this issue have tended to focus on only local and/or global factors. Important factors are identified by distilling the macroeconomic variables into principal components. Economic activities, real interest rates, real exchange rates and the trade balance represent local factors. Regional factors are represented by interregional trade and regional economic activity while global factors are represented by world financial asset returns and world economic activity. The vector autoregression results suggest that the South Asian markets examined are not efficient. Both local and regional factors can directly and indirectly explain Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Sri Lankan stock returns while the lagged returns of the Pakistani stock market and world economic activity can explain Indian stock returns.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to test for the Random Walk Hypothesis (RWH) for seven stock markets in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, and to determine the effect of the correction for thin trading. Three new multiple variance ratio tests are applied to both observed returns and returns corrected for thin trading. It is found overall that the RWH does not hold for the GCC stock markets at both daily and weekly frequencies. This evidence is particularly strong when daily returns are used, where the RWH is soundly rejected for both observed and corrected returns.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of macroeconomic shocks on key macro variables, including stock market returns in Korea, using the structural vector autoregression (SVAR) model. We suggest a three-variable SVAR model incorporating inflation, output growth and stock returns. We adopt a nonzero z-ratio restriction for the long-run identifying assumption to allow for economically meaningful relationships among variables. While our results support the negative (positive) relation of demand (supply) shocks to stock returns, we also find that demand shocks influence stock market variance more significantly than supply shocks do. The sub-period analysis finds that global market fluctuations during the global financial crisis have relatively little effect on Korean stock market performance. We also examine a generalized five-variable model that includes the foreign exchange rate and interest rate, confirming the results from the three-variable case.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamic linkages among the U.S., Japan, U.K. and German stock market indices using daily data for the April 1, 1984 to May 31,91 period. In contrast to previous studies, a vector error correction model of cointegrated variables as developed by Johansen (1988, 1991) and Johansen and Juselius (1990) is employed to examine both short-run and long-run intermarket relationships among these four stock markets. Significant evidence is found in support of both short-run and long-run relationships among these four stock market indices. The U.S. stock market leads other stock markets in short-run in the pre and post October 1987 crash, but leads all other markets in the long-run in all periods examined. The presence of a one long-run cointegrating equilibrium relationship among the four stock market indices implies a limited role of international diversification for investors with long holding periods. However, because the US-Japan-Germany stock market indices, and Japan-UK-Germany indices are not cointegrated with each other, these indices may yield international portfolio diversification in the long-run. Finally, the conflicting results from multivariate cointegration tests found in this study can not be used to provide conclusive evidence on international stock market efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the New Zealand equity market is integrated with the equity markets of Australia and the G7 economies by applying both the Johansen (1988 ) and Gregory and Hansen (1996 ) approaches to cointegration. The Johansen (1988 ) test suggests that there is no long-run relationship between the New Zealand stock market and any of the other stock markets considered in the study. The Gregory and Hansen (1996 ) test finds that the New Zealand and United States stock market is cointegrated, but the New Zealand stock market is not cointegrated with the other stock markets in the study. This suggests that in order to avoid some of the risk through international portfolio diversification there is potential for investors to purchase shares in the New Zealand market and either the Australian market or most of the world's leading equity markets.  相似文献   

Using a time-varying GJR copula approach, we determine the conditional dependence of the GCC stock indices on oil price between 2007 and 2016. We show how to improve the forecasting accuracy of the co-movement of energy and stock prices in an equally weighted portfolio. Contrary to prior findings, we demonstrate that due to the different co-movements across the GCC stock indices, portfolios of oil assets and several GCC stocks are less likely to be affected by systemic risk. The different co-movements across several stock indices over time provide different entry and exit points for stock investors. This approach is in line with the ‘buy low/sell high’ adage.  相似文献   

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