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The growing interest in management of credit risk and estimation of default probabilities has given rise to a range of more or less elaborate credit risk models. While these models work well for non-financial firms they are usually not very successful in capturing the financial strength of banks. As an answer to this, Hall and Miles suggest a simple approach of estimating bank failure probabilities based solely on their stock prices. This paper suggests an extension to the Hall and Miles model using extreme value theory and applies the extended model to the Swedish banking sector around the banking crisis of the early 1990s. The extended model captures very well the increased likelihood of a systemic banking sector failure around the peak of the crisis and it produces default probabilities that are more stable, more realistic and more consistent with Moody’s and Fitch rating implied default rates than probabilities from the original Hall and Miles model.  相似文献   

Default risk in equity returns can be measured by structural models of default. In this article we propose a credit warning signal (CWS) based on the Merton Default Risk (MDR) model and a Regime-Switching Default Risk (RSDR) model. The RSDR model is a generalization of the MDR model, comprises regime-switching asset distribution dynamics, and thus produces more realistic default probability estimates in cases of deteriorating credit quality. Alternatively, it reduces to the MDR model. Using a dataset of U.S. credit default swap (CDS) contracts around the 2007-8 crisis we construct rating-based indices to investigate the MDR and RSDR implied probabilities of default in relation to the market-observed CDS spreads. The proposed CWS measure indicates an increase in implied default probabilities several months ahead of notable increases in CDS spreads.  相似文献   

Minimal discounted distorted expectations across a range of stress levels are employed to model risk acceptability in markets. Interactions between discounting and stress levels used in measure changes are accommodated by lowering discount rates for the higher stress levels. Acceptability parameters represent a maximal and minimal discount rate, a maximal stress level and the speed of rate reduction in response to stress. An explicit model relating credit default swap (CDS) prices to default probabilities is formulated with a view to making the default risk market acceptable. Data on CDS prices and default probabilities for the six major US banks obtained from the Risk Management Institute of the National University of Singapore is employed to estimate parameters defining acceptability and the movements in market implied recovery rates. We observe that the financial crisis saw an increase in the maximal discount rate and its spread over the minimal rate along with an increase in the maximal stress level being demanded for acceptability and a stable pattern for the speed of rate adjustment through the period. The maximal rate, rate spread and stress levels have come down but with periods in the interim where they have peaked as they did in the crisis. Recovery rates have oscillated and they did fall substantially but have recovered towards 40 percent near the end of the period.  相似文献   

We construct a model for pricing sovereign debt that accounts for the risks of both default and restructuring, and allows for compensation for illiquidity. Using a new and relatively efficient method, we estimate the model using Russian dollar-denominated bonds. We consider the determinants of the Russian yield spread, the yield differential across different Russian bonds, and the implications for market integration, relative liquidity, relative expected recovery rates, and implied expectations of different default scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the resiliency of the new-issue high-yield bond market by examining the changes in implied default rates of such bonds before and after the largest high-yield bond default, i.e., the LTV bankruptcy. Specifically, the paper compares implied default probabilities of high-yield bonds during the post-LTV period calculated from actual new-issue yields with instrumental default probabilities calculated on the assumption that the default had not occurred. A comparison of these probabilities reveals that the market's perception of default on the high risk segment of the bond market increased significantly after the LTV bankruptcy. However, the effect was transitory, lasting only six months. Thus, the market was resilient to a major default.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of bond prices and yield spreads that incorporates the effect of both taxes and differences in default probabilities. The tax loss consequences of default are recognized. Traditionally, tax-free (municipal) bond yields have been viewed as linearly related to taxable yields with a slope coefficient equal to one minus the tax rate and the intercept representing differences in default risk. While our model supports the linearity assumption, it implies that the slope and intercept are both functions of both the break-even tax rate and the default probability(ies). Clientele effects among both municipal and taxable bonds are demonstrated. Finally, the implied marginal tax rates and the implied default probabilities are estimated for different categories of municipal bonds.  相似文献   

This paper generalizes Moody's correlated binomial default distribution for homogeneous (exchangeable) credit portfolios, which was introduced by Witt, to the case of inhomogeneous portfolios. We consider two cases of inhomogeneous portfolios. In the first case, we treat a portfolio whose assets have uniform default correlation and non-uniform default probabilities. We obtain the default probability distribution and study the effect of inhomogeneity. The second case corresponds to a portfolio with inhomogeneous default correlation. Assets are categorized into several different sectors and the inter-sector and intra-sector correlations are not the same. We construct the joint default probabilities and obtain the default probability distribution. We show that as the number of assets in each sector decreases, inter-sector correlation becomes more important than intra-sector correlation. We study the maximum values of the inter-sector default correlation. Our generalization method can be applied to any correlated binomial default distribution model that has explicit relations to the conditional default probabilities or conditional default correlations, e.g. Credit Risk+, implied default distributions. We also compare some popular CDO pricing models from the viewpoint of the range of the implied tranche correlation.  相似文献   

CDO tranche spreads (and prices of related portfolio-credit derivatives) depend on the market’s perception of the future loss distribution of the underlying credit portfolio. Applying Sklar’s seminal decomposition to the distribution of the vector of default times, the portfolio-loss distribution derived thereof is specified through individual default probabilities and the dependence among obligors’ default times. Moreover, the loss severity, specified via obligors’ recovery rates, is an additional determinant. Several (specifically univariate) credit derivatives are primarily driven by individual default probabilities, allowing investments in (or hedging against) default risk. However, there is no derivative that allows separately trading (or hedging) default correlations; all products exposed to correlation risk are contemporaneously also exposed to default risk. Moreover, the abstract notion of dependence among the names in a credit portfolio is not directly observable from traded assets. Inverting the classical Vasicek/Gauss copula model for the correlation parameter allows constructing time series of implied (compound and base) correlations. Based on such time series, it is possible to identify observable variables that describe implied correlations in terms of a regression model. This provides an economic model of the time evolution of the market’s view of the dependence structure. Different regression models are developed and investigated for the European CDO market. Applications and extensions to other markets are discussed.  相似文献   

Recovery risk to explain corporate debt premia has not received much attention so far, most likely due to the difficulties around decomposing the expected loss. We exploit the fact that differently-ranking debt instruments of the same issuer face identical default risk but different default-conditional recovery rates. This allows us to isolate implied recovery under the T-forward measure without any of the rigid assumptions employed by prior studies. We find a pronounced systematic component in recovery rates for which investors should receive a premium. Comparisons to physical realizations show that the premium is quite time-stable and similar for different debt seniorities.  相似文献   

Using sovereign CDS spreads and currency option data for Mexico and Brazil, we document that CDS spreads covary with both the currency option implied volatility and the slope of the implied volatility curve in moneyness. We propose a joint valuation framework, in which currency return variance and sovereign default intensity follow a bivariate diffusion with contemporaneous correlation. Estimation shows that default intensity is much more persistent than currency return variance. The market price estimates on the two risk factors also explain the well-documented evidence that historical average default probabilities are lower than those implied from credit spreads.  相似文献   

This article presents a modification of Merton’s (1976) ruin option pricing model to estimate the implied probability of default from stock and option market prices. To test the model, we analyze all global financial firms with traded options in the US and focus on the subprime mortgage crisis period. We compare the performance of the implied probability of default from our model to the expected default frequencies based on the Moody’s KMV model and agency credit ratings by constructing cumulative accuracy profiles (CAP) and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC). We find that the probability of default estimates from our model are equal or superior to other credit risk measures studied based on CAP and ROC. In particular, during the subprime crisis our model surpassed credit ratings and matched or exceeded KMV in anticipating the magnitude of the crisis. We have also found some initial evidence that adding off-balance-sheet derivatives exposure improves the performance of the KMV model.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence for the relationship between credit quality, recovery rate, and correlation. The paper finds that rating grade, rating shift, and macroeconomic factors provide a highly significant explanation for default risk and recovery risk of US bond issues. The empirical data suggest that default and recovery processes are highly correlated. Therefore, a joint approach is required for estimating time‐varying default probabilities and recovery rates that are conditional on default. This paper develops and applies such a model.  相似文献   

In the barrier option model of corporate security valuation, the firm’s creditors impose a default-triggering barrier on the firm value to protect their claim. Two disputed issues in the literature are whether the implied default barrier is positive, and whether it is above or below the book value of the firm’s liabilities. We extend the model of Brockman and Turtle (2003) by embedding asset payouts in the valuation of shareholders’ equity. Using a sample of US stocks from the NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ exchanges, our paper exploits market and firm information to compute the implied default barrier for thirty 2-digit SIC groups, including industrials and banks. Our results show that the implied default barrier is lower than it is in the received literature, and it can be less than total liabilities, even zero for some firms. The implied physical default probabilities are significantly lower in the presence of payouts, providing a closer fit to the historical corporate default rates, particularly for issuers of speculative-grade bonds.  相似文献   

An important research question examined in the credit risk literature focuses on the proportion of corporate yield spreads attributed to default risk. This topic is reexamined in light of the different issues associated with the computation of default probabilities obtained from historical default data. We find that the estimated default risk proportion in corporate yield spreads is sensitive to the ex ante estimated term structure of default probabilities used as inputs. This proportion can become a large fraction of the spread when sensitivity analyses are made with respect to the period over which the probabilities are estimated and the recovery rates.  相似文献   

Under standard assumptions the reduced-form credit risk model is not capable of accurately pricing the two fundamental credit risk instruments – bonds and credit default swaps (CDS) – simultaneously. Using a data set of euro-denominated corporate bonds and CDS our paper quantifies this mispricing by calibrating such a model to bond data, and subsequently using it to price CDS, resulting in model CDS spreads up to 50% lower on average than observed in the market. An extended model is presented which includes the delivery option implicit in CDS contracts emerging since a basket of bonds is deliverable in default. By using a constant recovery rate standard models assume equal recoveries for all bonds and hence zero value for the delivery option. Contradicting this common assumption, case studies of Chapter 11 filings presented in the paper show that corporate bonds do not necessarily trade at equal levels following default. Our extension models the implied expected recovery rate of the cheapest-to-deliver bond and, applied to data, largely eliminates the mispricing. Calibrated recovery values lie between 8% and 47% for different obligors, exhibiting strong variation among rating classes and industries. A cross-sectional analysis reveals that the implied recovery parameter depends on proxies for the delivery option, primarily the number of available bonds and bond pricing errors. No evidence is found for a direct influence of the bid-ask spread, notional amount, coupon, or rating used as proxies for bond market liquidity.  相似文献   

In this paper, using the measures of the credit risk price spread (CRiPS) and the standardized credit risk price spread (S-CRiPS) proposed in Kariya’s (A CB (corporate bond) pricing model for deriving default probabilities and recovery rates. Eaton, IMS Collection Series: Festschrift for Professor Morris L., 2013) corporate bond model, we make a comprehensive empirical credit risk analysis on individual corporate bonds (CBs) in the US energy sector, where cross-sectional CB and government bond price data is used with bond attributes. Applying the principal component analysis method to the S-CRiPSs, we also categorize individual CBs into three different groups and study on their characteristics of S-CRiPS fluctuations of each group in association with bond attributes. Secondly, using the market credit rating scheme proposed by Kariya et al. (2014), we make credit-homogeneous groups of CBs and show that our rating scheme is empirically very timely and useful. Thirdly, we derive term structures of default probabilities for each homogeneous group, which reflect the investors’ views and perspectives on the future default probabilities or likelihoods implicitly implied by the CB prices for each credit-homogeneous group. Throughout this paper it is observed that our credit risk models and the associated measures for individual CBs work effectively and can timely provide the market credit information evaluated by investors.  相似文献   

This paper uses a structural credit risk model, providing an analytical formula to estimate default probabilities implicit in commercial mortgage backed security prices. Empirical studies of CMBS default have focused on the probability of default depending on loan characteristics at the origination and market indices. Recent studies show that unobservable current loan-to-value (LTV) ratio is a key state variable driving default. We update this variable using Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) property-type indices over time. Later, we employ first passage time approach to study CMBS default using implied LTV.
Yildiray Yildirim (Corresponding author)Email:

We examine the relation between executive compensation and market‐implied default risk for listed insurance firms from 1992 to 2007. Shareholders are expected to encourage managerial risk sharing through equity‐based incentive compensation. We find that long‐term incentives and other share‐based plans do not affect the default risk faced by firms. However, the extensive use of stock options leads to higher future default risk for insurance firms. We argue that this is because option‐based incentives induce managerial risk‐taking behavior, which seeks to maximize managerial payoff through equity volatility. This could be detrimental to the interests of shareholders, especially during a financial crisis.  相似文献   

During the subprime mortgage crisis, it became apparent that practical models, such as the one-factor Gaussian copula, had underestimated company default correlations. Complex models that attempt to incorporate default dependency are difficult to implement in practice. In this study, we develop a model for a company asset process, based on which we calculate simultaneous default probabilities using an option-theoretic approach. In our model, a shot noise process serves as the key element for controlling correlations among companies’ assets. The risk factor driving the shot noise process is common to all companies in an industry but the shot noise parameters are assumed company-specific; therefore, every company responds differently to this common risk factor. Our model gives earlier warning of financial distress and predicts higher simultaneous default probabilities than commonly used geometric Brownian motion asset model. It is also computationally simple and can be extended to analyze any finite number of companies.  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2001,25(11):2015-2040
Default risk analysis is important for valuing corporate bonds, swaps, and credit derivatives and plays a critical role in managing the credit risk of bank loan portfolios. This paper offers a theory to explain the observed empirical regularities on default probabilities, recovery rates, and credit spreads. It incorporates jump risk into the default process. With the jump risk, a firm can default instantaneously because of a sudden drop in its value. As a result, a credit model with the jump risk is able to match the size of credit spreads on corporate bonds and can generate various shapes of yield spread curves and marginal default rate curves, including upward-sloping, downward-sloping, flat, and hump-shaped, even if the firm is currently in a good financial standing. The model also links recovery rates to the firm value at default so that the variation in recovery rates is endogenously generated and the correlation between recovery rates and credit ratings before default reported in Altman [J. Finance 44 (1989) 909] can be justified.  相似文献   

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