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本文论述了投资回报是资本市场的基本准则,并提出了要从重视资本市场的投资回报、完善市场退出机制、稳步解决股权分裂问题、为投资者提供丰富的产品等方面来保护投资者的合法权益。 相似文献
本文通过建立生产部门的要素买方垄断市场均衡模型,利用1996—2016年中国省级面板数据测算中国劳动力价格扭曲程度,并使用固定效应模型(FE)及面板固定效应的工具变量(IV)估计方法加以分析,从劳动力价格扭曲视角解答了中国资本产出、资本回报与资本流向之谜,即中国经济如何在赶超阶段面临资本深化不断加剧和TFP增长乏力的情况下,依靠劳动力价格扭曲实现低资本产出与高资本回报水平共存,从而维持长期高速资本积累以及优质的资本流向结构。实证研究表明:劳动力价格扭曲降低了资本产出效率,但这并不能掩盖由劳动力向资本方转移的垄断利润对资本回报的直接补贴,因此劳动力价格扭曲对中国维持高资本回报水平起到了重要的支撑作用,并通过高资本回报水平实现了地区资本快速积累,劳动力价格扭曲对资本流向的积极作用还体现在抑制资本"脱实向虚"及吸引外资流入。因此,应正视劳动力价格扭曲在赶超阶段的特殊作用,在矫正扭曲的过程中循序渐进,更积极采取措施规避其对资本回报和资本流向可能产生的不利影响。 相似文献
本文选取企业超额回报作为衡量企业绩效的指标,将其作为因变量,以F-F三因素理论为基础,并在以往研究的基础上加入行业因素,建立固定效应面板数据回归模型.文章以沪深A股上市公司为研究对象例,按照证监会行业分类标准,分别从总体和行业层面探讨了上市公司资本结构对超额回报的影响.研究发现:总体而言,企业超额回报会随着公司资产负债率和行业资产负债率的增加而增加;不同行业中,资本结构对超额回报的影响表现不同,其中制造业、信息技术业、金融保险业和房地产业的行业资本结构对超额回报影响显著为正,制造业和文化传播业行业显著为负,其他行业影响不显著;另外从行业属性来看,竞争度较高的行业更易表现出这种显著的影响关系. 相似文献
社会资本是一门新兴的综合类学科,近年来逐渐引起我国学术界的广泛讨论。本文重点从社会资本的理论内涵,社会资本的功能及度量方法的角度进行了归纳与探讨,以期为今后更进一步的研究打下基础。 相似文献
Raymond G. Batina 《International Tax and Public Finance》1998,5(3):263-281
We study the cointegration properties of data on aggregate output, five proxies for labor, two proxies for private capital, public capital, and disaggregated public capital for the United States for 1948–1993. We find evidence of multiple cointegrating vectors; we typically find three or four cointegrating vectors depending on which combination of proxies is evaluated. When public capital is disaggregated by type there is less evidence for cointegration. Finally, innovations in public capital have long lasting effects on output, labor, and private capital, and innovations to output, labor, and private capital also have long lasting effects on public capital. 相似文献
关于我国企业资本结构问题的探讨 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
资金是企业经营、创立、发展的基础,也是企业经营活动的血液。而资本结构即权益资本和负债资本的比例关系对企业经营至关重要。改革开放以后,特别是随着现代企业制度的建立和资本市场的发展,我国企业的资本结构经历了质的变化。但同时也暴露出一些问题,这严重影响了我国企业的进一步发展。本文将借鉴西方资本结构理论,讨论我国企业中上市公司重股轻债、非上市公司的高负债经营、资本来源渠道狭窄、资本结构弹性小等各种现象,并分析造成这种现象的内在原因和外部因素。 相似文献
The background to the widespread adoption by Australian public trading enterprises of a deprival value variant of current cost accounting reflects successive efforts to establish demanding rate of return targets, or to legitimise price increases, or to monitor the financial performance of PTEs on a national basis. The experience of three public utilities in implementing CCA is reviewed. This experience suggests that CCA valuation of infrastructure (using deprival or optimized deprival values) is unable to deliver financial data to permit valid cross-sectional and longitudinal comparisons of performance. Issues raised during the 1970s and 1980s debates about CCA were either ignored or overlooked. 相似文献
资本回报率对于理解我国经济运行具有重要意义。本文通过匹配2006-2015年地级市层面的新口径债务数据和资本回报率数据,实证检验了地方公共债务扩张对资本回报率的影响效应及其地区异质性表现,并从宏观、中观和微观三个角度开展作用机制分析。研究发现:第一,地方公共债务扩张对我国宏观资本回报率产生了负面影响,此影响在经过一系列稳健性检验后依然存在;第二,地方公共债务的扩张通过降低基础设施投资效率、提高房地产业投资占比和挤出企业投资产生影响;第三,上述负面影响在非城市群、非大中城市和土地融资依赖度更高的城市表现更为突出。以上结论为深化地方政府投融资体制改革提供了政策参考,未来应注重债务资金的绩效管理和使用效率,促进经济高质量发展。 相似文献
Stephen Kuselias 《Abacus》2020,56(3):407-435
Increasingly, jurisdictions around the world have been enacting standards that formally allow organizations to offer equity using the crowdfunding model. Using the Internet, the crowdfunding model raises capital by soliciting from a large number of people (i.e., the crowd). A key feature of crowdfunding that has been embraced by regulators is the use of social information to inform investors as a safeguard for this type of investing. However, research has not yet explored how investors utilize this information. In this study, I investigate whether social information can shift investors away from financial maximization goals. Social identity theory predicts that people can be provoked to act as representatives of their group, setting aside individual interests. I predict, and find, that positive social information focused on an equity crowdfunding organization can activate the social identity of investors who share an identity with that organization, causing them to invest more in a relatively weak organization. In a moderated mediation analysis, I find that positive social information provokes investors who share an identity with an organization to feel a stronger connection to that organization, leading them to increase investment. In addition, I explore whether investors’ perceptions of negative social information are moderated by their social identity. I find that investors who are deeply committed to an identity shared with an organization experiencing negative social information will defensively invest in that organization. The findings of this study will be of interest to investors, regulators, and crowdfunding organizations. 相似文献
Brian A. Rutherford 《Financial Accountability and Management》2002,18(1):73-101
The financial regime under which trading executive agencies operate implies that return on capital employed (ROCE) is used to indicate that revenues meet but do not exceed costs, including the cost of capital; that is, that there is neither cross-subsidisation nor hidden taxation. This paper develops a model for measuring ROCE derived from this objective. It argues that users of ROCE indicators are likely to lack financial sophistication and to want to compare performance between entities, so that indicators should be clear, readily understandable and comparable. The range of measurement and presentation methods used in practice undermines clarity and comparability and some methods are inconsistent with the model. Performance is sometimes characterised as meeting the target when this is problematic. The paper also examines outturn performance and finds some very substantial excess returns, implying hidden taxation. 相似文献
近年来,公共服务领域的投资需求旺盛,政府投融资模式面临转型升级,PPP模式一度受到推广和发展.然而,当前PPP模式在我国推行遇冷,政府和社会资本存在逆向选择与低效匹配,双方合作需求难以得到充分满足,导致项目落地困难,市场总体情绪低落.本文运用双边匹配理论,分析PPP模式中政府方和社会资本方的合作博弈问题,基于双方匹配特征构建决策模型,对形成稳定结果的不同匹配机制进行分析.首先,从政府方与社会资本方的匹配动机、匹配偏好和匹配过程,分析影响匹配满意度的因素;其次,根据满意度评价建立Borda得分矩阵得到PPP项目双方匹配度矩阵,构建双边匹配决策模型;然后,对比匹配度最大化、双边得益最大化和有限满意度三种匹配机制的博弈结果;最后,通过实证算例分析,得出"双赢"的PPP项目匹配效率更高,设置隐性门槛不利于有效匹配等结论,并结合我国实践提出建议. 相似文献