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A formal model of the development process is constructed in order to arrive at a better understanding of the land development process, the change in land prices over time, and the effects of public policy on these variables. The relationship between the rate of interest and the rate of price appreciation on land is shown to depend upon development costs, agricultural opportunity costs, market structure, and the level of Ricardian rents on land. The effects of a land tax and a capital gains tax on the rate of development are also analyzed.  相似文献   

This paper presents and analyzes a general equilibrium transportation demand model. The model was applied to hypothetical cities with populations of 1 and 2 million. Data and coefficients for those cities were obtained from existing metropolitan areas of equivalent sizes. A subway system is found to be uneconomical in the hypothetical city with one million population and with an average population density of 4400 per square mile. However, it is found to be economical and desirable for the hypothetical city with two million population and with an average density of 6900 per square mile.  相似文献   

Using the Markov model of land use change as a framework for analyzing the impact of alternative land use policies, comparison of Markovian equilibrium distributions resulting from constrained simulations has been promoted as a means of evaluating the scope of land use policy impacts. Previous studies have not considered the question of measuring the confidence which can be placed in the predictions contained in the equilibrium distribution vector. This paper applies a method of assessing the levels of confidence in the predictions of the equilibrium distribution vector. Results suggest that use of equilibrium distributions of land use as a measure of policy impact has limited inferential value.  相似文献   

This research uses a different set of assumptions for land than those used in the standard general equilibrium framework. In particular, land is modelled explicitly as a subset of the plane with anything immobile, from flowers and trees to houses, embedded in it. There is a finite number of consumers with preference orderings over land parcels satisfying certain axioms along with endowments of land that partition this subset of the plane. Allowing for recombinations of parcels, the main result demonstrates the existence of prices in L1 and a partition of land among consumers so that the land market clears.  相似文献   

Residential land planning, which is concerned with the physical development of land for residential use, is a multidisciplinary activity wherein the physical planner, engineer and architect play very prominent roles. Cost is paramount for low-income households. Therefore, in residential land planning for producing lots for this economic group, all possible efforts have to be made for reducing the cost per lot consistent with acceptable standards. To achieve this objective, residential land planning should be concerned not only with physical planning but should also take into account the interaction between the spatial design, the architectural design of the dwelling and the design and layout of utility systems so that the cost per lot including the service connection cost is minimised. In the paper, the systems nature of the residential land planning problem has been discussed and a cost-optimisation model for obtaining the optimum physical design of a planning module (a unit of design) fulfilling the given constraints has been developed using the technique of geometric programming. Application of the model is illustrated with a number of example problems using the field data, which show large cost differences from one system solution to another. This establishes the need for such an approach if cost reduction is the primary objective. The geometric programming technique of optimisation adopted in the paper could be used by a designer in the smallest design office with the help of a low-cost programmable calculator and the programmes developed by the author.  相似文献   

This paper extends the standard, urban, residential land-use model to analyze the effects of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgage insurance. On the demand side, households are differentiated by income and tenure; on the supply side, the cost of housing is related to the asset prices of land and structure and the cost of capital. Hypothesizing that capital cost is a function of household tenure and income, tenure is chosen to minimize this cost. The effect of FHA, then, is to expand the housing consumption of moderate-middle income households, by reducing their capital cost, while displacing those whose cost is not reduced.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple constructive proof of the existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium or optimal solution for a class of residential land use problems. Our approach is based on the concept of boundary rent curves, and provides a direct computational algorithm. Although our approach works only for a limited class of problems, the most land use problems for which definite results can be obtained from comparative statics or stability analysis are included in this class.  相似文献   

This paper decomposes the growth in land occupied by residences in the United States to give the relative contributions of changing demographics versus changes in residential land per household. Between 1976 and 1992 the amount of residential land in the United States grew 47.7% while population only grew 17.8%. At first glance, this suggest an important role for per-household increases. However, the calculations in this paper show that only 24.5% of the growth in residential land area can be attributed to state-level changes in land per household. 37.3% is due to overall population growth, 22.6% to an increase in the number of households over this period, 6% to the shift of population towards states with larger houses, and the remaining 9.6% to interactions between these changes. There are large differences across states and metropolitan areas in the relative importance of these components.  相似文献   

The combined ‘user’ equilibrium of travel networks and residential location markets is shown to exist and to be unique in the expected allocation of households to residential locations and to the routes and links of the network, in the vacancies and rents of residential locations and in the congested travel time and cost of each network link. The formulation combines a multinomial logit model of households' location and route choices derived from utility maximization, a binary logit model of house owners' offer decisions derived from profit maximization and the standard model of network congestion. A travel disutility measure (consistent with utility maximization) replaces the standard ‘generalized cost function’. The proof utilizes a non-linear programming formulation which reproduces the simultaneous equilibrium conditions of the behavioral formulation. The stability of the unique equilibrium position is briefly discussed, a computational algorithm is proposed and hints for generalized formulations are provided.  相似文献   

The urban residential land rent function has been studied extensively in the field of urban economics, and the land rent function of Muth and Mills is considered to be one of the typical functional forms which is used in empirical studies. However, the model of Muth and Mills simply assumed the demand function for housing services to be a power function of income, which gives rise to a question. The main purpose of this paper is to derive an alternative form of the urban residential land rent function which is consistent with the utility maximization behavior of consumers and to discuss the estimation procedure of the derived land rent function.  相似文献   

某市国土资源局以拍卖方式将宗地号为0089的建设用地使用权出让给A公司,用作大型商贸城的建设。双方在拍卖后签订了《国有建设用地使用权出让合同》。合同约定:该宗地块的用途为商业用地。以地上60米为上限、以地下30米为下限,高差为90米。合同签订后,A公司支付了全部价款,国土资源局为其办理了土地使用权证书。一个月后,国土资源局挂牌出让0089号宗地。以地下30米为上限、以地下70米为下限,高差为40米的建设用地使用权,并将此块土地的建设用地使用权出让给了B公司,同时签订了《国有建设用地使用权出让合同》。A公司得知后,认为  相似文献   

“剪刀差”概念源于20世纪20年代前苏联的超额税,是对不合理的工农业产品价格的概括,其实质是工农业产品的不等价交换。随着我国城市化和工业化的不断推进,地价“剪刀差”这一现象开始在我国土地市场领域中出现,而且这种差异呈现不断拉大的趋势。然而,学者们较多关注的是政府廉价征地和高价出让土地之间的地价“剪刀差”现象,对不同用途土地价格的‘剪刀差”现象研究得很少。因此,对近几年我国重点城市的居住地价和工业地价的“剪刀差”现象进行一些研究,分析不同用途土地价格‘剪刀差”存在的原因并提出解决方法,很有必要。  相似文献   

2003年以来国家采取土地紧缩的政策,但城市规划学者对土地问题的关注并不够,很多规划方案难以"落地",研究亦偏重对欧美城市发展模式的借鉴,而对国内体制的剖析不足。从土地权属角度来看,侧重国有土地的规划研究,而忽视集体土地等,这跟国家土地政策走势不太吻合。鉴于此,如何建构一个能促进土地集约利用的机制并构建围绕土地的利益共同体,如何培养一个真正能促进土地集约利用的政府等将是近期亟待研究的重要议题。  相似文献   

The effect of land use regulation on housing and land prices   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
This paper investigates the effects of land use regulation restrictiveness on house and vacant land prices. In contrast to prior studies, the index of restrictiveness is treated as an endogenous variable and estimated effects are allowed to vary by market setting. Using data on more than 100 Florida cities, greater regulation restrictiveness is found to increase house price and decrease land price. Evidence is also provided showing that more restrictiveness increases the size of newly constructed homes.  相似文献   

This paper has presented a general equilibrium Tiebout-median voter model. The model was solved numerically for prices and distributions of consumers which correspond to equilibria, and the results of the numerical solution of the model were used to evaluate the HES and Yinger Propositions. That complete capitalization always occurs means that the HES Proposition is false; Yinger's Proposition is misdirected since complete capitalization occurs regardless of the presence or absence of amenities (although amenities affect the equilibrium solutions). We have argued that capitalization is never appropriately measured by price differentials in a general equilibrium model.  相似文献   

This paper provides a finite algorithm to compute a competitive equilibrium of the Alonso-type discrete land market model (known as bid-rent equilibrium) without assuming any condition on the spatial configuration such as monocentricity. The existence of the finite algorithm implies that the discrete land market model is sufficiently tractable for computer simulation analysis (sensitivity analysis) even if the spatial configuration is variable. Specifically, we can evaluate numerically the effects of new routes in a transportation network upon equilibrium rents and commuting mode.  相似文献   

This paper considers a two-dimensional rectangular city with a grid road system, including a square city as a special case, and then derives a simple equilibrium traffic pattern in the case of constant road width. We maintain that while land-use decisions using market rents would lead to overallocation of land to transportation in our square city as in the Solow Vickrey long narrow city, the tendency towards excessive road-building is stronger near the city boundaries than at the city center in our two-dimensional case, contrary to the conclusion drawn from the Solow Vickrey model.  相似文献   

近年来城镇居住用地价格持续高涨给地方政府带来可观收入,但其引发的弊端广泛而深远,包括助长房价高涨和贫富分化、地产投机与土地闲置、城镇化战略受阻与区域竞争力下降、虚拟经济膨胀和金融风险加大、政府行为扭曲和公共形象受损等五个方面。充分认识这些弊端的消极影响,是以科学发展观为指导,调整房地产调控思路的必要前提。  相似文献   

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