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伴随着Internet的蓬勃发展,电子商务正以自身高效益、低成本的优势,逐步成为新兴的商业模式和理念。以亚马逊网上书店为代表的BtoC交易模式,由于需要参与交易的个人必须是持卡人,并且是基于SET标准为基础的,这种交易模式在我国的发展不太理想。我国电子商务是以BtoB为主要交易模式,并且BtoB每笔交易的成交额大,交易货物规范,市场大,加之现在BtoB的平台、帐号等条件比BtoC完善,所以,目前在我国发展电子商务的主要模式是B to B。 一、交易流程 电子商务BtoB模式的参与方有认证中心、生产商…  相似文献   

近年来,随着电子商务和信息技术的发展,我国电子支付产业也进入快速增长时期。中国电子商务研究中心《2011年度中国电子商务市场数据监测报告》显示,2011年中国电子商务市场交易额达到6万亿元,同比增长33%。未来,随着商务交易类网络应用的逐步增加、电子商务产业链的不断完善、新的商务服务模式不断推出以及3G、云计算、移动互联网等新技术的深入应用,电子支付产业将迎来发展的黄金时代。  相似文献   

网络和信息技术的发展带动了电子商务的高速发展,随着我国酒店在线市场交易规模的逐年扩大,我国酒店电子商务市场格局逐渐形成,且呈现多种模式并存的状态,不同的电子商务模式代表顾客价值创造的差异化和企业独特的盈利方式。本文利用商业模式和电子商务模式相关理论,结合目前我国酒店电子商务发展现状,划分出四大类酒店电子商务模式,并对经典模式进行了细致分析,最终说明:顾客价值创造和盈利方式是酒店电子商务模式的本质;竞争与合作是多种酒店电子商务模式间的主要关系;酒店电子商务模式需要不断创新顾客价值和获得持续盈利能力。  相似文献   

电子商务运营模式是一种在新时期中企业运营中被运用地最广泛的一种商务活动模式。电子商务的出现和发展有利于我国社会市场出现不同于传统交易环境的另一种全新的交易发展环境。电子商务的出现带给社会发展一种新鲜的气息,并给社会发展注入了一股鲜活的动力。本文从电子商务的社会发展历程进行探索,主要研究分析在电子商务的发展环境下连锁酒店的发展和运行策略,以锦江之星连锁酒店作为例子。  相似文献   

随着计算机信息技术飞速成长与互联网在各行各业运用领域的迅猛发展,电子商务正在逐步由原来的"虚拟经济"发展成为我国助推传统产业,引领新兴产业的中坚经济力量。近年来,电子商务对经济发展的影响呈现出明显的"乘数效应",2013年,中国电子商务市场交易规模达到10.2万亿元,同比增长29.9%,2014上半年电商交易规模亦达到5.4万亿元,2014下半年,阿里巴巴  相似文献   

电子商务BtoB模式的安全解决方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、前言伴随着 Internet 的蓬勃发展,电子商务正以高效、低成本的优势,逐步成为新兴的商业模式和理念。以亚玛逊网上书店为代表的 B to C 交易模式,由于参与交易的个人必须是持卡人,并且是基于 SET 安全电子交易为基础的,所以,这种交易模式在我国的发展不太理想。我国是以 B to B 为国民经济支柱,并且B to B 每笔交易的成交额大、卖的货物规范、市场  相似文献   

Internet网络技术使人类社会从工业经济时代走向信息经济时代和知识经济时代,而基于Inter-net的电子商务的出现引发了保险业的创新,使网络化日趋成为保险业发展的主流。一、电子商务概述所谓电子商务(ElectronicCommerce),简单地说就是市场买卖双方以电子交易方式进行的商业贸易活动,它主要涉及信息、电子数据交换以及电子资金转帐这几方面的内容。电子商务的交易过程分为交易前、交易中和交易后三个阶段。交易前主要指交易各方在电子商务合同签订前的活动,包括在In-ternet上发布信息和寻找交易机会、通过交换信息进行价格比较。…  相似文献   

跨境电子商务缩短交易时间、降低物流成本、提高交易速度与拓宽业务范围等优点迅速发展起来,对我国实现贸易转型升级具有重大意义。将跨境电子商务与传统电子商务相结合,创新新理念,培养新式的、高素质人才成为各大高校改革电子商务教学改革的首要任务。本文从跨境电子商务商务模式、高校教育现状等方面综合剖析,在此基础上对我国高校传统电子商务教育改革提出建议。  相似文献   

随着电子商务的兴起与发展,农产品电商交易中存在着千网一面、成本高、标准不一、安全性低、营销环境不好等因素,使得我国农产品电商发展缓慢。2015年,随着中央一号文件"支持电商、物流、商贸、金融等企业参与涉农电子商务平台建设,开展电子商务进农村综合示范",因此,农村电子商务与物流业态优化升级是农产品进入互联网市场的重要环节,本项目以陕西为例,提出陕西农产品电商与物流配送联动策略,旨在提出大数据环境下农产品电子商务交易新模式,为B2B、B2C和C2C农产品交易模式提供不同的联动策略,实现电商与物流配送供应链扁平化,缩短供应链环节,提高农户收入,推动农产品电商发展。  相似文献   

杨弥 《中国外资》2013,(24):149-149,151
随着互联网技术的发展,作为一种全兴的商业模式--电子商务在我国迅速普及并成为我国经济发展的重要推手。然而与电子商务有关的法律制度却由于相对滞后在一定程度上阻碍了电子商务的发展。积极研究电子商务交易模式,建立健全规范电子商务交易的法律制度,既可以保障从事电子商务活动当事人的权益,更可以加快促进电子商务活动的健康发展。  相似文献   

保险电子商务具有降低成本、提高效率的特点,能够帮助保险公司解决营销方式单一化与保险市场多样化的矛盾。在我国发展了十几年的保险电子商务已经成为一种保险销售应用的新型商业模式。本文介绍了保险电子商务的三种营销模式,分析了现阶段我国保险电子商务发展状况以及存在的问题,并为解决这些问题、促进保险电子商务进一步优化发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

随着中国电子商务市场以几何倍数迅速扩张,从2007年开始国内个别第三方支付机构也开始跨境网上外汇支付业务的探索,2013年2月国家外汇局正式在全国5个省市开展了支付机构电子商务外汇支付试点。2014年6月中国人民银行下发了《关于贯彻落实〈国务院办公厅关于支持外贸稳定增长的若干意见〉的指导意见》,提出“支持银行业金融机构与支付机构合作开展跨境人民币结算业务”。对此,分析电子商务外汇支付试点的有关情况则可以对探索开展跨境电子商务人民币结算有着重要的启发和推动。  相似文献   

本文系统比较了国内外保险电子商务发展现状,分析了当前我国保险电子商务发展的必然性及其存在问题,并对欧美国家保险电子商务发展经验对我国的启示进行了探讨.  相似文献   

人民银行电子商业汇票系统建成应用已届满一年,中国电子票据市场呈现较好的起步发展态势并在部分地区步入良性发展,主要商业银行积极推动电子票据业务开展,电子票据成为解决中小企业融资难和推动中小金融机构加快发展的重要力量。实践中,电子票据市场运行还存在法律制度不健全、业务发展不均衡、电子票据的客户范围和流通性存在局限、电子票据交易利率不尽合理等问题。中国应通过完善电子票据法律制度、改进ECDS系统的功能应用、加大政策引导和扶持、促进市场繁荣、完善电子票据交易利率定价机制等措施推动电子票据业务加快发展。  相似文献   

《Global Finance Journal》2001,12(2):205-215
Growth of electronic, Internet-based commerce, or e-commerce, has been truly explosive. However, innovations and growth of e-finance have lagged those of e-commerce in general. E-cash has stumbled along but not lived up to its early promise or its current potential. This paper discusses the current status of e-finance, some of the problems that have stood in the way of its growth and development, and implications for government policy and research. Lengthy, detailed discussion of such ancillary issues as encryption technology, e-cash algorithms, and other technical detail at the microlevel of implementation is avoided.  相似文献   

Electronic commerce promises to be the drive behind a new wave of economic growth. Yet, the actual achievement of the prospected benefits and their allocation will depend on the features of the business models driving the diffusion of the new sales channel. The paper rejects the existence of a deterministic relation between e-commerce technological features and the structure of future electronic markets. Accordingly, alternative growth paths are explored and different scenarios are sketched depending upon the prevailing nature of the economic relations among the involved actors. For each scenario, the paper discusses the implications in terms of e-commerce diffusion speed and benefits allocation. The analysis of possible growth paths reveal that public intervention plays a non-negligible role in shaping the business model(s) that will eventually emerge, hence the impact of e-commerce on social welfare.  相似文献   

This paper concludes that any failure to apply value-added tax (VAT) to electronic commerce crossing borders between EU Member States and other countries should not affect the VAT liability of registered traders, even if the reverse charge rule (taxation in the hands of recipients) is not applied. The only type of e-commerce that is problematic involves sales of digital content to consumers and unregistered traders. However, such sales constitute a minuscule fraction of purchases by households and unregistered traders (given the extremely low level of small-business exemptions). Thus, while many believe that the question of how to tax e-commerce under the VAT is urgent, how it is resolved may not be very important.  相似文献   


In recent years, the combined effects of deregulation in financial services, along with advances in telecommunications and information technology, are forcing far-reaching changes upon the insurance industry. The result is the industry is becoming more competitive. The emerging role of electronic commerce (e-commerce) is particularly important and interesting to study.

I offer a brief survey of the role of e-commerce in the insurance industry. The paper is organized in the following manner: Section 1 summarizes Internet trends and discusses various related public policy issues; Section 2 addresses online insurance supply and demand; Section 3 discusses the economics of disintermediation and reintermediation and explains how this applies to e-commerce in the insurance industry. Finally, Section 4 offers a set of concluding remarks.  相似文献   

Although most arguments supporting preferential tax treatment of electronic commerce are suspect, the existence of network externalities provides one potentially defensible rationale. This paper considers (1) direct network externalities, which arise in communications networks like the Internet, (2) indirect network externalities, which arise in computer hardware/software systems in imperfectly competitive markets, and (3) learning network externalities, which arise when existing network participants assist new users. It concludes the case for preferential treatment is weak, and that proposed blanket sales tax exemptions of remote (or all) e-commerce are especially inappropriate. Finally, the paper comments briefly on US sales tax reform efforts.  相似文献   

Getting real about virtual commerce   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In its first generation, electronic commerce has been a landgrab. Space on the Internet was claimed by whoever got there first with enough resources to create a credible business. It took speed, a willingness to experiment, and a lot of cybersavvy. Companies that had performed brilliantly in traditional settings seemed hopelessly flat-footed on the Web. And despite their astronomical valuations, the new e-commerce stars have appeared to be just as confused. Many have yet to make a profit, and no one has any idea when they will. Now, the authors contend, we are entering the second generation of e-commerce, and it will be shaped more by strategy than by experimentation. The key players--branded-goods suppliers, physical retailers, electronic retailers, and pure navigators--will shift their attention from claiming territory to defending or capturing it. They will be forced to focus on strategies to achieve competitive advantage. Success will go to the businesses that get closest to consumers, the ones that help customers navigate their way through the Web. Indeed, the authors argue, navigation is the battlefield on which competitive advantage will be won or lost. There are three dimensions of navigation: Reach is about access and connection. Affiliation is about whose interests the business represents. And richness is the depth of the information that a business gives to or collects about its customers. Navigators and e-retailers have the natural advantage in reach and affiliation, while traditional product suppliers and retailers have the edge in richness. The authors offer practical advice to each player on competing in the second generation of e-commerce.  相似文献   

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