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黄洋 《价值工程》2011,30(14):22-23
本文通过梳理供应网络脆弱性与中断风险的相关研究,说明中断风险对供应网络的干扰受到供应网络脆弱性的影响,并分析供应网络脆弱性的源头。中断风险影响下供应网络脆弱性分析,意在从供应网络对中断风险事件暴露程度的视角,给出供应网络中断风险管理的新思路。  相似文献   

基于降低供应中断风险的供应链管理研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着供应链全球化、一体化的加深,其所面临的中断风险越来越大,文章给出了供应中断风险的定义及其特点,研究了供应中断风险的管理方法,并基于此提出了企业降低供应中断风险的供应链模式。  相似文献   

关键核心产品供应中断问题制约着供应链整体效用的实现。以供应商为研究对象,基于关键核心产品供应流程特征,引入SEIS传染机制中的企业节点度、受染概率、风险治理能力等参数变量;运用马尔可夫链构建关键核心产品供应中断风险传染模型,并通过数值仿真分析关键核心产品供应中断传染机理及影响因素。研究表明关键核心产品供应中断风险通过制造商将供应中断风险传染给其他供应商,造成供应中断风险的蔓延;通过EXCEL仿真验证初始状态关键核心产品供应商违约数、节点企业度与完全中断状态节点比例增加成正相关。解决关键核心产品的供应中断风险传染问题开辟了一条新途径,为预防供应中断风险提供决策基础。  相似文献   

供应中断风险主要是由于核心制造企业的供应商或供应渠道遭遇突发事件而造成的暂时或者永久性中断。提高弹性可以有效应对供应中断风险。2011年3月11日,日本爆发9.0级地震并引发海啸,日本经济损失严重。之后,世界工业也经历了一场地震。汽车、半导体、电子消费品、化工产品及钢材等众多产业受地震严重影响,供应链中断,相关原材料和零部件价格出现不同程度的上涨。就汽车行业而言,日本三大汽车厂商丰田、本田和日产共有22家工厂被迫暂时关闭,受此影响的其他国家汽车销量大幅下跌。这种突发事件导致的供应链突  相似文献   

和一般的风险不同,突发事件具有发生低概率低一高后果、难以预测的特征,进而使得企业的应急管理难度加大,情景规划提供了一种有效的分析方法。供应中断风险应急管理的情景设计需要在识别影响供应中断风险的关键因素的基础上,刻画风险与应急情景维度,并建立不同情景下的应急范式。  相似文献   

文章建立了由一个制造商和两个供应商组成的二级供应链分销模式,结合产品绿色水平,建立报童拓展模型。通过数值仿真得出,产品退回价是供应商提供给制造商的一种激励策略,有利于提高利润和降低风险;应急策略的选择取决于供应中断的概率,概率越大,制造商越倾向于备份供应商和双源采购;产品绿色度的增加会为制造商带来更多利润。但同时也意味着更大的风险,所以高绿色度的产品更适用于备份供应商的采购策略。  相似文献   

分别从预防机制、监控制止和修复机制的角度讨论了供应中断风险管理问题,指出建立供应商供应可靠性有效甄别机制进行预防,供应可靠性的学习及管理机制进行监控,以及应用需求管理与战略支持机制对中断问题进行修复.  相似文献   

近年来,全球能源、环境与经济发展间的矛盾日益增多,给我国的能源战略转型带来了巨大挑战,特别是给我国新能源汽车产业的崛起带来了诸多亟须解决的风险问题,其中一个重要问题就是供应中断风险问题。为此,本文通过探究供应中断风险视域下新能源汽车供应商的选择策略,以期帮助新能源汽车企业有效解决供货渠道的选择问题,从而在出现供应中断风险时能够为其提供正确的解决思路,进而促进新能源汽车产业的高质量发展。  相似文献   

本文研究了由于供应商发生突发事件而导致供应中断情况下,制造商所采取的供应应急管理系统结构以及运作管理策略。从供应链脆弱性、供应应急系统设计、供应应急预警系统、供应应急恢复措施等方面剖析了供应中断情况下供应应急运作模式的系统结构。着重提出了供应应急运作系统框架下的供应应急管理措施:选择合适的单源供应商、多源供应商以及后备供应商或者供应商组合;识别供应链的脆弱性,密切关注发展动态,认真分析风险,保证供应系统运作的鲁棒性;创建有助于纵向和横向联盟的应急管理协同文化,建立有最高领导参与的多部门协同应急管理组织结构;运用情景分析等方法建立战略应急管理优化分析模型,基于各种供应应急管理策略的适用条件,采取具体的供应应急管理策略。  相似文献   

本文研究了在两个供应商和一个制造商构成的供应链中,制造商在订货阶段面临资金约束时,选择向银行贷款和不选择借贷仅用自有资金两种模式下的采购决策。在此基础上,创新考虑了供应中断风险和资金约束所带来的决策影响,并基于双源采购模式,探讨了不同的供应中断风险和融资决策对制造商最优订货量以及最优利润的影响,为制造商实际决策提供新思路。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the factors that influence the value of supply disruption information, investigate how information accuracy influences this value, and provide managerial suggestions to practitioners. The study is motivated by the fact that although accurate disruption information creates benefits, fully accurate disruption information may be difficult and costly to obtain. Furthermore, inaccurate disruption information can decrease the financial benefit of prior knowledge and even lead to negative performance. To perform the analysis, we adopt a newsvendor model within a single product setting where the focal firm can source from a supply network and has a given resilience capacity. The results show that information accuracy, specifically information bias and information variance, plays an important role in determining the value of disruption information. This influence varies at different levels of disruption severity and resilience capacity, and our results imply that higher amounts of resilience capacity actually may be detrimental to a firm without accurate information about a disruption's influence. Thus, for companies with a high resilience capacity, obtaining quality information is critical for effectively coping with disruptions.  相似文献   

Market demand is becoming increasingly time-sensitive in competitive environments. Hence, supply disruptions will have a more serious impact on the profits of supply chains. This study applies a Stackelberg competition between a single supplier and a single manufacturer in a time-sensitive supply chain in a cloud manufacturing environment. We aim to address the supplier’s production capacity recovery issues and the manufacturer’s incentive decision issues after supply disruption. We find that the supplier is in a weak position when the information is symmetrical. The manufacturer can encourage the supplier to shorten the recovery time by raising the unit wholesale price. When the supplier’s unit production cost remains unchanged but the unit wholesale price increases, the profit of the supplier first increases and then decreases. In addition, under the centralized decision-making setting, the optimal recovery time of the supplier is shorter and the optimal unit market price of the product is lower than that under decentralized decision-making. We further find that resource sharing can shorten the optimal recovery time, but it does not necessarily play an incentivizing role.  相似文献   

Supply chain practices often put companies and their supply chains at risk. One of the most serious risks is disruptions. While many types of disruptions have been considered, little attention has been given to disruptions caused by information technology (IT) security incidents. Partner cooperation can assist in preventing or mitigating damage from IT security breaches in supply chains, where breaches can disrupt production, cause loss of essential data, and compromise confidential information. We develop a generalizable mathematical model that quantifies IT security risk in the supply chain. We then show how to find solutions for optimal risk reduction under several definitions of optimality: minimizing upstream risk, minimizing downstream risk, and minimizing global (supply chain) risk. We show how to develop curves for each of the above scenarios that indicate when extra funds should be spent on security, which security controls should be implemented, and when subsidies among partners are beneficial.  相似文献   

As supply chains become more complex, firms face increasing risks of supply disruptions. The process through which buyers make decisions in the face of these risks, however, has not been explored. Despite research highlighting the importance of behavioral approaches to risk, there is limited research that applies these views of risk in the supply chain literature. This paper addresses this gap by drawing on behavioral risk theory to investigate the causal relationships amongst situation, representations of risk, and decision-making within the purchasing domain. We operationalize and explore the relationship between three representations of supply disruption risk: magnitude of supply disruption, probability of supply disruption, and overall supply disruption risk. Additionally, we draw on exchange theories to identify product and market factors that impact buyers’ perceptions of the probability and magnitude of supply disruption. Finally, we look at how representations of risk affect the decision to seek alternative sources of supply. We test our model using data collected from 223 purchasing managers and buyers of direct materials. Our results show that both the probability and the magnitude of supply disruption are important to buyers’ overall perceptions of supply disruption risk. We also find that product and market situational factors impact perceptions of risk, but they are best understood through their impact on perceptions of probability and magnitude. Finally, we find that decisions are based on assessments of overall risk. These findings provide insight into the decision-making process and show that all three representations of risk are necessary for fully understanding risky decision-making with respect to supply disruptions.  相似文献   

Sourcing diversification is the preferred hedge to supply chain disruption risks, but many companies insist on single-sourcing for long-term strategic benefits. For rare-but-catastrophic disruptions of fortified supply chains, temporary sourcing diversification has been seen as a desirable response strategy. However, little is known about the conditions to temporary sourcing diversification and the situations where it is applicable. Our fieldwork and comparison of two disaster recoveries at Aisin Seiki and Riken Corporation shows that while temporary sourcing diversification worked in the Aisin Seiki case, it was impossible at Riken due to the high degree of specificity required in the design and manufacturing methods of the disrupted product item, suggesting product and process specificity limits recovery alternatives. Unawareness of such constraints to temporary sourcing diversification may result in over-optimism regarding its feasibility and insufficient disaster preparedness. In addition, the case of Riken’s recovery from an earthquake in 2007 is systematically documented in this paper for the first time.  相似文献   

Purchasing and supply management (PSM) research commonly covers multiple levels of theory and analysis. The theorizing and simultaneous testing of hypotheses across multiple levels is referred to as multilevel analysis (MLA) and is commonly performed using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM). Researchers in the PSM domain have paid little attention thus far to the topic of multilevel studies. Although MLA holds the potential to yield novel insights into PSM issues, it also generates new challenges for authors and reviewers alike. We contribute to this methodological dialogue by examining reasons for conducting multilevel PSM research and offering practical guidance for increasing its methodological rigor.  相似文献   

文章运用有限元分析软件ANSYS模拟分析真空平板玻璃激光焊接的成型过程,分析真空玻璃激光焊接过程中温度场的变化状况,找到了温度场变化的规律,即热源加载完成后,玻璃基材随热源升温的速度非常不均匀,靠近焊料的部分温度变化较大,远离焊料的部位没有变化,热量沿垂直玻璃面的Z方向温度梯度变化较大,且热量向四周对流散热量较多,向内...  相似文献   

Business organisations are going through rapid external environmental and internal organisational changes due to increasing globalisation, E-business, and outsourcing. As a result, the future of purchasing and supply management—as a function within organisations, as a process that spans organisation boundaries and as a profession—raises important concerns for both organisations and the purchasing professional. This paper considers a broad and rather fragmented body of empirical evidence and analyses 42 relevant empirical studies on the future of purchasing and supply management. The major findings are reported in terms of changes in business contexts, purchasing strategy, structure, role and responsibility, system development and skills. Cross-sectional comparative analyses were also conducted to examine variation by sector, firm type, people's roles in purchasing, and country. A number of major implications for the purchasing function, process and professional bodies are presented together with suggestions for future research to address significant gaps in the current body of knowledge.  相似文献   

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