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目前,家庭影院已逐步进入普通百姓家庭。但现在家庭影院市场上出现的一些不规范的现象,使得消费者在选购时容易上当受骗。比如一些广告宣称:1000元左右可拥有“AC-3”或“DTS”。不少商家在试音时,故意放一些震撼音乐来掩盖音箱的音质。个别不法厂商甚至在功放内加入一块大铅锭,并用铆钉而不是螺钉将功放机盖铆死,使消费者不能当场开机检查。专家指出,有解码功能的家庭影院功放可分为杜比定向逻辑环绕声、杜比数字AC-3环绕声和DTS数字环绕声等。其中杜比定向逻辑环绕声产品已逐渐被AC-3环绕声码取代,AC-3是5.1声道数字放音系统,即前方…  相似文献   

日前,有关部门对某地市场上销售的家用功率放大器进行了抽查,发现某品牌AV-2088型商品的前板上虽有“5.1CH DIGITAL KARAOKE AM-PLIFIER(5.1声道数字卡拉OK放大器)的标识,后板也专门设置了5.1声道的AC-3信号输入端子,但在用5.1声道的AC-3专用测试碟对其进行功能试验放音时,发现左、中、右、环绕左、环绕右、重低音声道均不能单独发声,其所谓的5.1声道AC-3信号输入端子,只是在机内用几根细电线直接连接到L、R信号输入端子上而已;另一种型号的商品标识上标注的额定输出功率为100W,而实测只有35W,“短斤缺两”情况相当严重。标…  相似文献   

陆扬先 《上海标准化》1999,(3):31-32,35
四、数字广播电视关键技术标准1.视频、音频压缩技术标准视频、音频压缩技术是数字电视发展的关键。近IO年来,伴随视频压缩技术的发展,人们对视频压缩算法的基本框架形成了共识,并制定了一系列视频压缩技术的国际标准(见泰)。目前,MPEG-7标准正在制定中,它的目标是“多媒体内容描述接口”,为各种多媒体描述提供手段,以支持多媒体信息的检索。音频压缩技术标准国际上以欧洲的MUSI-CAM环绕声系统和杜比公司的AC一3系统为代表,其中MUSICAM环绕声遵循正0MPEG-2的声音压缩编码标准,对每个声道速率可压缩至96-192KbpS…  相似文献   

林涛 《中国企业家》2007,(21):88-89
在视频播放器领域称霸的暴风影音决心成为下一个成功的客户端软件作为一款视频播放器最应该具备的重要特征是什么?超清晰的解析图像还是逼真的5.1环绕声音效果,暴风影音给出的答案是"能够播放",是不是让人有些意外?使用电脑下载或在线观看一段妙趣横生(也许是索然无味)的视频录像,这已经是大部分网民最平常的行为  相似文献   

李莉丽 《活力》2005,(6):269-269
大家都知道,室内音箱的摆放对听音效果有着非常重大的影响。由于房间的情况千变万化,不同的房间会有不一样的空间声学特性,不可能有一种简单统一的方法。多声道音响系统是利用多个音箱来表现声象定位、营造环绕声效果的,如果没有理想的室内声学环境来配合,那么综合的音响效果就不会好。根据音响心理学的理论,在室内迟后直达声小于1ms的早期反射声,对直达声有显著的干扰,会使声音变得比较混浊,从而影响声象定位。介于1~30ms之间的早期反射声对直达声的干扰会少些,它与直达声结合在一起,有助于增强响度,但可能会改变直达声的音色。至于30ms以后的反射声,人耳通常认为它是混响声了。鉴于上述原因,我们不仅一定要做好视听用室内的吸声、扩散、隔声等声学处理,还要做好音箱在室内的摆放工作。  相似文献   

用一般立体声录音机录制外语、报告、讲课等内容时,左右两个声道效果基本相同,立体声在这里没有什么意义。双声道立体声录音机是把磁带分成四路录音和放音的,每面分为左右两路声道。如果在录制语音节日时,每次只用一路声道,就可以使磁带利用率提高一倍,一盒磁带当两盒用。具体方法如下: ①在外录声音时,一般立体声录音是左右声道各一支话筒,此时如果仅使用其中一支,则录下的即为单声道效果,但录制前需进行抹音。此声道录完即可使用另一话筒录在另一声道(此时不能再进行抹音,如果录音设备自带抹音磁头,应将抹音电源切断)。两面都如此录制。 ②如果使用录音机转录,则方法相同,只是将信  相似文献   

卢利芝 《活力》2005,(5):147-147
现在,掌握学习技术和掌握课件制作技术的老师越来越多,但是。在制作应用课件的过程中,经常会遇到这样那样的问题。多媒体教学效果的好坏首先取决于课件本身的制作质量,其次取决于教师应用课件进行教学的水平,本文从上述两方面来讨论多媒体课件制作与应用中应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

药膳制作统一标;隹历时三年多时间并在征求相关单位意见的基础上已经制定完成,已送至国家中医药管理局审批,预计2009年可出台。这是中国药膳研究会会长周文泉教授在第五届中国药膳技术制作大赛上透露的,该比赛由中国药膳研究会主办,中国药膳研究会药膳技术制作专业委员会承办。  相似文献   

在进行广播电视数字视频制作时需要考虑的要求比较多,需在各项优势支持下全面落实相关要求,之后在合理要求支持下确定精准技术,并在精准技术支持下落实广播电视数字视频制作目标,保证广播电视数字视频的质量和现实传播效果,为我国广播电视行业稳步发展提供有力支持。同时还应针对广播电视数字视频制作的技术展开研究,并在合理技术支持下推进广播电视数字视频制作顺利开展。  相似文献   

文章介绍安哥拉CACUACO水泥厂石灰石仓库的大型钢结构桁架制作与安装技术,重点阐述大型钢结构桁架制作的关键工艺及多台吊车联合抬吊、单榀桁架整体吊装方案,以供借鉴。  相似文献   

The percentage of products being returned in multichannel retail are high and further increasing, yet many retailers and manufacturers are unaware of the importance and scale of this issue. They consider dealing with returns as a cost of doing business and are oblivious of the potential for conflicts between their corporate social responsibility commitments and their returns practices. This article investigates how far sustainable practices and circular economy concepts have been implemented in retail returns systems; it identifies vulnerabilities, barriers, and challenges to the implementation of sustainable, circular practices and suggests ways to overcome them, as sustainability, loss prevention, and profit optimisation can go hand in hand with the right approach to the organisation of the reverse supply chain. Implications of this research on strategic management are outlined. The research was conducted using in‐depth interviews and observations with four major retailers in the United Kingdom, 17 structured interviews, 100 retailer website reviews, and three retail community workshops, all with British and other European retailers.  相似文献   

Despite the state of flux in media today, television remains the dominant player globally for advertising spending. Since television advertising time is purchased on the basis of projected future ratings, and ad costs have skyrocketed, there is increasingly pressure to forecast television ratings accurately. The forecasting methods that have been used in the past are not generally very reliable, and many have not been validated; also, even more distressingly, none have been tested in today’s multichannel environment. In this study we compare eight different forecasting models, ranging from a naïve empirical method to a state-of-the-art Bayesian model-averaging method. Our data come from a recent time period, namely 2004-2008, in a market with over 70 channels, making the data more typical of today’s viewing environment. The simple models that are commonly used in industry do not forecast as well as any econometric models. Furthermore, time series methods are not applicable, as many programs are broadcast only once. However, we find that a relatively straightforward random effects regression model often performs as well as more sophisticated Bayesian models in out-of-sample forecasting. Finally, we demonstrate that making improvements in ratings forecasts could save the television industry between $250 and $586 million per year.  相似文献   

贺宏福 《价值工程》2011,30(32):15-16
为适应文化创意产业的快速发展,特别是适应动画产业对于动画高素质人才的需求,开办动画专业的高校加强了实践教学环节,纷纷建设校外实训基地。高校应依据专业特点来规划校外实训基地,通过多种渠道、多种措施来建立和巩固动画专业校外实训基地,使基地健康持久发展。  相似文献   

A bstract . Thomas Szasz, psychiatrist and philosopher, in many books and articles has sought to delineate a theory of personal conduct and social interaction based on individual freedom of choice. Using psychiatric issues as his basis, he asserts that freedom of contract is essential to liberty and autonomy , and that contractual consent must be "informed" in a legal sense. But the mere fact of choice is not sufficient for the individual's humanity and autonomy. For "informed" consent, even a non-paternalistic State must be an active State , establishing the general norms even of the psychiatrist-patient relationship, making explicit and maintaining the "implied terms" that must surround all contracts , including the education and social competence necessary for making them.  相似文献   

彭传圣 《物流技术》1999,(1):5-7,42
模拟技术能够为动态行为复杂系统的有关决策提供可靠的信息,其在港口码头系统上的应 用越来越普遍。在简介计算机模拟技术在港口码头系统上的应用情况以及适用于交通系统模拟模型开发 的模拟专用语言的基础上,介绍作者应用AUDITION模拟专用语言为加拿大Westshore煤炭码头开发的计 算机动画模拟模型。  相似文献   

李勇  王金兵 《价值工程》2013,(31):118-120
目前国内民用建筑楼板大多数按混凝土楼板进行设计,它具有结构薄、自重轻等优点,但由于混凝土楼板刚性强,减振效果差,隔绝撞击声性能差,楼板隔声达不到住宅建筑规范要求,故楼板隔声越来越受到社会的关注。通过采用隔声浮筑楼面施工技术,能为业主提供合格的防噪和降噪功能的现代化建筑,从而满足了业主对隔声的要求。  相似文献   

已建成居住区交通噪音的削减方法主要有:隔声屏障、坡堤防噪和绿化防噪等.这些方法的降噪效果取决于噪音源的特性和这些措施设计的合理性,其降噪效果从2-20分贝不等.使用这些方法一定要具体问题具体分析,不可盲目乱用,否则会达不到所需的降噪效果.结合一项工程实例,利用计算机模拟软件分析了不同减噪方案的减噪效果,进而提出了削减居住区中大型机动车交通噪音的有效方法.  相似文献   

窦仕臻  温纪如  康霞 《价值工程》2010,29(25):122-122
声波在不同的类型的岩石中传播的速度是不同的,影响声波速度变化的因素较多,包括孔隙度、岩性、流体性、饱和度、温度、密度等,这些因素的变化都会导致声波在岩层中的传播性质的变化,在地质勘探过程中,利用声波的这种特性来分析岩层结构已经成为了新的技术手段,并不断的完善起来。  相似文献   

李燕 《价值工程》2011,30(7):196-196
岩体声发射技术是地下工程中监测围岩稳定性的重要手段。根据大量的现场岩体稳定性声发射信号参数,提出了评价地下工程岩体稳定性声发射相对强弱指标,综合考虑了岩体失稳过程的声发射事件率或能率的时间序列,可以消除测点布置方式及地质构造等因素对声发射信号参数的影响,更准确地进行围岩稳定性评价。  相似文献   

The social capital literature documents a connection between social connection and economic outcomes of interest ranging from government quality to economic growth. Popular authors suggest that housing and architecture are important determinants of social connection. This paper examines the connection between housing structure and social connection. We find that residents of large apartment buildings are more likely to be socially connected with their neighbors, perhaps because the distance between neighbors is lower in apartment buildings. Apartment residents are less involved in local politics, presumably because they are less connected with the public infrastructure and space that surrounds them. Street crime (robbery, auto theft) is also more common around big apartment buildings and we believe that this also occurs because there is less connection between people in apartments and the streets that surround them.  相似文献   

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