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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issues related to international financial services, particularly foreign direct investment in banking. The paper discusses the challenges of measuring incomes generated from the activities of multinational banks, including their international lending and direct investment in host countries. The paper highlights the complementary role of FDI and trade in financial services and discusses investment in banking services. The patterns of FDI in banking in Eastern European countries, Latin America and East Asia are also analysed with a focus on the costs and benefits of FDI in banking in the emerging countries.  相似文献   

Banks’ foreign assets held by non-banks are part of the growing volume of international trade in financial services. This paper investigates, for the first time, the determinants of banks’ assets held by non-banks for Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. The underlying model used to measure banks’ foreign assets held by non-banks in this study, is based on those models which have measured the determinants of banks’ total foreign assets and international inter-bank activities. The empirical results of this model suggest a positive relationship with foreign direct investment in banking and banks’ foreign assets held by non-banks. Other significant factors identified include bilateral trade, the value of national income, and the real interest rate differential. Furthermore, banks’ foreign assets held by non-banks are found to be significantly related to the respective level of inter-bank dealings, such that a restriction on the overall amount of activities exists. Finally, global bank flows of opposite directions are found to be positively correlated, highlighting the fact that the perceived risk of foreign lending is reduced by simultaneous increases in banks’ foreign liabilities.  相似文献   

We use portfolios of passive investment strategies to replicate the interest risk of banks' banking books. The following empirical statements are derived. (i) Changes in banks' market value and in their net interest income are highly correlated, irrespective of the banks' portfolio composition. (ii) However, banks' portfolio composition has a huge impact on the ratio of changes in net interest income relative to changes in market value. These results are important for the design and interpretation of interest rate stress tests for banks.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse and discuss those factors which are contributing to the expansion of US FDI in real estate. The empirical results of this model of FDI in real estate show that as US foreign financial liabilities increase, there is an accompanying increase in its FDI in real estate. This result is consistent with the study by Russekh, F., Ruffin, R., 1986. The role of foreign direct investment in US capital flows. Am. Econ. Rev. 76, 1127–1130, who showed that US FDI abroad is a substitute for US financial assets. Furthermore, the empirical results indicate that as returns from the US stock market decline, there are more incentives for US investors to invest in foreign real estate. The empirical results also show that US financial wealth, US FDI in manufacturing and banking and US bilateral trade contribute positively to the expansion of US FDI in real estate.  相似文献   

This paper deals with barriers to trade in services. More specifically, the paper deals with competition and its absence in the provision of international intermediation services by banks. Section 2 of the paper examines the substitutability of international trade and FDI (foreign direct investment) in the services sector as a basis for international competition. It also considers the overlap between commercial policy measures and regulations governing the entry and operations of foreign affiliates. Section 3 describes the types of restrictions imposed on foreign banks and evaluates their effects. Existing practices in some countries are outlined in the fourth section. The countries are the U.S., the U.K., Switzerland, Australia, Brazil and Taiwan. Section 5 evaluates competitive conditions in offshore banking centers, and compares them with conditions in onshore markets. The last section evaluates the costs and the benefits of an ‘open’ (free-trade) banking system. Such a system will tend to improve world welfare as well as the welfare of those countries who have a comparative advantage in international banking. The results are not clear with regard to the countries who have a comparative disadvantage in banking.  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical evidence on the determinants of foreign activities of German banks. We use regionally disaggregated panel data for the years 1981–98 and distinguish foreign direct investment from total foreign assets of domestic banks, of their foreign branches and of their subsidiaries. Foreign activities are found to be positively related to demand conditions on the local market, foreign activities of German firms, and the presence of financial centers. This supports the hypothesis that German banks follow their customers abroad. Exchange rate volatility has some negative impact. EU membership and the abolition of capital controls seem to have exerted a greater influence on foreign assets than on FDI of German banks, thus weakly supporting the hypothesis that the two are substitutes.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relevance of the inclusion of non-traditional activities in the specification of banks' output on the efficiency of Indian banks. The results indicate that the exclusion of non-traditional activities not only understates the cost, technical and allocative efficiencies of individual banks but also affects the ranking of ownership groups in the industry. In particular, when a proxy for non-traditional activities is accounted for in the output specification, the foreign banks appear to be more efficient than public and private sector banks. Overall, the results reinforce the prevailing view in the extant literature that the exclusion of non-traditional activities causes misspecification of banks' output, and may distort the efficiency estimates.  相似文献   

Since the 19th century, Australian banking has seen high inward and some outward flows of FDI. However, from the 1980s, Australian banks greatly expanded the scale of their FDI, their geographic scope and the range of products that they offered. This recent outward flow of FDI was the result of a complex and inter-related set of factors, including a push from a small and crowded Australian market and the pull of foreign wholesale and retail markets, that liberalization of trade and investment in financial services had made accessible. A combination of what Rugman (Inside the Multinationals: The Economics of Internal Markets, 1981, Croom Helm, London and Columbia University Press, New York) calls country-specific advantages (CFAs) and firm-specific advantages (FSAs), strongly influenced the ability of Australian banks to become successful MNBs. As the nature of international banking altered from the 1960s onwards, this overturned earlier forms of internationalization by Australian banks. Now banks had to acquire and absorb new knowledge to be able to operate effectively in new product and geographic markets.  相似文献   

Using new data from the World Bank and OCC surveys, we show correlations across a wide range of countries between foreign banking and domestic economic, financial and bank regulatory conditions. Foreign banking tended to be more prevalent in countries that were more open to foreign ownership of their banks, more open to banks’ engaging in a wider range of financial activities and more open to international trade. Restrictions on foreign ownership of domestic banks that were in place in the late 1970s reduced the current extent of foreign banking. Foreign banking was negatively correlated with current restrictions on banks’ securities, insurance and real estate activities. Countries that had more international trade tended to have more foreign banking. Foreign banking was more pervasive in countries where banking was more profitable and where the domestically-owned banking sector was smaller relative to GDP.  相似文献   

We model reputation acquisition by investment banks in the equity market. Entrepreneurs sell shares in an asymmetrically informed equity market, either directly, or using an investment bank. Investment banks, who interact repeatedly with the equity market, evaluate entrepreneurs' projects and report to investors, in return for a fee. Setting strict evaluation standards (unobservable to investors) is costly for investment banks, inducing moral hazard. Investment banks' credibility therefore depends on their equity-marketing history. Investment banks' evaluation standards, their reputations, underwriter compensation, the market value of equity sold, and entrepreneurs' choice between underwritten and nonunderwritten equity issues emerge endogenously.  相似文献   

近年来中资银行国际化的步伐明显加快,不仅通过"引进来"的方式展开了与境外战略投资者的合作,而且"走出去"的国际化战略布局也在紧锣密鼓地推进,在出海方式上也越来越多地采用海外并购的模式。基于无形资源的价值创造功能和对银行业竞争实力提升的促进作用,中资银行国际化经营须立足获取优势无形资源以提高自身的竞争力。  相似文献   

Patterns in cross-border banking have changed since the global financial crisis. This may affect domestic bank market structures and macroeconomic stability in the longer term. In this study, I theoretically and empirically analyze how different modes of cross-border banking impact bank concentration and market power. I use a two-country general equilibrium model with heterogeneous banks developed by DeBlas and Russ (2010a) to grasp the effect of cross-border lending and foreign direct investment in the banking sector on bank market structures. The model suggests that both cross-border lending and bank FDI mitigate concentration. Empirical evidence from a panel dataset of 18 OECD countries supports the theoretical predictions: higher volumes of bank FDI and of cross-border lending coincide with lower Herfindahl-indexes in bank credit markets.  相似文献   

This study empirically assesses whether being a part of any specific region affects global banks' decisions on capital allocation across 20 developed and 44 emerging markets by using data on U.S. banks in the period from 2006 to 2015. We find that both the intra-bank lending of a parent bank to its affiliates abroad and the local lending of foreign affiliates decrease as internal lending to neighboring countries within a region increases. This finding provides evidence of the negative spillover or contagion effects from regional allocations on the capital allocation of global banks to individual economies. Our findings reflect that financial markets are integrated within the region, which suggests no intra-regional diversification benefits to the United States or to other global investors. Moreover, parent banks' intra-bank lending translates into foreign affiliates' local lending in the host country. A policy implication is that countries in the same region should strengthen coordinated efforts to ensure free intra-regional capital mobility and diversify country-specific risk. The findings of this study can help enhance our understanding of the relationships between financial markets interconnectedness and global banks' portfolio management strategies.  相似文献   

There are many studies investigating the location choice of foreign direct investment (FDI) of US banks. Nigh et al. (Journal of International Business Studies 17 (1986) 59–72) find that the choice does not depend on local banking opportunity. This paper examines what factors affect the location choice of Japanese multinational financial institutions. Our results are consistent with previous studies analyzing US banks in that the FDI of the manufacturing industry is an important determinant of the location choice of Japanese financial institutions. However, our results differ from Nigh et al., in that Japanese financial institutions choose their locations at least partially based on the local banking opportunity in the host countries.  相似文献   

The development of market-based finance has supported a larger involvement of banks in non-banking activities over the last decades. Does diversification beyond “traditional” banking result in actual diversification of earning risks and superior risk-return profile? Existing studies on bank performance address the effect of earnings based on accounting types and for specific time periods. With the exception of proprietary investments and financial leverage, knowledge with regard to underlying activities is scarce and little conclusive to date. Other studies, mainly stemming from central banks, do not focus on activity types or risk-return but evidence a marked influence of economic conditions and financial markets on banks' income.The paper proposes a twofold original contribution by addressing the influence of economic conditions and financial markets on specific activities conducted by banks. Based on granular data from a panel of US Bank Holding Companies (BHC), it first aims at estimating profitabilities related to “traditional” banking services and to (customers) investment services conditional to the environment. The study is then extended by the simulation of multiple scenarios to assess the expected performance of activities (profitability and risk) as well as the extent of uncertainty. Diversification into investment services is found to improve the expected risk-return. Also, well calibrated interest rate mismatch (between assets and liabilities) further supports performance. Deviations from historical volatilities and correlations of influential variables may cause diversification benefits to vary. Results however also suggest that the uncertainty of ROE associated with such diversification is limited compared to banking alone.  相似文献   

本文运用1996--2009年的面板数据,以外资银行在华营业性机构数量为因变量,从外资银行母吲的宏观因素、东道国的制度因素和母国与东道同的联系三个方面检验外资银行进入中国市场的影响因素?结果显示,外资银行进入程度与母国的经济发展水平、母同对中国的FDI、母国与中国的双边贸易量呈正相关父系,与两国的地理距离呈负相关关系,而与母同银行业的存贷利差没有显著关系,并且,2006年底我国对银行业的开放政策显著地促进了外资银行的进入。  相似文献   

US banks have invested heavily in developing online capabilities, with the expectation of migrating customers to the new, cheaper delivery system. Results in the USA thus far have been mixed at best. This paper reports on the second of two studies conducted to investigate the reasons for the mediocre performance. While the first study focused on the consumer perspective, this one examines banks' online marketing efforts to migrate customers. A quantitative, longitudinal study examined banks' actions in March 2002 and again in September 2003. The findings indicate that most banks have not learned much. Both in 2002 and in 2003, most banks have acted as though customers were already convinced about the appeal of online banking services. The marketing activities reported here were inappropriate and insufficient to appeal to the indifferent consumer. Almost no learning or improvement in tactics has been observed during the 18-month period. Most banks simply continue to pursue ineffective strategies. Specific suggestions for future efforts to accelerate the adoption rate by focusing on an experiential-learning approach are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the transmission mechanism of banking sector shocks in an international real business cycle model with heterogeneous bank sizes. We examine to what extent the financial exposure of the banking sector affects the transmission of foreign banking sector shocks. In our model, the more exposed domestic banks are to the foreign economy via lending to foreign firms, the greater are the spillovers from foreign financial shocks to the home economy. The model highlights the role of openness to trade and the dynamics of the terms of trade in the international transmission mechanism of banking sector shocks: spillovers from foreign banking sector shocks are greater the more open the home economy is to trade and the less the terms of trade respond to foreign shocks.  相似文献   

This paper studies the decision of lead investment banks to organize hybrid syndicates (commercial banks participating as co‐managers) versus pure investment bank syndicates. The findings show that hybrid underwriting issues are more challenging to float. Compared to pure investment bank syndicates, hybrid syndicates serve clients that are smaller, have lower common stock rankings and less prior access to the capital markets, rely more on bank loans, and invest less capital but issue larger amounts, which indicates that commercial banks' participation enhances hybrid services. Moreover, lead investment banks tend to invite banks' participation when clients exhibit higher loyalty in reusing their services.  相似文献   

The debate over bank powers has taken on special urgency with the recent flurry of proposed mergers, such as the Citicorp-Travelers Group combination, that would break down the barriers between commercial and investment banking. After more than a decade of failed attempts to expand the scope of permissible bank activities, the House of Representatives recently voted for the first time in favor of a bill to end these Depression era limitations. The issue will be taken up by the Senate this fall. Most of the rationales for regulating banks fall into two broad categories: (1) the need to control potential conflicts of interest stemming from banks' multiple roles as deposit-takers, lenders, securities underwriters, and investment advisers; and (2) the perceived need to protect against the possibility of bank panics and widespread financial instability. In reviewing the historical evidence compiled by banking and finance scholars over the years, this article finds remarkably little cause for concern and suggests the regulatory cure may be far worse than the disease. On the first issue, the article cites a number of recent studies suggesting that market forces deal more effectively than regulation with conflicts of interests that can arise when commercial banks are engaged in securities underwriting. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, investors during the pre-Glass-Steagall era appear to have been better off when they purchased securities from commercial banks rather than investment banks. Moreover, to enhance their credibility in the market, many commercial banks during this period chose to put some distance between their lending and underwriting activities by establishing separate securities affiliates, thereby creating voluntary “firewalls.” In examining the issue of how the expansion of bank powers would affect economic stability, the second half of the article cites a large body of research–including studies of different historical periods and countries–attesting to the durability of commercial (and universal) banking systems. Indeed, one of the most important findings issuing from this research is that the regulatory safety net has often had the unfortunate impact of undermining rather than promoting financial stability.  相似文献   

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