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四川制定十二五规划必须突出三个目标,一是加快西部发展高地和综合交通枢纽建设,积极推进向西开放;二是加快成渝经济区建设,打造中国西部经济增长极;三是加快全面建设小康社会步伐,实现与全国同步。实现这三个目标,需要拓展西部经济发展高地内涵;转变经济发展方式,大力调整经济结构;积极开辟向西开放的经贸合作渠道;积极推进大交通网络建设;用足用好西部大开发的倾斜政策和优惠政策。在十二五时期,四川和重庆要紧密合作,把工作重点放在成渝经济区的建设上,使四川和重庆双双成为西部以至全国新一轮经济增长的领跑者。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情对中国经济系统的供给侧和需求侧都造成了严重打击。面对2020年全面建成小康社会和“十三五”规划的收官之年这一特殊时间节点,如何对经济目标体系进行战略性调整,以缓解新冠肺炎疫情对经济社会发展的负面冲击,是中国经济恢复内生活力和实现动能转换的关键。研究表明,在中国经济以目标引领为主要特征的发展体制下,经济目标不只是一个数字化的简单概念,更是一套系统的复杂体系。首先,经济目标体系的调整应当涉及量化高低、权重结构和时间层次三个方面:在量化高低方面,应合理设定各类经济目标的总量指标,尽量采取区间预设方式增强灵活性;在权重结构方面,各类经济目标的序次权重要进行权衡,关乎民生的目标要适当前置和强化;在时间层次上,短期目标和长期战略应当激励相容,且短期目标设计要确保长期战略规划的实现。其次,在当前防风险和促转型并存的压力下,未来经济目标体系调整的主导方向应当坚定不移锚定“六稳”和“六保”目标:以经济增长目标为压舱石,“稳预期”恢复信心;以就业目标为优先级,“稳就业”是民生之本;以“新基建”目标为催化剂,“稳投资”增强动力;以外贸目标为连通器,“稳外贸”夯实基础;以产业链安全与提升目标为安全阀,“稳增长”提供保障;以消费目标为新引擎,“稳消费”扩大内需  相似文献   

方拥军 《企业活力》2004,(12):76-77
<正>一、企业可持续增长及其财务动因 企业的可持续增长与一般意义上的可持续发展的内涵是不同的。通常情况下,"可持续发展"问题的内容是研究生态环境和自然资源对社会、经济系统发展的制约关系,其目标是"既满足当代人的需要,又不损害后代人满足其需要的能力的发展"。从微观层面来看,企业的可持续增长就是在维持现有  相似文献   

2020年是上一轮上海城市规划的目标年,基本建成“四个中心”的国际大都市,其中经济中心建设居“四个中心”目标之首。在1990年代的上海发展目标大讨论时,曾有人提出上海成为工业中心或者制造业中心的目标;更有有识之士认识到,上海的工业增加值在2000年占GDP的比重将下降至一半,到2020年服务业将会崛起。最后,确定以经济中心目标覆盖经济和产业,可以更加准确的体现上海发展和适应产业转型要求。  相似文献   

我国宏观调控的目标比较于西方发达国家,具有几个不同的特点:既有总量目标,也有结构目标;确立了经济和社会两类调控目标;在数量上绝不止4个,且优先顺序相机选定;目标选择灵活,并不拘泥于调控时间以及所谓政治周期。"十二五"规划充实了许多宏观调控指标,也带来了值得进一步探讨的问题。应当继续坚持以GDP指标为核心的经济增长目标,科学保持价格总水平的基本稳定;万元产值能源综合消耗目标应当采用更加先进的计量标准。当前国际收支平衡目标无法实现,已经成为中国经济增长的隐忧。  相似文献   

党的十八大之后,新一届政府在经济领域的宏观调控目标及思路成为大家关注的焦点,通过梳理和解读"克强指数"、"克强经济学"等几个新词,深入理解中央政府在经济领域的改革举措和施政方针,并结合当前我国经济发展运行中存在的突出问题以及所处的阶段,认为当前我国宏观经济政策取向是"统筹经济增长与结构调整,促进经济转型和升级"。在调控方式、方法、目标、策略等方面与以往调控有所不同,在经济发展目标上,明确提出"打造中国经济升级版";在调控经济的手段和策略上,具有"统筹施策、先易后难、逐个解决"的特征;在调控的思路上体现出"区间管理、底线思维";在调控方法上强调"灵活应对、增强信心、稳定预期",在调控要求上强调"科学性、预见性和针对性"。  相似文献   

所谓智慧经济,从学理上来说,是指集科技、信息、知识、环境、文化、伦理、道德于一体的战略性经济、创新型经济。它更加追求经济发展对环境保护、人类福祉的深切关怀和人类自由发展的核心目标。在发展智慧型经济时,需要把握好以下四个要素:创新型经济、学习型经济、知识型经济和超越型经济。  相似文献   

中国经济正处在“弱回升”阶段,这与中国经济周期性特点、内外经济环境、以及宏观经济政策力度有关.短期内中国需要努力实现经济“适度回升”.中长期内,中国需要界定政府与市场的关系,发挥市场在资源配置中的基础作用,释放经济增长潜力.具体包括:通过制度改革重建微观经济基础;通过政府的自我改革改变经济增长方式,从而改善分配制度提升消费水平;放松政府管制,提高人力资本供给和质量,促进创新;通过新型城镇化实现经济、社会、环境协调发展的目标.  相似文献   

反映真实的经济活动是对会计的基本要求,也是会计的本质所在。从经济管理的角度看,会计信息能在一定程度上满足国家宏观经济管理和企业微观经济管理的需要。从经济决策的角度看,会计信息具有引导相关人员或利益集团进行经济决策,达到预定经济目标的作用。  相似文献   

电力企业的目标是分层次的,在社会层面上电力生产的目标是实现社会的高质量发展;在经济的层面上,电力生产的目标是企业经济效益的实现;在个体的层面上,电力生产的目标是确保职工的安康,上述目标的实现需要电力的安全生产,因此,安全生产是电力企业的重要管理工作和基础性保障工作,应该值得全体人员的高度关注。本文在电力企业安全生产管理的经验基础上,对常见的电力企业安全生产管理进行描述,提出了实现安全生产的措施。  相似文献   

Abstract . According to what might well be regarded as the standard view among economic methodologists, the economist qua economist makes no value judgments concerning policy ends and their means of attainment. However, in restricting the proper aims of economic inquiry to epistemic goals only, the proponent of the standard view has neglected to ask why we seek to realize such goals; who needs economic knowledge?; for what?; what are people's fundamental needs, problems? In opposition to the standard view I argue that there is no good reason to exclude the promotion of human welfare, enhancement of the quality of human life, etc., sociologically, psychologically and philosophically defined, as well as analyzed from the viewpoint of economics, as legitimate goals of the economist in his professional capacity.  相似文献   

鞠颖 《价值工程》2011,30(34):67-67
城乡经济社会发展一体化是当今时代的需求及发展目标。因此,加快农村改革发展是推进形成一体化新格局的必要基础,而改善农村住宅现况又是加快农村改革发展的重要一环。本文以重庆上个世纪改革开放以来建成的农村住宅为研究对象,以农民的日常生活习惯及需求为基础,浅要分析了其功能构成及布局,提出了一些空间设计要点。  相似文献   

A bstract . Underlying the view of economic methodologists that the economist in his professional capacity is prohibited from making value judgments concerning policy ends is the assumption that there exists an irreducible gap between statements of fact and value judgments, such that value judgments are incapable of receiving support on the basis of scientific inquiry. Once a strict fact/value dualism is seen to be untenable, and once it is recognized that value judgments can be grounded in human needs and interests, the standard "purist" conception of the scope of economic inquiry can be rejected in favor of a "humanist" conception. It is argued that adoption of the wider "humanist" conception of the proper goals of economic inquiry is an important step in the development of an economic science responsive to the basic needs, interests, and aspirations of human beings.  相似文献   

体验经济是当今社会一种新的经济形态,它以满足人们的情感需要、自我实现需要为主要目标。文章从心理学的角度探究体验经济的内涵,指出休闲是一种体验,体验是休闲的核心。最后,从环境—态度—行为的模式中探讨如何在体验经济中发展休闲体育的问题。  相似文献   

This paper provides a survey on the current status of research in the field of public entrepreneurial financing. Most importantly, we investigate the economic justification of public activities in the market for start-up financing by addressing four research questions. First, the paper evaluates whether start-ups support macroeconomic growth at all. Second, we look for evidence of imperfections and market failure in the market for entrepreneurial finance. Third, the paper investigates whether public financing of start-ups is effective in the sense that subsidized firms perform better than non-subsidized ones. Fourth, it needs to be analyzed if existing measures of public financial support for start-ups are efficient, i.e. reach their economic goals cheaper than other measures. The answers to these questions are mostly negative which shows that economic research has no justification to offer for public entrepreneurial financing.  相似文献   

按照财政改革目标,2020年是我国现代财政制度基本建成之年.在本轮改革中,直接税比重提升有限,税收结构有待优化,地方税体系尚未建立;支出结构有待优化,政府职能转变尚未体现.预算制度中,全面规范尚待提升,公开透明尚需加强;绩效管理仍需扎实推进,预算标准尚待完善.财政体制在维持既有财力分配的同时,划分了事权和支出责任,但地...  相似文献   

We explore an input–output based framework for optimizing production in the Greek economy, under constraints relating to energy use, final demand, greenhouse gas emissions and solid waste. Using empirical data, we consider the effects on the maximum attainable gross value of production when imposing various pollution abatement targets. Our results quantify those effects as well as the magnitude of economic sacrifices required to achieve environmental goals, in a series of policy scenarios of practical importance. Because air pollution and solid waste are not produced independently of one another, we identify the settings in which it is meaningful to institute a separate policy for mitigating each pollutant, versus those in which only one pollutant needs to be actively addressed. The scenarios considered here represent a range of options that could be available to policy makers, depending on the country's international commitments and the effects on economic and environmental variables.  相似文献   

马艳红  凌云 《价值工程》2013,(2):244-245
高等职业技术教育在产业结构调整中,要主动适应新的需求。在分析产业现状和高职教育现状中,认清方向和二者结合的立足点。针对二者存在的不适应原因,提出解决问题的办法和建议。充分发挥职业教育的优势,以满足区域经济发展的变化需求,最终达到二者的相辅相成,共同发展的目标。  相似文献   

Implications for carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions from the Swedish government's medium-term economic projections are assessed, considering Sweden's environmental goals. Data from the first environmental accounting matrix of Sweden are exploited within the framework of the interindustry model to give emission multipliers for various components of aggregate demand. In view of these emission multipliers, it is evident that the outlined macro-economic development does not conform with Sweden's environmental goals. The oil price and the structural changes assumed in the economic projections stress still further the need for strong environmental policy measures to attain the emission goals. The allocation of total expenditure is shown here to be a critical factor for bringing down the emissions to accepted levels.  相似文献   

New ventures often pursue both economic and social goals, known as goal hybridity. Yet, we know less about how organizational goal hybridity influences the performance and governance of new ventures. Goal hybridity is common among academic spin-offs (ASOs) seeking to commercialize scientific research from universities. We hypothesize that ASOs’ goal hybridity influences their subsequent performance and their governance structure. We also hypothesize that ASOs who enrol multiple stakeholders with investment goals aligned with their hybrid goals outperform the ASOs who do not. By combining several data sources, we follow Norwegian ASOs longitudinally and find that goal hybridity explains their subsequent performance differences, such that ASOs relying on both economic and social aspects of their business when formulating their goals outperform those who rely purely on economic or social goals. We also find that ASOs with hybrid goals outperform when they enrol multiple stakeholders who are aligned with their hybrid goals. Our findings have implications for theorizing in hybridity, stakeholder enrolment, and the organizational goals literatures. We also provide a fuller understanding on performance heterogeneity of ASOs, and we offer a set of practice and policy implications to academic entrepreneurship and public-private partnership literatures.  相似文献   

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