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本文主要从林业市场中介组织的内涵入手,对相关概念和交易方式进行了辨析,通过研究分析我国林业市场中介组织的发展现状及其存在的问题,提出了"事业组织+农户"、"公司+农户"、"合作社+农户"等三种可能的发展模式。  相似文献   

笔者从农户角度出发,以湖北省6个生态农业试点县为研究范围,以农户生产技术效率为研究对象.剖析了涉农企业、农村中介组织和政府等外生性因子对循环农业生产中农户技术效率的影响冲击.研究表明,循环农业发展中政府、农村中介组织和农业企业的行为及其他外部因素对农户生产技术效率具有重要影响;而"政府+协会+农户"、"政府+企业+协会+农户"发展模式对提高循环农业农户技术效率具有十分明显的效果.  相似文献   

农村中介组织既是提升农民市场化水平、提高农业综合生产能力的重要途径,也是壮大农村集体经济、促进农民增收的重要载体。但在农村经济快速发展的同时,作为连接市场和农户的农村中介组织竞争力却明显不足。要提升农村中介组织的竞争力,可以通过寻找特定市场、开展点线服务、提升服务品位等利基营销策略,彻底改变农村中介组织缺乏竞争力的现状。  相似文献   

根据健全现代市场体系的要求,培育和完善农产品市场中介组织,提高农户的组织化程度,推动农产品市场主体发育,促使农户顺利进入农产品市场,不仅有助于解决农产品供求信息不对称、农产品交易成本过高、农产品供给者在自然和市场两个方面所处的劣势地位、小农户和大市场之间的矛盾等问题,而且通过农产品市场中介组织能够将农产品生产者、加工者、经营者、需求者有机地联系起来。因此,发展农产品市场中介组织,对于完善社会主义市场经济体制、转变政府职能、提高社会服务体系质量、促进农村经济又好又快发展以及全面推进社会进步都具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

政府与农村市场中介组织间关系的比较分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国农村市场中介组织是农村经济发展的内生需求与政府这一外生因素共同作用的结果,政府在农村市场中介组织产生与发展中起着重要作用.我国政府应根据农村市场中介组织的不同发展阶段和不同产业间的关系制定出相应的促使两者和谐发展的新政策.  相似文献   

乡村治理历来都是国家治理中的难题。我国当前的乡村治理中基层组织功能在逐步丧失,农民的主体意识不能得到合理的体现。科学发展观要求以人为本,用统筹的方法实现农村治理的新局面,因此农村需要新的组织来实现农村的发展。农村中介组织是指农民在志愿的基础上,通过一定的方式组建的联结农户、市场、政府的组织,为农民提供服务,致力于农村建设的社会组织。农村中介组织在提高农民收入、改善农村现状等方面都有积极作用。  相似文献   

农业产业化:公司+农户组织形式演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业产业化为我国农村经济注入了新的生机和活力。在众多农业产业化组织形式中,具有代表性的是公司+农户组织形式。一、公司十农户组织形式申不公平交易现实农业产业化是我国农业经营体制又一次制度创新。这种制度安排是属于诱致性制度变迁。在传统计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转轨过程中,传统的体制障碍尚未消除,新体制还未完全建立。在农村,分散的农户同市场难以进行有效联结和农业比较效益低是目前我国农村突出问题。农业产业化作为一种制度创新,一方面分散的农户通过中介组织进入市场,提高了农户进入市场组织化程度;另一…  相似文献   

发展农村市场中介组织,对解决农村小生产与大市场之间的矛盾具有重要作用.本文对国内衣村市场中介组织研究的角度及其目的、研究的理论依据、方法及其主要结论进行了综述,并做了简要评价,提出结合中国农村市场的特殊性,明确界定农村市场中介组织的内涵,揭示组织演化与制度环境改变之间的内在联系,寻找农村市场中介组织发展的一般规律是后续研究需要特别关注的问题.  相似文献   

市场—中价组织—农户经营产业化发展 ,是农户、关联中介组织和政府三方面行为特征的共同体现 ,符合三方面的共同目的和共同利益 ,促进了农业和农村资源的合理配置 ,提高了它们的利用效果 ,对提高农户收入、增强农业抵抗自然风险、市场风险和政策风险的能力、提高农业比较效益、协调农村第一、二、三产业的发展以及协调农业与整个国民经济的发展 ,都发挥着积极有效的作用。1、切实加强农户的基础教育和职业培训强国富民 ,教育是根本。农户是农业生产的主体 ,农户的科技文化素质直接影响农业经济效益和社会效益的提高。农户又是农业经营方式…  相似文献   

文章通过比较"公司+农户"、"公司+中介组织(包括专业大户、专业协会、经纪人、合作社)+农户"和公司领办型合作社三种不同形式的农业产业化组织形式的优势和不足,从资产专用性角度分析论证了公司领办型合作社产生的必然性及这类合作社稳定发展的原因,提出公司拥有大量专用性资产是公司领办合作社的重要推动力,也是维持合作社稳定发展的重要因素。文章最后又提出了推动这类合作社发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Are the household characteristics that are good for the transition to a more diversified market‐oriented economy in Vietnam also important for reducing poverty? Or are there trade‐offs? The determinants of both poverty incidence and participation in rural off‐farm activities are modeled as functions of household and community characteristics using comprehensive national household surveys for 1993 and 1998. While there are some common causative factors, such as education and region of residence, the processes determining poverty and inhibiting diversification are clearly not the same. Participation in the emerging rural non‐farm market economy will be the route out of poverty for some, but certainly not all, of Vietnam's poor.  相似文献   

孙芳  乔颖丽 《技术经济》2008,27(1):89-93
基于农牧交错带种植业与畜牧业并存、农田与草地交错分布的产业与资源特点。对斯恩等的农户效用模型进行扩展,把养殖业引入农户模型,将农户的种植业与畜牧业生产同时作为约束条件,依据微观经济理论,对研究区农户农牧业行为目标及影响因素进行了理论分析与实证描述。结果表明:农户经营行为目标具有自给和商品双重特性,具有规避风险、追求效用最大化的行为目标特征。  相似文献   

中部农区农户打工簇研究——以河南省三个样本村为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对农户打工区位的研究是认识农民工流动空间规律的基础。通过对河南省南阳市三个不同类型典型样本村的实证研究,发现农户打工区位的选择具有明显的打工簇现象,在自然村尺度上,少数的打工簇集中了多数的打工者。其形成主要由打工决策和打工区位选择中打工者所拥有的社会资本决定,主要基于传统地缘关系和血缘关系的关系网络在打工簇的形成中具有重要作用,种子打工者和潜在打工者在由关系强度决定的博弈中造成了打工簇的形成和扩散。  相似文献   

农业产业化是当今中国农业发展的热点,但产业化经营究竟能在多大程度上促进“三农”问题的根本转变,目前仍很少有人进行定量研究。文章以农业产业化起步较早的山东省龙口市为案例,通过生产调查和统计资料分析,对该问题做了初步研究。结果表明:尽管龙口市的乡村工业发展迅速且占据了农村经济的绝大部分,但与农民人均纯收入增长关系最为紧密的仍然是农业产业,其次才是农村第二、第三产业,这一结果应归功于农业产业化的发展。农户在家庭劳动力分配时,年老人趋向于从事农业生产,年轻人趋向于从事非农生产,许多农户将自家的劳动力投入到非农产业,同时又雇佣外地劳力从事自家的农业生产。  相似文献   

袁洁  杨钢桥  朱家彪 《经济地理》2008,28(6):991-994
以地处江汉平原的孝南区为研究区域,利用对农户的问卷调查资料,采用回归分析方法,对农村居民点用地变化驱动机制进行研究。得到如下结论:①显著影响农户是否新辟地基建房的因素包括:家庭规模、家庭收入/信贷水平、对子女教育的支出、攀比心理等因素;②农户新辟地基建房面积的大小受到家庭规模、非农就业人口比例、家庭收入/信贷水平、对子女教育的支出、消费的攀比心理等因素的影响。  相似文献   

Information and communication technology (ICT) plays an important role in rural livelihoods and household well-being. Therefore, this study examines the impact of ICT adoption on farmers' decisions to access credit and the joint effects of ICT adoption and access to credit on household income using 2016 China Labour-force Dynamics Survey data. Both recursive bivariate probit model and a selectivity-corrected ordinary least square regression model are employed for the analysis. The results show that ICT adoption increases the probability of access to credit by 12.8% in rural China and empowers rural women and farm households in relatively less-developed regions to access credit. ICT adoption and access to credit affect household income differently. ICT adoption significantly increases household income, while access to credit significantly reduces it, primarily because farmers do not use the acquired credit to invest in income-generating farm and off-farm business activities. ICT adoption has the largest positive impact on household income at the highest 90th quantile. Our findings suggest that improving rural ICT infrastructure to enhance farmers' ICT adoption and developing ICT-based financial products to enable households to access sufficient funds can improve rural household welfare.  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the linkages between women's work, agency, and well-being based on a household survey and in-depth interviews conducted in rural Tamil Nadu in 2009 and questions the prioritization of workforce participation as a path to gender equality. It emphasizes the need to unpack the nature of work performed by and available to women and its social valuation, as well as women's agency, particularly its implications for decision making around financial and nonfinancial household resources in contexts of socioeconomic change. The effects of work participation on agency are mediated by factors like age and stage in the life cycle, reproductive success, and social location – especially of caste – from which women enter the workforce.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence shows that farm households in developing countries maintain a portfolio of income-generating activities. Concerns have been raised that household income diversification to include nonfarm activities will stifle farm works, and thus reduce agricultural productivity. On the contrary, some evidence of complementarity between the farm and nonfarm activities in rural areas has been found. This paper uses data from the fourth and the fifth waves of Tanzania's National Panel Surveys to examine whether there exists complementarity or substitutability between farm and nonfarm activities in rural Tanzania. The findings show that participation in off-farm work and nonfarm business activities has no clear relationship to the adoption and use of improved agricultural practices, namely, irrigation, fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. Participation in off-farm work and nonfarm business activities does not also seem to directly influence agricultural investments, production, and productivity nor overall household income. These results suggest that the complementary and substitution effects of nonfarm activities offset each other in Tanzania, implying that proper policies are required to unleash the potential impact of nonfarm activities on agriculture.  相似文献   

This paper uses data from household surveys to contribute to the urbanization-poverty nexus literature by assessing the effect of urbanization on income, expenditure, and poverty in rural households in Vietnam. We find that the urbanization process stimulates the transition from farm to non-farm activities in rural areas. More specifically, urbanization tends to reduce farm income and increase wages and non-farm income in rural households. This suggests that total income and consumption expenditure of rural households are more likely to increase with urbanization. Finally, we find also that urbanization helps decrease the expenditure poverty rate of rural households, albeit by a small magnitude.  相似文献   

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