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西窗 《湖南经济》2003,(4):22-23
可以开出一份很长的名单,其中大多是耳熟能详的名字,如辉瑞、杜邦、阿尔卡特、普华永道、康柏等,这些有头有脸的公司从2001年起陆续对外公布了各自的裁员计划。裁员,说到底不是什么值得炫耀的事,不到万不得已,这些颇为重视自己光辉形象的企业不会使出此招。企业有苦衷,人民群众或多或少地有所察觉,新经济的泡沫被残酷的现实社会一点点地戳破后,谁都不容易。徐志摩说了一句至今还让小资们  相似文献   

奥运旅游,北京旅游新起点 据北京奥组委预测,奥运会期间来京观看比赛的人数约为640万,其中15%~20%为海外游客。他们在京期间用于吃、住、游、购等方面的支出将非常可观。有旅游专家认为,搭上“奥运”顺风车,受益最大的就是旅游了。  相似文献   

“清明时节雨纷纷, 路上行人欲断魂;借问 酒家何处有,牧童遥指 杏花村。”千百年来,每 当人们吟读唐代诗人杜 牧的这首著名绝句时, 便会想起清明时节江南 的秀丽景色,想起清明 时节的种种乡风民俗。 清明是二十四节气 之一,因其时气候温暖, 草木繁茂,大地一片清 朗丽明,所以古人便把 “清明”这个富有诗意的 名称冠之于这个节气。 在中国古代。清明 是一个很受重视的节 日,在清明前后,要举行 种种纪念活动。古代的 农民要在阴历三月初三 的中午时节跑到田头听 取蛙鸣,以此来预测有 无水灾,以预测一年的 收成。许多地方有挖荠 …  相似文献   

张梦 《上海经济》2006,(5):32-33
“创想就是随时在工作,又随时不在工作.”这是某创意地产宣传标语之一.这种对"什么都不想,反而什么都想得到"的创意工作境界的追求,成就了一个新兴产业,随之成就了一种地产模式——创意地产,其已成为商业地产领域的热门话题.有关专家表示,将创意与地产相关联,无疑是一件极具挑战的事情,但可以肯定的是:10年的实践中,创意早已植入地产.  相似文献   

距我国《劳动合同法》正式实施还有不到两个月的时间,在全国一些地方却出现了企业解约潮。6月下旬,LG中国已经将旗下大批5~10年的员工辞退,环球资源则在8月下旬有了类似行动。而随后百度、新浪、中搜等国内大型IT企业纷纷宣布裁员。有业内专家指出,整个IT行业已出现裁员先兆。[编者按]  相似文献   

当“足疗”这一行业在灯火迷离的都市尚处于半遮半掩之时,曾经以“中国医药保健城”扬名海内外的咸阳却大张旗鼓地要把足疗保健培育成为一个产业。记者在咸阳一周的采访中发现,足疗保健逐渐为越来越多的市民所接受,成为健康消费新时尚;同时,也成为咸阳下岗职工再就业和农村剩余劳动力就业的新领域。  相似文献   

经济增速可能继续放缓,中、小企业的金融风险之祸或从天而降,受困企业应充分借助政府、金融机构之援手,同时企业间互信抱团、互助自救,尽最大努力来化解金融风险带给企业的危机  相似文献   

福建鞋企习惯于“集体行动”。无论找明星代言、赛事赞助,还是如今的资本运营,它们都“齐步走”。继2009年9月底匹克体育用品有限公司(下简称“匹克体育”)在香港上市后,10月30日,喜得龙(中国)有限公司(下简称“喜得龙”)在美国纳斯达克市场成功借壳上市。  相似文献   

王辰 《走向世界》2009,(27):88-89
"亲爱的,去吃西餐吧!" 格调、音乐、气氛、美酒、烤肉、比萨、西餐,不知从何时悄悄闯入我们的生活.近年来,随着西方文化的不断撞击,渗透与交融,东方人宽容的接纳了西餐中菜式的不同特点,并加以区别对待,分门别类的法式餐厅、意式餐厅诱惑着众多美食家的胃口.  相似文献   

<正>还得说那句老话,"民以食为天",中国的很多文化传统,往根里一刨,都会落实在一个"吃"字上,至于被升华到精神层面,则是后来的事。就像流行歌曲里的"稻浪""麦浪"之所以给人小清新之感,实际上是人们看到它们,就知道不会饿肚子了,于是因免于饿肚子之忧而自然生发出原始的喜悦。  相似文献   

The Japanese economy has shown a high rate of growth compared with European countries and America. Food consumption in Japan, however, has risen less rapidly than in these countries. The purpose of this paper is to explain the prewar rigidity in food consumption in Japan and to show how this has changed in the postwar period. The main factor in the rise of food consumption is usually the increase in per-capita income. Consumption of starchy foods generally decreases at certain levels of percapita income. In Japan, however, this level of income is lower than in other countries. While in the West the decline in demand for starchy foods has generally been due to the increased substitution of livestock products, in Japan this has been due mainly to low caloric consumption. Before the Second World War, starch intake in Japan remained fairly constant despite the rise in per-capita income. One reason for this rigidity is Japan's fondness for rice. In the postwar period, however, income elasticity for food and drink has doubled and livestock products have become more important, thus raising total caloric intake. This shift in food consumption, however, has caused problems for food production and agricultural incomes.  相似文献   

三月,八方来宾,渝州云集。号称“天下第一会”的第76届全国糖酒会在重庆国际会展中心举行。与此同进,中华特色小吃展、第三届中国(重庆)火锅美食文化节相继拉开帷幕。美食美味交相辉映,巴渝美食文化风韵纷呈。  相似文献   

Total factor productivity growth in Indian manufacturing decelerated in the 1990s, a decade of major economic reforms in India. Econometric analysis presented in the paper indicates that the lowering of effective protection to industries favorably affected productivity growth. The results suggest that gestation lags in investment projects and slower agricultural growth in the 1990s had an adverse effect on productivity growth. The analysis reveals that underutilization of industrial capacity was an important cause of the productivity slowdown. With corrections for capacity utilization, the estimated productivity growth in the 1990s is found to be about the same as in the 1980s.  相似文献   

Food consumption is an important issue in South Africa, given its relation to poverty and deprivation. With the pressing need to increase food security, understanding the determinants of the demand for food and having some estimates of the likely impact of price and income changes has become a vital task. There is, however, surprisingly little economic research on this topic and almost none in recent times. This paper provides a comprehensive empirical analysis of the demand for food in South Africa for the years 1970‐2002. It moves beyond the usual static modelling approach in using a general dynamic log‐linear demand equation and a dynamic version of the almost ideal demand system, to provide estimates of the short‐ and long‐run price and expenditure demand elasticities.  相似文献   

Using panel data for 137 three‐digit industries for 1980/81 to 1997/98, the paper examines the effect of trade liberalization on price‐cost margins in Indian industries. An econometric model is estimated to explain variations in price‐cost margins, taking tariff and nontariff barriers among the explanatory variables. The results indicate that the lowering of tariffs and removal of quantitative restrictions on imports of manufactures in the 1990s had a significant pro‐competitive effect on Indian industries, particularly concentrated industries, tending to reduce the price‐cost margins. The paper notes that despite the pro‐competitive effects of trade liberalization reinforced by domestic industrial deregulation, the price‐cost margin increased in the post‐reform period in most industries and aggregate manufacturing, which is attributed to a marked fall in the growth rate of real wages and a significant reduction in labor's income share in value added in the post‐reform period, reflecting perhaps a weakening of industrial labor's bargaining power.  相似文献   

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