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韩慧瑾 《市场周刊》2020,(19):0122-0122
许多新产品与服务随着“物联网”诞生,对许多行业当前的商业模式产生了影响。文章介绍了物联网和音乐产业的组织模式,从机遇、威胁、必要条件、蓝海机会等角度分析了物联网对音乐产业商业模式的影响。  相似文献   

物联网的兴起和发展对电信运营商产生了巨大影响,企业的业务范围、运作方式也因此发生了许多变化.随着被称为世界信息产业第三次浪潮的物联网相关技术的日益成熟与标准化程度的日益提高,作为物联网产业的重要推动者,电信运营商为在物联网潮流下实现价值最大化,保持可持续发展,商业模式是关键.文章参考奥斯瓦尔德商业模式理论,结合物联网产业链特点,建立了包括客户细分、价值主张、渠道通路、客户关系、收入来源、核心资源、关键业务、重要合作、成本结构等在内的电信运营商物联网九要素模型.电信运营商作为较早探寻物联网商业模式的群体,在商业模式构建方面,要以客户为中心,做好客户细分,充分了解客户需求,提高客户满意度;在提供物(产品/服务)方面,要突出自己的价值主张,为客户提供新的产品和服务,使消费者从中获得更高的价值体验;在基础设施方面,应以平台形式提供合作服务,建立战略伙伴关系,实现共赢,基于各项关键业务,整合核心资源,提升核心竞争力;在财务生存能力方面,要努力确定最佳成本策略,积极探寻差异化赢利模式,改变目前增量不增收的现状.  相似文献   

李其中 《商业时代》2011,(18):44-45
本文通过对物联网技术以及物联网产业架构的介绍,进而对物联网商业模式进行了细致的分析,并探讨未来我国物联网技术的发展方向以及可行的商业模式。  相似文献   

针对物联网产业商业模式缺失问题,本文基于Chesbrough和Rosenbloom对技术与商业模式的关系研究,提出了商业模式的组成要素并构建商业模式分析框架,在此基础上文章从物联网产业链、市场分割与客户价值三个角度以及价值主张、价值网络、内部价值链、竞争战略、成本结构、市场分割与盈利模式七大因素入手,系统分析了物联网产业的商业模式.  相似文献   

由于成本、标准、商业模式、行业壁垒等原因限制,物联网的应用难以迅速推广。本文运用产业发展理论,研究物联网通过在特定行业率先应用积累技术、标准、应用经验,再广泛推广的需求驱动发展模式。本文还以烟草行业为例,分析了物联网优先应用产业的选择条件,并提出了相关的发展建议。  相似文献   

为了认识物联网商业模式在我国的发展水平,本文从物联网的概念辨析入手,分析了物联网的发展现状,重点研究了目前物联网发展的主要商业模式,同时总结了我国物联网商业模式的发展趋势。未来将可能会形成的新型商业模式主要有政府主导型商业模式、运营商主导型商业模式、免费型商业模式、运营商与用户联合推动型商业模式、垂直应用型商业模式、行业共性平台型商业模式,以期对我国物联网的发展有所启示。  相似文献   

随着物联网和云计算等新兴技术的高速发展,加强农业科技和服务体系建设成为加快发展现代农业的必然。当前,大连地区农村信息化建设取得了明显进展,政府主导型服务模式蓬勃发展:信息呈爆炸性增长;数字化信息程度高;终端多样化;信息需求个性化强;信息服务成本下降。通过构建信息采集模块、网络模式、云计算模块、信息服务展现模块,建立一个全方位、多角度、立体化、智能化、人性化与个性化的大连特色农业信息服务模式,推进农业信息服务领域中物联网与云计算技术整合的时机已经成熟。  相似文献   

樊凡 《商业研究》2012,(7):125-129
研究和发展物联网商业模式是当今学术界和经济组织所关注的课题,并以物联网组织结构、商业模式形成、以及管理机制为讨论重点。本文从理论和实践角度出发,以资源基础理论和资源依赖理论等二个经典资源理论为基础,分析广西北部湾港口物联网商业模式的理论基础、模式特点及其管理方式,并提出实现目标的建议。  相似文献   

我国物联网产业发展的关键问题研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
物联网是在互联网的基础上,利用信息技术实现物体自动识别和信息共享的网络系统,被誉为继计算机、互联网与移动通信网之后,全球信息产业领域的第三次浪潮.本文阐述了世界主要经济体物联网发展的现状以及我国物联网产业的基本架构、产业链和商业模式,分析了我国物联网产业在发展过程中亟待解决的关键问题,并给出了推进我国物联网产业发展的政...  相似文献   

物联网已经列入国家重点发展的战略性新兴产业,应用前景广阔,然而物联网产业链培育和商业模式创新面临的困难较大。本文主要从物联网产业链视角分析,阐述物联网产业链结构属性及价值属性,实证分析了陕西物联网产业链培育发展现状,提出打造物联网核心产业链、加大商业模式创新的对策措施。  相似文献   

目前,各地正在积极部署物联网产业的发展,培育物联网产业的竞争力是部署规划的内容之一,钻石模型是分析产业竞争力的有力工具。本文从生产要素条件、需求条件、企业战略、结构和竞争,相关产业和支持产业的表现,以及机会和政府等几方面分析江西物联网的发展环境,提出政府加快制定江西物联网发展规划,加强知识创新和人才的培养与引进,采取错位发展的策略,加强相关、支持产业的发展,注重物联网应用需求的培养等政策对策。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(6):831-841
Since the Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging phenomenon, there is a lack of holistic understanding of what IoT is and what business opportunities it can offer for entrepreneurs and existing companies. This article has three main parts. First, it introduces IoT as a broad, socio-technical phenomenon. As a part of this goal, the article covers various elements within the technological, physical, and socioeconomic environments that comprise IoT. Second, this article proposes two approaches for creating new business models using IoT: a sustaining approach and a disruptive approach. The article concludes with a brief reflection on the extent to which the future of IoT can be predicted. This discussion brings up the limitations of the approach for creating new business models outlined in this article and provides guidelines on how this approach should be used. The ultimate goal of this article is to stimulate thinking, creativity, and entrepreneurship in relation to the IoT.  相似文献   

随着机器学习、图像识别等技术的发展,国家越来越重视人工智能技术在各领域的应用推广。在国家整体发展战略部署政策的引导以及支持下,智慧管网、智慧城市、智慧工业以及智能电网等概念逐渐被提出。文章首先对智慧管网的发展以及政策进行了梳理分析;然后对智慧管网方面的国内外发展现状进行了梳理,随后对物联网技术架构进行了分析;在此基础上,引入物联网操作系统平台的概念,提出一种基于物联网操作系统平台构建智慧管网的思路;最后对智慧管网建设进行了总结与展望。  相似文献   

为解决目前水情监测系统中存在通信距离受限、功耗大、成本高、无法泛组网的问题,提出了一种基于LoRa(Long Range)扩频技术的水情监测与预警系统。通过采用新型的LoRa无线扩频技术,使用无线传感器网络自适应占空比协议优化网络性能与功耗,并结合当前流行的微控芯片、传感器与阿里云物联网(Internet of Things,IoT)平台,构建了一套覆盖范围广、低功耗、低成本、组网灵活简单、能远距离通信、抗干扰能力强的水情远程监测与预警系统。系统设计完成后,在长江水域重庆段对系统进行了测试,验证了系统设计的可行性、组网通信的有效性以及远距离传输数据的特性,为水文水情数据的自动化远程监测提供了一种新的技术方案。  相似文献   

社交物联网是社交网络概念在物联网中整合后兴起的一个蓬勃发展的研究领域。提出了一种适用于社交物联网网络的改进型节点级信任模型,并通过与其他信任模型的对比仿真实验证明在恶意节点的攻击下,提出的模型拥有更好的稳定性和适用性,总体波动较小。同时,针对实际社交物联网网络中新加入网络的陌生节点可能遇到的网络延迟影响信任值评估的问题,在改进型节点级信任模型的基础上进一步使用了深度学习模型对其进行信任值预测。仿真证明,使用深度学习预测后模型的系统性能明显优于不使用深度学习的模型,成功交互率提升约1.8%。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(5):667-676
Are you ready for what’s coming? As senior managers look to connect products, processes, and services to the growing field of the Internet of Things (IoT), this is an important preliminary question. Leveraging the IoT for firm benefit involves revisiting certain ideas that may have gone unquestioned for a long time. In this article, we begin by reviewing the complexity of the IoT, the complexities of an increasingly interconnected environment, and the increasing need to develop partnerships in order to create innovative solutions. We then offer practical insights from a case in which three actors with reciprocal specialties cooperated to create an IoT solution in the form of a connected appliance. While a shared spirit of optimism prevailed throughout the endeavor, reaching the finish line meant jumping a few hurdles along the way. Finally, we describe a number of fundamental issues related to business models, partnership strategy, data ownership, and technology diffusion that every enterprise should address before diving headfirst into the Internet of Things.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(6):825-839
Digital transformation is one of the key challenges facing contemporary businesses. The need to leverage digital technology to develop and implement new business models forces firms to reevaluate existing capabilities, structures, and culture in order to identify what technologies are relevant and how they will be enacted in organizational processes and business offerings. More often than not, these profound changes require firms to revisit old truths as they develop strategies that thread the needle between beneficial innovation and harmful disruption. This article uses the Internet of Things (IoT) as a backdrop to demonstrate the concerns associated with transformative technologies and offers five recommendations as to how firms can develop the strategies needed for digital transformation and become digitally conscious: (1) Start small and build on firsthand benefits; (2) team up and create competitive advantage from brand recognition; (3) engage in standardization efforts; (4) take responsibility for data ownership and ethics; and (5) own the change and ensure organization-wide commitment. As such, this article shows that digital transformation should be a top management priority and a defining trait of corporate business strategy, and that by becoming digitally conscious, firms may get a head start on their transformation journey.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2023,66(4):493-504
To leverage the opportunities provided by the Internet of Things (IoT), product-based companies are exploring new data-driven business opportunities. They may miss these same opportunities, however, owing to data-privacy challenges. These challenges start with the customers of product-based companies, extend to the wider business ecosystem, and continue with the companies themselves. This article identifies 12 data-privacy challenges and introduces 12 measures to address them. These include intuitive recommendations, such as enabling cross-product consent collection, as well as less intuitive measures, such as fostering a can-do attitude in legal units, closing the gap between legal and business initiatives, or implementing a clear process for well-reasoned risk-taking. The following four principles were found to support companies in implementing these measures: (1) letting privacy and data-driven business go hand in hand, (2) putting customers first and turning their privacy preferences into opportunities, (3) aligning risk-management activities with the process of digital service development, and (4) using technology to professionalize legal processes.  相似文献   


Internet-enabled consumer devices are to be developed by the manufacturers. In this article, we examine how the Internet of things (IoT) can support marketing activities, including customer relationship management, business intelligence, and product design. In particular, the research reported in this article examines how the IoT can provide communication channels to support targeted marketing for product owners and enhance customer relationship management and product support. In addition, in this article, we examine how data gained from the operational use of Internet-enabled devices can support business intelligence in terms of how consumers actually use a product and can also support new product design in terms what features of current Internet-enabled products are most commonly used and how they are used.  相似文献   

当前,互联网引领数字经济将传统部门逐步数字化,不断创造新的商业模式。全球贸易正在经历数字贸易的引领和驱动。数字贸易由服务业逐步向制造业扩展,迈向数字化和智能化。数字贸易是制度创新建规则、管理创新建平台、技术创新数字化三维驱动下,将数字化的贸易内容一站式便利贸易的新型业态。"21世纪数字丝绸之路"建设、5G商用、《二十国集团数字经济发展与合作倡议》及强大的互联网市场、庞大的电商市场,为我国数字贸易发展提供了大好机遇,同时也面临着制度创新、管理创新、技术创新三大挑战。我国在数字贸易实践中,应充分借鉴发达国家的经验,利用好国际合作平台,通过多边谈判形成数字贸易规则;结合实际尽快制定管理政策,在政策引导下细分管理措施,强化数字贸易平台管理,反对平台垄断,对中小平台进行柔性管理,鼓励有实力的平台进行协同创新,突破管理瓶颈,创新实现智能化管理;技术创新主要解决数字产业化、产业数字化问题。  相似文献   

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