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随着环境问题的不断恶化和日益严峻,传统的消费模式需要改变,可持续消费行为是节约资源和改善环境的重要方式。实施可持续消费行为也是契合党的十八届三中全会提出的生态文明体制改革的重要举措。深入研究促进个体可持续消费行为的影响因素是国外此类文献的重点,国内学者对此也有所研究,但是还不够深入系统。通过对外文的系统梳理和分析,对促进和改变可持续消费行为的影响因素进行了归纳和总结,并对这些文献进行了述评和展望,以期为我国学者在此领域进行深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

可持续消费态度和行为差异成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着宣传和教育的不断深入,消费者对于可持续问题的正向态度和个体实际消费行为存在着巨大的差异。为此,基于消费者的视角探讨政策、消费者效能、信息因素、人际交往因素与营销因素五个方面分析了造成"态度行为"差异的原因。在分析中,指出只有培育可持续消费的文化,通过政策促进企业实施可持续生产提供合适的产品,让消费者感到自己的行为是有效的,由此才能减少"态度行为"差异。  相似文献   

低碳消费包括低碳生产性消费和低碳生活性消费,指在消费领域人们购买和使用资源节约型和环境友好型的产品,最大限度地节约资源、保护环境,降低二氧化碳为主的温室气体排放,以应对气候变化,其实质是可持续消费。本文在能源消费与经济增长等实证研究、低碳消费行为影响因素研究的基础上,提出构建低碳消费政策矩阵,建立政策工具箱,以便政策制定者选择合适的政策工具。同时,提出低碳消费特色问题研究、农村低碳消费问题研究、低碳消费与生活品质的关系研究可能是低碳消费未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

作为可持续发展的实现机制,联合国在1992年巴西环境与发展大会上通过的(21世纪议程)中首次提出了“可持续消费”命题,但“议程”对这一命题并未进行具体阐发。在我国,可持续消费对许多人来说还相当陌生,更谈不上可持续消费理论及其政策的研究。面对现实生活中种种制约可持续发展目标实现的不可持续消费行为,客观要求中国理论界和实际部门重视可持续消费问题的研究。一、强化可持续消费理论研究“可持续”以代内公正和代际公正为基本准则,即人类自身利益的实现不能以牺牲当代人和子孙后代的利益为代价。可持续消费所要求的是,一部分…  相似文献   

可持续消费研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续消费是近年来国内外理论界研究的热点,本文从可持续消费的涵义、整体性研究及可持续消费行为研究三方面对已有文献进行回顾,并对其研究现状进行评析,在此基础上对今后我国可持续消费研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

可持续消费动机是引发可持续消费行为,进而通过消费对生产的作用影响可持续生产,最终实现可持续发展的关键因素之一.超越了经济意义上的可持续消费又赋予了消费动机多个层面的含义,并且要求多层面实现统一和有序转化.消费动机有基于内部需要的内源动机和来自于外部影响的外源动机,前者在消费模式的作用下确立合理的发展方向,后者在消费模式的作用下实现向内源动机的转化.  相似文献   

在设计低碳消费政策分析框架,梳理珠海市低碳消费政策经验基础上,通过问卷调查和访谈,对公共机构、居民低碳消费政策行为认知进行实证研究。提出了一个基于消费心理、消费方式和消费行为逻辑下包含低碳消费宣传和引导政策、低碳消费的扶持政策、高碳消费的惩罚性政策和低碳消费市场规则构建的低碳消费政策分析框架。研究发现,目前低碳消费政策与消费行为的内在传导机制不强,需要发挥市场调节机制的主导作用,继续加大宣传引导措施,强化国家层面出台低碳消费政策的顶层设计。  相似文献   

世界可持续消费的最新动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着全球性资源耗竭和环境污染,人类开始对自身消费行为进行反思,可持续消费已日益成为保持人类经济与社会健康发展的紧迫要求。为此,联合国环境署等国际环保机构开展了一系列推动可持续消费的教育项目,越来越多的国家通过立法、税收等措施进行种种可持续消费的尝  相似文献   

农户消费行为合理化的政策选择侯军歧一、农户消费行为合理化政策选择的目标农户消费政策选择的目标,大致可归纳为三类,即最大限度地满足农户消费需求的目标,最大限度地压抑农户消费欲望的口标和谋求农户消费与农村经济和国民经济相互推进、协调发展的目标。我国是一个...  相似文献   

中国居民位置消费行为的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在简介位置消费理论及对我国居民位置消费行为进行理论分析的基础上,运用时序数据和横截面数据分别从时空两个维度构建函数模型,并对我国居民的位置消费行为的存在进行了实证检验;通过分析位置消费行为的双重效应,提出了规制人们消费行为的政策建议.  相似文献   

拓展军民资源是我国破解资源约束、实现结构优化、促进经济社会发展的重大战略举措。基于1978-2021年出台的79份军民资源政策,通过政策文本量化分析,构建基于PMC指数模型的军民资源政策评价指标体系,从政策属性、政策内容、政策理念、政策实施4个维度刻画军民资源政策对军民资源拓展的支撑效果。研究结果显示,不同等级军民资源政策均较好地贯彻了军民资源拓展的指导思想。其中,PMC指数得分较高的军民资源政策场域广阔,能够为更多场景中的军民资源拓展提供空间;PMC指数得分较低的军民资源政策能释放更多的治理资源存量,发挥政策聚焦优势和比较优势,提升军民资源拓展水平。  相似文献   

Applied policy analysis has become an acceptable research activity for professional political scientists to the benefit of both the discipline of political science and society. Despite its long history as a social science research activity and the current popularity and widespread interest in this kind of research, there is no commonly agreed to theory of and/or approach to applied policy analysis. This article describes an interdisciplinary team approach developed and applied by the Science and Public Policy Program at the University of Oklahoma during the past 8 years. The approach consists of four principal components or conceptual elements: a general conceptual framework for technology assessment (a particular kind of applied policy study), an interdisciplinary team, the active involvement of numerous outside experts and stakeholders, and an issue–systems policy analysis framework. The conclusion reached is that, while the pitfalls identified by critics of applied policy analysis should be treated seriously, applied policy analysis can contribute to the development of the discipline while benefiting society.  相似文献   

选取消费水平、农业劳动力占比、货运总量和农户总数四个指标,分别表示钻石模型中的需求、生产、支持相关产业的表现和企业的战略结构四大要素,并对这四个指标进行多元回归分析。分析回归结果,认为四个指标中的农业劳动力占比、消费水平和农户总数都是影响安徽省农产品国际竞争力的关键因素,结合安徽省在这三个关键因素方面的现状,提出提高农业科技水平、扩大居民需求水平、调整企业战略水平和找准品牌定位、扩大品牌宣传四个方面的政策建议,以增强安徽省农产品的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

中国高技术产业创新绩效的地区差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对高新技术产业创新绩效进行评价,有助于发现和解决高技术产业创新体系运行中存在的问题,提高创新体系的运行效率。本文以技术独占因子、人力资源因子、市场效率因子和社会动力因子为基本要素,在构建影响高技术产业创新绩效的评价指标的基础上,运用Excel和Spss15.0软件中因子分析和聚类分析对我国20多个省市地区创新绩效进行综合评价。结果发现:部分地区高技术产业的技术独占性不强、创新投入不足、资源配置效率偏低。为了促进高技术产业的发展,必须加强政策、金融、人才、技术和信息服务体系的建设,形成一个创新的网络体系。  相似文献   

A stylized macroeconomic model incorporating a surprise supply function is examined. Extension of the model to recognize the government budget constraint makes it clear that random elements must enter into the determination of some policy variable in the face of exogenous shocks elsewhere in the model. Allowing these random elements to enter into the money supply may be a useful automatic countercyclical policy contrary to the usual inference that a deterministic money supply policy will be better.  相似文献   

Stated choice (SC) methods are now a widely accepted data paradigm in the study of the choice responses of agents. Their popularity has spawned an industry of applications in fields as diverse as transportation, environmental science, health economics and policy, marketing, political science and econometrics. With rare exception, empirical studies have used a single SC design, in which the numbers of attributes, alternatives, choice sets, attribute levels and ranges have been fixed across the entire design. As a consequence the opportunity to investigate the influence of design dimensionality on behavioural response has been denied. Accumulated wisdom has promoted a large number of positions on what design features are specifically challenging for respondents; and although a number of studies have assessed the influence of subsets of design dimensions, there exists no single study (that we are aware of) that has systematically varied all of the main dimensions of SC experiments. This paper reports some initial findings on what influences, in aggregate, specific design configurations have on the mean willingness to pay for specific attributes using a Design of Designs (DoD) SC experiment in which the ‘attributes’ of the design are the design dimensions themselves. The design dimensions that are varied are the number of choice sets presented, the number of alternatives in each choice set, the number of attributes per alternative, the number of levels of each attribute and the range of attribute levels. The empirical evidence, using a sample of respondents in Sydney choosing amongst trip attribute bundles for their car commuting trip, suggests that, within the boundaries of design dimensionality investigated, mean estimates of WTP for travel time savings in the aggregate cover a range that is appropriate for reporting a global mean and a set of meaningful values for sensitivity testing in project appraisal and demand prediction. When these aggregated mean estimates are conditioned on all design dimensions we do not find any systematic differences due to specific design dimensions; however when each design dimension is assessed without controlling for the other dimensions we find evidence to support differences in aggregate mean WTP attributable to the number of attributes per alternative and the number of alternatives in a choice set. Research funded under the Australian Research Council Large Grants Scheme, Grant A00103962.  相似文献   

论中国的货币政策目标   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
货币政策目标是货币政策的核心 ,货币政策效果如何 ,表现为货币政策目标是否实现。本文回顾了中国两种不同货币政策目标的形成原因 ,认为近期内中国货币政策目标不会发生变化 ,从长期来看有可能变为四大目标。尽管把金融市场的稳定作为货币政策目标存在着操作上的困难 ,但中国的货币政策应该关注金融市场的稳定。  相似文献   

创新政策组合是当前政策研究领域的热点问题,已经得到越来越多学者的关注。通过梳理国内外创新政策组合相关研究文献,阐述政策组合概念起源和内涵,对政策组合文献的发文数量、重要文献等进行统计和分析。在此基础上,进一步厘清创新政策组合的发展脉络及理论框架,并从政策组合的维度、要素、过程和特征4个方面分析创新政策组合研究现状。最后,针对现有研究不足,提出未来研究方向,为进一步拓展该领域研究提供理论基础和知识储备。  相似文献   

自2003年我国明确提出土地政策参与宏观调控以来,国家出台了许多土地政策调节经济。然而与传统的财政政策和货币政策两大宏观调控政策不同的是,土地政策在经典义宏观经济学中却缺少必要理论基础,其参与宏观调控的机制也揭示不足。若要使土地政策成为真正意义上的主流调控手段,则需解决土地的空间性和不可再生性两个难题。因此,可通过技术进步向空间和地下两个方向发展、增强土地的利用率;还可将资本和劳动等要素的自由灵活流动与不可流动的土地要素结合,将土地政策与其他政策相配合,使土地政策成为宏观调控的手段。  相似文献   

High supplier concentration (SC) of a firm can weaken the firm’s bargaining power, which reduces its profitability and internal funds. Also, high SC likely increases the firm’s exposure to supply shocks, which results in high costs of external financing. Consequently, high-SC firms will incline to hold more cash due to the precautionary concern. However, there is little research into the effect of SC on cash holdings. This paper investigates how SC affects cash holdings with Chinese firms over 2009–2016. We find that a firm’s cash holding increases with its SC. Further investigations show that this positive relation stems from the unfavorable impact of SC on trade credit and equity financing. Our results are robust to different tests including the instrumental variable approach and the propensity score matching. Our findings are new to the literature and help to explain the cash holding puzzle. Our study also indicates that choosing supplier concentration adequately is important in maintaining a firm’s financial health.  相似文献   

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