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大宗商品定价权关乎一国经济发展的兴衰,几百年来,世界强国在经济崛起,地位提升之前都要获得大宗商品定价权。可见,大宗商品定价权对于一国经济发展的重要性。中国作为经济大国,必须掌握部分大宗商品的定价权,才能在当今的国际竞争中更多的占据主动性。大连商品交易所争取大宗商品定价权存在市场组织体系松散,期货产业集中度低,监控体系不够完善等制约因素。应完善市场组织体系,提高产业集中度,构建科学监管模式。  相似文献   

陈彬 《适用技术市场》2011,(8):63-64,70
国际大宗商品贸易,主要是指农产品、铁矿石和稀土资源等初级产品的国际贸易。在正式加入世贸组织以来,中国国际大宗商品贸易始终处在被动的地位。从中国国际大宗商品贸易现状出发,分析国际大宗商品贸易对中国经济的影响及其重要的战略意义,指出改变目前中国国际大宗商品贸易现状是当前中国急需考虑的解决对策。  相似文献   

在当今全球化的经济环境中,大宗商品贸易作为国际贸易的重要组成部分,具有巨大的经济价值和影响力。然而,大宗商品贸易在其复杂的供应链和物流网络中面临着诸多风险与挑战。其中,物流环节作为大宗商品流通的重要环节,更是面临着多样化的风险,包括但不限于运输延误、货物损失、突发事件等。这些风险不仅可能导致贸易双方的经济损失,还可能对整个市场产生连锁反应,进而影响到全球经济稳定。因此,深入探讨物流货权在大宗商品贸易中的应用,分析其风险管理效果,对于提高贸易双方的抗风险能力,稳定市场秩序具有重要意义。基于此,本文对大宗商品贸易基于物流货权的风险管理展开了研究。  相似文献   

姜超 《现代商业》2020,(10):15-16
与全球资源紧密相连的大宗商品贸易,是关系每个国家经济命脉和人民生活的重要经济形式。我国凡以贸易为主营业务的国有商贸类企业,几乎都涉足了某种或多种大宗商品贸易,而伴随着大宗商品市场的波澜起伏,很多国企都选择了一买一卖的方式介入大宗贸易,不愿意承担大宗商品或资源价值亏损所带来的经营压力。那么,单靠这种轻资产模式真的就可以保证贸易型国企长治久安,坐收渔翁之利么?本文试就轻资产型国企在大宗商品市场的经营策略,从市场、销售渠道、交易方式、风险把控和源头把控五个角度,提出策略分析。  相似文献   

大宗商品及其价格波动的研究始终是国际经济学领域中备受关注的话题。近年来,全球大宗商品价格经历了错综复杂的变化,各方围绕大宗商品尤其是能源的定价权展开了激烈的斗争,并进一步引发了全球经济贸易格局的深刻调整。"中国因素"如何影响国际大宗商品价格机制以及如何提高中国的国际大宗商品定价权已成为具有深远意义且艰巨的课题。本文通过对国内外相关文献的综述,介绍了大宗商品价格波动的成因及对经济的影响、大宗商品定价机制的变迁及定价话语权的提高方式、大宗商品与经济安全的关系等,指出了现有研究存在的不足之处,揭示了全球大宗商品定价机制与国际经贸格局动态演变关系研究中可进一步探讨和突破的空间。  相似文献   

在经济全球化的大背景下,结构性大宗商品贸易迎来了全新的发展机遇。总的来说,大宗商品贸易的融资方式与传统商品的融资方式有着较大区别,需要政府在市场规律引导下制定与之相适应的、独特的融资方式和相关规定。由于大宗商品贸易融资这一概念相对较新,相关法律政策的出台相较于大宗商品的贸易融资表现出严重的滞后性。同时需要指出的是,目前在广大的发展中国家,普遍存在信用体系不完善的问题,而且各国不同银行内部的规章制度或多或少地存在漏洞,这就导致大宗商品贸易在进行融资贸易时面临着更大的风险。本文将对结构性大宗商品贸易融资中存在的风险进行分析,并且针对性地提出相应的控制策略。  相似文献   

大宗商品贸易是指具有交易量大、资金占用量大、价格波动大、流通范围广等特点的商品贸易。随着世界经济一体化进程的推进,各国市场经济竞争变的日益激烈,而我国大宗商品经过几十年的发展,形成了一定的规模,并且发展过程中积累了很多的经验。但是由于我国大宗商品贸易市场发展规划与发展速度不匹配,造成我国大宗商品贸易交易过程中存在很多的风险和问题。鉴于此,本文重点分析当前我国大宗商品贸易过程中存在的潜在风险,并针对这些问题提出一些应对措施,希望给我国大宗商品贸易模式发展与风险应对提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

我国在大宗商品定价权上缺乏发言权,高价进口资源和原材料,利用廉价劳动力优势生产并出口低附加值产品的贸易模式制约着我国向贸易强国的转变。通过分析我国大宗商品国际定价权现状及定价权缺失的原因,提出了争取我国大宗商品国际定价权的政策建议。  相似文献   

进口大宗资源性商品重量鉴定由逐批实施调整为依企业申请实施,必要时依职权实施.监管部门急需掌握进口大宗资源性商品短重风险情况,实现对高风险及重点敏感商品实施重量鉴定布控.以风险管理为基础,设置大宗资源性商品短重风险指标,开展短重风险分析,建立风险评估模型,探索风险信息监测机制,建立风险预警和布控方案.实现了通过对风险指标...  相似文献   

(27)加快转变对外贸易增长方式。积极发展对外贸易,优化进出口商品结构,着力提高对外贸易的质量和效益。扩大具有自主知识产权、自主品牌的商品出口,控制高能耗、高污染产品出口,鼓励进口先进技术设备和国内短缺资源,完善大宗商品进出口协调机制。继续发展加工贸易,着重提高产业层次和加工深度,增强国内配套能力,促进国内产业升级。大力发展服务贸易,不断提高层次和水平。完善公平贸易政策,健全外贸运行监控体系,增强处置贸易争端能力,维护企业合法权益和国家利益。积极参与多边贸易谈判,推动区域和双边经济合作,促进全球贸易和投资自由化便利化。  相似文献   

Companies wish for universities to provide business students with international education and awareness. Short- and long-term study-abroad programs are an effective method by which this is accomplished, but relatively few American students study abroad. In response to these facts, this study develops hypotheses that predict student willingness to study abroad and tests the hypotheses using a survey of over 300 primarily business undergraduate students at a public Midwestern university. Results indicate a significant difference between student willingness to study abroad short-term versus long-term. Results also show that personal, situational, and location variables influence students' willingness to study abroad, though completing an international business class had no effect. Implications for international business scholars are discussed.  相似文献   

本文在简要评述IP交换技术的基础上,着重介绍了MPLS技术的几个重要方而,以及当前尚待研究的几个问题。  相似文献   

Most academic programs are now held accountable for measuring student‐learning outcomes. This article reports the results of an assurance of learning (AOL) project designed to measure the impact of study abroad on the development of ethical reasoning, intercultural sensitivity, and environmental attitudes. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB) AOL guidelines (2007 Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International. 2007, November 20. AACSB assurance of learning standards: An interpretation (AACSB White Paper), Tampa, FL: AACSB International Accreditation Coordinating Committee and the AACSB International Accreditation Quality Committee. Retrieved May 16, 2009 from http://aacsb.edu/accreditation/papers/AOLPaper‐final‐11‐20‐07.pdf [Google Scholar], 2008 Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International. 2008, January 31. Eligibility procedures and accreditation standards for business accreditation, 12, 15, 71, &; 74Tampa, FL: Author. Retrieved March 12, 2009 from http://aacsb.edu/accreditation/process/documents/AACSB_STANDARDS_Revised_Jan08.pdf [Google Scholar]) are used to frame the overall assessment process. Hammer and Bennett's (2002 Hammer, M. R. and Bennett, M. J. 2002. The intercultural development inventory (IDI) manual, Portland, OR: Intercultural Communication Institute.  [Google Scholar]) intercultural development inventory (IDI); Dunlap, Van Liere, Mertig, and Jones' (2000 Dunlap, R. E., Van Liere, K. D., Mertig, A. G. and Jones, R. E. 2000. Measuring endorsement of the new ecological paradigm: A revised NEP scale.. Journal of Social Issues, 3: 425442.  [Google Scholar]) new ecological paradigm; Forsyth's (1980 Forsyth, D. R. 1980. A taxonomy of ethical ideologies.. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39: 175184. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) ethics position questionnaire (EPQ); and Richins' (1987 Richins, M. L. 1987. “Media, materialism, and human happiness.”. In Advances in consumer research, Edited by: Wallendorf, M and Anderson, P. 35256. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.  [Google Scholar]) materialism scale are the primary measurement rubrics used in the study. Results support the proposition that study abroad does have a positive impact on the development of cross‐cultural sensitivity and environmental attitudes. Although study abroad appears to have no direct impact on moral reasoning, changes in ethical reasoning do appear to be related to intercultural development and environmental attitudes. The AOL project demonstrates how assurance of learning programs can be extended to include experiential learning outcomes and can serve as a guide for the furthering of the globalization of a business curriculum.  相似文献   

在我国当前出现的管理问题中,管理滞后问题比较普遍。管理滞后是管理活动没有跟上管理对象的实际问题,致使管理出现严重失效的一种现象。为了解决这个问题,应从理论上进行比改深入的分析、研究。“管理的时效性”是一个新的概念,在借鉴我国古代学者们的认识和西方现代管理理论中的某些思想的基础上,归纳出管理的时效性的基本观点和主要的影响因素。  相似文献   

王尧艺 《价格月刊》2012,(9):87-89,94
旅游购物对一国旅游收入的增长具有重要作用,也是发展潜力最大的领域之一。发展旅游购物对于一个国家的旅游经济发展而言至关重要。了解旅游购物的发展规律,总结成功经验,对于希望通过发展旅游购物,带动旅游经济增长的地区和国家而言至关重要。  相似文献   

Study Abroad     
To evaluate the impact on business student worldmindedness of a month-long summer study in Germany program, a questionnaire was administered before and after particpation in the program. Although the aggregate worldmindedness score for the group did not increase, the scores of those students in the top half of the class in initial scores tended to rise, while those in the bottom half fell. There is some suggestion that limited previous international travel is associated with lower worldmindedness.  相似文献   

以苯酐为原料,与尿素反应制得邻苯二甲酰亚胺后,采用在醋酸水溶液中滴加次氯酸钠的方法制备N-氯代邻苯二甲酰亚胺,优化了反应的各种条件,使产品收率达94%以上.  相似文献   

论消费率   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭柏春 《消费经济》2000,16(1):49-51
消费率是经济运行的一项重要指标,随着人均GDP的增长。它呈现出一定的变化规律。本文揭示了我国消费率偏低的主要原因,提出了提高我国消费率的几条途径。  相似文献   

自适应干扰抵消研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对自适应干扰抵消技术进行了研究,并将维纳最优滤波理论和LMS算法应用于干扰抵消技术,推出了两种实用的自适应干扰抵消算法结构。最后针对抵消系统的关键部件—可调衰减器进行了分析、研究,提出了一种性能优异的步进衰减器。  相似文献   

Case Study     

This is a case study of one of the highest growth restaurant chains in overall system wide sales and unit growth in restaurant industry history as reported by The Nation's Restaurant News(2001). The inception of a small fledgling restaurant chain in Atlanta, Georgia to a multi-billion dollar company has changed the shape of restaurant industry growth and development. The practices of franchise growth and market penetration have allowed Applebee's International to record double digit profits over the last ten years. Future growth patterns, market saturation, and changing consumer preferences will be challenges that Applebee's will face in the future. This case study will outline Applebee's history and competitive strategies that have made the company successful. Further along in the case study an analysis of franchising in the restaurant industry and the franchising strategies Applebee's has produced over the years. This study will conclude by uncovering future issues that Applebee's may face and pose future questions to ponder about the company.  相似文献   

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