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为降低铁路调车脱轨事故的发生概率,通过搜集汇总常见的调车脱轨事故案例,归类分析查找事故致因。采用事故树分析法,对调车脱轨的影响因素进行结构建模。利用布尔代数原理对事故树结构函数式进行化简,求出事故树的最小割集和最小径集,对影响因素进行结构重要度分析,得出影响调车脱轨事故的关键因素。最后,结合最小割集和最小径集的组成事件及其关联程度,分析制定预防调车脱轨事故的主要措施,即吸取典型事故教训、强化设备"用、管、修"制度执行、严格执行调车作业标准、做好调车脱轨事故应急处置,为铁路调车安全管理和决策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

防止由于行包装卸作业而导致的耽误列车事故,是车站营业部站台行包装卸作业安全管理的重要内容。应用事故树分析法对行包装卸作业耽误列车事故进行分析,求解得出其最小割集、事故诱因重要度排序,并通过定性分析,有针对性地提出预防对策,减少或避免行包装卸作业耽误列车事故的发生。  相似文献   

杨孟娇 《中国储运》2023,(5):164-166
<正>为分析危险货物罐车道路运输事故的成因,从驾驶员、罐车、道路、环境等方面统计事故特征,构建危险货物罐车道路运输事故故障树模型。计算模型最小割集可知共有209条路径会导致事故发生,证明事故极易发生;计算最小径集可知有5种方案可以有效预防事故;通过计算结构重要度,明确驾驶员不安全行为对顶上事件发生的影响最大,其次是罐车不安全状态。最后给出危险货物罐车道路运输事故预防措施。1.引言危险货物具有易燃易爆、毒性、放射性等危险性,一旦发生运输事故,造成人员伤亡、财产损失比普通交通运输事故更大。针对危险货物罐车道路运输事故进行分析,  相似文献   

调车作业中的脱轨事故是铁路车站多发性一般事故,为防止事故的发生,对已发生的调车脱轨事故的原因进行分析,并从调车人员、设备、工作环境、管理四个方面,提出应采取的防止事故发生的措施。  相似文献   

公安部近日召开2021年道路交通事故预防"减量控大"工作部署会,部党委委员、副部长刘钊出席并讲话.他强调,各级公安交管部门要始终坚持以人民为中心的发展理念,认真贯彻落实中央政法工作会议、全国安全生产电视电话会议和全国公安厅局长会议精神,提高政治站位,勇于攻坚克难,深入推进事故预防"减量控大"工作,全力开展"六大攻坚行动",努力减少事故死亡总量,全力防控较大事故,严防发生重特大事故,确保道路交通安全形势持续向好发展,以优异成绩庆祝建党100周年.  相似文献   

向塘西编组站设备性能比较及运营分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了向塘西编组站上、下行驼峰的设备概况,并从设备、车型、天气等方面,对在驼峰作业中产生的撞车事故进行了分析,找出产生事故的原因。  相似文献   

追尾事故在高速公路比较多见。据统计,约占高速公路事故总数的35%。前车是静止、正常行驶还是以低于道路交通安全法规定的最低时速行驶,是认定追尾事故责任的关键。而前车运动状态的确定,仅凭现场勘查的材料是不够的,也无法计算出前车在碰撞前的速度。此时,我们只有借助不等式求出前车的最大速度或后车的最小速度,从而判断前车的运动状态,为事故的认定提供证据。下面举例说明。  相似文献   

基于TOPSIS的铁路应急资源调度优化模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
突发事件下铁路应急资源的调度问题涉及多出救点、多资源的资源分配问题。针对由于救援紧迫性导致初期应急资源不足的情况,首先运用TOPSIS模型确定事故点的救援优先权;其次以资源调度总时间、总成本及惩罚成本最小作为目标函数,构建应急资源调度模型,并将事故点的优先权以时间系数和成本系数的形式加入到模型中,确保优先权较高的事故点优先获得应急资源;最后以自然灾害导致的区域铁路网内的多处事故为例,通过建模并运用LINGO11.0软件求解,验证模型的可行性和适用性。  相似文献   

我认为这是一起道路交通事故。分析意见如下:一、从事故的直接原因形成来分析事故直接原因是川AA3503小货车牵引川Q7861大货车的牵引件(硬连接)弯曲断裂,使刹车总泵  相似文献   

根据《保险法》的规定,司机酒后开车出事故,保险公司不予赔偿。然而,2005年12月 19日,四川省凉山自治州中级人民法院审理的一起案件却判令保险公司为“酒祸”埋单,这到底是为什么呢?  相似文献   

层次分析法在交通运输方式选择中的应用研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
阐述了层次分析法的一般原理,就指标的选取、判断矩阵的形成及一致性检验、权重的计算方法等问题进行了探讨。并以N—S两地最佳交通运输方式的选取为例,研究了层次分析法在交通运输方式选择中的应用。  相似文献   

根据铁路定点、定车次、定线、定时、定价货运班列的开行情况,分析在开行直达列车线路上组织五定班列的必要和充分条件。由每周货物平均发送量和列车牵引质量计算出开行列数,根据有关规则以每周至少开行1列为必要条件。考虑运费和货物提前到达产生的经济效益,以开行五定班列比开行直达列车的经济效益大为充分条件。对各参数选择的影响进行分析并给出算例应用。  相似文献   

在分析论述调机运用计划编制方法的基础上,提出应用禁忌搜索算法进行编组站调机运用计划的编制。分别以最小化延迟解体列车和编组列车加权数量为目标建立数学模型,以解编顺序作为优化对象,设计禁忌搜索算法对其进行求解,并以解体顺序为例,采用两两交换(2-opt)方式构建邻域,以该操作前后列车解体顺序的变化作为禁忌对象构建禁忌表,利用软件编程实现模型计算,并通过算例验证该算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

This paper considers a supply chain network with multiple depots and geographically dispersed customers, each of which faces non-constant demand over a discrete planning horizon. The goal is to determine a set of depots to open, the delivery quantities to customers per period and the sequence in which they are replenished by a vehicle fleet such that the total system-wide cost is minimized. To solve it, first we construct a mixed integer program, and then propose a hybrid metaheuristic consisting of initialization, intensification and post-optimization. Results show that the proposed heuristic is considerably efficient and effective for many classical instances.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new multi-objective mathematical model to address a Healthcare Inventory Routing Problem (HIRP) for medicinal drug distribution to healthcare facilities. The first part of objective function minimizes total inventory and transportation costs, while satisfaction is maximized by minimizing forecast error which caused by product shortage and the amount of expired drugs; Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are also minimized. A demand forecast approach has been integrated into the mathematical model to decrease drug shortage risk. A hybridized possibilistic method is applied to cope with uncertainty and an interactive fuzzy approach is considered to solve an auxiliary crisp multi-objective model and find optimized solutions.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of how to place hazardous material cars in the train assembly process so that the overall derailment risk can be minimized. The approach considers both the probability of railway cars derailing en route by position as well as the risk associated with additional operations in the rail yard using recent US FRA data. The merits of this car placement model are illustrated through a case study of a railway corridor that connects Los Angeles (CA) to Chicago (IL). The case study demonstrates that the proposed risk minimization strategy could be implemented with minimal rail yard operation cost.  相似文献   

The weighted ℓp or ℓk,p norm is used to model travel distances in road networks. The parameters k and p are computed from a sample of actual road distances taken from the geographical area of interest. During the computation, a goodness-of-fit criterion is computed and minimized when the best-fit values of k and p have been determined. Greatly improved results are obtained when the coordinate axes are rotated to account for any rectangular bias in the road network. In this paper, an examination of 17 diverse geographical areas shows that in every case, within a rotation arc of 90°, there are two points where the goodness-of-fit function is minimized. These two rotation points are approximately 45° apart; one results in a best-fit p value in the interval (1, 2) and the other results in a best-fit p value in the interval (2, ∞). This paper thus empirically confirms the double-bottom phenomenon which was hypothesized in a previous work. The superiority of the weighted ℓp norm as a distance predictor is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

对于交通运输基础设施作为准公共产品由谁供给目前在学理上没有给出明晰解释,没有深入揭示其选择机理。从新兴古典经济学的角度认为,交通运输基础设施供给方式的选择,取决于该种机制是否最小化了公共物品提供过程中的所有交易成本。  相似文献   

This study investigates the decisions of replenishment and lead-time reduction for a single-manufacturer multiple-retailer integrated inventory system in which the probability distribution of demand for each retailer is unknown but its mean and variance are given. A decision model is presented and a minimax distribution free procedure is applied to determine the lead time, the common shipment cycle time, the target levels of replenishments and the number of shipments per production cycle so that the expected total system cost can be minimized. A decision support system has been implemented on a personal computer to illustrate the application of the model.  相似文献   

Nowadays, airlines administrations are more willing to utilize optimization tools to control air traffic due to considerable increases in volume of air transports. A challenging problem in the field of air traffic is how to optimally schedule landing time of aircrafts and assign them to different runways such that early and late landing costs are minimized. This problem is called aircraft landing problem (ALP). This paper proposes a novel decomposition based heuristic by solving two sub-problems for the ALP with single runway. In the first sub-problem, we apply the adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS) algorithm to find a sequence of aircrafts. The solution found in the first sub-problem will be sent to the second sub-problem, to check for the feasibility of the solution using CPLEX solver. A set of benchmark problem are taken from the OR library for the purpose of comparison with other existing approaches. The computational results exhibit that the proposed algorithm is capable of finding the best known optimal solution for all the instances.  相似文献   

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