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新经济环境下,高科技加速发展、企业电算化、自动化程度迅速提高,管理观念与方式不断更新,传统的成本核算和成本管理受到冲击。我国正处在经济改革的大好时期,经济结构逐步转型,作为一种新兴成本核算模式的作业成本法,以其特有的优越性日益得到人们的瞩目和认可,在我国有着广泛的应用前景,但现阶段仍不具备适用作业成本法的成熟条件。  相似文献   

How does a firm decide whether to be an absorption coster, variable coster, or prime coster? Although accountants have been unable to collectively resolve the variable-absorption costing debate that has been going on in the accounting literature for years, individual firms do resolve the issue. This study starts from the premise that similarities should exist within a group of firms choosing to produce the same cost data. After determining that one can categorize firms as prime costers, variable costers, or absorption costers, the researcher compares prime costers, variable costers, and absorption costers on four groups of characteristics that have been suggested in the accounting literature as possible guides to the firm's costing method. Of the four, cost structure tends to distinguish between different method choices. Variables that result in different costing methods producing net income figures, industry membership, and the importance of various uses within the firm are less useful in predicting whether a firm is a prime, variable, or absorption coster.  相似文献   

论生命周期的环境作业成本法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肖序  胡科  周鹏飞 《商业研究》2006,(18):49-51
环境成本作为环境会计的核心内容,只有解决环境成本的核算方法,才能进一步的深化环境会计研究和环境会计方法的推广应用。传统的成本核算方法由于其本身的缺陷已经不适用于对环境成本的核算,采用基于生命周期思想下的作业成本法,不仅能揭示环境成本发生的真正原因,而且能克服传统成本制度下企业仅考虑产品生产过程中发生环境成本的缺点,使得产品成本信息更为准确完整,从而大大提高企业成本管理决策的有效性。  相似文献   

Research studies demonstrate wide variation in how physicians diagnose and treat patients with similar medical conditions and suggest that at least some of the variation reflects inefficiencies and unnecessary medical costs. Health care researchers are actively examining ways to reduce variations in practice through standardization of medicine to reduce the cost of treatment and ensure the quality of outcomes. The most widely accepted form of this standardization is Evidence Based Best Practices (EBBP). Furthermore, financial health care providers such as hospitals and managed care organizations are investigating methods to tie resource usage to medical protocols in their efforts to monitor and control health care costs. Such proposals are contentious because they report on physicians’ medical practice behaviors (such as the number of tests ordered, use of specific therapies, etc.) and such reports could potentially be used to influence their clinical behaviors. The intent of this exploratory study was to examine physicians’ perceptions about linking a standard costing system to EBBP guidelines. The authors interviewed nine practicing physicians asking each physician to respond to the question, ‘As a physician working in a hospital environment, what are your reactions to and concerns with combining standard costing techniques with EBBP?’ The interviews were in-depth and free form in nature. The physicians’ responses were recorded and analyzed using Grounded Theory Methodology. Using this methodology the field data was categorized into two major themes. The most important theme centered on ethics and the second theme was concerned with the implementation and use of a standard cost system in regard to EBBP. If physicians’ worries about ethical dilemmas and implementation issues are not resolved, then it is likely that doctors would be unwilling to participate in any efforts to develop or use a standard cost-reporting system in medicine. While this study was exploratory in nature, it should provide future guidance to accountants, health care researchers and health care providers about physicians’ issues with the use of standard costing methods in medicine.  相似文献   

This paper describes the concept of activity-based costing (ABC) and examines its relevance to the life insurance industry. The paper contends that the high overheads and diversified product lines of many life insurance companies makes them appropriate environments within which to apply ABC. It is considered that ABC can provide at least three important benefits to a life insurance company, namely: more accurate cost information, closer insights into the costs of production and better information concerning the strategic consequences of business decisions. These attributes can help a life insurance company to achieve important business objectives, such as the management of expenses and the continuous improvement in the quality of its products and services. However; the transition to ABC is not easy and it cannot be seen as a panacea for all corporate woes. Nevertheless, the paper concludes that with sound project management, an ABC system can provide life insurance companies with much better information for activity management and the achievement of longer term strategic goals.  相似文献   

Injuries pose an economic problem of immense proportion to communities in every society. The economic burden from injuries can be quantified through cost-of-injury studies, using techniques adopted from cost-of-illness research. This study explores the feasibility of applying results and methodologies from existing cost-of-injury studies in economic analyses of injury prevention interventions and programmes. The literature on cost-of-injury studies and economic appraisals of injury prevention efforts was examined to elicit studies that calculated injury costs. Studies were accepted for inclusion if they included an analysis of the costs of all injuries occurring in a geographical area (community, region or country) during a specific time period, employed a societal perspective and an incidence-based costing approach and were conducted in industrialized countries. There were 12 studies that met the inclusion criteria. The average total cost per injury case was USD $3536, while the average share of indirect to total cost per injury case was 71%. However, the cost figures showed wide variation across the studies. Based on the limited similarity of findings from the studies, it was concluded that it is not feasible to apply results and methodologies from existing cost-of-injury studies. The cost estimators described in this study could possibly be adapted for use as reference points in economic analyses of existing programmes, but any other uses should be approached with caution. Locally obtained data are needed for reliable economic analyses of injury prevention interventions and programmes.  相似文献   

本文认为,以作业成本计算为核心的系统成本管理模式是一种全新的现代企业成本管理模式。它适应高新技术环境的需要,在适时生产系统下根据目标成本和目标利润设计最佳产品,按照全面质量管理的要求,以理想的作业链进行生产,以作业成本法核算生产成本,按产品生命周期法披露成本信息,不但能提高企业的价格决策和产出决策水平,完善业绩核算和考核系统,而且可促使企业改变组织结构,重视战略管理和过程管理,适应市场竞争和高新技术的发展。  相似文献   

目前,管理会计在我国医院财务管理中没有得到应有的重视,许多医院对管理会计的内容和其对医院财务管理的作用知之甚少.在我国正在推行医疗卫生制度改革的背景下,加强管理会计在我国医院财务管理中的运用,对增强医院的市场竞争意识和创新意识,有效降低医院运行成本,促进我国医院优质、高效发展,有着重要的现实意义.加强管理会计在医院财务管理中的运用,是医院在市场经济条件下,加强医院财务管理的一种全新管理思路.重视管理会计在医院财务管理中的作用,对提高我国医院的财务管理水平有着重要作用.  相似文献   

Injuries pose an economic problem of immense proportion to communities in every society. The economic burden from injuries can be quantified through cost-of-injury studies, using techniques adopted from cost-of-illness research. This study explores the feasibility of applying results and methodologies from existing cost-of-injury studies in economic analyses of injury prevention interventions and programmes.

The literature on cost-of-injury studies and economic appraisals of injury prevention efforts was examined to elicit studies that calculated injury costs. Studies were accepted for inclusion if they included an analysis of the costs of all injuries occurring in a geographical area (community, region or country) during a specific time period, employed a societal perspective and an incidence-based costing approach and were conducted in industrialized countries. There were 12 studies that met the inclusion criteria.

The average total cost per injury case was US$3536, while the average share of indirect to total cost per injury case was 71%. However, the cost figures showed wide variation across the studies. Based on the limited similarity of findings from the studies, it was concluded that it is not feasible to apply results and methodologies from existing cost-of-injury studies. The cost estimators described in this study could possibly be adapted for use as reference points in economic analyses of existing programmes, but any other uses should be approached with caution. Locally obtained data are needed for reliable economic analyses of injury prevention interventions and programmes.  相似文献   

A survey of medical superintendents revealed that an estimated 1.5 million trauma cases presented to South Africa's 356 secondary and tertiary level hospitals in 1999. Injury rates for traffic, violence and other injuries showed considerable inter-provincial variation, with violence accounting for more than half of the trauma caseload. This type of survey is a simple low cost alternative for monitoring injury patterns and supplementing burden of disease and injury costing studies.  相似文献   

A survey of medical superintendents revealed that an estimated 1.5 million trauma cases presented to South Africa's 356 secondary and tertiary level hospitals in 1999. Injury rates for traffic, violence and other injuries showed considerable inter-provincial variation, with violence accounting for more than half of the trauma caseload. This type of survey is a simple low cost alternative for monitoring injury patterns and supplementing burden of disease and injury costing studies.  相似文献   

在大量、大批、装配式、多步骤生产企业里,采用平行结转分步法,从整体的角度将各步骤计算的应由产成品成本负担的份额平行汇总,成本核算工作量大,且成本数据间的链接关系错综复杂,而Microsoft Excel与平行结转分步法相结合的成本核算系统,能够很好地实现成本核算的准确性、及时性,在激烈的市场竞争中以低成本、高收益取胜。  相似文献   

This article investigates the role of purchasing/supply management in the target costing process. It is based on case studies of eleven firms that use target costing. In addition to exploring the role of purchasing, purchasing's interface with suppliers was investigated.Research results indicate that supply management plays a substantial role throughout the target costing process. Its contribution is particularly critical at the initial stages, when developing component level target costs, and when activities/modifications are occurring to achieve target costs. Supply management also plays a lead role in managing, monitoring and improving costs.Importantly, there is no single function that is more important than others in target costing. A cross-functional team approach, including suppliers, is critical to the long-term success of target costing efforts.  相似文献   

蔬菜流通主体成本构成与收益分配实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于中间商在以批发市场为核心的蔬菜流通模式中放大了流通成本,番茄从生产端到零售终端,流通过程发生累计成本占零售价格的65.8%,流通成本费用占流通总成本的67%,扣除流通成本费用,流通中间商分享流通纯利润是生产者种植利润的1.9倍,其中批发商利润是生产者种植利润的38.4%,占流通纯利润的20%,超市供应商利润是生产者利润的64.9%,占流通纯利润的34%,超市(第三方配送)盈利是生产者利润的87.6%,占流通纯利润的45.9%。本文认为流通成本对生产者和消费者的挤兑,是体制成本、效率损失、组织化水平不高、信息不能"闭合"传递共同作用的结果,同时生产资料的高涨助推了矛盾的凸显。  相似文献   

随着经济环境的变化,传统的成本控制逐渐暴露出固有的弊端,作业管理的成本核算方法以及基于作业管理的成本控制系统的研究表明:构建由计量子系统、评价子系统、评价子系统有机结合的成本控制系统,能够填补传统成本控制系统的缺陷,使成本控制方式得到创新。而保障作业管理成本控制系统的有序运行,还需要变革固化生产模式,优化质量管理体系和完善成本控制评价制度做保障。  相似文献   

战卫  张莉 《中国市场》2007,(45):29-30
随着物流成本管理深入,人们认识到要大幅度降低成本,必须注重会计信息的管理。加强物流在企业经营中的职能,必须加强会计信息在物流成本管理中的应用。  相似文献   

Although warranty coverage on consumer products is a universally accepted form of protection, the extension of similar coverage to buyers of new and used homes is a developing practice. Home warranties serve a dual purpose: they reduce a homebuyer's risk of substantial financial loss, and protect the builder, seller or real estate vendor from legal liability should undisclosed material defects occur after a sale. In an effort to examine consumer reactions to home warranties, a mail survey was conducted of recent purchasers residing in four central counties of New York State. It was found that two-thirds of the 571 single-family homeowners who responded were aware of warranties on new housing and 97 percent were in favor of such coverage. Only 22 percent were aware of warranties for resale homes and 56 percent favored such coverage. Unexpected defects costing more than $100 were experienced by 55 percent of the sample. However, only 27 percent of the sample had defects which were warrantable under most current warranty programs.  相似文献   

本文从会计信息的质量特征、会计的本质、会计的目标等方面对资产计价进行了探讨,认为,资产难以全部采用价值计量,成本计量有其存在的必要性与合理性。根据企业持有资产的目的,可以将其分为两类:能单独产生现金流量的资产与不能单独产生现金流量的资产,前者可以采用价值计量,后者则必须以成本计量,这样能更好地实现会计的目标。最后,本文分析了计量属性在资产中应用的具体条件。  相似文献   

Economic profits differ from accounting profits. Accounting profits are usually defined as revenues minus costs, and those costs as fixed and variable. Economic profits enlist a third cost, opportunity costs. While these costs are difficult to determine with mathematical precision, they are nonetheless significant, especially for decision making in business. They reflect social costs and benefits, tensions between individual and corporate interests, and all internal and external considerations which enter into decision making in business. It is precisely within opportunity cost decision making that Primeaux and Stieber situate business ethics.  相似文献   

翟春凤  赵磊 《中国市场》2007,(32):38-39
作业成本法又叫或作业量基准成本计算方法,是以作业为核心,确认和计量耗用企业资源的所有作业,将耗用的资源成本准确地计入作业,然后选择成本动因,将所有作业成本分配给成本计算对象(产品或服务)的一种成本计算方法。作业成本法的优点在业界是有目共睹的,但我国自从20世纪90年代开始引入作业成本计算方法后,至今完全采用的企业屈指可数。  相似文献   

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