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黄辉 《商业时代》2003,(248):59-60
随着互联网的迅猛发展,企业纷纷上网开展网络营销。然而,网络营销的切入点在哪里?关键在何处?着力点在什么地方?企业,特别是传统企业并不十分清楚。随着互联网上的信息呈几何级数增长,人们要从“海量信息”中寻找到自己所需要的信息越来越困难。网络搜索引擎的出现,较好地解决了这一难题。因而,虽然网络搜索引擎晚于互联网上许多“门户网站”出现,但其发展极其迅速,大有后来居上之势。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,我国各行业信息化建设如火如荼,作为基础产业的大多数中国煤炭企业信息化也有了长足的发展,煤炭企业门户网站建设如雨后春笋般涌现。一、什么是煤炭企业门户网站煤炭企业门户网站,是煤炭企业在互联网上进行网络建设和形像宣传的平台。它有特定的、专业化的行业内容,不同于一般网  相似文献   

2012年,中国互联网进入新的生态生长期,智能手机爆发式的增长、电商行业双11的销售爆棚、社交媒体的突围试验、微信带来的移动互联网新想象……各种新鲜的营销概念和模式让网络营销人们兴奋不已。与此同时,伴随着中国互联网市场共同成长了十五年的传统门户网站,却在各种营销新概念的冲击下,重新站在了起点。面对新的发展环境,门户网站优势何在?网络媒体迎来变革时刻。  相似文献   

2004年中国门户网站竞争的焦点是什么?  相似文献   

还记得前几年吗?在互联网鼎盛时期,门户网站中的Yahoo率先赚了大钱!国内众多网站也不甘示弱,纷纷大张旗鼓,一路高歌猛进冲入“门户网站”这个门槛。早期的三大国内门户网站网易、新浪和搜狐更是趁机在美国纳斯达克上市,并形成了中国.com板块,吸引了全世界的眼球和投资,风光无限。谁知道门户网站“蜜月期”刚过,互联网的冬天就降临了。由于没有实实在在的盈利方法,中国.com板块的股票价格开始大幅跳水,几个门户网站还因为各种原因差点被停牌,网易甚至因为“拖延发布财务报告”几乎被踢出纳斯达克。人们纷纷议论,投资还是要投向那些稳定的“传统行业”。幸好中国有句老话叫“三十年河东,三十年河西”。日前,在经历了连续几年的亏损后,中国互联网三大门户网站开始“柳暗花明”。网易、新浪和搜孤纷纷宣布已实现盈利,成为近期萧条的纳斯达克股市上一道罕见的、亮丽的风  相似文献   

尹茂宝 《商场现代化》2006,(31):235-236
互联网在经历了烧钱和泡沫之后重新找到了方向,形成一些有效的盈利模式。三大门户网站的格局形成已久,在互联网企业中有一定代表性,本文试图通过分析三大门户网站的财务报告,对其盈利模式进行把脉,对广告、在线游戏、搜索、移动增值和电子商务五种盈利模式进行对比,探索门户网站的发展趋势。  相似文献   

在互联网飞速发展的今天,在各大IT门户网站面临危机的时刻,远程教育却异军突起,进入人们的生活。那么与传统的教育相比,网络大学有哪些特点?什么样的人适合上网络大学呢?网络大学的收费贵吗?请关注本期“热点话题”。  相似文献   

有人在推测,MSN的诞生是否会改变中国互联网的竞争格局?微软的实力不容小觑,而其九大合作伙伴的实力则似乎更让人有理由为新浪、搜狐、网易、TOM等门户网站担忧……  相似文献   

在如今科技高速发展的时代,互联网已经融入社会生活的方方面面,深刻的改变了整个社会的生产方式、生活方式、消费方式以及治理方式。那么,"互联网+"是什么?在面对整个互联网市场欣欣繁荣的趋势中,互联网+服装纺织产业会诞生出什么?  相似文献   

方浩 《创业家》2010,(8):67-69
创始人Craig不设销售部,不拉广告,不要VC一分钱,创立了如日中天但又"不想长大"的美国生活信息门户网站Craigslist,中国同行们能够从中学到什么?  相似文献   

徐旭 《商业研究》2006,(4):105-107,190
随着互联网经济的迅速发展,我国门户网站已经走出了前几年的网络经济低谷期,步入了盈利的阶段。运用波特教授的价值链分析的方法,对我国门户网站的商业模式进行研究,探索其中让门户网站盈利的重要因素,为我国门户网站的商业模式的进一步发展起到指导作用。  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent educational initiatives in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education in the United States, asking to what extent experiential learning methods are being incorporated into STEM education. We draw on a combination of qualitative and quantitative evidence. The quantitative evidence is from an analysis of the proposal abstracts for all 11,406 of the STEM education and workforce development-related projects funded by NSF grants from the end of 2018 to the beginning of 2022. The qualitative portion of the paper analyzes results from a number of scholarly studies of local initiatives from the last 10 years drawn from a range of published and conference papers, reports and media stories, and project websites, drawn from education research databases, secondary literature, and websites of specific organizations. We seek to classify and describe patterns observed among the projects examined, identifying common patterns and combinations of features. We believe that the paper represents the first comprehensive study of efforts to employ experiential learning methods in STEM education to link formal and informal aspects of learning.  相似文献   

The emergence of the Internet and the World Wide Web has been argued to fundamentally reshape economic conditions and business practices of firms. It is seen as a promoter of rapid internationalisation of companies, particularly small and medium enterprises. In the aftermath of the burst of the electronic-bubble business practitioners and academics look with scrutiny on successful web-strategies, relevant dimensions of online-success and try to identify viable website practices which enable long-term rewards. The literature offers a rather patchy pattern for successful web-strategies and consumer perspectives on what is expected from websites is hardly available. Within this paper, we introduce the dimension “web-empowerment”. This is a multidimensional construct comprising of consumer views on various dimensions of relevant and successful websites. The web-empowerment scale is based on a large sample from Austria, and developed according to scale development procedures. The relevance of this construct and practical issues in the context of a cross-country sample of SME’s is empirically examined. The paper concludes by offering implications for SME practitioners and for research.  相似文献   


This paper evaluates the Government-to-Business (G2B) aspect of Dubai e-government. The research revealed that while businesses are generally aware of Dubai e-government services, they do not often use them for transactions. Another finding was that responses to businesses' queries made online or via e-mail are not rapid enough. A single e-business portal for the business community is recommended, which would shift the service approach from department-centric to customer-centric. It is further suggested that in order to stay current, Dubai should use CiRM principles in providing an improved level of service for businesses. This will enhance its position among the world's city and municipal websites. Since Dubai is considered a leader in e-government implementation in the Arab world, it is hoped that the findings will guide regional decision makers as they improve their G2B e-government initiatives.  相似文献   

A key research issue to this study is to explore how marketers who have already presented on the web perceive the world wide web as a marketing communications tool. The research focus is on examining what organisational benefits are recognised and how such benefits are associated with organisational features, attitudes towards the web presence and overall satisfaction with the web presence.

The data for this study were collected from a national survey of a stratified random sample of 164 South Korean companies who were running websites at the time. The results obtained in this study suggest that companies, overall, hold favourable attitudes towards their web presence, yet the overall level of satisfaction with running websites was moderate. Four benefit dimensions emerged from the factor analysis. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Online privacy concern has become a critical ethical and managerial issue for online retailing. However, we know limited information about what marketing practices may exacerbate consumers’ privacy concern. This study intends to examine the undesirable intertwining effect of online anthropomorphism and individual features on consumers’ privacy concern and downstream variables. Three experiments were conducted to test hypotheses. The results suggest that consumers who have a low need for interaction in business encounters and who experience social exclusion indicate a higher privacy concern and lower willingness to register online in anthropomorphic (vs. non-anthropomorphic) websites. Moreover, the interactive effect of online anthropomorphism and social exclusion extends to consumers’ online purchase intention, which works via privacy concern as a mediator in this process. The findings suggest that incorporating anthropomorphic elements online may exacerbate consumers’ perceptions of privacy risk and detract their behavioral intention toward the websites and thus individual features should be taken into account. We conclude by discussing the implications, limitations, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

This study develops a research model that can be used to evaluate website brand equity from the perspective of web contents. To evaluate the model and to examine the effects of web contents on brand equity, a SEM analysis is conducted on twenty Chinese websites which could be classified into four different types. The results show that the website brand equity model, which is composed of five dimensions, namely brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand relationship, brand experience and brand attraction, is useful for measuring website brand value, and also applicable to different web types. Web contents factors, such as recourses, design, service and interactivity, are found to be the antecedents of website brand equity, and they all affect dimensions of website brand equity. However, the effects vary according to web types. The results also demonstrate that portal websites’ brand equity value is the highest while shopping websites’ brand equity value is the lowest among the four web types. Suggestions and implications are provided for website brand management.  相似文献   

This study assessed how and to what extent self-regulation of online behavioral advertising (OBA) is executed on participating companies' websites. Based on the principles of OBA, as outlined by the Digital Advertising Alliance and Federal Trade Commission, we analyzed the format of OBA notices, explanation of OBA notices, opt-out options, transparency, and use of unacceptable notices. A series of content analyses was done in the years 2013 and 2015. Our results indicated slight improvements over the years, but the specific details of the implementation continued to fall short of the standards. In terms of accessibility and visibility, many websites demonstrated problematic presentations or lack of the components necessary to increase consumers' understanding and control over the practice of OBA.  相似文献   

With the ease and availability of high-speed Internet service, online shopping is increasing rapidly. Consumers are moving to more intensive use of the Internet as the technology becomes more accessible, the availability of information increases, and the ability to interact through the Internet evolves. The success of online businesses relies heavily upon its ability to attract customers to complete purchase transactions on their websites. Even though the number of people who use the Internet every day and visit various shopping sites increases daily, it is interesting to note that quite a few of them still hesitate to purchase online. This study intends to examine what factors play a crucial role in encouraging or discouraging consumers in Thailand from shopping online. The findings from this study should help online businesses better understand the mindset of Thai consumers and find ways to improve websites in order to attract more customers.  相似文献   

This study, using a content analysis method, explored whether and to what extent multinational corporate websites targeting different markets are standardized. It also tested three organizational factors – country of origin, company size, and product type – for their potential influence on the level of corporate website standardization. A sample of 52 top US-based multinational companies and 52 Korea-based multinational companies was drawn and a total of 104 pairs of websites for these companies were content-analyzed. Overall, the degree of website standardization was not significantly different between companies based in the two countries. The results suggest that both US and Korean multinational corporations tend to maintain their websites in a similar way when targeting the home and foreign markets. Among the three organizational factors, only product type – B2B versus B2C products and durables versus non-durables – was found to be significantly associated with the level of website standardization. This study makes important contributions to the research literature by offering new information on the current state of multinational corporate website strategies and advancing our knowledge about international marketing communications on the Internet and influencing factors.  相似文献   

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