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Unlike previous studies, this paper uses the Multi-Chain Markov Switching model (MCMS) to examine portfolio management strategies based on volatility transmission between six domestic stock markets of Gulf Arab states (GCC) and global markets (i.e., the U.S. S&P 500 index and oil prices) and compares the results with those of the VAR model. Our volatility approach is range-based and not return-based which is traditionally used in estimating the optimal hedge ratios and portfolio weights. The results demonstrate the relative hedging effectiveness of the MCMS model compared to the VAR. We also highlight the time and regime dependency of the optimal hedge ratios and the portfolio weights for each selected pair of the considered markets conditional on the regime of the same market and the regimes of the other market. Policy implications on portfolio strategies under different states are also discussed.  相似文献   

Socially responsible investing (SRI) is one of the fastest growing areas of investing. While there is a considerable literature comparing SRI to various benchmarks, very little is known about the volatility dynamics of socially responsible investing. In this paper, multivariate GARCH models are used to model volatilities and conditional correlations between a stock price index comprised of socially responsible companies, oil prices, and gold prices. The dynamic conditional correlation model is found to fit the data the best and used to generate dynamic conditional correlations, hedge ratios and optimal portfolio weights. From a risk management perspective, SRI offers very similar results in terms of dynamic conditional correlations, hedge ratios, and optimal portfolio weights as investing in the S&P 500. For example, SRI investors can expect to pay a similar amount to hedge their investment with oil or gold as investors in the S&P 500 would pay. These results can help investors and portfolio managers make more informed investment decisions.  相似文献   

This study measures the extent of financial contagion in the Indian asset markets. In specific it shows the contagion in Indian commodity derivative market vis-à-vis bond, foreign exchange, gold, and stock markets. Subsequently, directional volatility spillover among these asset markets, have been examined. Applying DCC-MGARCH method on daily return of commodity future price index and other asset markets for the period 2006–16, time varying correlation between commodity and other assets are estimated. The degree of financial contagion in commodity derivative market is found to be the largest with stock market and least with the gold market. A generalized VAR based volatility spillover estimation shows that commodity and stock markets are net transmitters of volatility while bond, foreign exchange and gold markets are the net receivers of volatility. Volatility is transmitted to commodity market only from the stock market. Such volatility spillover is found to have time varying nature, showing higher volatility spillover during the Global Financial Crisis and during the period of large rupee depreciation in 2013–14. These results have significant implication for optimal portfolio choice.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate which types of commodity price information are more useful for predicting US stock market realized volatility (RV) in a data-rich word. The standard predictive regression framework and monthly RV data are used to explore the RV predictability of commodity futures for the next-month RV on S&P 500 spot index. We utilize principal component analysis (PCA) and factor analysis (FA) to extract the common factors for each type and all types of commodity futures. Our results indicate that the futures volatility information of grains and softs has a significant predictive ability in forecasting the RV of the S&P 500. In addition, the FA method can yield better forecasts than the PCA and average methods in most cases. Further analysis shows that the volatility information of grains and softs exhibits higher informativeness during recessions and pre-crises. Finally, the forecasts of the five combination methods and different out-of-sample periods confirm our results are robust.  相似文献   

This paper is the first to employ a multivariate extension of the LHAR–CJ model for realized volatility of Corsi and Renó (2012) considering continuous and jump volatility components and leverage effects. The model is applied to financial (S&P 500), commodity (WTI crude oil) and forex (US$/EUR) intraday futures data and allows new insights in the transmission mechanisms among these markets. Besides significant leverage effects, we find that the jump components of all considered assets do not contain incremental information for the one-step ahead realized volatility. The volatility of S&P 500 and US$/EUR exchange rate futures exhibits significant spillovers to the realized volatility of WTI. Moreover, decreasing equity prices appear to increase volatility in other markets, while strengthening of the US$ seems to calm down the crude oil market.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the return links and volatility transmission between oil and stock markets in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries over the period 2005-2010. We employ a recent generalized VAR-GARCH approach which allows for transmissions in return and volatility. In addition, we analyze the optimal weights and hedge ratios for oil-stock portfolio holdings. On the whole, our results point to the existence of substantial return and volatility spillovers between world oil prices and GCC stock markets, and appear to be crucial for international portfolio management in the presence of oil price risk.  相似文献   

This study represents one of the first papers in stock-index-futures arbitrage literature to investigate the effects of arbitrage threshold on stock index futures hedging effectiveness by using threshold vector error correction model (hereafter threshold VECM). Moreover, in contrast to prior studies focusing on examining case studies involving mature stock markets, this study not only adopts US S&P 500 stock market as the sample but also adds an analysis of one emerging stock market, Hungarian BSI and examines the differences between them. Finally, this investigation employs a rolling estimation process to examine the impact of arbitrage threshold behaviours on the setting of futures hedging ratio. The empirical findings of this study are consistent with the following notions. First, arbitrage behaviour reduces co-movement between futures and spot markets and increases the volatility of both futures and spot markets. Second, this article denotes the outer regime of futures-spot market for the case of Hungarian BSI (US S&P 500) as a crisis (an unusual) condition. Moreover, arbitrage threshold behaviours make remarkable (unremarkable) shift on optimal hedge ratio between two different market regimes for the case of Hungarian BSI (US S&P 500). Finally, the framework involving regime-varying hedge ratio designed in this study provides a more efficient futures hedge ratio design for Hungarian BSI stock market, but not for US S&P 500 stock market.  相似文献   

Information theory is used to examine the dynamic relationships between stock returns, volatility and trading volumes for S&P500 stocks. This provides an alternative approach to traditional Granger causality tests when dealing with nonlinear relationships. The article highlights the dominant role played by trading volumes in all of these relationships – even in the return–volatility relation – and finds evidence of a market level feedback effect from index returns to the return–volatility relation at the stock level. The article also produces a number of stylized facts from an information theoretic perspective.  相似文献   

The authors provide fresh evidence on the nonfundamental-driven price dynamics and interaction between index and index futures by examining the price movements of the S&P500 index and index futures surrounding the crossing of the 00 psychological barriers and 52-week highs and lows. In contrast to the extant evidence that futures leads in fundamental-driven price movements, the authors show the dominance of the crossing in the index in continuing the price trend after the crossing. Even when synchronized crossings occur, the index rises more than the index futures during upward crossings, whereas the index futures falls more than the index during downward crossings. While volatility is significantly reduced before upward crossings, but not for downward crossings, it is significantly higher during the crossing, and significantly lower after the crossings in both markets. These findings have clear practical implications for index arbitrageurs, investors, and regulators.  相似文献   


We investigate the conditional cross effects and volatility spillover between equity markets and commodity markets (oil and gold), Fama and French HML and SMB factors, volatility index (VIX) and bonds using different multivariate GARCH specifications considering the potential asymmetry and persistence behaviours. We analyse the dynamic conditional correlation between the US equity market and a set of commodity prices and risk factors to forecast the transmission of shock to the equity market firstly, and to determine and compare the optimal hedge ratios from the different models based on the hedging effectiveness of each model. Our findings suggest that all models confirm the significant returns and volatility spillovers. More importantly, we find that GO-GARCH is the best-fit model for modelling the joint dynamics of different financial variables. The results of the current study have implications for investors: (i) the equity market displays inverted dynamics with the volatility index suggesting strong evidence of diversification benefit; (ii) of the hedging assets gold appears the best hedge for the US equity market as it has a higher hedge effectiveness than oil and bonds over time; and (iii) despite these important results, a better hedge may be obtained by using well-selected firm sized and profitability-based portfolios.  相似文献   

The availability of ultra-high-frequency data has sparked enormous parametric and nonparametric volatility estimators in financial time series analysis. However, some high-frequency volatility estimators are suffering from biasness issues due to the abrupt jumps and microstructure effect that often observed in nowadays global financial markets. Hence, we motivate our studies with two long-memory time series models using various high-frequency multipower variation volatility proxies. The forecast evaluations are illustrated using the S&P500 data over the period from year 2008 to 2013. Our empirical studies found that higher-power variation volatility proxies provide better in-sample and out-of-sample performances as compared to the widely used realized volatility and fractionally integrated ARCH models. Finally, these empirical findings are used to estimate the one-day-ahead value-at-risk of S&P500.  相似文献   

This article applies two measures to assess spillovers across markets: the Diebold and Yilmaz’s (2012) spillover index and the Hafner and Herwartz’s (2006) analysis of multivariate GARCH models using volatility impulse response analysis. We use two sets of data, daily realized volatility (RV) estimates taken from the Oxford-Man RV library, for the S&P500 and the FTSE, plus 10 years of daily returns series for the New York Stock Exchange Index and the FTSE 100 index. Both data sets capture both the global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the subsequent European Sovereign Debt Crisis (ESDC). The spillover index captures the transmission of volatility to and from markets, plus net spillovers. The Volatility Impulse Responses (VIRF) have to be calibrated to conditional volatility estimated at a particular point in time. We explore the impact of three different shocks, the onset of the GFC, the height of the GFC, and the impact of the ESDC. Our modelling includes leverage and asymmetric effects applying a multivariate GARCH model, and further analysis using both BEKK and diagonal BEKK (DBEKK) models. We find the impact of negative shocks is larger, but shorter in duration, in this case a difference between 3 and 6 months.  相似文献   

This study introduces a new pre-differencing transformation for the AR1MA model for forecasting S&P 500 index volatility. The out of sample forecasting performance of the ARIMA model using the new pre-differencing transformation is compared with the out of sample forecasting performance of the mean reversion model and the GARCH model. The ARIMA model using the new pre-differencing transformation introduced in this study is found to be superior to both the mean reversion model and the GARCH model in forecasting monthly S&P 500 index volatility for the forecast comparison periods used in this study.  相似文献   

To detect abnormal states in stock market returns, this study considers seven indices, over a 21-year period, the Dow Jones, S&P500, Nasdaq, Nikkei225, FTSE100, DAX, and CAC40. Three states are possible, namely a state of high rate of return, a state of low rate of return, both with high volatility and an intermediate state with low volatility. To determine the state of the market at each date, we study the returns using Markov chain Monte Carlo method (Metropolis–Hastings algorithm). Then at a second time, using a Cramer's coefficient, we deduce association coefficients or “correlations” among the different states of the major stock exchange markets around the world. First, the associations were globally stronger during the subprime crisis than during the dot-com bubble period. Second, among European markets Cramer's V is higher regardless of the period. Third, the associations between the Nikkei and the other market indices are systematically lower, indicating the relative disconnection of the Japanese market.  相似文献   

How does the optimal risk exposure of assets change as their investment horizons increase? Does this impact investment portfolio decision-making, in particular, optimal asset allocation between value and growth strategies over various investment horizons? This paper adopts a new approach to address these questions by examining portfolio allocation between value and growth stocks over various investment horizons. This new approach is based on wavelet analysis, which decomposes the returns of a particular investment strategy across multiple investment horizons. The key empirical results show that the success of pursuing the value strategy (short-selling growth stocks and going long on value stocks) is impacted by the approach used to classify value and growth stock returns. We explore two common alternatives: Fama-French versus Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500/Barra portfolios. The results using Fama-French portfolios show that as the investment horizon increases, the optimal mean allocation of investors tilts heavily away from growth stocks, particularly for lower and moderate levels of risk aversion. Interestingly, for S&P 500/Barra portfolios the allocation weights between value and growth do not vary much.  相似文献   

Popular time-varying Copulas are used to analyse the dependence structure between the CSI 300 index return, the S&P 300 index return and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) 80 index return. Results show that these three types of stock index returns have obvious time-varying characteristics. The US sub-prime mortgage crisis has strengthened the correlation among the three-stock index returns, whereas the dependence between China and the ASEAN stock markets is more sensitive to the financial crisis. The time-varying features of the extreme dependence risk between China-ASEAN and China-US are very different.  相似文献   

We demonstrate how it is possible to generate value for an investor with a hedge attached to the buy-and-hold strategy of an S&P 500 index fund. We study the S&P 500 index portfolio (not including dividends) and the value-weighted S&P 500 index portfolio (including dividends) of the Center for Research in Securities Prices for 1967:01–2011:12, using the capacity utilization and the unemployment rates in real time to determine if a hedge position should be initiated or closed. A hedge is initiated if the capacity utilization, the unemployment rate or a combination of the two signals a contraction in the real economy. The hedge position is closed if it signals otherwise an expansion. We use utility gains (Campbell and Thompson 2008), the manipulation-proof performance measure (MPPM) statistics (Ingersoll et al. 2007) and the P-Sharpe ratio (Bailey and López de Prado 2012) to evaluate the performance of a particular hedge strategy. The empirical results show that there are infinitely many hedges that can generate positive utility gains, higher MPPM statistics and higher P-Sharpe ratios.  相似文献   

The cointegration analysis suggests that the pure oil industry equity system and the mixed oil price/equity index system offers more opportunities for long-run portfolio diversification and less market integration than the pure oil price systems. On a daily basis, in the oil price systems all oil prices with the exception of the 3-month futures can explain the future movements of each other. In the mixed system, none of the daily oil industry stock indices can explain the daily future movements of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) futures prices, whereas these prices can explain the movements of independent companies engaged in exploration, refining, and marketing. The spillover analysis of oil volatility transmission suggests that the oil futures market has a matching or echoing volatility effect on the stocks of some oil sectors and a volatility-dampening effect on the stocks of others. The policy implication is that, during times of high oil volatility, traders should choose the S&P oil sector stocks that match their tolerance for volatility and use the right financial derivative to hedge against or profit from this volatility. The day effect for volatility transmission suggests that Friday has a calming effect on the volatility of oil stocks in general. The effect for Monday is not significant.  相似文献   

We study the information content of option-implied betas for future equity option returns, using data on the S&P 500 index options and all of the component stock options. We find a significantly strong relation between option-implied betas and option returns cross-sectional. The paper presents evidence that call (put) option returns increase (decrease) with the option-implied betas of the underlying stock. A trading strategy of buying high (low) implied beta call (put) option portfolio and selling low (high) implied beta call (put) option portfolio generates a statistically and economically significant return. Our results are robustly persistent even after controlling for various cross-sectional effects and are not explained by the risk factors in asset pricing.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between Google search activity and the conditional volatility of oil and gold spot market returns. By aggregating the volume of queries related to the two commodity markets in the spirit of Da et al. ( 2015 ), we construct a weekly Searching Volume Index (SVI) for each market as proxy of households and investors information demand. We employ a rolling EGARCH framework to reveal how the significance of information demand has evolved through time. We find that higher information demand increases conditional volatility in gold and oil spot market returns. Information flows from Google SVI's reduce the proportion of the significant volatility asymmetry produced by negative shocks in both commodity markets. The latter is more profound in the gold market.  相似文献   

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