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Revenue management is often identified as a potentially valuable tool for addressing some of the challenges currently facing visitor attractions. This article sets out to investigate the adoption of revenue-management practices by Scottish paid-entry attractions and examines how this usage has changed over the period 1999–2009. It begins with a review of the literature published over that decade and then outlines the research methods used to gather the data used in the study. Key findings indicate that while there is significant potential for Scottish visitor attractions to employ revenue-management practices, their current use is limited both in terms of scope and sophistication. Greater adoption of revenue-management practices, such as price differentiation and the management of revenue information, is evident across the sector. However, attractions charging higher admission prices and with greater levels of turnover tend to be those adopting the more advanced revenue-management practices. The range of revenue-generation streams employed by Scottish attractions has widened over the decade, as has the range of pricing mechanisms employed. The findings indicate the value of longitudinal research and indicate the need for further work in this area.  相似文献   

The paper examines why peak runway pricing has never been effectively implemented. Some of the literature discussing the theory is examined to show the basis for the theory and the potential for flaws in practice. Three cases where airports attempted to implement peak runway pricing are analyzed. The findings indicate that there may be some institutional barriers to peak pricing theory that prevent effective implementation. Airports and others seeking to reduce congestion might consider focusing their efforts on working towards providing alternatives for passengers, rather than attempting to use peak pricing as a congestion-reduction mechanism in isolation.  相似文献   

As transportation is essential for tourism development, effectively utilizing its perishable resources has become an important issue. This study aims to analyse the relationship between airline fares and using conditions from the perspective of millennial tourists and taking the Taipei–Tokyo market as an example. The study attempts to show a revenue management practice in the manipulation of homogeneous seat service and give millennial tourists a better understanding of their preferences for ticket choices. We categorize availability of flight, advance booking, ticket validity, and changing conditions as main attributes and develop a stated-preference questionnaire with multiple hypothetical scenarios for respondents to select in the experiment. We effectively collect 390 valid samples for a mixed logit analysis and the results show that all applied attributes are statistically significant. Ticket validity is revealed to be the most important fence with the largest willingness-to-pay value and followed by availability of flight, advanced booking, and changing conditions.  相似文献   

Akamatsu, Sato, and Nguyen (2006 Akamatsu, T., Sato, S., &; Nguyen, X. L. (2006). Tradable time-of-day bottleneck permits for morning commuters (in Japanese). JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning 62(4), 605620.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) proposed a first-best pricing scheme based on the concept of bottleneck permits. The scheme allows permit holders to pass a bottleneck at specified times and is shown to be able to minimize social cost. However, the scheme is not always Pareto-improving in that it may harm some drivers. The objective of this study is to design Pareto-improving pricing scheme with bottleneck permits for a V-shaped two-to-one merge bottleneck. First, the paper formulates the morning commute model in the network and describes the arrival time choice equilibrium in the network with merging bottleneck. Secondly, we show that the first-best pricing scheme with bottleneck permits for this V-shaped network does not always achieve a Pareto improvement, with the cost of one group of drivers is increased by the permit pricing, a phenomena akin to the bottleneck paradox of Arnott, de Palma, and Lindsey (1993 Arnott, R., de Palma, A., &; Lindsey, R. (1993). Properties of dynamic traffic equilibrium involving bottlenecks, including a paradox and metering. Transportation Science 27(2), 148160.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We propose three implementations of bottleneck permits for Pareto-improving: (1) merging priority rule is included in the bottleneck permits scheme by creating different market for each origin; (2) the permit revenues are refunded as monetary compensation to drivers whose cost is increased; and (3) the permit revenues are used to expand bottleneck capacity. For each implementation, we derive their equilibrium solutions and demonstrate that the Pareto improvement is achieved and social cost is decreased by using the permit revenues for expanding the bottleneck capacity.  相似文献   

Based on passenger choice behavior, a dynamic pricing mechanism of ancillary services has been brought up for analysis in this paper. With the analysis of the passenger choice behavior of ancillary services, this study (1) analyzed the pricing of ancillary services from airlines' websites, (2) launched a survey to investigate passengers’ characteristics and preferences, (3) applied the binary logistic model to analyze passenger choice of ancillary services, and integrated into the dynamic pricing model of ancillary services. The optimal prices can be obtained at the maximum of the revenue. Based on the historical data of a Chinese domestic flight, the optimal prices of ancillary services for different types of passengers can be obtained at the maximum revenue of ancillary services, with a 74.4% increase of revenue. This paper not only created a general pricing model for improving the ancillary revenue but also provided theoretical support for ancillary pricing. The model with enough data can be dynamically applied to various flights and ancillary services.  相似文献   

With a dramatic growth in the low-cost carrier (LCC) traffic around the world, many airports have built budget terminals to accommodate the LCC flights with cheaper airport charge to the airlines but inferior shopping environment and service quality to the passengers. This study aims to answer the following research questions: i). Whether the LCC passengers have higher purchasing power than FSC (full-service carrier) passengers for the airport concessions, particularly the duty-free goods? ii). Would the budget terminal design contribute to or jeopardize the LCC passengers' airport concession expenditure? iii). How could the airport operator maximize its concession revenue by re-designing terminal or re-allocating flight slots? We collect the actual airport duty-free transaction data from Incheon International Airport (ICN) for an empirical investigation. Our empirical evidence first suggests that LCC passengers could have comparable or even higher purchasing power than FSC passengers in consuming duty-free goods at the airport. Among all the LCC passengers, Chinese have the highest purchasing power. Second, the inferior shopping environment and service quality of budget terminal seriously jeopardize the duty-free sales from the LCC passengers. Third, counterfactual analyses show that, if ICN could convert its budget terminal into a conventional terminal, 44 million USD more duty-free sales can be generated per year. Even keeping the current terminal design, re-allocating the LCC flights between the budget terminal and conventional terminal could bring approximately 4.9 million USD more duty-free sales per year. The findings provide managerial implications to ICN and other airports for effective airport revenue management. First, the budget terminal design may not be ideal to accommodate LCC traffic as it damages the concession revenue from particular LCC passengers with high purchasing power. Second, exploring the concession revenue from the growing LCC traffic could help maintain an airport's advantage in aeronautical charge under single-till regulation.  相似文献   

Covid-19 is demanding a lot of changes in the realm of our daily lives. The aviation industry is also facing unprecedented changes in the management environment. Financial tensions across the sector are rising. This study suggests that the airport strategy's direction focusing on commercial revenue management. After Covid-19, safety and hygiene will be the top priority. As a result, changes in airport operating procedures are inevitable. The most noticeable difference will be the strengthening of the verification process for passengers' health conditions. Dwell time increase can be the by-products. This study identifies a dwell time increase has a more significant impact on increasing the existing purchasers' spending than creating new buyers. Airport operators can introduce a service differentiation perspective, such as a dedicated service, to utilize the current buyers' dwell time more faithfully. Also, the rise of online channels requires airport operators to change sales strategies, reinforcing emotional promotion to stimulate impulse buyers' willingness-to-buy. Before Covid-19, there was little effort to reconcile operation policies and commercial revenue despite the growing importance of revenue management. However, now it is time to change. Pre-Covid-19, passengers were advised of using off-airport processes, such as online check-in and mobile boarding passes. Now, getting passengers to the airport quickly and securing their dwell time can be financially more beneficial. It is necessary to incorporate the commercial revenue perspective into operation policies post-Covid-19 actively. Our finding indicates that even a passenger with solid purchasing power may lose the purchasing intention when assigned to an unfavorable gate or terminal. Airport operators need a better understanding of passenger and flight characteristics when determining operation policy, such as gate allocation or membership services.  相似文献   

This paper describes the landing fee structures which are prevalent at most European airports: a mix of weight-based landing fees, passenger fees, and other charges. The paper describes alternative pricing systems which emphasize economic efficiency rather than airport finance considerations. Finally the paper calculates the structure of landing fees for a hypothetical uncongested airport using a Ramsey pricing formulation with data representative of uncongested Spanish airports. Further research is necessary before recommending implementation because the elasticities of demand and operating costs with distance are borrowed from North American studies.  相似文献   

European Union regulations are not sensible to the proportionality of measures and provide fixed orientations and standards irrespective from the dimension of the airports. Additional security measures have been added over the years resulting in increasing security-related costs. The cost structure of security exhibits the existence of a relevant fixed component, concerning staff, equipment, or certification. Notable, smaller, and medium airports support higher costs of security than larger airports, due to the low volumes of cargo and passenger movements. Alternative approaches, notably risk based, have been advocated to support the definition of security procedures at airport level. Although studies have been conducted, none was found concerning these types of airports.This paper presents a research aimed to analyse the appropriateness of a risk based approach in the context of small to medium airports. The research focused in understanding whether such approach could provide tailored security requirements and, ideally, lower costs.A case study considering six airports - Horta, Lisbon, and Ponta Delgada (Portugal), and Adana Şakirpaşa, Erkilet International and Istanbul (Turkey) - of different sizes and located in different regions was conducted. The results make evident the advantages of a risk based approach to define appropriate security procedures, although it is not evident that a risk based approach will lower costs.  相似文献   

Many studies have investigated the financial results and economic productivity of airlines but few have investigated the productivity or performance of airports, and how changes in the industry may have affected them. Most airports measure performance strictly in accounting terms by looking at only total costs and revenues and the resulting surpluses or deficits. Few utilize any type of productivity measure or performance indicator. This paper applies Data Envelopment Analysis to assess the performance of airports. It is used to construct performance indices on the basis of the multiple outputs which airports produce and the multiple inputs which they utilize. In particular we develop productivity measures for terminals and airside operations. The performance measures are then used in a second stage Tobit regression in which environmental, structural and managerial variables are included. The regression results provide a ‘net’ performance index and also identify which variables the managers have some control over and what the relative importance of each variable is in affecting performance. The data set contains a panel of 21 U.S. airports over a five-year period.  相似文献   

The main objectives of this study are to answer the following important research questions: (a) Are pricing and value-for-money variables good segmentation bases for clustering hotel clients? (b) What type of tourists can be identified through pricing and value-for-money bases? The main conclusion of this paper is that marketers who apply yield management in their firms should take into account price perceptions of clients and that pricing decisions should be made by properly communicating changes in prices and the reasons behind them. Furthermore, two segments of hotel clients are revealed and analysed in the study: ‘price-elastic’ and ‘price-rigid’ segments.  相似文献   

Airport capacity continues to be one of the air transport issues that creates the most concern. The major environmental constraint for airports is the noise generated by aircraft. Annoyed communities living around airports have become a limiting factor for airport capacity and operability. This paper brings together the existing literature in the fields of airport environmental capacity, non-acoustic factors of noise annoyance, NIMBYism and environmental conflicts. We also analyze the socio-environmental conflict between Barcelona airport and the community of Gavà Mar. This case shows that the lack of trust between parties, the impossibility of predicting noise exposure, the absence of opportunities for civil society to speak and the difficulty of accessing relevant information foster annoyance and mobilization in the communities that live around the airport. In addition, it is shown that, in such a situation, communities’ reactions can evolve to a post-NIMBY stage in which proactive attitudes replace reactive ones.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the Airline Delay Management Problem (ADMP), which can be described as the task of dealing with daily airline operational delays and deciding whether to delay subsequent flights at a hub airport or to have them departing on time. An innovative integer linear programming approach is presented to the capacitated case of the ADMP and airport limitations in terms of bay availability, taxiway capacity and runway separation are incorporated to represent capacity constraints. Fuel cost, passenger compensation, and passenger inconvenience costs are included in the objective function. The decision variables include the re-timing of flight departures and arrivals, the use of the airport capacity over time and the rebooking of passengers in case of missed connections. To guarantee the linearity of the optimization model and fast computational times, a receding horizon modeling framework is adopted. The approach is applied to a case study using real operational and passenger data from an international hub-and-spoke carrier. The case study shows the capability of the linear model to deal with a complete day of operations within a few minutes. The results suggest that the proposed approach can lead to cost reductions of almost 30% during recovery, when compared with the solution from the airline. In addition, a sensitivity analysis is provided to investigate the impact of not including passenger inconvenience costs and of reducing runway capacity.  相似文献   

This paper reviews proposals contained in the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) Consultation Paper of 1995 and Draft Directive of 1997 on Airport Charges. Economic and practical problems associated with the CEC proposals are highlighted. The main conclusions are that the CEC proposals will be difficult to enforce because they are vague, implementation is left to the individual member states, and because they allow for a variety of approaches to charging systems which can include substantial cross-subsidisation across aeronautical and non-aeronautical uses at one or more airports. The fact that the Commission will not have significant powers of enforcement further reduces the impact which the proposals can have.  相似文献   

Although widely implemented, public bike systems (PBSs) are facing a conflict between system usage and sustainable financing. The relationships between PBS pricing and usage must be clarified to formulate solutions for the conflict. This research used the Taipei PBS, YouBike, as a case study. A stated preference survey was conducted on metro passengers, and a binary logit model was applied to analyze the pricing effects of PBS on passengers’ choice of using PBS as their transfer mode. A latent class model was also used to identify segment-specific preferences. The empirical data show that whether commuters used PBS as a transfer mode was highly dependent on the basic fee and basic period, but not on the variable fee after the basic period; the basic fee mattered to a commuter's choice more than the basic period; irregular PBS users were more sensitive to the basic fee than regular PBS users; and regular PBS users were more sensitive to the basic period than irregular PBS users. The current results broaden the understanding of how PBS pricing affects its usage and illustrate a pricing policy analysis for YouBike that considers sustainable financing and system usage.  相似文献   

This paper reviews proposals contained in the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) Consultation Paper of 1995 and Draft Directive of 1997 on Airport Charges. Economic and practical problems associated with the CEC proposals are highlighted. The main conclusions are that the CEC proposals will be difficult to enforce because they are vague, implementation is left to the individual member states, and because they allow for a variety of approaches to charging systems which can include substantial cross-subsidisation across aeronautical and non-aeronautical uses at one or more airports. The fact that the Commission will not have significant powers of enforcement further reduces the impact which the proposals can have.  相似文献   

Urban road pricing as an instrument of traffic management has generated a great deal of interest in the UK in recent years. Whilst this is the case there is still no urban road pricing scheme in operation in the UK. The reason for this is primarily one of ‘acceptability.’ This paper, through the use of a national survey, examines the attitudes of key stakeholder groups with respect to urban road pricing. How serious is traffic congestion and traffic related pollution perceived to be by Local Authority Councillors, Officials and the Academic community in the UK? How is urban road pricing viewed by this sub-group of the population in terms of its effectiveness and public acceptance when compared to other policy options? and how could the saleability of urban road pricing be improved? This raises issues in terms of how the revenue raised from urban road pricing should be utilised, the use of urban road pricing as part of a package of measures, the concerns expressed by the stakeholders with respect to urban road pricing, such as the invasion of road users’ privacy, and the type of technology which should be considered. Overall, the paper aims to further the debate among policy makers.  相似文献   

Although much research has been performed on passengers' origin airport choice, there is little research on airports' catchment area size and even less on airports' catchment areas in cross-border regions. This paper addresses passengers' airport choice and analyzes airports' catchment area size and its homogeneity in the Upper Adriatic region. Using the results of passengers' survey at three regional airports (Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport (LJU), Venice Marco Polo Airport (VCE) and Trieste Pietro Savorgnan di Brazza Airport (TRS)) we have estimated the airports' catchment areas and airports market shares therein using multinomial logit (MNL) model structure. To additionally explore the passengers' airport choice behavior considering the different sensitivity across travellers to regional, demographic and airports attributes and account for preference heterogeneity in airport choice a mixed logit model was used. The results indicated that the three airports have relatively small core catchment areas and that the market share rapidly decreases with the increasing access time to airport. Partially, the results reinforced earlier findings showing that access time to airport is the most important determinant in airport choice for all segments (business/leisure and cross-border/domestic), however the sensitivity to access time is more pronounced in business and domestic group. Additionally, the results indicated pronounced loyalty to domestic airports and generally low importance of ticket prices, and show that in market conditions where all airports in the region have a low-cost carrier (LCC) the effect of LCC on airport choice is limited. Finally, the results indicated that the borders might have an influence on airport choice and that overall, in the cross-border regions the passengers’ airport choice process is even more complex than in non cross-border regions.  相似文献   

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