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地域特点、政策构建和创业激励具有内在关联。与中关村、东湖、张江自主创新示范区创业激励政策相比较,长株潭示范区创业政策制定缺乏主体性,政策内容和政策执行还存在不足。优化长株潭自主创新示范区的创业激励政策,须通过完善机构职能、实现多元主体协调,突出战略性和创业激励政策的整体性,并从创业教育、创业贷款和创业投资政策方面完善创业激励政策的具体内容;通过舆论宣传、组织保障和动态评估提高创业政策执行力度。  相似文献   

熊彼特和柯兹纳对企业家作用的不同看法直接导致了他们对企业家过程的不同理解。实际上他们所描绘的是两种不同类型的企业家,即创新型企业家和套利型企业家,这两种不同类型的企业家分别承担了创造性破坏和恢复均衡的职责。这两种企业家在经济增长中的作用是互相补充、互相依存的,两者共同构成了一个完整的、动态的企业家过程。在这个动态循环体系中,企业家知识是环流的介质。它的实质是企业家知识在市场中被创造、扩散、发现和吸收利用的过程。  相似文献   

Technology is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for regional economic development. Regional innovation networks transform technology into competitiveness of firms and thus contribute to economic development. Intangible assets, such as social capital, decide how effective regional innovation networks function. Differences in regional social capital thus help explain regional differences in economic development. Regional social capital originates from the embeddedness of firms in regional webs of social relations. The norms, values and customs of these networks facilitate collaboration for mutual benefit. As innovation is increasingly a network effort, embeddedness and social capital also help explain how and why networks of innovating companies are successful, as the case study of the Stimulus Cluster Scheme shows.  相似文献   

以江苏省422位在校大学生新创企业数据为样本,运用结构方程分析方法,探讨了创业特质维度下创业自我效能、成就性、内控性及创新性如何以创业动机为中介,影响创业成长绩效的传导关系。结果表明:创业特质正向显著影响创业动机的路径系数为0.866,其中内控性对创业动机影响最大,其次为创新性、成就性及创业自我效能;创业动机显著影响创业绩效,影响路径系数为0.833;创业动机发挥完全中介作用,创业特质及其四维度因素通过创业动机间接影响创业成长绩效。研究结果可指导高校以创业者创新特质与内控特质为导向,甄选潜在大学生创业者,维持大学生创业动机的持久性,进而提升创业成长水平,提高我国大学生创业率和创业成功率。  相似文献   

创业激情是创业活动的关键驱动力,失败情境下如何激发创业激情成为学者关注焦点。现有研究主要探讨创业激情的影响,缺少对创业激情激发机制的研究,针对创业失败团队创业激情激发机制的研究更少。从失败修复视角探讨团队创业激情激发路径,构建创业失败修复与团队创业激情关系概念模型,以核心团队成员作为研究样本进行实证检验。结果发现,创业失败修复过程的有效推进是激发团队创业激情的先决条件;创业失败修复通过影响团队成员共享心智模式而影响团队创业激情,将创业失败修复产生的学习成果聚合为团队共享认知模式,从而加速创业知识向创业能力转化,是重燃创业激情的关键。据此,提出团队创业激情激发策略,为创业团队重燃创业激情、重启创业行动提供理论指引。  相似文献   

转型经济下企业创新绩效差异不仅来源于创业制度环境,而且受到高层管理者心智模式的影响。为探讨创业制度环境对企业创新绩效的作用机制,对制度理论和高阶理论进行整合,引入创业导向作为中介变量,CEO自恋作为调节变量。运用问卷调查法对北京、吉林、甘肃、重庆、山西和福建等地385家高新技术企业进行实证分析,结果表明:在创业制度环境对企业创新绩效的影响过程中,创业导向起显著中介作用;CEO自恋在创业制度环境与创业导向之间发挥正向调节作用,并正向调节创业导向在创业制度环境与创新绩效之间的中介作用。相关结论丰富了制度理论和高阶理论研究成果,可为企业提升创新绩效提供借鉴。  相似文献   

创新、企业家活动配置与长期经济增长   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文继承并扩展了熊彼特关于企业家精神的思想,把企业家活动的配置引入内生技术创新模式。在本文中,企业家活动的配置决定了一个经济的R&D投入水平,技术水平和经济增长率。不同经济活动的报酬结构决定了企业家活动的配置,而且报酬结构是内生的,并且存在历史依赖性。本文的突破包括两个方面:一是把企业家活动的配置引入宏观的分析中,考察了企业家活动的配置对宏观总量的影响;二是把企业家活动的配置对经济活动影响的一般性分析引入创新活动分析中,考察了企业家活动的配置、相对报酬结构与技术创新水平之间的动态关系。本文的政策含义是,要提高经济中R&D投入水平,进而提高技术创新水平以及经济增长率,就必须通过政治、经济、法律和文化制度创新,营造激励创新的报酬结构,促使企业家更多地从事生产性的创新活动,经济才能打破低水平均衡陷阱,趋向较发达的均衡。本文对我国实施自主创新的国家战略具有重要的政策含义。  相似文献   

为响应多团队协同创业与创新交互过程中出现的多层次协同关系管理需求,系统梳理了创业团队簇的协同创新策略框架。通过整理主体与行为、过程与要素、空间与机制的三维协同研究进展,概括提出创业团队簇的网络化协同要点,并据此提炼出协同创新策略的概念内涵及呈现的导向性、规范性和效能性三层面实践属性。在此基础上,提出导向型、规范与交互型、效能型维度的协同策略分析框架,并从群体、环境、机会、能力及整合5个协同层次,给出创业团队簇协同创新策略的基本构成与管理内涵。  相似文献   

基于竞争性信息泄露假说,研究企业通过有限合伙人(LP)形成的竞争者间接联结对自身创新的影响。通过私募通数据库搜集数据,以电子与光电设备行业接受A轮风险投资的企业为研究对象,使用负二项分布模型进行分析,结果发现:通过LP的竞争者间接联结数量对企业创新产出有显著负向影响;通过VC的竞争者间接联结数量、LP参股VC基金的相对金额、VC的合作关系均反向调节上述关系。把竞争性信息泄露假说扩展至LP层面,提醒企业在寻求VC投资时,需要注意通过VC的竞争者间接联结以及更为隐秘地通过LP的竞争者间接联结对自身创新可能带来的阻碍。  相似文献   

以150个创业企业为样本,基于创业学习和商业模式创新理论,运用模糊集定性比较分析方法(fsQCA),探究经验学习、认知学习、新颖型商业模式创新和效率型商业模式创新对创新绩效的影响路径及机制。研究发现,存在新颖型商业模式创新等4条创新绩效产出关键路径;相较于效率型商业模式创新,新颖型商业模式创新在关键路径中更容易提高创新绩效;利用QCA方法证实了影响创业企业创新绩效的组态内部各要素之间的替代性。结论丰富了创新绩效产出内部机制,可为创业企业提高创新绩效提供指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

In maintaining that the main flaw in empirical studies on economic growth derives from the fact that they employ Solow-style neoclassical growth models, rather than testing actual endogenous growth theory, we examine the human capital-innovation-growth nexus, thus testing new growth theory more directly. We test its insights against the economic evolution of an individual country, Portugal, using time series data from 1960 to 2001. Estimates based on vector autoregressive and cointegration analysis seem to confirm that human capital and indigenous innovation efforts were enormously important to the economic growth process in Portugal during the period of study. In particular, the indirect effect of human capital through innovation, emerges here as being critical, showing that a reasonably high stock of human capital is necessary to enable a country to reap the benefits of its indigenous innovation efforts.Received: November 2003, Accepted: November 2004, JEL Classification: C22, J24, O30, O40 Correspondence to: Aurora A.C. TeixeiraThe authors are grateful to two anonymous referees, Paulo Brito and the participants of the 2003 Portuguese Society for Economics Research (SPiE) in Lisbon, Portugal for helpful comments and suggestions. CEMPRE - Centro de Estudos Macroeconómicos e Previsão - is supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, through the Programa Operacional Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (POCTI) of the Quadro Comunitário de Apoio III, which is financed by FEDER and Portuguese funds.  相似文献   

This paper develops a theory of the centralization of firms engaged in multi-market collusive agreements. A centralized organization (called the unitary or U-form) allows price coordination across several markets, whereas with decentralized (the multidivisional or M-form) firms the probability that the antitrust authority will find evidence of collusion on one market while investigating the other is lower. We show that the firm’s choice of internal structure depends to a large extent on product substitutability and the instruments used by the antitrust authority.  相似文献   

基于调查数据,构建了潜在创业者环境注意力质量、创业学习活动的创业倾向效应模型。结果表明:创业政策注意力质量对创业倾向具有促进效应但不显著,创业文化与创业组织注意力质量对创业倾向具有显著促进作用;创业学习活动不仅对创业倾向有直接效应,而且有利于提升创业文化与创业组织注意力质量的创业倾向效应,但其在创业政策注意力质量与创业倾向之间的中介效应并不成立。因此,创业环境建设需要着眼于潜在创业者注意力质量,强化创业政策宣传、创业文化建设、创业学习开展。  相似文献   

Using a panel vector auto-regressive model, we study interactions between innovation, financial development and economic growth in 18 Eurozone countries between 1961 and 2013. We focus on whether causality runs between these variables both ways, one way, the other way or not at all. Our empirical results show that development of the financial sector and enhanced innovative capacity in the Eurozone contributes to long-term economic growth in the countries in the region.  相似文献   

开放经济下企业往往利用开放式创新范式进行技术创新。从开放式理论视角探讨创业导向对创新绩效的作用机制,重点探讨顾客授权的调节作用。以开放式创新为中介变量,以顾客授权为调节变量,构建一个被调节的中介作用模型。采用259家制造业企业的调查问卷数据检验研究假设,结果表明:开放式创新部分中介了创业导向与创新绩效间关系,顾客授权正向调节创业导向与开放式创新间关系以及开放式创新与创新绩效间关系,顾客授权与创新绩效呈正相关关系。最后,提出了管理建议和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship and regional growth: an evolutionary interpretation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While the neoclassical growth theory considered economic growth as a process of mere accumulation of production capital, the endogenous growth theory shifted the lens to the importance of knowledge in the production process and its potential to create spillovers. We argue in this paper that there is a gap between knowledge and exploitable knowledge or economic knowledge. Economic knowledge emerges from a selection process across the generally available body of knowledge, actively driven by economic agents. This paper suggests that entrepreneurship is an important mechanism in driving that selection process hence in creating diversity of knowledge, which in turn serves as a mechanism facilitating the spillover of knowledge. We provide empirical evidence that regions with higher levels of entrepreneurship indeed exhibit stronger growth in labor productivity.JEL Classification: M13, O32, O47 Correspondence to: David B. AudretschWe are grateful to the ZEW in Mannheim for research support and to the German Science Foundation (DFG) for financial support under research grant number STA 169/10-2. We are indebted to two anonymous referees and the editor of the special issue for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of 1,084 European regions (EU15) from 1995 to 2004, we estimate the relationship between the average growth rate of GDP per capita and the volatility of the growth rate allowing for spatial effects. The spatial lag and spatial error models show that the regional per capita growth rate and volatility are significantly positively related on average. However, the inclusion of country interaction terms reveals that the volatility impact is not uniform across countries. In particular, the relationship between growth and volatility is significantly positive for the majority of countries but significantly negative for three countries (namely Finland, Italy, and Ireland).
Martin FalkEmail:

伴随着创业活动的日趋频繁和普遍,对创业活动的研究已经成为近期国内外学术研究的热点。在结合前人对创业活动研究的基础上,尝试提炼出创业活动研究的三个层次,并初步构建出创业活动三个层次中各个要素之间的作用机制。  相似文献   

在"大众创业、万众创新"背景下,基于文献回顾和访谈构建了大学生社会网络、创业心理弹性和创业意向之间的关系模型,并以我国高校大学生为研究对象进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,网络联系强度、网络中心度、网络异质性与创业意向正相关;创业心理弹性与创业意向正相关;网络联系强度、网络中心度、网络异质性对创业心理弹性存在正向影响;创业心理弹性在网络联系强度与创业意向、网络中心度与创业意向以及网络异质性与创业意向的关系中起中介作用。据此,对如何高效引导大学生创业意向提出相关管理建议。  相似文献   

自然资源是影响区域经济增长的重要因素,但是一直以来资源问题却没有引起主流经济学界的重视,包含有自然资源因素的增长模型是对区域经济增长模型的扩展。经验数据表明自然资源在某种程度上会挤出物质资本,并影响效率,从而形成区域经济增长过程中的"资源陷阱"现象,西方学者对此做出了理论上的解释。  相似文献   

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