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Attracting foreign investment
In the first half of 2010, the number of the newly established foreigninvested enterprises was 12377, an increase of 18.8%; the actual use of foreign investment was US$51.43 billion, up 19.6%. Although the absorbing of foreign investment has increased for consecutively 11 months, the overall scale is still lower that the same period of 2008, before the world financial crisis. We can see following features in the foreign investment to China in the first 6 months in 2010.  相似文献   

1 Introduction
The global financial crisis, whose effects have been most severe on the world's largest banks, has created a vacuum in banking sector in Africa by stalling investment from the traditional investor. The world's largest banks, brought to their knees by the crisis, and having had to be bailed out, are in no position to continue investing in the banking sector in Africa. China, less severely affected by the crisis, with a burgeoning economy, and with banks that are awash with cash, is, in contrast,  相似文献   

In recent years, bilateral investment between China and Canada has become more and more active. According to the report on overseas investment ot Chinese enterprises released by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) at the 4th Chinese Enterprise Outbound Investment Conference,  相似文献   

China's net international investment position (IIP) at the end of 2006 surged 57% from a year earlier, according to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE).  相似文献   

On May 15, the Chinese government encourages investment from multi nationals in the country's chemical industry, said Vice-Premier Zeng Peiyan at a meeting here on May 15 with Jim Ratcliffe, chairman of theBritain-based INEOS.  相似文献   

I. Professional Background
Dr. Alyce Su specializes in investment management, managing portfolios consisted of investment opportunities originated 'from China's growth and internationalization, both)utbound and inbound.  相似文献   

After becoming one of the main countries absorbing foreign direct-investment, China is no longer a sole manufacturing base in transnational corporations‘ eyes, but a big market which they must pay high attention on and use. Transnational corporations have adjusted their investment strategy in china accordingly. Professor Xi Guoming, Director of Nankai University Transnational Research Center, issued his many years‘ following research result in a international forum during this period.  相似文献   

自理财概念进入中国以来,银行个人理财越来越受到人们的关注。国内商业银行近几年纷纷尝试推出自己的理财产品和服务,以在不景气的传统业务之外寻求新的利润增长。然而就目前郑州市场的发展状况来看,各家银行先后推出的个人理财业务同质化现象十分严重,仍停留在概念的炒作上,并  相似文献   

<正>零点研究咨询集团2008年12月13日完成了一项城市居民2009年消费信心和消费预期的系列调查,其中关于2009年投资理财趋势的调查结果显示:国内城市居  相似文献   

AccordingtotheStateStatisticsBureau,educationinChinahasbeenraisedtoanimportantpositionintheStatedevelopmentstrategyinthepasttwodecadestoimplementreformandopeningpolicies.TheNationalEducationPlanfortheNinthFive-YearPlanPeriodandtheDevelopmentProgramfortheYear2010stipulatedin1996,adoptedthenine--yearcompulsoryeducationsystem,andthishasbeensuccessfulinitsoperation.Bytheendof1998,a91%percentareaofChinahadmadepreliminaryeducationuniversal,with99%ofschool-agechildrenreceivingeducation,94%oft…  相似文献   

In recent years, bilateral investment between China and Canada has become more and more active. According to the report on overseas investment of Chinese enterprises released by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)at the 4th Chinese Enterprise Outbound Investment Conference, Chinese overseas investment is displayingan increasing trend, with the strength of Chinese enterprises and overseas investment rapidly growing.  相似文献   

王伟 《WTO经济导刊》2011,(10):22-25
2010年在紫金矿业污染福建汀江事故曝光以后,有一个现象引起了业界的注意:社会公众在谴责紫金矿业对环境保护极端不负责任且在信息披露方面缺乏诚信意识的同时,还将关注的重点转向了证券市场的其他参与者,即投资者特别是基金的投资行为,并明确提出了社会责任投资的要求。  相似文献   

1 Introduction The global financial crisis, whose effects have been most severe on the world's largest banks, has created a vacuum in banking sector in Africa by stalling investment from the traditional investor. The world's largest banks, brought to their knees by the crisis, and having had to be bailed out, are in no position to continue investing in the banking sector in Africa.  相似文献   

China's property market is experiencing a downturn for the time being, leaving many developers in hot water. Foreign investors,however, are getting more and more passionate about the market in China. The Blackstone Group is preparing for a longterm and substantial investment. And Morgan Stanley is going to put US$1.46 billion out of its US$10 billion property funds into the market in China in a couple of years to come.  相似文献   

朱敏 《中国市场》2010,(20):72-75
这是一个没有硝烟的战国时代。为争取相应的能源定价话语权,中国作为世界能源的生产与消费大国,将会不可避免地遭遇一场能源金融博弈战。就在这场实力与利益的较量之中,金融能源战略的选择与博弈策略的把握,都显得十分重要。目前所面临的,正是这样一个纵深命题:随着国际金融博弈日益加剧,中国能源金融战略究竟应该如何谋划、如何抉择。  相似文献   

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