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This study examines the relationship between expected stock returns and volatility in the 12 largest international stock markets during January 1980 to December 2001. Consistent with most previous studies, we find a positive but insignificant relationship during the sample period for the majority of the markets based on parametric EGARCH-M models. However, using a flexible semiparametric specification of conditional variance, we find evidence of a significant negative relationship between expected returns and volatility in 6 out of the 12 markets. The results lend some support to the recent claim [Bekaert, G., Wu, G., 2000. Asymmetric volatility and risk in equity markets. Review of Financial Studies 13, 1–42; Whitelaw, R., 2000. Stock market risk and return: an empirical equilibrium approach. Review of Financial Studies 13, 521–547] that stock market returns are negatively correlated with stock market volatility.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between stock returns and stock market volatility. We find evidence that the expected market risk premium (the expected return on a stock portfolio minus the Treasury bill yield) is positively related to the predictable volatility of stock returns. There is also evidence that unexpected stock market returns are negatively related to the unexpected change in the volatility of stock returns. This negative relation provides indirect evidence of a positive relation between expected risk premiums and volatility.  相似文献   

There are two competing explanations for the existence of a value premium, a rational market risk explanation, whereby value stocks are inherently more risky than growth stocks, and a market over-reaction hypothesis, where agents overstate future returns on growth stock. Using asymmetric GARCH-M models this paper tests the predictions of the two hypotheses. Specifically, examining whether returns exhibit a positive (negative) risk premium resulting from a negative (positive) shock and the relative size of any premium. The results of the paper suggest that following a shock, volatility and expected future volatility are heightened, leading to a rise in required rates of return which depresses current prices. Further, these effects are heightened for value stock over growth stock and for negative shocks over positive shocks. Thus, in support of the rational risk interpretation, with a volatility feedback explanation for predictive volatility asymmetry.  相似文献   

Equity prices are driven by shocks with persistence levels ranging from intraday horizons to several decades. To accommodate this diversity, we introduce a parsimonious equilibrium model with regime shifts of heterogeneous durations in fundamentals, and estimate specifications with up to 256 states on daily aggregate returns. The multifrequency equilibrium has higher likelihood than the Campbell and Hentschel [1992. No news is good news: an asymmetric model of changing volatility in stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics 31, 281–318] specification, while producing volatility feedback 10 to 40 times larger. Furthermore, Bayesian learning about volatility generates a novel trade-off between skewness and kurtosis as information quality varies, complementing the uncertainty channel [e.g., Veronesi, 1999. Stock market overreaction to bad news in good times: a rational expectations equilibrium model. Review of Financial Studies 12, 975–1007]. Economies with intermediate information best match daily returns.  相似文献   

REIT characteristics pose unique risks and benefits to investors who seek liquid diversification and hedging vehicles to complement their portfolios. This paper tests for the asymmetric effect of individual and institutional investor sentiment on REIT industry returns and conditional volatility. We simultaneously model the impact of two markedly different groups of investors on the return generating process of the REIT industry. Our findings suggest that noise trading imposes significant systemic risk on the realization of REIT industry returns. Interestingly, corrections in institutional investor expectations have a larger effect on REIT industry returns and volatility than changes in individual investor expectations. More specifically, bearish shifts in institutional investor expectations of future market conditions have a significantly larger impact on returns and volatility than bullish shifts. Results align with the overreaction to negative information and loss aversion hypotheses.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the time-series evidence of asymmetric reverting patterns in stock returns that is attributable to “contrarian profitability.” Using asymmetric nonlinear smooth-transition (ANST) GARCH(M) models, we find that, for monthly excess returns of US market indexes over the period of 1926:01–1997:12, negative returns on average reverted more quickly, with a greater reverting magnitude, to positive returns than positive returns revert to negative returns. The results are quite consistent when the models are implemented not only for the different sample periods, such as 1926:01–1987:09 and 1947:01–1997:12, but also for portfolios with different characteristics, such as different firm-size portfolios and Fama–French risk-adjusted factor portfolios. We interpret the asymmetrical reversion as evidence of stock market overreaction.  相似文献   

The presence of the African Stock Markets (ASMs) in the global frontier markets indices confirms their global portfolio diversification role. This study investigates the asymmetric and intertemporal causality among the stock returns, trading volume, and volatility of eight ASMs. Results based on the linear model reveal that return generally Granger cause trading volume. However, evidence from the quantile regression shows that lagged trading volume has a negative causal effect on returns at low quantiles and positive causal effects at high quantiles. This evidence is consistent with volume-return equilibrium models, disposition and overconfidence models, and information asymmetry models. The positive causal effects of volatility on volume support the dispersion of beliefs model. In contrast, intertemporal evidence of contemporaneous and lagged causal relationships from trading volume to volatility supports the mixture of distribution hypothesis, sequential information acquisition hypothesis, and dynamic efficient market hypothesis. Volume-return and return-volume causality dynamics are quantile-specific and therefore driven by market conditions. However, the volume-volatility causality is dependent on volatility regimes. The linear model results confirm how model misspecification can distort and even reverse empirical evidence relative to nonlinear models.  相似文献   

The overreaction hypothesis on a new set of data for the Brazilian stock market over the period 1970–1989 is investigated. Both market adjusted returns and the standard Sharpe-Lintner CAPM adjusted returns are used. Price reversals in 2-year returns are detected and the results contrast with the U.S. evidence in that the magnitude of the effect is more pronounced than in the U.S. The results also suggest that differences in risk, as measured by CAPM-betas using the method suggested by Chan (Chan K.C., 1988, On the contrarian investment strategy, Journal of Business 61, 147–163), cannot account for the overreaction effect. I also examine the issue of asymmetry versus symmetry in the overreaction effect. Using the criterion proposed by Dissanaike (Dissanaike G., 1992, Are stock price reversals really symmetric? University of Cambridge Department of Applied Economics Discussion Paper, AF series, No. 4) I find evidence that the price reversals are asymmetric.  相似文献   

Using Spanish stock market data, this paper examines volatility spillovers between large and small firms and their impact on expected returns. By using a conditional capital asset pricing model (CAPM) with an asymmetric multivariate GARCH-M covariance structure, it is shown that there exist bidirectional volatility spillovers between both types of companies, especially after bad news. After estimating the model, a positive and significant price of risk is obtained. This result is consistent with the volatility feedback effect, one of the most popular explanations of the asymmetric volatility phenomenon, and explains why risk premiums are much more sensitive to negative return shocks coming from the whole market or other related markets.  相似文献   

This study provides empirical support for theoretical models that allow for time-varying rare disaster risk. Using a database of 447 international political crises during the period 1918-2006, we create a crisis index that shows substantial variation over time. Changes in this crisis index, our proxy for changes in perceived disaster probability, have a large impact on both the mean and volatility of world stock market returns. Crisis risk is positively correlated with the earnings-price ratio and the dividend yield. Cross-sectional tests also show that crisis risk is priced: Industries that are more crisis risk sensitive yield higher returns.  相似文献   

This paper applies asymmetric nonlinear smooth transition generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ANST-GARCH) models to the analysis of mean-reversion and time-varying volatility in weekly index returns of the stock markets of nine countries in the Pacific-basin. It finds that the returns exhibit an asymmetric pattern of return reversals, viz., on average, a negative return reverts more quickly, with a greater magnitude, to a positive return than a positive return reverting to a negative one. The asymmetric pattern of return reversals is directly associated with the unequal pricing behavior on the part of investors. Following a negative return shock, investors do not appear to require any additional premium to the leverage effect; instead they actually neutralize the risk in the form of a reduced premium! The reduction in risk premium causes not only the current stock price to rise but also the realized negative return to revert faster with a greater magnitude.  相似文献   

This paper explores differences in the impact of equally large positive and negative surprise return shocks in the aggregate U.S. stock market on: (1) the volatility predictions of asymmetric time-series models, (2) implied volatility, and (3) realized volatility. Following large negative surprise return shocks, both asymmetric time-series models (such as the EGARCH and GJR models) and implied volatility predict an increase in volatility and, consistent with this, ex post realized volatility normally rises as predicted. Following large positive return shocks, asymmetric time-series models predict an increase in volatility (albeit a much smaller increase than following a negative shock of the same magnitude), but both implied and realized volatilities generally fall sharply. While asymmetric time-series models predict a decline in volatility following near-zero returns, both implied and realized volatility are normally little changed from levels observed prior to the stable market. The reasons for the differences are explored.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects that delay in capital allocations in the stock market and high short-term trading incentives have on returns of this market. We report that capital inertia makes the Sharpe ratio and the volatility of the stock returns many times higher than in an economy with no capital delays. Furthermore, in agreement with empirical literature, the stock price displays short-term overreaction and high volatility of the conditional Sharpe ratio.  相似文献   

This paper explores a possible link between an asymmetric dynamic process of stock returns and profitable technical trading rules. Using the G-7 stock market indexes, we show that the dynamic process of daily index returns is better characterized by nonlinearity arising from an asymmetric reverting property. The asymmetric reverting property of stock returns is exploitable in generating profitable buy and sells signals for technical trading strategies. The bootstrap analysis shows that not all nonlinearities generate profitable buy and sell signals, but rather only the nonlinearities generating a consistent asymmetrical pattern of return dynamics can be exploitable for the profitability of the trading rules. The significant positive (negative) returns from buy (sell) signals are a consequence of trading rules that exploit the asymmetric nonlinear dynamics of the stock returns that revolve around positive (negative) unconditional mean returns under prior positive (negative) return patterns. Our results corroborate the arguments for the usefulness of technical trading strategies in stock market investments.  相似文献   

We investigate the relative effects of fundamental and noise trading on the formation of conditional volatility. We find significant positive (negative) effects of investor sentiments on stock returns (volatilities) for both individual and institutional investors. There are greater positive effects of rational sentiments on stock returns than irrational sentiments. Conversely, there are significant (insignificant) negative effects of irrational (rational) sentiments on volatility. Also, we find asymmetric (symmetric) spillover effects of irrational (rational) bullish and bearish sentiments on the stock market. Evidence in favor of irrational sentiments is consistent with the view that investor error is a significant determinant of stock volatilities.  相似文献   

The vast majority of the literature reports momentum profitability to be overwhelming in the US market and widespread in other countries. However, this paper finds that the pure momentum strategy in general does not yield excess profitability in the Chinese stock markets. We find instead strong mean reversion with an average half-life slightly shorter than 1 year. A pure contrarian investment strategy produces positive excess returns and in general outperforms the pure momentum strategy. Furthermore, momentum may interact with mean reversion. A strategy based on the rolling-regression parameter estimates of the model combining mean reversion and momentum generates both statistically and economically significant excess returns. The combined strategy outperforms both pure momentum and pure contrarian strategies. We conduct a number of robustness tests and confirm the basic findings. Collectively, our results support the overreaction hypothesis.  相似文献   

We suggest that an unexpected volatility shock is an important risk factor to induce the intertemporal relation, and the conflicting findings on the relation could be attributable to an omitting variable bias resulting from ignoring the effect of an unexpected volatility shock on the relation. With the effect of an unexpected volatility shock incorporated in estimation, we find a strong positive intertemporal relation for the US monthly excess returns for 1926:12–2008:12. We also find a significant link between the asymmetric mean-reversion and the intertemporal relation in that the quicker reversion of negative returns is attributed to the negative intertemporal relation under a prior negative return shock.  相似文献   

This study examines how the behavioural explanations, in particular loss aversion, can be used to explain the asymmetric volatility phenomenon by investigating the relationship between stock market returns and changes in investor perceptions of risk measured by the volatility index. We study the behaviour of India volatility index vis‐à‐vis Hong Kong, Australia and UK volatility index, and provide a comprehensive comparative analysis. Using Bai‐Perron test, we identify structural breaks and volatility regimes in the time series of volatility index, and investigate the volatility index‐return relation during high, medium and low volatility periods. Regardless of volatility regimes, we find that volatility index moves in opposite direction in response to stock index returns, and contemporaneous return is the most dominating across the four markets. The negative relation is strongest for UK followed by Australia, Hong Kong and India. Second, volatility index reacts significantly different to positive and negative returns; negative return has higher impact on changes in volatility index than positive return across the markets over full‐sample and sub‐sample periods. The asymmetric effect is stronger in low volatility regime than in high and medium volatility periods for all the markets except UK. The strength of asymmetric effect is strongest for Hong Kong and weakest for India. Finally, negative returns have exponentially increasing effect and positive returns have exponentially decreasing effect on the changes in volatility index.  相似文献   

This study employs financial econometric models to examine the asymmetric volatility of equity returns in response to monetary policy announcements in the Taiwanese stock market. The meetings of the board of directors at the Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) are considered for testing the announcement effects. The asymmetric generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model and the smooth transition autoregression with GARCH model are used to measure equity returns' asymmetric volatility. We conclude that the asymmetric volatility of countercyclical equity returns can be identified. Our findings support the leverage effect of stock price changes for most industry equity returns in Taiwan.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore nonlinearity inherent in short-horizon return dynamics, which is characterized by an asymmetric mean-reverting property. Over the period of 1962:07–2003:12, both daily and weekly returns of three market indexes and individual stock returns exhibit a strong asymmetric reverting pattern in which a negative return reverts more quickly, with a greater reverting magnitude, than positive returns revert to negative returns. The observed asymmetric reverting pattern is not justified under the positive relationship between future volatility and risk premium, which is a key presumption in the time-varying rational expectation hypothesis. The asymmetric reverting behavior of stock returns explored by this paper corroborates the argument for the relative performance of “winner' and “loser' stocks that has been documented by contrarian literature. JEL Classification: 14, C40, C51  相似文献   

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